El problema sexual en las cárceles argentinas durante los años peronistas: circulación de ideas y humanización del castigo (1946-1955)
Seminario Permanente
- Date: Nov 29, 2022
- Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Jorge Núñez
- Location: video conference
- Host: Dr. María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga
- Contact: mejia@lhlt.mpg.de

This presentation is part of a larger research project on the reform carried out by Roberto Pettinato, General Director of Penal Institutes in the first Peronist government. On this occasion, the objective is to present the situation of the "sexual problem" in Argentine prisons in the 1930s and after the rise of Peronism. With this goal, we analyse two spheres: prison institutions (regulations) and scientific discussions (journals, penitentiary congresses). On the other hand, we give an account of the impact of the ideas of two Latin American criminal law jurists - Lemos Brito and Altmann Smythe - on Pettinato, at the time of establishing intimate visits in Argentine prisons.