Convivencia and Filosefardismo in Spanish Nation-building - New Paper on SSRN
Convivencia and Filosefardismo in Spanish Nation-building by Alfons Aragoneses has recently been published in our SSRN Research Paper Series.
The paper describes the historical trajectory of filosefardismo and references to convivencia in Spain and its reflection in the legal and political culture and the Nation-building process. It considers not the presence of Judaism in contemporary Spanish law and society but, following the suggestions of David Nirenberg, how the references to Jews and to Judaism affected Spanish society, how the “Spanish Jewish question” influenced legal and political thought and the nation-building process in Spain.
To trace this reinvention of the medieval Sephardim, the paper analyzes legal and political texts (laws, administrative texts and parliamentary debates) whose discourse about interpretation and/or legitimacy fulfilled important social and political functions in 19th century deliberations.