Videos - Transmedia Legal HistoryTelling


The colleagues of the Department "Historical Regimes of Normativity" of our Institute have joined the Transmedia HistoryTelling initiative and, for this reason, we have created a special video series under the title of Transmedia Legal Historytelling in which we will share our research questions and results using different video formats. This is the product of a collective reflection on our work as legal historians and on the exploration of more creative forms of expression in the academic world.

¿Podían los esclavos ser propietarios? – Damian Gonzales

The story of Francisco, presented by Damian Gonzales in this video, helps us to reflect on the challenges of thinking about property in the past. The particular story of this enslaved man and, thus, considered property, open questions still little studied: How did the property rights of enslaved people work in the Spanish empire? How many cases like Francisco's remain unexplored in the archives? but also, what lights and paths do this little story offers us? These are many of the questions that Damian works on in his research "The production of the colonial landscape of the lower valley of the Chillon River during the Cacicazgo of Hernando Nacara (1570-1606)". In this case, a creative appropriation of Guamán Poma's illustrations helps us to tell this interesting story.

Authorship on Trial – Manuela Bragagnolo

What did it mean to be an author of legal books in the early modern period? This video by Manuela Bragagnolo explores this question by looking at one of the most successful legal best sellers of the 16th century, Manual de Confessores by Martín de Azpilcueta (1492-1586). In particular, the video looks at the trial between Azpilcueta and the Spanish printers who printed the first non-authorized edition of the Manual, thus shedding new light on early modern legal authorship.

Cocina del Derecho - Mariana Dias Paes

What do shop windows, kitchens, and cookers have to do with Legal History research?  In her recently published book, "Esclavos y tierras entre posesión y títulos: la construcción social del derecho de propiedad en Brasil (siglo XIX)", our researcher Mariana Dias Paes draws on the metaphor of the "kitchen of law" to put forward an innovative theoretical and methodological perspective to analyze normative production.  The book results from extensive research on Brazilian court cases that discussed ownership and possession over slaves and land in nineteenth-century Brazil. Ownership and possession were not "perfect", "organized" and "static" legal categories, such as sweets in shop windows. Beyond this representation, they acquired concrete meaning in daily social interactions. That is, they acquired concrete legal meaning in the "kitchen of law".

Diccionario Histórico de Derecho Canónica de Hispanoamérica y Filipinas. siglos XVI-XVIII. - María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga

How were religious normativities reproduced in new cultural contexts? In this first video, we introduce you to the DCH Dictionary: through a series of 120 entries, the project analyses the forms of normative production that could take place in the local debates and in the everyday practices of diverse actors, according to their particularities in Hispanic America and the Philippines, during the early modern period. How is the Dictionary being constructed? All the articles work with the sources that were mostly used and widely circulated in these territories (from moral-theology treatises, legislations, to handbooks for the practice and local customs), while focusing on the analysis of processes of cultural translation of law and normative regionalisation. The DCH Dictionary aims to fill a research gap on these normativities from a transatlantic and global perspective. We invite you to download the first entries and to visit our Blog:

Por uma história do direito ao res do chão em são tomé e príncipe

In this video, Maysa Espíndola Souza presents a part of her doctoral research developed in Max-Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, and also linked to the Cluster of Excellence "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies" and the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Her research analyses the relations between law and labour in Guinea and Sao Tome and Principe at the beginning of the 20th century. Maysa argues that the Curadoria’s cases are fundamental to understanding labourers' experiences. For more information, follow the social media of the "Global Legal History on the Ground". @glh_ground (Instagram) @GLHground (Facebook)

Diccionario de Derecho Canónico (DCH): La Arquitectura del Diccionario (episodio 3)

How did jurists order the different subjects within their structures of thought during the middle ages and the early modern period? This video will tell you why our Dictionary follows the articulation of five thematic divisions distributed in five books. It shows the particular way in which medieval canonists collected various types of normative sources during several centuries of church transformation. These included those successful editions of heterogeneous collections as well as the mechanisms for updating the law. This allows a better understanding of the way in which the teaching of law was imparted at universities in Hispanic America and the Philippines, and how the process of decision-making in religious matters at a local level took place, following a particular organization of the subjects. Join us in exploring this intellectual architecture, along with the processes of cultural translation of canon law in the early modern period, which responded to new interpretations, customs, practices, people, and territories.
July 22, 2022

Diccionario de Derecho Canónico (DCH): Regular las fiestas (episodio 2)

The calendar of religious festivities regulates the rhythms of daily life. At this time of Christmas festivities, we wonder how religious festivals were regulated in such different geographical and cultural contexts throughout the Iberian empires. The wide normative production related to religious celebrations and rituals shows us precisely the difficulty of regulating these matters. For this reason, the ways of celebrating festivities at the local level go beyond those normative provisions and are presented as true acts of cultural translation and local performance.

What is the Glocalising Normativities (GloNo) project?

We have released the first episode in a series of five videos introducing the Glocalising Normativities (GloNo) project: who we are, what we do, and how we do it. How does the project construct a global history of the production of normativities within a broad historical space? What is the relationship between global history and local case studies? What do we mean by the terms glocal and normativity? Watch to hear the answers to these and other questions and thus learn a little more about how we research and are working towards a deeper global history of law.
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