(Leopold Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und Präsident des Stephan-Kuttner-Institute of Medieval Canon Law)
Introduced by Prof. Gian Mario Anselmi. Speakers included (in addition to the author) Maria Gioia Tavoni (Univ. of Bologna), Rosaria Campioni (Director of the Istituto Beni Culturali Emilia-Romagna) and Angela de Benedictis (Univ. of Bologna).
Thema: Jurisprudence of the Baroque: A Census of Seventeenth Century Italian Legal Imprints, published by Douglas J. Osler in the Max Planck Institute series Bibliographica Iuridica in 2009 (V. Klostermann, 3 vols.)