Home tagpages PhD Project The Legal Construction of Credit Money Multidisciplinary Theory of Law and Private Law Theory PhD Project Valerian Klein more Judicial archival documentation as cultural heritage of Portuguese-speaking African countries Global South Glocalization of Knowledge of Normativity Historical Archives PhD Project Reference Work Manuel Graca Manjolo more Legal transfer of the english fraud doctrine for the regulation of bank failure to the Uganda Protectorate c. 1885-1965 Legal Transfer in the Common Law World PhD Project Juma Noah Omollo more The constitutional right to property between public and private law in the Weimar Republic Modern Private Law and History of Modern Private Law PhD Project Dorothea Keiter more Law, capitalism, and democracy: political experience and the emergence of an interdisciplinary Critical Theory of Law in the Weimar Republic Multidisciplinary Theory of Law and Private Law Theory PhD Project Gabriel Busch de Brito more Show more