

Die drei Abteilungen veranstalten regelmäßig Forschungsseminare mit thematischen Schwerpunkten. Dort stellen sie aktuelle Forschungsthemen vor und diskutieren die Ergebnisse. Fast alle diese Seminare können von den Studierenden der Goethe Universität oder Justus-Liebig-Universität besucht werden. 


Common law transplants and the question of legitimacy

Common Law Research Seminar

John Mair and the justification of the conquest of the Americas

Writing the history of empires

Common Law Research Seminar

The uncommon law in the Privy Council

Common Law Research Seminar

The legal treatment of labour by the School of Salamanca

Iberian Worlds

Digital Longevity: Learnings from the (Digital) History Project Stadt.Geschichte.Basel

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Legal Nationalism and Ancient Indian Public Law

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Crooked Lines – Iberian casuistry in early modern Asia (16th-17th centuries)

Lecture Series 'Rites Controversy'

Criminal fault in 19th-century England

Common Law Research Seminar

Digital Narratives and Plurivocity: Regarding the Commemoration of October 12, 1492

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

The 'Assertive Edition'

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Archival Heritage and Cultural Rights in Mozambique (1948-1975)

Iberian Worlds

Development of an Interoperable Taxonomy: the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000

Öffentliches Recht und Privatrecht zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

Kolloquium Privates Recht und Theorie

10 Jahre Kodifikation der Patientenrechte und Selbstbestimmungsaufklärung

Kolloquium Privates Recht und Theorie

British judges in the Supreme Court of Siam and beyond

Research Seminar

Rudolf Wiethölter, Zur Regelbildung der Dogmatik des Zivilrechts

Kolloquium Privates Recht und Theorie

Niklas Luhmann, Rechtssystem und Rechtsdogmatik (1974)

Kolloquium Privates Recht und Theorie

Hermann Kantorowicz, Der Kampf um die Rechtswissenschaft (1906)

Kolloquium Privates Recht und Theorie

Beyond prosopography: using Digital Humanities to study the early-modern Portuguese colonial judiciary

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Bezoar stones and onion seeds in Early Modern English law

Legal Transfer in the Common Law World : Common Law Research Seminar

Technologie und rechtshistorische Forschung

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

Pugna racial en la historia del derecho en Chile

Seminario Permanente

Theoretical Perspectives on Legal Change: Luhmann and Latour

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

What is a historical process?

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

methodica – A New Textbook on European Law

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Pan-Africanism and the Historiography of International Law in Africa

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

History as a legal argument in 19th century Germany

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Doctrinal circulations in criminal law 1764–1914

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Convivialidade e práticas normativas do cotidiano

Seminario Permanente

Fear of the False in Colonial South Asia

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The Modern State and the Rise of the Business Corporation

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Legal Change and Institutionalism

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Legal Change and Sociology of Law Theory

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

La reducción del riesgo de incendio en el mundo hispano-americano

Seminario Permanente

History of property

IberLAND Research Colloquium

Criminal en cuerpo y alma. Historias penales en la Cuba del siglo XIX

Seminario Permanente

Law and Global History

IberLAND Research Colloquium

Between Artifice and Experience: Mandingueiro as Farsante in the Legal Theater of the Holy Office

Glocalising Normativities research Colloquium

Law and Colonialism

IberLAND Research Colloquium

The juridical order of the Ancien Régime

IberLAND Research Colloquium

Derechos Indigenas: concreción local del derecho internacional

Seminario Permanente

Ius commune

IberLAND Research Colloquium

Para além da escravidão: Relações de dependência em Benguela de 1850 a 1878

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

The concept of law

IberLAND Research Colloquium

Warded freedom, meager property. Indians and Land in the Law of the Brazilian Empire (19th century).

