Training of Apprentices at the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History

The Institute has been offering vocational training in administrative positions since 1983 and since 2002 for positions in IT. We currently hire three to four trainees per year for roles in office management, media and information technology as well as systems integration.


The administration has provided training for a wide range of occupations, including administrative assistants, business communications managers, administrative clerks and commercial clerks. At the moment, the administration is training office managers, a newly recognised occupation, with great success. The training programme focuses on occupations in human resources as well as bookkeeping and controlling (accounting) as elective qualifications. Ms. Schurzmann, Ms. Gommermann and Ms. Heym are the trainers accredited by the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce, but all staff in the administration, library, IT department and other service departments participate in the training process.

Ms. Schurzmann, Head of Administration, is a member of the testing commission of the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and has served as chairperson of the testing committee for several years.

The Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory has received several awards and commendations for its quality training. In 1998 it received the ‘training Oscar’ (Förderpreis der Jungen Deutschen Wirtschaft) for exceptional performance in the category of enterprises participating in the Chamber of Commerce. The Institute also received awards in 2007 and 2014 for exceptional performance in vocational training from the Max Planck Society. The Chamber of Commerce also awarded the Institute in 2013 for training one of the top-ranked trainees in the occupation of commercial clerk.


The Library provides training for a career as a media and information service specialist with an emphasis on library services. In addition to the chief librarian, Frau Dr. Amedick and the recognized trainers Frau J. Keßler and Herr N. Dechert, all of the Library staff and some administrative employees also participate in the training provided.

IT Department

The IT department provides training for IT specialists in systems integration. Herr Gräber is recognized as a trainer by the Wiesbaden Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

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