Concepts, Conflicts, Central bankers – Recent SSRN Research Papers

July 02, 2021

The most recent eight publications of the mpilht SSRN Research Papers Series present a variety of intriguing legal historical investigations and methods.


Four of the papers are substantial entries in the Historical Dictionary of Canon Law in Hispanic America and the Philippines, 16th–18th century (DCH)

They deal with central legal concepts, typologies and institutions, such as ecclesiastical benefice (Julián A. Velasco Pedraza), ministers of ecclesiastical courts (Jaime Ricardo Gouveia), procedural exceptions (Jesús Bogarín Díaz) and complaints in legal procedure (Macarena Cordero Fernández). All the dictionary entries are based on a close reading of the main normative sources and present historiographical discussions of the subject matter. The articles published so far can also be downloaded on the DCH Blog:

Further SSRN papers range from medieval history to modern and contemporary history. Caspar Ehlers’ concise article deals with the classification of the term ‘Sacrum Palatium’ in early medieval Carolingian sources, and offers a new interpretation of the concept. Moving to the middle of the 19th century, Naoko Matsumoto focuses on local arbitration as a means of conflict resolution in several German territories, especially in Hessia. In a contribution combining legal history and art history, Chiara Mannoni analyses the legislation on heritage protection and restoration of the Acropolis in 19th century Athens. And, last but not least, Anselm Küsters, applying text mining methods, explores historical analogies in all the speeches of European Central Bank Executive Board members between 1997 and 2019.

All SSRN papers are available in Open Access at

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