subsidia et instrumenta
A Subseries of the mpilhlt Research Paper Series
While working on research projects, it is not uncommon – sometimes just by accident – that collections of materials and data are unearthed that are not ideally suited to traditional publication formats. To accommodate these carefully assembled yet less conventional lists of information – especially bibliographies and source editions – the mpilhlt expanded its Research Paper Series in 2017 to include the subseries subsidia et instrumenta. After the publication of a bibliography produced within the context of a publication project on the history of law in the Berlin Republic, several other publications followed: an overview of the chairs of corporate law in the Berlin Republic; a comprehensive introduction to the topic of ‘Regulated Self-Regulation’, including reprints of normative sources; and an updated and expanded bibliography on ‘legal spaces’, a former research focus at the mpilhlt. Further contributions are currently in preparation. As part of the Research Paper Series, all contributions to the subsidia et instrumenta series are accessible free of charge at: