Roman Herzog Research Prize for Anselm Küsters

Anselm Küsters, an associate researcher at our Institute and currently a postdoc working in the area of Digital History at the Humboldt University of Berlin, has been awarded the prestigious Roman Herzog Research Prize.
As the first-place finisher, he receives 20,000 Euros for his dissertation, ‘The Making and Unmaking of Ordoliberal Language’, which he wrote here at the mpilhlt. He used digital methods of natural language processing to investigate the development of EU competition law.
Dr. Küsters’ dissertation examines the intellectual foundations of the European legal system and shows that the ordoliberal understanding of competition has exerted a strong influence on European competition law and jurisprudence. The prize highlights the methods of digital history in the exploration of the social market economy in Europe. According to the committee, Kusters’ dissertation has made a significant contribution to the development of the research field.
The Roman Herzog Research Prize for Social Market Economy is one of the highest remunerated awards in the area of economics and social sciences.