Research Project
The DCH Dictionary project has joined the Institute's Transmedia Legal HistoryTelling initiative to explore other creative forms of academic production and communication. Through this first series of videos we have not only awakened interest in the history of canon law with respect to the Spanish-American space, but also established greater dialogue with other historiographies, disciplinary perspectives and with a wider public interested in religious normativities.
In this series of videos we present the methodology of our work, the primary sources we use in the project, the network of collaborators we have established, as well as the structure of the work and the usefulness of the tool we are building.
Diccionario DCH: Presentación
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Length: 3:30 Minutes
Subtitles: English
Length: 3:30 Minutes
Regular las fiestas
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Length: 4:00 Minutes
Subtitles: English
Length: 4:00 Minutes
La arquitectura del Diccionario
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Length: 3:45 Minutes
Subtitles: English
Length: 3:45 Minutes
Un Diccionario a varias manos: Las voces detrás de las voces
Language: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Length: 4:13 Minutes
Subtitles: English
Length: 4:13 Minutes