Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

Welcome to the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory

We provide a forum for reflecting on law.
We explore its theory and history in a comparative and global perspective.
We address societal challenges by contributing to a deeper understanding of law.
Multidisciplinary Theory of Law
Department Marietta Auer
Historical Regimes of Normativity
Department Thomas Duve
European and Comparative Legal History
Department Stefan Vogenauer


The Intersection of Economics and Legal History in Europe's Capitalist Transformation
Jasper Kunstreich‘s research project ,The Economics of Legal History‘, aims to integrate economic theory and history with legal history, offering a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the evolution of legal frameworks. His project is grounded in the idea that Europe's transformation into modern capitalism was driven by institutional and legal changes, aligning with the principles of New Institutional Economics. The research highlights the significant role of law in public choice theories and the emerging field of law and political economy, which often draw on historical legal precedents. However, legal history has yet to fully engage in this interdisciplinary dialogue.
Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History 32 (2024) now published 
The recent issue of our Institute’s journal Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History (Rg) presents high-level research contributions and candid reviews of books on topics that are relevant for the field of legal history, in Germany and worldwide. Three essays are dedicated to the legal history of slavery in the early modern and modern periods: Carlo Bersani traces the European legal discourse on servi and personae (16th–18th century). Matilde Cazzola looks at the efforts to abolish slavery in British Caribbean, and Tamar Herzog analyses some aspects of the historiography of the legal history of slavery, a field so far dominated by Atlantic history. The issue is now available in print from the Vittorio Klostermann publishing house, and online in Open Access via the journal's website.
A transatlantic history of ideas on crime and punishment
Volume 24 of the Global Perspectives on Legal History aims to contribute to the understanding of the development of knowledge on the ‘criminal question’ as it circulated to and from the Argentinian context between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries. Around 1880, new perspectives on crime and punishment, initially also based on ideas imported from European contexts (e.g. the ‘Positivist School’ in Italy), began to be discussed in Argentina; this challenged the fundamental arguments in the realm of criminal law. Emphasising how the transnational circulation of ideas contributed to this transformation, the collected articles analyse the dynamics of adaptation, rejection and interaction between the Global North and the Global South.

Digital Editing at the Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) - yesterday, today, tomorrow

Oct 22, 2024 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
mpilhlt or online, Room: Conference Room (Z01)

African Slavery in the Theological-Political Discourse of Portuguese America, 16th to 18th Centuries

Oct 29, 2024 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
mpilhlt, Turmcarree, Room: A 601

Was ist ein juristischer Autor?

Nov 8, 2024 09:30 AM - 06:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
mpilhlt, Room: Konferenzraum (Z01)
Cover Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History 32 (2024)
Cover Studien zur Rechtstheorie – Band 001, Norberto Bobbio
Cover Global Perspectives on Legal History – Band 24, Los viajes de las ideas sobre la cuestión criminal hacia/desde Argentina
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 346, Otto Hintze
Cover SSSRN Paper 2024-08 What was Canon Law in Hispanic America and the Philippines (16th-18th Century)? An introduction to its sources, its modus operandi and its legal historical analysis
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 342, Michael Stolleis – zum Gedenken
Cover Global Perspectives on Legal History – Band 22, Seeking Capture, Resisting Seizure
Cover Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds - Band 4, The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press
Cover Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte - Band 337, Legal Pluralism and Social Change in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
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