Salamanca in America

Research Project

The School of Salamanca has traditionally been of interest to legal historical research above all because of its contribution to systematic thinking and legal dogmatics, i.e. as part of the history of science. For this reason, it was also for a long time considered an Iberian or European phenomenon.

The research project Salamanca in America takes a different perspective. The School of Salamanca can be seen not only as a community of discourse, but also as a community characterized by a certain mode of norm production. We also look at the practical dimension of the school, its place in the history of finding justice, and its ‘casuistry’, which does not easily fit into a history of system formation as a consequence of the scientification of law.

These aspects are explored in detail in a publication in which experts from different regions deal with Salamanca as a phenomenon of global standard production. A working paper outlining this approach and its potential was published in 2018 (Duve 2018). In October 2018, the contributions to the book were discussed at a conference in Buenos Aires. A detailed conference report is available in Spanish on the blog of the project The School of Salamanca. The results of the conference were published in 2021 in the volume The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production.

A second volume, La dimensión americana de la Escuela de Salamanca. Glocalizaciones del derecho, la teología moral y la filosofía natural en la Modernidad ibérica, including chapters written in English and Spanish by experts coming from different Ibero-American Universities (USA, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Spain) is currently being edited by José Luis Egío. It will be published in the MPI’s series Global Perspectives on Legal History.

Publications in this research project

Egío García, J. L.: The Global Impact of the Early Modern Thomistic Revolution and the Scholastic Grammars of Daily Resistance Within Institutions. In: Resistance in the Iberian Worlds from the Fifteenth to the Eighteenth Century. Dissent and Disobedience from Within (Eds. Sánchez León, P.; Herreros Claret de Langavant, B.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2024)
Egio Garcia, J. L.; Iñigo Silva, A.: Libros del Viejo Mundo para casos del Nuevo. Alonso de la Vera Cruz, lector: uso y anotación del libro impreso en los conventos misioneros novohispanos. Revista de Indias 83 (289), pp. 589 - 621 (2023)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Los manuales de Alonso de la Vera Cruz y la Universidad de México del siglo XVI: enseñando teología y artes desde una perspectiva misionera = Alsonso de la Vera Cruz's Manual and the University of Mexico in 16th Century. Teaching Theology and Arts from a Missionary Perspective. Revista de história da sociedade e da cultura 22 (1), pp. 75 - 109 (2022)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: The Global Origins of Probabilism. Some Neglected Contributions in the Mercantile and Sacramental Writings of Vitoria, Mercado and Vera Cruz = Los orígenes globales del probabilismo: algunas contribuciones olvidadas en los escritos mercantiles y sacramentales de Vitoria, Mercado y Vera Cruz. Studia historica. Historia moderna 44 (1), pp. 115 - 151 (2022)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Travelling Scholastics. The Emergence of an Empirical Normative Authority in Early Modern Spanish America. In: The Power of the Dispersed. Early Modern Global Travelers beyond Integration, pp. 158 - 208 (Ed. Zwierlein, C.). Brill, Leiden; Boston (2022)
Duve, T.; Egío Garcia, J. L.; Birr, C. (Eds.): The School of Salamanca. A Case of Global Knowledge Production. Brill Nijhoff, Leiden; Boston (2021), XIII, 430 pp.
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Producing Normative Knowledge between Salamanca and Michoacán: Alonso de la Vera Cruz and the Bumpy Road of Marriage. In: The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production, pp. 335 - 398 (Eds. Duve, T.; Egío Garcia, J. L.; Birr, C.). Brill Nijhoff, Leiden; Boston (2021)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Siete propuestas para la renovación historiográfica de la Escuela de Salamanca y la revisión de su concepto: maestros transfertados, teología sacramental y géneros pragmáticos. In: ¿Qué es la Escuela de Salamanca?, pp. 273 - 308 (Eds. Ramis Barceló, R.; Langella, S.). Editorial Sindéresis, Madrid (2021)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Tomás de Mercado y la transfretación global de bienes y normas. Emergencia del probabilismo y una ética mercantil diferenciada. Cauriensia. Revista anual de ciencias eclesiásticas 15, pp. 169 - 201 (2020)
Egío Garcia, J. L.; Birr, C.: Before Vitoria: Expansion into Heathen, Empty, or Disputed Lands in Late-Mediaeval Salamanca Writings and Early 16th-Century Juridical Treatises. In: A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought, pp. 53 - 77 (Ed. Tellkamp, J. A.). Brill, Leiden; Boston (2020)
Ramírez Santos, C. A.; Egío Garcia, J. L.: Conceptos, autores, instituciones: Revisión crítica de la investigación reciente sobre la Escuela de Salamanca (2008-19) y bibliografía multidisciplinar. Dykinson, Madrid (2020)
Ramírez Santos, C. A.; Egío Garcia, J. L.: The Research on the School of Salamanca (2008-2019). A Conceptual and Multidisciplinary Bibliography. (2020), 178 pp.
Birr, C.: Dominium in the Indies. Juan López de Palacios Rubios’ Libellus de insulis oceanis quas vulgus indias appelat (1512–1516). Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 26, pp. 264 - 283 (2018)
Egío Garcia, J. L.: Matías De Paz and the Introduction of Thomism in the Asuntos De Indias: A Conceptual Revolution. Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 26, pp. 236 - 262 (2018)
Egío Garcia, J. L.; Birr, C.: Alonso de Cartagena y Juan López de Palacios Rubios. Dilemas suscitados por las primeras conquistas atlánticas en dos juristas salmantinos (1436-1512). Azafea: revista de filosofía 20, pp. 9 - 36 (2018)
Duve, T.:
La Escuela de Salamanca: ¿un caso de producción global de conocimiento? : consideraciones introductorias desde una perspectiva histórico-jurídica y de la historia del conocimiento
The Salamanca Working Paper Series, 2018, 2
Duve, T.:
Salamanca in Amerika
in: ZRG GA 132 (2015), 116-151
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