Entanglements between italian and german legal scholarship in the 19th and 20th centuries (Norberto Bobbio’s und Rudolf von Jhering)

Research Project

The main aim of the project consists of a reconstruction of some entanglements between Italian and German legal scholarship in the 19th and 20th centuries. The correspondence between Friedrich Carl von Savigny and Federico Sclopis, preserved in the Academy of Sciences, Turin, is now printed in Germany and in Italy. Also the book “Norberto Bobbio – una biografia culturale” was published in 2018; the Spanish and Portuguiese translations are now under preparation. My book  “Tre costituzioni pacifiste. Il rifiuto della guerra nelle costituzioni di Giappone, Italia e Germania” - was published in 2020 (in the series "Global Perspectives on Legal History", Nr. 14, mpilhlt, 403 pages). The first Italian translation of the second volume of Rudolph von Jhering’s “Der Zweck im Recht” (LXXXV-614 pages) was published in 2021 with the Nino Aragno Publishig House, which already published my translation of the first volume of this work.

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