Prof. Dr. Caspar Ehlers

Research Field Coordinator
PhD-Mentor Dep. Duve


Die deutschen Königspfalzen

The Repertorium lists the palaces, royal manors and other places of residence of the kings in the medieval German empire, visited by the itinerant monarchs for the purpose of exercising their power. The aim of the project is to record all royal residences up to about 1250/1254 that now lie within the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. The volumes of this series are arranged according to the historical landscapes, thus facilitating the comparison of the sites. The series has been published by Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht since 1983. more

Completed Projects

Law and Textuality

Manuela Bragagnolo, Caspar Ehlers, Christoph H.F. Meyer more

Selected Publications

Ehlers, C.: Metropolis Germaniae. Studien zur Bedeutung Speyers für das Königtum 751-1250. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (1996), 428 pp.
Ehlers, C.: Die Integration Sachsens in das fränkische Reich (751–1024). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen (2007), 686 pp.
Ehlers, C.: Vom karolingischen Grenzposten zum Zentralort des Ottonenreiches. Neuere Forschungen zu den frühmittelalterlichen Anfängen Magdeburgs. Magdeburger Museen, Magdeburg (2012), 117 pp.
Ehlers, C.: Rechtsräume. Ordnungsmuster im Europa des frühen Mittelalters. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston (2016), X, 180 pp.
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