

Contours of legal history in India

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

“Que he o Codigo Civil?”: Knowledge and Practices of Civil Codification in Brazil (1822-1917)

Iberian Worlds

Normative Knowledge and the Emergence of New Spain


Legal infrastructures and democracy. Deciphering contemporary battles for the control of law

jointly with the 7th Annual Conference on the Legal History of the European Union

Kirchliche Rechtsgeschichte in der Frühen Neuzeit und Globalgeschichte


Meet the author: Yanna Yannakakis

Future-making and Custom in Indigenous Land Claims in Colonial Mexico

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

The code of tribute: Law and political economy in the Ain of 1854

Common Law Research Seminar

The Satsuma Mutiny and the inter-colonial origins of the Fugitive Offenders Act 1881

Common Law Research Seminar

Das Soziale Recht der Arbeitsförderung – Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Einordnung

Jahrestagung Initiative Arbeitsrechtsgeschichte

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Wikidata for legal historians

Legal History meets Digital Humanities: Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

From protection to jurisdiction: extraterritoriality and legal change in the nineteenth-century mediterranean

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

How does Digitality Change History? Digital History Methods in an Institutional Context

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Beyond the British Empire: Stocks, bonds and common law in the 19th-century Magdalena River (1810-1928)

Common Law Research Seminar

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Haileybury College: Invading India ‘with little Grotiuses and Puffendorfs’

Common Law Research Seminar

Mining Legal Arguments: Proportionality in German Constitutional Court Judgments

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Marriage and Madness: The Origins of the Marriage of Lunatics Act (1742)

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Reading the Code: Institutions and the Legal Knowledge in Late Imperial China

Seminar Methoden der Rechtsgeschichte

Was ist ein juristischer Autor?


African Slavery in the Theological-Political Discourse of Portuguese America, 16th to 18th Centuries

Iberian Worlds

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Film Screening with Director Lara Jacoski - Eskawatã Kaiwai

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Gender Studies Legal Research Workshop

Language and Knowledge as Intertwined Building Blocks when Doing Comparative Law

Seminar Methoden der Rechtsgeschichte

Founders and Shapers of Labour Law. National and Transnational Perspectives

Hablemos del derecho por fuera del derecho con Jorge González Jácome

Transmedia HistoryTelling Live

Robert Wilmot-Horton between the ‘Malthus effect’ and the ‘miracle of emigration’

Common Law Research Seminar

The Property/ License Interface

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Common law transplants and the question of legitimacy

Common Law Research Seminar

Normalarbeitsverhältnis: Auslaufmodell oder Zukunftsprojekt

Interventionsstaat und Soziales Recht

Case and Code in the Chinese Legal Tradition

Chinese Legal Tradition Working Group Conference

Protestant missionaries and legal dynamics in the British Empire

An unlikely catalyst: occupiers, trespassers and the end of the imperial deference in Australia

Common Law Research Seminar

Legacies of Empire and the Study of Law

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

John Mair and the justification of the conquest of the Americas

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Building Legal Knowledge: Reflections on the History of Law in Angola

Modelling Social and Legal Facts in the Context of the Semantic Data for Humanities and Social Sciences (SDHSS) Ontology Ecosystem

Imperial control: unearthing collective punishment statutes in the British colonies

Common Law Research Seminar

Letter, oder: Objekte, die Lassen

Writing the History of Law in the South Atlantic

Conversing with our Elders: National Traditions of Legal History in Dialogue


Slaves as Outsiders, Slaves as Property: Understanding Enslavement in a Global and Early Modern Context

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory
This talk seeks to de-center existing narratives regarding enslavement, which traditionally focus on how it was practiced in North America and instead observe it both in the long durée and more globally. It asks about the various roles enslaved persons played in different times and geographical locations, as well as questions the assumption that slaves were property by setting enslavement on a larger canvas and by observing early modern debates regarding both the household and labor relations. [more]

Legal Theory in Colonial India and Mandatory Palestine

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

The uncommon law in the Privy Council

Common Law Research Seminar

Workshop RISE-mpilhlt: Direitos e resistências nos Mundos Ibéricos

The line that never was: local knowledge and the demarcation of a colonial border

Iberian Worlds


Seminar Methoden der Rechtsgeschichte

Theory, Method, and the Common Law Mind

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Harmonizing the Family? International Law, Cultural Norms and Marriage at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Participatory Research in Legal History

Seminar Methoden der Rechtsgeschichte

Religion, Law and Urban Governance: Subaltern Christians as Legal Subjects in Early Colonial South India

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Histories of the Law of Political Economy

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

The legal treatment of labour by the School of Salamanca

Iberian Worlds

Transforming a Polity into an Economy: The Five Nations and the Railroads, 1855-1894

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

England’s Missing Boards of Health: The Medieval Beginnings of an Anglo-Continental Divergence

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Digital Longevity: Learnings from the (Digital) History Project Stadt.Geschichte.Basel

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Gleiches Entgelt für Männer und Frauen – Vom wirtschaftspolitischen Grundsatz zum sozialen Grundrecht

