New website for the journal Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History

1. Juni 2019

Clear design, intuitive navigation, additional functions, mobile use: with new responsive design, the website of our Institute’s journal Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History can now not only be used conveniently on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, the modernized design also convinces in classic desktop view. Bright colours and clear lines create a calm background, enabling the viewer to concentrate on what matters: the scientific content. Navigation has moved completely to the upper menu bar. It now offers a quick overview of issues, categories and articles as well as easy access to all available additional data (PDFs, metadata, abstracts, etc.). In addition to the streamlined structure, functional innovations have also been implemented to increase the site’s user-friendliness. A table of content-field, for example, now makes it possible to navigate through longer articles more easily. Footnotes, information on the author or pagination can be shown or hidden at the click of a mouse. Articles can be forwarded via the most important social media channels. And finally, the search function has also undergone a general technical overhaul and now makes qualified suggestions for hits using elastic search.

On the content side, there will be news in September when the next issue of Rg is published. This issue will, among other articles, contain thematic foci on Weimar and on Tridentine Marriage, as well as forum section discussing the Oxford Handbooks on Legal History and European Legal History published last year. As usual, Rg 27 will be available simultaneously in print and in open access online. Until then, we hope all our readers enjoy the new website and find it stimulating reading!

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