Pensando la esclavitud y el proceso de abolición en Argentina de la historia del derecho
Seminario Permanente
- Date: Feb 22, 2022
- Time: 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
- Speaker: Madgalena Candiotti
- Location: video conference
In 1813, a free womb law was passed in the Río de la Plata (today Argentina), which – together with the slave trade ban – initiated a process of gradual abolition of slavery. The presentation addressed this “time of the freedmen" (as an 80-year-old slave called it): the years that spanned between those laws and the final abolition declared in 1853. The paper explores a multiplicity of lawsuits where the lives of the sons and daughters of enslaved mothers was decided. Those children were considered “freedmen” and left under the “patronato” (tutelage) of their mothers' masters. Thus, this time was marked by supervised liberties, separated families and unpaid work.