Conversing with our Elders: National Traditions of Legal History in Dialogue
- Start: May 2, 2024 10:00 AM (Local Time Germany)
- End: May 3, 2024 06:00 PM
- Speaker: Tamar Herzog
- (Harvard University)
- Location: mpilhlt
- Room: Z01
- Host: Thomas Duve

Together with a select group of experienced scholars, Tamar Herzog and Thomas Duve will reflect on how, in their national traditions, they engage with the work of earlier generations of legal historians and what the result of such engagement (or non-engagement, or ways of engaging) are.The organizers hope that this conversation can help them reflect on the current transformations in our field. The workshop is part of Tamar Herzog’s activities as winner of a Alexander von Humboldt award 2022.
Participants: Ulrike Babusiaux, Samuel Barbosa, Simona Cerutti, Donal Coffey, Emanuel Conte, Dirk Heirbaut, Anna Joukovskaia, Amalia Kessler, Assaf Likhovski, Catarina Madeira-Santos, Heikki Pihlajamäki, Zhiqiang Wang