The European Council as legislator: an oral history project
Research Project

This project traces the oral history of the European Council by collecting, storing and disseminating testimonies of top civil servants of the Secretariat of this key institution for European integration. This project examines the trajectories and experiences of former top administrators of this supranational institution which from the very beginning was in the main EU legislator following legal initiatives from the European Commission. The mpilhlt plays the role of scientific adviser of the project in cooperation with the archival service of the European Council, which is in charge of carrying out the technical work of recording, transcribing and disseminating in various formats the result of the interviews, which are partly available online. The mpilhlt is in charge of both elaborating the questionnaire and checking the archival sources and secondary documentation to prepare the semi-structured interviews dealing with the professional and vital trajectory of top civil servants of the Council. The aim of the project ‘The Council of the EU as legislator’ is to preserve the memory of the institution and find out the necessary material (both oral and written sources) to elucidate the contribution of the Council to EU legislation, paying particular attention to the contribution of its secretariat to the various fields of EU Law.