Working Group Conference: Legal Books and Beyond in the Iberian Worlds. Normative Knowledge Production in the Age of the Printing Press
Internal Meeting
- Start: Jan 17, 2022 01:45 PM (Local Time Germany)
- End: Jan 21, 2022 04:10 PM
- Organisation: Manuela Bragagnolo
- Location: video conference
- Host: Contact: Manuela Bragagnolo
The Institute will virtually host the meeting of a working group of international scholars (historians, legal historians and book historians), working on a volume dedicated to ‘Legal Books and Beyond in the Iberian Worlds. Normative Knowledge Production in the Age of the Printing Press’. The aim will be to observe from different perspectives the case of a specific pragmatic book written by an emblematic and extraordinary author: Manual de Confessores by Martín de Azpilcueta (1492-1586). By ‘bridging the gaps’ between the fields of book history and legal history, the team will try to assess if and how the analysis of the global production, circulation and consumption of this pragmatic book can contribute to the understanding of the early modern normative knowledge production in the Iberian worlds.