

Ort: mpilhlt

History as a legal argument in 19th century Germany

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Kulturen des Nichtentscheidens

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

The Law of the Sea: Oceans, Ships, and the Anthropocene

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Violence and the law in the British empire

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory
  • Die Veranstaltung muss leider entfallen.
  • Datum: 26.10.2022
  • Uhrzeit: 16:15 - 17:45
  • Vortragende(r): Lisa Ford
  • (UNSW Sydney)
  • Ort: mpilhlt
  • Raum: Z 01

Legal Change and Institutionalism

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Legal Change and Sociology of Law Theory

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Normative Strukturen der industriellen Beziehungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert


Global Legal History: an Anthropological Approach

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

The Rule of Law in British America: Thinking with Indians While Comparing to Spaniards

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Tradition und politische Verwendungen der Verfassungsgeschichtsschreibung: ein interdisziplinärer und vergleichender Dialog

  • Beginn: 09.06.2022 14:00
  • Ende: 10.06.2022 17:00
  • Organisation: Max-Planck-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtstheorie (Forschungsgruppe "Translations and Transitions"); Institut Franco-Allemand de Sciences Historiques et Sociales
  • Ort: mpilhlt
  • Gastgeber: Egas Bender de Moniz Bandeira, Chia-hsin Yuan

Between Artifice and Experience: Mandingueiro as Farsante in the Legal Theater of the Holy Office

Glocalising Normativities research Colloquium

From a Rights-Based to a Procedural Approach: Re-Contextualizing Intellectual Property Rights

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Para além da escravidão: Relações de dependência em Benguela de 1850 a 1878

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Warded freedom, meager property. Indians and Land in the Law of the Brazilian Empire (19th century).

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium
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