Michael Stolleis – zum Gedenken
Hg. von Marietta Auer, Thomas Duve, Stefan Vogenauer
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 342
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2023
X, 90 S.
ISBN 978-3-465-04625-7

The essays presented in this volume were written on occasion of the commemoration ceremony for Michael Stolleis (1941–2021) and pay tribute to the many-faceted jurist, historian, researcher and university professor. Some contributions, picking up themes from Stolleis’ œuvre, shine a light on the history of science in the context of German public international law; others emphasise his influence on European colleagues. These essays all share one fundamental idea: there is an intrinsic link between legal history and stories about law, as Stolleis demonstrated so masterfully in his last book ‘recht erzählen’ (2021). Personal recollections by friends and companions round off a portrait of this extraordinary narrator of (hi)stories of law. Finally, this volume also contains a reprint of a conversation with Michael Stolleis about fathers, education and contemporaneity.