Interventionsstaat und Soziales Recht

Stunde Null des Arbeitsrechts. Zur Arbeitsverfassung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg

Jahrestagung Initiative Arbeitsrechtsgeschichte

Legal Nationalism and Ancient Indian Public Law

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Meet the author Hans Joas

Meet the Author

What comes after the Secularization Thesis? Religious and Secular Sources of Moral Universalism

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory
  • Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • Time: 04:15 PM - 05:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Hans Joas
  • (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Location: mpilht
  • Room: Z01
  • Host: Thomas Duve

Contratando liberdade: a composição da regulação jurídica do trabalho no Brasil do século XIX

Iberian Worlds

The Writings of Francisco Rodrigues SJ (c. 1515-1573): Mission, theology, politics, and religious normativities in Iberian Asia

Transkribus for Legal History Research

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Cómic colaborativo y transformación social

Der Stufenbau der Rechtsordnung – Von den Tücken einer Metapher

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Date: Nov 8, 2023
  • Time: 06:15 PM - 07:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Matthias Jestaedt
  • (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau)
  • Location: mpilhlt
  • Room: Z01

Crooked Lines – Iberian casuistry in early modern Asia (16th-17th centuries)

Lecture Series 'Rites Controversy'

Criminal fault in 19th-century England

Common Law Research Seminar

El Poder del Chamán y el Ritual del Yagé en la Construcción de Saberes Normativos en el Putumayo (Colombia siglos XIX-XX)

Iberian Worlds

El Poder del Chamán y el Ritual del Yagé en la Construcción de Saberes Normativos en el Putumayo (Colombia siglos XIX-XX)

Iberian Worlds

18th-century judicial imperialism: English judges and the making of British India

Common Law Research Seminar

Von China erzählen: eine historische Aufgabe?


Igreja Metodista Unida e conhecimento normativo no processo da Libertação de Moçambique (1968 à 1975)

Iberian Worlds

Digital Narratives and Plurivocity: Regarding the Commemoration of October 12, 1492

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Second Max Planck Law Conference for Young European Scholars 2023

Max Planck Law Conference

Workshop ‘Non-State Law of Economy’ meets ‘HUB Global Labour Conflicts’


Jan Schröder: Recht als Wissenschaft


Pactos, acuerdos y consentimientos: el derecho canónico y el manejo cotidianos de los conflictos en Hispanoamérica

Iberian Worlds

Wozu juristische Max-Planck-Institute?

Forum talks

Resistiendo el control de la monarquía. Crimen y corrupción en las fronteras del imperio español. Chile, 1670-1690

Iberian Worlds

Labour Law History from a Global Perspective: Collective Workplace Disputes and their Normative Contexts


Legal Infrastructures of Democracy

Max Planck Law Workshop

Women's Legal Histories Workshop

The 'Assertive Edition'

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Archival Heritage and Cultural Rights in Mozambique (1948-1975)

Iberian Worlds

15th Investment Arbitration Moot Court

The Butcher's Wife, Race Relations and Death by Hanging in Cuba and the Spanish Atlantic, 1830s-1930s.

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Digital (Legal) Archives: Documenting the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America

Online Symposium: The Journals of International Law

Development of an Interoperable Taxonomy: the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000

Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

Rhetoric as Philosophy

With a comment by Fabian Steinhauer [more]

The Chinese Legal Tradition: From Late Empire to the Current Day


10 Jahre Kodifikation der Patientenrechte und Selbstbestimmungsaufklärung

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

British judges in the Supreme Court of Siam and beyond

Research Seminar

Conference: 6th Annual Conference: An oral history of the European Court of Justice


Rudolf Wiethölter, Zur Regelbildung der Dogmatik des Zivilrechts

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

Friedrich Julius Stahl - at the crossroads between legal scholarship and politics

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Niklas Luhmann, Rechtssystem und Rechtsdogmatik (1974)

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

Max Weber und der „umgekehrte“ Werturteilsstreit in den Rechtswissenschaften Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory
  • Date: May 24, 2023
  • Time: 04:15 PM - 05:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Doris Schweitzer
  • Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
  • Location: mpilhlt
  • Room: Z01

Becoming aware of the future: the enactment of Colbert's trade Ordonnances in France (1673- 1685) from a systems theory perspective

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

New approaches for extracting heterogeneous reference data

  • Start: May 15, 2023 01:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • End: May 16, 2023 06:15 PM
  • Location: mpilhlt & online

Hermann Kantorowicz, Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft (1906)

Colloquium Private Law and Theory

Colonial Legal Biography


Swindlers and Suckers in Early Modern England

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Date: Apr 26, 2023
  • Time: 06:15 PM - 07:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
  • Speaker: Emily Kadens
  • Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
  • Location: mpilhlt
  • Room: Z01

Beyond prosopography: using Digital Humanities to study the early-modern Portuguese colonial judiciary

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Bezoar stones and onion seeds in Early Modern English law

Legal Transfer in the Common Law World : Common Law Research Seminar

Law and Diversity - European and Latin American experiences from a legal historical perspective - Criminal law II–


Introduction into Traditions of Legal Historical Research in Germany and at the MPI

Forum talks
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