„recht erzählen“. Regionale Studien 1650–1850
Michael Stolleis
Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 341
Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2021, VIII, 232 p.
ISSN 1610-6040
ISBN 978-3-465-04560-1

In narrating these volume’s legal (hi)stories, Michael Stolleis is moving in the border zone between academic and literary writing. He adroitly balances the language of the sources with the requirements of making the individual cases comprehensible to his own contemporaries, painting a vivid panaroma of life in his home region, the Pfalz (Palatinate), from the early modern period to the 19th century.
The reader encounters a wedding party, Frankfurt lawyers and silk farmers, follows the fates of individual migrants and witnesses how beggars were treated by the authorities of the Electoral Palatinate (Kurpfalz). The tense relationship between Bavaria and the Palatinate erupted in the Palatinate-Baden uprising (1849). The fact that a Neustadt ropemaker named Georg Stolleis appears among the rebels is only one surprising detail of these rich tales of the law.