Activity Report 2018–2020



Benedetta Albani

Edited Collection:

Albani B, Danwerth O and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) VII, 303 pp

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) VI, 248 pp

Mejía Quiroga M del P, Danwerth O and Albani B (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) VI, 278 pp

Journal Article:

Albani B, ‘Global Perspectives on Tridentine Marriage. An Introduction’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg  66–69

Albani B and Martins ACL, ‘A governança da igreja escrita entre o nacional e o global: A presença das congregações cardinalícias em manuais brasileiros de direito eclesiástico (1853-1887)’ (2020) 1 Almanack 1–78

Albani B and Martins ACL, ‘The Governance of the Church written between National and Global Perspectives: The Presence of Congregations of Cardinals in Brazilian Manuals of Ecclesiastical Law (1853-1887)’ (2020) 1 Almanack 1–78

Contribution to Collection:

Albani B, Danwerth O and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in B Albani, O Danwerth and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) 1–11

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in O Danwerth, B Albani and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) 1–16
<https://www.rg.mpg. de/1707740/gplh_12_presentacion.pdf>


Albani B, Bragagnolo M and Herzog T, ‘Entrevista com Tamar Herzog - Normatividades e resistência nos Impérios Ibéricos’

Alfonso Alibrandi

Contribution to Collection:

Alibrandi A, ‘Traduire hors des lignes. L’interdiction de l’interprétation de la loi et le pouvoir absolu aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles’ in H Beuvant, T Carvalho and M Lemée (editors), Les traductions du discours juridique: Perspectives historiques (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes 2018) 119–131

Alfons Aragoneses

Journal Article:

Aragoneses A, ´Uses of Convivencia and Filosefardismo in Spanish Legal Discourses´ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 200–219

Contribution to Collection:

Aragoneses A, ‘La memoria del derecho. La construcción del pasado en los discursos jurídicos in A Somma and M Brutti (editors), Diritto e comparazione. Nuovi propositi per un binomio antico (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History and Legal Theory 2018) 5–30

Aragoneses A, ‘Judaism and Spanish identities. Between Filosefardismo and Antisemitism’ in R Castorcea and E Kovács (editors), Modern Antisemitisms in the Peripheries. Europe and its Colonies 1880-1945 (Vienna: VWI 2019) 111–132

Aragoneses A, ‘La construcción del enemigo como base del (neo)fascismo’ in A Aragoneses, Adoración and S Martín (editors), Neofascismo. La bestia neoliberal (Madrid: Siglo XXI 2019) 121–136

Aragoneses A, ‘El jurista en el barrio gótico. Historia y tradición en la cultura jurídica catalana del siglo XX’ in J Claret and J Fuster (editors), El regionalismo bien entendido. Ambigüedades y límites del regionalismo franquista (Granada: Comares 2021) 57–75

Marietta Auer


Auer M, Zum Erkenntnisziel der Rechtstheorie. Philosophische Grundlagen multidisziplinärer Rechtswissenschaft (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018) 76 pp

Journal Article:

Auer M, ‘Digitale Leistungen’ (2019) 2019 Zeitschrift für die gesamte Privatrechtswissenschaft 130–147

Auer M, ‘Aus dem Leben des Überbaus. Erwiderung auf Hauke Brunkhorst und Tatjana Sheplyakova’ (2020) 53 Kritische Justiz 71–77

Auer M, ‘Kants Rechtsbegriff und die Struktur subjektiver Rechte’ (2020) 6 Rechtsphilosophie: Zeitschrift für Grundlagen des Rechts 162–172

Auer M, ‘Der privatrechtliche Diskurs der Moderne revisited’ (2020) 53 Kritische Justiz 45–55

Auer M, ‘Was ist eine Frau? Zur Rechtsperson als Vehikel der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit’ (2020) 14 Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 139–142

Contribution to Collection:

Auer M, ‘Cantus firmus der Moderne: Rechtstheorie in der Berliner Republik’ in T Duve and S Ruppert (editors), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 121–146

Auer M, ‘Vertragsfreiheit und Verbraucherschutz in Deutschland’ in H Baum , M Bälz and J Grotheer (editors), Die Sicherung des Rechtsstaates. Symposium aus Anlass des dreißigjährigen Bestehens der Deutsch-Japanischen Juristenvereinigung (Köln: Carl Heymanns Verlag 2019) 93–109