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Confrontando o bem comum: Saúde pública, reformas urbanas e direito no Brasil moderno

Seminario Permanente

Pensando la esclavitud y el proceso de abolición en Argentina de la historia del derecho

Seminario Permanente

'An end to their days': The Use and Perceptions of the Red Water Ordeal in Early Sierra Leone

African Legal History Seminar

La justicia episcopal en la antigua diócesis del Tucumán (1704-1740)

Seminario Permanente

Change and Transformation: the legal modernization of China seen in Zhili Jiao An

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

The Limits of Legal History

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Decolonization by Codification: The Making of the 1958 Penal Code in Late Colonial Nigeria

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The Society of Comparative Legislation and the Systemization of Legal Circulation

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The production of diversity in the Portuguese Empire

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Nationality Across the Mediterranean: Jews, Islamic Law, and Belonging in Tunisia

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Transnational Elements in Colonial Laws: Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Rabbinic Responsa and Legal Communication

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Global History and a Decentered History of Law

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Global Legal Biography

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

Transnational Entanglements in Land Law and Land Registration in the 19th Century

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

"Good Correspondence" and "Friendship" with "Heretics": Catholic Missionaries and the English East India Company

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

The Warfare Origins of the Anti-Slave-Trade Legal Regime in the Atlantic World

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

From Masters of Slaves to Lords of Lands: The Transformation of Ownership in the Western World

MPI-TAU Transnational Legal History Workshop

The Fabric of the Ordinary: The Council of Trent and the governance of the Catholic Church in the Empire of Brazil (1840-1889)

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Codification as Communication: Criminal Law Reform and the Indian Penal Code of 1861

Common Law Research Seminar

Contractus & quasi contractus


Patents and Invention in Jamaica and the British Atlantic before 1857

Common Law Research Seminar

Commentaries De iustitia et iure in early modern New Kingdom of Granada


Empire Ltd.: Law and the Rise of Multinationals in the First Era of Globalization.

Common Law Research Seminar

Law and Commerce: The Fortunate Crisis of the 18th Century

Common Law Research Seminar



The School of Salamanca on Slavery: from ius gentium to ius civile


Law Reporting in Mandatory Palestine

Common Law Research Seminar

Law, Custom and the Merchants: Legal Culture of the Mayor’s Court of Madras

Common Law Research Seminar

Merchants and Law: Early Modern England and North America

Common Law Research Seminar

Re-assessing the Impact of the Empire Marketing Board during the Interwar Period

Common Law Research Seminar

¿Dominga Gutiérrez o Beatriz del Corazón de Jesús? Una disputa interforal en el Perú decimonónico.

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds

The invention of Custom and the School of Salamanca

  • Datum: 02.09.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 14:30 - 16:00
  • Organisation: Christiane Birr, José Luis Egío, Andreas Wagner
  • Ort: video conference

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History


Research Colloquium on Global Legal History


Gens Lucifuga. Como las ejecuciones de deudas en la Audiencia Eclesiástica de México permiten analizar la Historia del Clero Secular (Siglo XVII)

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds

"Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period"

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

Forschungskolloquium: "Between Roças and Palhotas: Colonial exploitation in Portuguese Africa, 1850-1930"


The British Empire’s Regulation of Same-Sex Sexualities and Gender Diversity: Developing Analysis through Global Historical Sociology

Common Law Research Seminar

Juan Belda Plans: Presentación de la edición crítica y la traducción al español de la Relectio de Poenitentia de Melchor Cano


Regímenes de migración en Hispanoamérica, siglo XVIII

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds
  • Datum: 03.02.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00 - 19:30
  • Vortragender: Martin Biersack
  • Organisation: Pilar Mejía
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Z01

American States of Nature The Origins of Independence, 1761-1775

Common Law Research Seminar

Forschungskolloquium: "Not Quite Brothers in Arms: Indigenous legal status during the Dutch expansion to the State of Maranhão, 1642"


Boris Hogenmüller: Melchor Cano, De locis theologicis – some remarks on concept and reception of the Loci

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