Main Focus
- Cultural Legal Translation
- Non-Universality of Legal Theory
- Legal Theory and Post-Colonialism
- Anthropophagy and the Modernist Art Movement
- Theories of Hans Kelsen and Robert Alexy
- Contemporary Brazilian Legal History
Curriculum Vitae
Postdoctoral guest researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Department Auer: Multidisciplinary Theory of Law
PhD in Philosophy and Theory of Law (concentration in Social Relations Law), Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
Dissertation: Positivismo Jurídico Inclusivo e Moralidade Institucional: uma reflexão sobre o contexto brasileiro (Inclusive positivism and institutional morality: reflections on the Brazilian context)
Master’s Degree in Law, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil
Thesis: Administração Pública e Racionalidade Material: pretensão à correção para além da legalidade (Public administration and material rationality: claim to correctness beyond legality)
Specialisation in Public Law, National School for Federal Magistrates of Paraná
Monograph: Aposentadoria Especial à Luz da Constituição Federal: A Aposentadoria da Polícia Civil do Paraná (Special retirement according to the federal constitution: the case of civil police retirement in Paraná)
Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Faculty of Law, Curitiba
Monograph: Direito Internacional Público à Luz da Teoria Kantiana: Um Estudo da Carta das Nações Unidas (Public international law from Kant’s theory: a study of the United Nations Charter)
Research Groups
- Fundamentos do Direito (Fundamentals of Law), Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (Since 2016)
- NEFIT-UFPR – Grupo de Estudos em Filosofia e Teoria do Direito (Centre of Studies in Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory), Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (Since 2020)
- Revista Cadernos do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito/UFRGS (Journal from the Law’s Post-Graduate Programme - PPGDir./UFRGS) (Since 2017)
Professional Appointments
- Nominated by the Paraná State Court recognised as a woman jurist with expertise in Philosophy of Law, Human Rights, and Racial Relations for her intellectual contribution to the improvement of the Court's work. (2022)
Administrative Procedure number 0055121-05.2021.8.16.6000, 10 February 2022
- Winner of the first Scientific Articles Contest of the Center for Judicial Research (CPJ/AMB), co-authored with Judge Lucas Cavalcanti da Silva (2020) – link to the article:
- Winner of the Academic Contest of the IX Latin American Convention on Law, CEDDAL (2011) link to the article: (99+) O Caso Do Nepotismo: Reflexões Sobre a Atuação Do Supremo Tribunal Federal | Melanie Merlin de Andrade -