Auer M, ‘Richterbindung und Richterfreiheit in Regeln und Standards. Ein Klassiker der Methodenlehre “reloaded”’ in E Schumann (editor), Gesetz und richterliche Macht. 18. Symposion der Kommission „Die Funktion des Gesetzes in Geschichte und Gegenwart“ (Berlin: De Gruyter 2020) 119–154

Contribution to Commentary:

Auer M, ‘Das Recht der ungerechtfertigten Bereicherung und der Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag’, J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch. Eckpfeiler des Zivilrechts (6th edn, Berlin: Sellier - de Gruyter 2018) 1105–1187

Auer M, ‘Das Recht der ungerechtfertigten Bereicherung und der Geschäftsführung ohne Auftrag’, J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch. Eckpfeiler des Zivilrechts (7th edn, Berlin: Otto Schmidt - De Gruyter 2020) 1209–1297

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Auer M, ‘Generalklausel’ in Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft and Verlag Herder (editors), Staatslexikon: Recht, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft. Band 2: Eid - Hermeneutik (8th edn, Freiburg i.Br.: Herder 2018) 1098–1101

Book Review:

Auer M, ‘[Rezension von: Bernhard Jakl: Handlungshoheit: Die normative Struktur der bestehenden Dogmatik und ihrer Materialisierung im deutschen und europäischen Schuldvertragsrecht. – Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2019]’ (2020) 75 Juristenzeitung 511–512

Murat Burak Aydin

Book Review:

Aydin MB, ‘Legal Receptions, Legal Academia and Islamic Legal Thinking in 19th- and 20th-cen- tury Egypt [Review of: Leonard Wood, Islamic Legal Revival: Reception of European Law and Trans- formations in Islamic Legal Thought in Egypt, 1875–1952, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 457–459

Philip Bajon

Journal Article:

Bajon P and Vogenauer S, ‘Entscheidungskulturen in der Rechtsgeschichte der Europäischen Union’ (2018) 2017 Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Bajon P, ‘“The Human Factor”: French–West German Bilateralism and the “Logic of Appropriate- ness” in the European Crisis of the Mid-1960s’ (2018) 29 Diplomacy & Statecraft 455–476

Contribution to Collection:

Bajon P, ‘Autobiographische Zeugnisse und historische Mythen im Prozess der europäischen Einigung. Charles de Gaulle und Walter Hallstein’ in D Erben and T Zervosen (editors), Das eigene Leben als ästhetische Fiktion. Autobiographie und Professionsgeschichte (Bielefeld: Transcript 2018) 155–174

Bajon P, ‘A History of European Law: The “Constitutional Practice in European Law” and the “Veto Politics”’ in J-M Palayret, I Richefort and D Schlenker (editors), Histoire de la construction européenne (1957-2015). Sources et itinéraires de recherche croisés (Diplomatie et Histoire) (Paris: Direction des Archives du Ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères 2019) 109–119

Book Review:

Bajon P, ‘[Rezension von: Patel, Kiran Klaus; Röhl, Hans Christian: Transformation durch Recht. Geschichte und Jurisprudenz Europäischer Integration 1985–1992. Mit einem Kommentar von Andreas Wirsching. Tübingen:  Mohr Siebeck 2020]’ (2020)  2020-4-226 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften 1–3

Victoria Barnes

Journal Article:

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘How Far Does the Apple Fall from the Tree? The Size of English Bank Branch Networks in the Nineteenth Century’ (2018) 60 Business History 447–473

Barnes V, ‘Judicial Intervention in Early Corporate Governance Disputes: Vice-Chancellor Shadwell’s Lost Judgment in Mozley v Alston (1847)’ (2018) 58 American Journal of Legal History 394–413

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘Visualizing Organizational Identity: The History of a Capitalist Enterprise’ (2018) 13 Management and Organizational History 24–53

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘War and Peace in Organizational Memory’ (2018) 13 Management & Organizational History 303–308

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘War Memorials in Organizational Memory: a Case Study of the Bank of England’ (2018) 13 Management & Organizational History 309–333

