This section describes the international events organised by the group from March 2013 to December 2021, as well as those that took place before and contributed to its establishment.
Frankfurt am Main, 02.03.2018
Colloquium: "La figura del Obispo después del Concilio de Trento"
Main Speaker: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR), Constanza López Lamerain (MPIeR), Flavia Tudini (Università di Trento)
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Constanza López Lamerain (MPIeR)
Frankfurt am Main, 27.02.2018
Conference: "Individualism and Judicial Guarantees: a Constitutional History"
Main Speaker: Prof. Dr. Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (University Roma Tre)
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Alfonso Alibrandi (MPIeR)
Frankfurt am Main, 09.10.2017
Conference: "La praxis jurídica como fuente del derecho y del gobierno de la Iglesia"
Main Speaker: S.E.R. Mons. Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru (Secretary of the Pontificio Consiglio per i Testi Legislativi)
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)
Rome, 06.10.2017
Seminar: L’informazione come risorsa. I Registri delle Suppliche alla base del sistema informativo e decisionale della Curia Romana
Main Speaker: Jadranka Neralić (Hrvatski institut za povijest – Croatian Institut of History, Zagreb)
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)
Rome, 04.10.2017
Workshop: Gemeinsamer Workshop at the Deutsche Historische Institut in Rom – MPFGIII Group Presentation – Governance of the Universal Church after the Council of Trent. Communication and actors in a global information regime
Main Speaker: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR), Alfonso Alibrandi (MPIeR), Claudia Curcuruto (MPIeR), Anna Clara Lehmann Martins (MPIeR), Constanza López Lamerain (MPIeR), José Luis Paz Nomey (MPIeR), Francesco Russo
Scientific organization: Deutsche Historische Institut in Rom and Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, at the occasion of the trip to Rome organized by MPIeR Department II and Max Planck Research Group III.
Frankfurt am Main, 27.-29.09.2017
Workshop: Max Planck Study Sessions 2017: Governing the World: Papacy and Roman Curia through the Centuries. Research Tools for History and History of Law
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Massimiliano Valente (Università Europea di Roma)
Frankfurt am Main, 26.09.2017
Colloquium: Coloquio sobre proyectos de investigación: Compartiendo perspectivas y aproximaciones metodológicas para estudiar la Historia de América
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)
Frankfurt am Main, 15.-16.12.2016
Seminar: "Una nueva mirada sobre el Patronato Regio. La Curia Romana y el gobierno de la Iglesia Ibero-Americana en la edad moderna"
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Giovanni Pizzorusso (Università “G. d’Annunzio”, Chieti-Pescara)
Frankfurt am Main, 25.05.2016
Workshop: Cartography and the use of sources.
When the historian’s work does not involve writing and is not limited to illustrations
Main Speaker: Dr. Micol Ferrara (Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane)
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Constanza López Lamerain (MPIeR)
Rome, 01.06.2015
Workshop: Verwaltung des Glaubens – Verwaltung der Welt / Governo della fede – Governo del mondo. Interdisziplinärer Doktorandenworkshop / Workshop internazionale per dottorandi
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Andreea Badea (Deutsches Historisches Institut, Rome)
Frankfurt am Main, 05.12.2014-29.01.2015
Workshop: Diplomatics, Chronology and Paleography of Papal Documents during the Early Modern Period
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)
Frankfurt am Main, 16.-18.06.2014
Workshop: Max Planck Study Sessions 2014: The Pope, the Roman Curia and the World. Research Tools for History and History of Law
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR) and Olivier Poncet (École Nationale des Chartes, Paris)
Frankfurt am Main, 16.11.2013
Seminar: Seminario per la presentazione del Max-Planck-Research Group “Il governo della Chiesa universale dopo il Concilio di Trento. Concezioni e pratiche dell’amministrazione pontificia attraverso l’esempio della Congregazione del Concilio tra età moderna e contemporanea”
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)
Frankfurt am Main, 20.11.2010
Seminar: La Sacra Congregazione del Concilio. Nuove prospettive di ricerca
Scientific organization: Benedetta Albani (MPIeR)