Honouring Outstanding Work on 2 November 2016
On Wednesday, 2 November 2016, three award-winning works and their authors are to be introduced and honoured at the MPI for European Legal History:
Daniel Damler’s new monograph, ‘Konzern und Moderne’ (‘The Corporation and Modernity’), will be presented as the anniversary edition and 300th volume of the Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte, Oliver Haardt’s doctoral dissertation ‘The Federal Evolution of Imperial Germany (1871-1918) in International Context’ is to receive the Helmut Coing Award, and Eva Fischer will be the first-ever recipient of the Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer Award for her term paper on ‘The Law on Missing Persons in the Context of National Socialist War’ (‘Verschollenheitsgesetz im Kontext der nationalsozialistischen Kriegspolitik’).
The event is part of the Frankfurt Evening Lectures on Legal History, and it begins at 18:00 in the lecture hall of the MPI for European Legal History.