Barnes V, Bottomley S and Küsters A, ‘Economic History as Legal History’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 265–270

Barnes V and Whewell E, ‘English Contract Law Moves East: Legal Transplants and the Doctrine of Misrepresentation in British Consular Courts’ (2019) 7 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 26–48

Barnes V and Oldham J, ‘The Legal Foundations of Apparent Authority’ (2019) 44 The Journal of Corporation Law 649–664

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘Symbolism in Bank Marketing and Architecture: the Headquarters of National Provincial Bank of England’ (2019) 14 Management & Organizational History 213–244

Barnes V, Newton L and Scott P, ‘A “Quiet Victory”. National Provincial, Gibson Hall, and the Switch from Comprehensive Redevelopment to Urban Preservation in 1960s London’ (2020) Enterprise & Society 1–31

Barnes V, ‘Interrogating the Self-told Narrative: Lord Lindley’s Autobiography, his Life and his Legal Biography’ (2020) 41 Journal of Legal History 143–163

Barnes V, ‘Legal Transplants, Law Books,and Anglo-American Corporate Fiduciary Duties’ (2020) 16 Hastings Business Law Journal 145–174

Barnes V, MacMillan C and Vogenauer S, ‘On Legal Biography’ (2020) 41 Journal of Legal History 115–121

Barnes V, ‘Shareholder Primacy and Managerial Control in Anglo-American Corporate Governance’ (2020) 41 Company Lawyer 43–49

Barnes V, ‘What were Shareholder Rights in the Wake of the American Revolution?’ (2020) 19 Florida State University Business Review 132–158

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘Women, Uniforms and Brand Identity in Barclays Bank’ (2020) 62 Business History 1–30

Contribution to Collection:

Barnes V and Newton L, ‘Formalising Credit Markets? The Entrance of English Joint-Stock Banks’ in M Lorenzini, C Lorandini and D Coffman (editors), Financing in Europe Evolution, Coexistence and Complementarity of Lending Practices from the Middle Ages to Modern Times (Cham: Springer International Publishing 2018) 317–343

Book Review:

Barnes V, ‘Corporations in the British Empire in the Wake of the American Revolution [Review of: Naomi R. Lamoreaux, William J. Novak (eds.), Corporations and American Democracy, Cambridge/ MA: Harvard University Press 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 449–450

Barnes V, ‘Big Business [Review of: Dave De ruysscher, Albrecht Cordes et al. (eds.), The Company in Law and Practice: Did Size Matter? (Middle Ages–Nineteenth Century), Leiden: Brill 2017]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 322–324

Barnes V, ‘[Review of: Brands, Geographical Origin, and the Global Economy: A History from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, by David M. Higgins, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019]’ (2019) 40 Journal of Legal History 326–328

Barnes V, ‘[Review of: Anat Rosenberg, Liberalizing Contracts: Nineteenth Century Promises Through Literature, Law and History, London: Routledge, 2019]’ (2020) 60 American Journal of Legal History 250–251


Barnes V, ‘Legal Transplants, Law Books, and the History of Anglo-American Corporate Fiduciary’ (2020) 20 Nov 2020 Oxford Business Law Blog

Manuel Bastias Saavedra

Journal Article:

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘Jurisdictional Autonomy and the Autonomy of Law: End of Empire and the Functional Differentiation of Law in 19th-century Latin America’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 325–337

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘The Lived Space. Possession, Ownership, and Land Sales on the Chilean Frontier (Valdivia, 1790-1830)’ (2018) 67 Historia crítica. Revista del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de los Andes 3–21

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘The Normativity of Possession. Rethinking Land Relations in Early-Modern Spanish America, ca. 1500–1800’ (2020) 29 Colonial Latin American review 223–238
<https://doi. org/10.1080/10609164.2020.1755938>

Contribution to Collection:

Rinke S and Bastias Saavedra M, ‘Der 11. September 1973 und die ersten hundert Tage der chilenischen Junta’ in C Cwik, H-J König and S Rinke (editors), Diktaturen in Lateinamerika im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges (Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz 2020) 199–222

Book Review:

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘Property and the Early Modern Condition [Review of: Allan Greer, Property and Dispossession. Natives, Empires, and Land in Early Modern North America, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 357–359

