EZProxy & BrowZine
As a researcher of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, EZProxy allows you to remotely access licensed e-resources (e-journals, databases, e-books) and the Intranet.
Please enter your institute windows domain/intranet username and password for logging in.
Start EZProxy: https://login.ezproxy.lhlt.mpg.de/login
As a researcher of the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, BrowZine allows you to compile your personal, virtual journal shelf. BrowZine brings together lots of journals that are available at the mpilhlt in one place and presents them graphically in a shelf view. BrowZine can be used as app with smartphones and tablets as well as browser-application at PCs and notebooks.
Start BrowZine: https://browzine.com/libraries/1275/subjects