Jour Fixe
Jour Fixe
- Datum: 14.03.2016
- Uhrzeit: 12:00 - 13:00
- Vortragende(r): Carola Dietze / Iwan Iwanov / Karl Härter
- Topic: Die Sicherheit des Staates und die Sicherheit vor dem Staat in Europa, Russland und den USA im 19. Jahrhundert
- Ort: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History
- Raum: Lecture hall of the MPI
New forms of collective and individual violence, such as revolution and terrorism, accompanied the emergence of the modern nation state. How did heads of state, governments, bureaucracies, politicians, and different groups of society react to these changes? What security measures did they take to protect themselves and the political order they lived in against social and political uprisings and counter/revolution? On the jour fixe we will present our ideas for a comparative research of security practices in Europe, Russia, and the United States at around 1800.
The lecture will be held in German.