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘The Many Histories of World Society [Review of: Giuseppe Marcocci, Indios, chinos, falsarios. Las historias del mundo en el Renacimiento, Madrid: Alianza Editorial 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 301–303

Working Paper:

Bastias Saavedra M, ‘Diversity as Paradox: Legal History and the Blind Spots of Law’ 2020-05 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 17 pp

Gerd Bender

Journal Article:

Bender G, ‘Im Labyrinth’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 288–290 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Bender G, ‘Herausforderung Tarifautonomie. Normative Ordnung des Problems’ in T Duve and S Ruppert (editors), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 697–725

Bender G, ‘Verbetrieblichung. Historische Aspekte’ in O Deinert, J Heuschmid, M Kittner and M Schmidt (editors), Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft durch Arbeitsrecht. Festschrift für Thomas Klebe zum 70. Geburtstag (Frankfurt am Main: Bund Verlag 2018) 34–39

Book Review:

Bender G, ‘Living with the Past [Rezension von: Orfeo Fioretos, Tulia G. Falleti, Adam Sheingate (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Historical Institutionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 365–366

Bender G, ‘[Rezension von: Rudischhauser, Sabine: Geregelte Verhältnisse. Eine Geschichte des Tarifvertragsrechts in Deutschland und Frankreich(1890-1918/19). Köln: Böhlau Verlag 2017]’ (2018) 27.09.2018 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften 1–3

Egas Bender de Moniz Bandeira

Journal Article:

Bender de Moniz Bandeira E, ‘From Dynastic Cycle to Eternal Dynasty. The Japanese Notion of Unbroken Lineage in Chinese and Korean Constitutionalist Debates, 1890–1911’ (2020) Global Intellectual History 1–16

Bender de Moniz Bandeira E, ‘Late Qing Parliamentarism and the Borderlands of the Qing Empire–Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang (1906–1911)’ (2020) 11 Journal of Eurasian Studies 15–29

Contribution to Collection:

Bender de Moniz Bandeira E, ‘Between Chaos and Liberty. Chinese Uses of the French Revolution of 1789.’ in Y-K Chan and F Chen (editors), Alternative Representations of the Past. The Politics of History in Modern China (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2020) 119–147

Christiane Birr


Birr C, Wagner A and Kirchen M (eds), Castillo, Tratado de Cuentas (2018 [1522]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) XXVIII Bl. pp
< W0004>

Birr C (ed), Las Casas, Treinta Proposiciones (2018 [1552]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 20 pp

Birr C and Egio Garcia JL (eds), Vitoria, Confessionario (2018 [1562]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 24 Bl. pp

Birr C and Wagner A (eds), Vitoria, Relectiones Theologicae XII, Vol. 1 (2018 [1557]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 481 pp
< W0013:vol1>

Birr C (ed), Vitoria, Relectiones Theologicae XII, Vol. 2 (2018 [1557]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wis- senschaften und der Literatur 2018) 397, 1 Bl., 39, 1 Bl. pp <>

Birr C (ed), Azpilcueta, Manual de Confessores y Penitentes (2019 [1556]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 16, 799 pp

Birr C and Egío Garcia JL (eds), Báñez, De Iure et Iustitia Decisiones (2019 [1594]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 14, 654, 18 pp
< W0003>

Birr C (ed), Cano, Relectio de Poenitentia (2019 [1558]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 176 Bl. pp

Birr C (ed), Solórzano Pereira, Politica Indiana (2019 [1648]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 44, 1040, 104, 1 pp

Birr C (ed), Freitas, De Iusto Imperio Lusitanorum Asiatico (2020 [1625]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) 16, 190 Blätter, 56 pp
< workDetails.html?wid=W0046>

Silva Santos P da and Birr C (eds), Nebrija, Lexicon Iuris Civilis (2020 [1537]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) 210, 12 pp

Birr C (ed), Sepúlveda, Apologia pro libro de iustis belli causis (2020 [1550]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) 47 pp

Birr C (ed), Soto, De Iustitia et Iure (2020 [1553]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) 904, 60 pp

Silva Santos P da and Birr C (eds), Vacca, Expositiones locorum obscuriorum et Paratitulorum in Pandectas. (2020 [1554]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) 8, 186, 13 pp

