Topic: Die italienischen Anmerkungen zur Übersetzung von Windscheids Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts: zwischen pandektistichem Paradigma und vergleichender Rechtswissenschaft
From August 31 until September 4 a Peruvian delegation from the Instituto Riva-Agüero (Lima) is invited to Germany. The colleagues will participate in the First Peruvian-German Exchange on “Cultural Diversity and the Law” which will be celebrated in Berlin, Halle (Saale) and Frankfurt a.M.
Entre el 20 y el 21 de agosto se celebrará en la Ciudad de México el primer encuentro internacional del “Seminario de Historia judicial y de la justicia en la Hispanoamérica virreinal” que reúne a expertos internacionales de la temática.
In the quest for "legal space". Two cases from the Alps-Adriatic Area around 1800 – The Agents of Institutionalisation, Disappearance, Resistance and Transformation (Towards a possible typology? Problems and Questions)