Pugna racial en la historia del derecho en Chile
Seminario Permanente
- Date: Feb 14, 2023
- Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Fernando Perez Godoy
- Location: video conference
- Host: Dr. María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga
- Contact: mejia@lhlt.mpg.de

In this first part of my research, I focus on a review of Chilean legal historiography based on methodologies and perspectives recently developed at mpilhlt. Specifically, I analyze how legal historians in Chile dealt with indigenous normative orders -such as the Mapuche proper law - when interpreting -and writing down- the evolution of national law and the formation of national legal science since the 19th century. As I show, the denial of a ''racial conflict'' by Chilean historiography explains not only forms of exclusion of non-Western normative knowledge but also invalidates current indigenous agency.