Call for Papers: Resistance, Religion and Justice Symposium IV
The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History is hosting the fourth symposium of the project RESISTANCE: Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries (778076-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017) in Frankfurt am Main (Germany) from 22-24 October 2019. The theme is ‘Resistance, Religion and Justice’.
Resistance is not limited to violent outbreaks or specific events but can also be practiced in long-term processes as well as in everyday life. The same diversity applies to the great variety of social actors and complex means that can be involved in a certain campaign of resistance. Within such a plural approach to the phenomenon of dissension and resistance, the symposium addresses different processes and episodes that took place within religious and judicial institutions in the Iberian Empires between 16th and 19th century. Even if usually driven by subaltern groups, most of these practices of resistance were not considered a threat to established orders and dominant groups. Nevertheless, they had could give new meanings to both secular and ecclesiastical normative production and governance practices, and had a significant impact on their framing. Moreover, the analysis of the entanglements between resistance practices and secular and ecclesiastical normativities allows a greater focus on the agency of social groups often neglected or discussed without proper attention to their specific contexts by traditional historiography.
Topics of interest for abstract submission include (but are not limited to) dependency relations, governance practices, and the circulation and materiality of different expressions of resistance.
Abstract proposals should be sent to Dr Benedetta Albani ( before 31st July 2019.For more details, see the Call for Papers [link to the attached doc].
For more information on the RESISTANCE project, see here.