

Tagung: Law and Diversity - European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective –Public Law II–


Tagung: Law and Diversity – European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective –Public Law I–


Re-assessing the Impact of the Empire Marketing Board during the Interwar Period

Common Law Research Seminar

Processos Judiciais em Arquivos Africanos

História do Direito ao Rés-do-Chão

'The Rise of Fiscal Capacity'

Kolloquium Methoden für die Rechtsgeschichte

¿Dominga Gutiérrez o Beatriz del Corazón de Jesús? Una disputa interforal en el Perú decimonónico.

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds

Juana de Godínez

Kolloquium Methoden für die Rechtsgeschichte

Workshop: Using Normative Knowledge from the Past

  • Datum: 10.09.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 17:00
  • Organisation: Alexandra Woods, Fupeng Li
  • Ort: video conference

The invention of Custom and the School of Salamanca

  • Datum: 02.09.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 14:30 - 16:00
  • Organisation: Christiane Birr, José Luis Egío, Andreas Wagner
  • Ort: video conference

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History


Research Colloquium on Global Legal History


'Virtual' Meet the Author - Ann Blair

Meet the Author

Workshop: Using Normative Knowledge from the Past

  • Datum: 30.04.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 16:00
  • Organisation: Alexandra Woods, Fupeng Li
  • Ort: video conference

Conference: Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History - cancelled!


Konferenz: „Alles falsch!“ Kommentare zu Wolfram Brandes - abgesagt

  • Datum: 17.03.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 14:30 - 16:30
  • Veranstalter: Dr. Carola Föller, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen / Dr. des. Daniel Föller, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt / Prof. Dr. Hartmut Leppin, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

Workshop: Using Normative Knowledge from the Past

  • Datum: 04.03.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 16:00
  • Organisation: Alexandra Woods, Fupeng Li
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Z02

Gens Lucifuga. Como las ejecuciones de deudas en la Audiencia Eclesiástica de México permiten analizar la Historia del Clero Secular (Siglo XVII)

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds

"Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period"

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

13th Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court - cancelled!

Moot Court

Forschungskolloquium: "Between Roças and Palhotas: Colonial exploitation in Portuguese Africa, 1850-1930"


Gastvortrag: Missing Pieces in the Legal History of the 19th- and 20th-century East Asia


The British Empire’s Regulation of Same-Sex Sexualities and Gender Diversity: Developing Analysis through Global Historical Sociology

Common Law Research Seminar

Juan Belda Plans: Presentación de la edición crítica y la traducción al español de la Relectio de Poenitentia de Melchor Cano


Deep Time - Law - Indo-European Culture. Towards a deep intellectual History

Colloquium Methods of Legal History

Regímenes de migración en Hispanoamérica, siglo XVIII

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds
  • Datum: 03.02.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00 - 19:30
  • Vortragender: Martin Biersack
  • Organisation: Pilar Mejía
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Z01

American States of Nature The Origins of Independence, 1761-1775

Common Law Research Seminar

Forschungskolloquium: "Not Quite Brothers in Arms: Indigenous legal status during the Dutch expansion to the State of Maranhão, 1642"


Boris Hogenmüller: Melchor Cano, De locis theologicis – some remarks on concept and reception of the Loci


Empírica histórica y epistemología sociológica

Seminar zur Rechtsgeschichte der Iberian Worlds
  • Datum: 13.01.2020
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00 - 19:30
  • Organisation: Pilar Mejía
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Z01

Master and Servant Regulations and Labour Laws in the Post-Emancipation British West Indies

Common Law Research Seminar
Zur Redakteursansicht