Writing the History of Law in the South Atlantic
- Date: May 3, 2024
- Time: 02:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Espíndola, Maysa
- Genebra University
- Location: mpilhlt
- Room: Z02
- Host: Global History on the Ground
- Contact: catimba@lhlt.mpg.de
The ‘Global History On the Ground’ research group is pleased to announce a workshop focussed on ‘Writing the History of Law in the South Atlantic’. This workshop seeks to explore in depth the complex relationships that have shaped legal norms and legal institutions in the South Atlantic region.Our intention goes beyond merely understanding the past; we seek to illuminate paths for a critical and reflective analysis of the present and future of law in this region. To this end, we will unravel the nuances of the legal relationships that have emerged from the diverse historical, social and political trajectories that characterise the shores of the South Atlantic.We hope that this workshop will serve as a space for dialogue to highlight the mutual influences, conflicts and dialogues that have shaped law in the South Atlantic context. Everyone is welcome to participate in this enriching discussion and contribute to a deeper understanding of the region's legal history.