Visitors' Programme
Each year, we invite PhD students, post-doctoral and senior scholars to visit the Institute for a number of months in order to use our library resources, take part in our events, and above all to discuss current questions of legal history and legal theory with us. In order to enable researchers from institutions outside Germany to benefit from a longer stay at the Institute, the MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory awards a number of scholarships for PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and senior scholars.
Details of the application and selection processes can be found on the following pages.
If you are planning to spend time at the Institute to work on a funding application or are intending to apply for external funding (DAAD, AvH, etc.) in order to fund a research stay with us, please contact our Research Coordinator well in advance.
The use of our library’s extensive specialist resources is open also to external researchers and PhD students on application. If you intend to visit our library for your research, please consult our regulations for use and be aware that you need to apply for permission to use the library in advance. The library’s regulations and application form can be found here.