Birr C (ed), Villalón, Provechoso tratado de cambios y contrataciones de mercaderes y reprovación de usura. (2020 [1541]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) xlvi Bl., 1 pp

Journal Article:

Egío Garcia JL and Birr C, ‘Alonso de Cartagena y Juan López de Palacios Rubios. Dilemas suscitados por las primeras conquistas atlánticas en dos juristas salmantinos (1436-1512)’ (2018) 20 Azafea 9–36

Birr C, ‘Before Vitoria. Early Theological and Juridical Responses to the Spanish Expansion. Introductory Remarks’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 234–235

Birr C, ‘Dominium in the Indies. Juan López de Palacios Rubios’ Libellus de insulis oceanis quas vulgus indias appelat (1512–1516)’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 264–283

Contribution to Collection:

Egío Garcia JL and Birr C, ‘Before Vitoria: Expansion into Heathen, Empty, or Disputed Lands in Late-Mediaeval Salamanca Writings and Early 16th-Century Juridical Treatises’ in JA Tellkamp (editor), A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought (Leiden; Boston: Brill 2020) 53–77

Sean Bottomley

Journal Article:

Barnes V, Bottomley S and Küsters A, ‘Economic History as Legal History’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 265–270

Bottomley S, ‘The Returns to Invention during the British Industrial Revolution’ (2019) 72 The Economic History Review 510–530


Gómez-Arostegui HT and Bottomley S, ‘Oil States Energy Services, LLC, Petitioner, v. Green’s Energy Group, LLC, et al., Respondents. - On Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. - Brief for H. Tomás Gómez-Arostegui and Sean Bottomley as Amici Curiae in support of neither party’ 16-712 Supreme Court of the United States ix, 37 pp

Christian Boulanger

Edited Collection:

Boulanger C, Rosenstock J and Singelnstein T (eds), Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: Eine Einführung in die geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Befassung mit dem Recht und seiner Praxis (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2019) XII, 316 pp

Journal Article:

Boulanger C and Krebs D, ‘Strategische Prozessführung’ (2019) 39 Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie 1–4

Boulanger C, ‘The Comparative Sociology of Legal Doctrine: Thoughts on a Research Program’ (2020) 21 German Law Journal 1362–1377

Boulanger C, ‘Socio-Legal Studies in Germany and the UK: Theory and Methods’ (2020) 21 German Law Journal 1309–1317

Contribution to Collection:

Boulanger C, ‘Die Soziologie juristischer Wissensproduktion: Rechtsdogmatik als soziale Praxis’ in C Boulanger, J Rosenstock and T Singelnstein (editors), Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: Eine Einführung in die geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Befassung mit dem Recht und seiner Praxis (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2019) 173–192

Boulanger C, Rosenstock J and Singelnstein T, ‘Versuch über das Sein und Sollen der Rechts- forschung: Bestandsaufnahme eines interdisziplinären Forschungsfeldes’ in C Boulanger, J Rosenstock and T Singelnstein (editors), Interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung: eine Einführung in die geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Befassung mit dem Recht und seiner Praxis (Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien 2019) 3–29

Book Review:

Boulanger C and Schneider T, ‘[Rezension von: Dann/Kadelbach/Kaltenborn (Hrsg), Entwicklung und Recht: eine systematische Einführung, 2014]’ (2019) 79 Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 451–468

Boulanger C, ‘[Review of: Constitutional Politics and the Judiciary: Decision‐Making in Central and Eastern Europe. Edited by Pócza, Kálmán. Abingdon, Oxon/New York, NY: Routledge, 2018]’ (2020) 54 Law & Society Review 309–312

Manuela Bragagnolo

Edited Collection:

Baggioni L, Bragagnolo M and Lanfranchi S (eds), Prophéties politiques = Profezie politiche = Political Prophecies (Paris: ENS Éditions 2018)

Journal Article:

Bragagnolo M, ‘Nuove riflessioni sul Principe di Lodovico Antonio Muratori’ (2018) 51 Il pensiero politico 93–107

Bragagnolo M, ‘I segni della colpa. Il giurista e la lettura del corpo a Venezia nella prima età moderna’ (2020) 25 Laboratoire italien: Politique et société 1–24

