Constructing International Law.
The Birth of a Discipline
Edited by Luigi Nuzzo and Miloš Vec
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 273
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2012. XVI, 545 S.
ISSN: 1610-6040
ISBN: 978-3-465-04167-2
The contributions of this volume discuss concepts, notions, and transitions of nineteenth century international law. More specifically the questions focus on: On which premises was the juridical discipline constructed, what were the relations to other juridical, and non-juridical fields of knowledge? How did European nineteenth century international lawyers build a new legal science to be spread worldwide?
- L. Nuzzo, M. Vec: The Birth of International Law as a Legal Discipline in the 19th Century
- M. Koskenniemi: Ius Gentium and the Birth of Modernity
- L. Nuzzo: History, Science and Christianity. International Law and Savigny’s Paradigm
- C. Storti: Empirismo e scienza. Il crocevia del diritto internazionale nella prima metà dell’Ottocento
- L. Lacchè: Monuments of International law: Albericus Gentilis and Hugo Grotius in constructing a discipline (1875–1886)
- M. Vec: Principles in 19th century International Law doctrine
- A. Carty: Did International Law really become a Science at the End of the 19th Century?
- M. Schulz: "Defenders of the Right"? Diplomatic Practice and International Law in the 19th Century: An Historian’s Perspective
- E. Augusti: L’intervento europeo in Oriente nel XIX secolo: storia contesa di un istituto controverso
- H. Harata: L’exterritorialité, la juridiction consulaire et le droit international privé: une réflexion sur le droit international privé à la fin de XIXème siècle. Une critique du mythe de l’origine remontant à Savigny au Japon
- M. Craven: The Invention of a Tradition. Westlake, the Berlin Conference and the Historicisation of International Law
- B. Durand: Colonisation et impératifs internationaux ou Pourquoi et comment l’international a bridé la souveraineté coloniale?
- S. Legarre: Police and Police Power. Domestic and International Law at the Crossroads
- F. Salerno: Genesis and Different Meanings of the Notion of ‘Organ’ in Italian International Legal Theory
- R. Kubben: Completing an Unfinished Jigsaw Puzzle. Cornelis van Vollenhoven and the Study of International Law
- L. Passero: Guerra e diritto. Dalle convenzione di Ginevra alla ‘morte’ del diritto internazionale nella prima guerra civile europea.