La reducción del riesgo de incendio en el mundo hispano-americano
Seminario Permanente
- Date: Sep 20, 2022
- Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Loris de Nardi
- Location: video conference
- Host: Dr. María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga
- Contact:

The risk management policies of the Hispanic authorities in the peninsular and American territories during the 13th and 19th centuries, in particular those that aim at reducing the presence of fires, can be considered an almost unexplored field of institutional and legal historiography. Based on some examples, this presentation provides a first overview of the regulatory measures that allowed the authorities to mediate and to intervene on the urban structure to reduce the vulnerability to fire in Hispanic American cities, to regulate or abolish all behaviors that generate the risk of fires, as well as to discipline the population regarding the importance of a save use of fire and the prevention of reckless or negligent behaviors.