Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals

16. April 2018

Since the end of March, our Institute’s own journal, Rechtgeschichte – Legal History, is now included in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), an online directory for scientific Open Access journals. The metadata and abstracts from the very first issue onwards can now be searched in the freely accessible databank. Each of the entries also contains a link to the full text on the journal’s website.

High-quality content and process of publication

Since its inception in 2003, the DOAJ has established itself as a hub for Open Access professional journals. Its self-proclaimed aim is to increase the visibility, accessibility and spread of OA journals and thus to strengthen their standing within the international publication sector. While the directory is in principle open to all scientific disciplines, only journals fulfilling a strict catalogue of criteria are indexed. This is to ensure both the quality of the content and the publication process. The DOAJ offers authors a starting point in their search for appropriate OA journals, and the index entries can be imported into other electronic services, e.g. library catalogues or search engines.

The Max Planck Society both supports and requires Open Access as a form of publication. To this end, the editorial department is pleased that inclusion of our journal in the DOAJ represents a significant step in bringing together the global visibility of our Institute’s journal and the OA strategy of the MPG.

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