Home Researchers Yohan Park Yohan Park Researcher +49 (69) 789 78 - 330 park@... Projects All Normative knowledge in the praxis of the Congregation of the Council Canon Law Digital Humanities Early Modern Period Historical Archives History of Christianity Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Modernity Reference Work Roman Curia Sources Benedetta Albani, Yohan Park more Orbis Dioecesium. Authority data on legal-historical changes of catholic dioceses (OrDi) Antiquity Canon Law Digital Humanities Doing Legal History Early Modern Period History of Christianity Middle Ages Modernity Normative knowledge in the praxis of the Congregation of the Council Reference Work Benedetta Albani, Yohan Park more Legal History meets Digital Humanities Digital Humanities Doing Legal History Seminar Polina Solonets, Benedetta Albani, Christiane Birr, Manuela Bragagnolo, Karla Escobar, Yohan Park, Andreas Wagner, Johanna Wolf, Alexandra Anokhina more Former Research Group Governance of the Universal Church after the Council of TrentPapal Administrative Concepts and Practices as exemplified by the Congregation of the Council between the Early Modern Period and the Present Canon Law Digital Humanities Early Modern Period F Giuliani - Completed Project Historical Archives History of Christianity Modernity Reference Work Roman Curia Sources Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Former Max Planck Research Group | Benedetta Albani more Completed Project All Shaping the Concept of Ecclesiastical Global Governance: Ontological Modeling for the History of Ecclesiastical Administration Canon Law Completed Digital Humanities Doing Legal History Roman Curia Yohan Park more Governance of the Universal Church after the Council of Trent Papal Administrative Concepts and Practices as exemplified by the Congregation of the Council between the Early Modern Period and the Present Canon Law Digital Humanities Early Modern Period F Giuliani - Completed Project Historical Archives History of Christianity Modernity Reference Work Roman Curia Sources Knowledge of Normativity from the Sphere of the Religious Former Max Planck Research Group | Benedetta Albani more