Welcome to the Library
The Library of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory is one of the world’s leading legal history libraries which owns 500,000 printed items and a multitude of electronic resources. Literature on legal theory, especially with a historical focus, is also available in a variety of forms and is increasingly and systematically acquired. The library is the central point of contact for scientists and visitors of the Institute in all matters concerning literature and information gathering. In addition to providing research-relevant media, the library offers a wide range of research support services. The main fields of activity are:
- Acquisition and indexing of printed books and e-books, of printed journals and e-journals, of databases and other digital media
- Licensing and indexing of e-books, e-journals and databases
- Provision and maintenance of a Search and Discover environment
- Lending services
- Preserving and enlarging the rare book collection
- Digitisation projects
- Digital Humanities: research and support
- Open Access consulting
- Maintenance of the publication repository PuRe