Contribution to Collection:

Baggioni L, Bragagnolo M and Lanfranchi S, ‘“Ego non sum propheta”: figures et discours de la prophétie politique’ in L Baggioni, M Bragagnolo and S Lanfranchi (editors), Prophéties politiques = Profezie politiche = Political Prophecies (Paris: ENS Éditions 2018)
< laboratoireitalien.1728>

Bragagnolo M, ‘Fisiognomica e profezia nel pensiero giuridico tra Cinque e Seicento. Alcune considerazioni’ in L Baggioni, M Bragagnolo and S Lanfranchi (editors), Prophéties politiques = Profezie politiche = Political Prophecies (Paris: ENS Éditions 2018)

Bragagnolo M, ‘Il serbatoio della critica. Muratori e i manoscritti del cinquecento tra storia, politica e religione’ in M Rosa and M Al Kalak (editors), Lodovico Antonio Muratori: religione e politica nel Settecento (Firenze: Leo S Olschki 2018) 71–82

Bragagnolo M, ‘L’Italie Savante et les manuscrits du XVIe siècle. Droit, politique et religion chez Lodovico Antonio Muratori (1672-1750)’ in M Méricam-Bourdet and C Volpilhac-Auger (editors), La Fabrique du XVIe siècle au temps des Lumières (Paris: Classiques Garnier 2020) 377–391

Bragagnolo M, ‘Managing Legal Knowledge in Early Modern Times: Martín de Azpilcueta’s Manual for Confessors and the Phenomenon of Epitomisation’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Forma- tion of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 187–242
<https://doi. org/10.1163/9789004425736>

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Bragagnolo M, ‘Physiognomy in Renaissance Science’ in M Sgarbi (editor), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Cham: Springer 2018)

Bragagnolo M, ‘Dissenters from the Anglican Church’ in M Sgarbi (editor), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Cham: Springer 2019)

Book Review:

Bragagnolo M, ‘Probabilmente moralmente legittime [Recensione di: Stefania Tutino, Uncertainty in Post-Reformation Catholicism. A History of Probabilism, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 372–374

Bragagnolo M, ‘Un atto culturale [Recensione di: Hugo Beuvant et al. (dir.), Les traductions du discours juridique. Perspectives historiques, préface de Francesco di Donato, Rennes: PUR 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 310–312

Working Paper:

Bragagnolo M, ‘Les voyages du droit du Portugal à Rome. Le “Manual de confessores” de Martín de Azpilcueta (1492-1586) et ses traductions’ 2018-13 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 19 pp

Bragagnolo M, ‘Crossing Temporal Boundaries. Lodovico Antonio Muratori’s Notetaking Practice and the Material Circulation of the Thinking on Law between the 16th and 18th Centuries’ 2020-21 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 18 pp


Celati A and Bragagnolo M, ‘Workshop: Towards a Vocabulary of Dissent. Università di Verona, June, 27th, 2018’, Riforma e movimenti religiosi. Rivista della Società di Studi Valdesi (2018) 173–179

Albani B, Bragagnolo M and Herzog T, ‘Entrevista com Tamar Herzog - Normatividades e resistência nos Impérios Ibéricos’

Wolfram Brandes

Edited Collection:

Brandes W, Hasse-Ungeheuer A and Leppin H (eds), Konzilien und kanonisches Recht in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter: Aspekte konziliarer Entscheidungsfindung (Berlin: De Gruyter 2020) XXI, 334 pp

Contribution to Collection:

Brandes W, ‘Byzantinischer Bilderstreit, das Papsttum und die Pippinsche Schenkung. Neue Forschungen zum Ost-West-Verhältnis im 8. Jahrhundert’ in F Daim, C Gastgeber, D Heher and C Rapp (editors), Menschen, Bilder, Sprache, Dinge. Wege der Kommunikation zwischen Byzanz und dem Westen. 2: Menschen und Worte (Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 2018) 63–80

Brandes W, ‘Die neue Edition der Akten des Nicaenum II und einige historische Probleme’ in W Brandes, A Hasse-Ungeheuer and H Leppin (editors), Konzilien und kanonisches Recht in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter: Aspekte konziliarer Entscheidungsfindung (Berlin: De Gruyter 2020) 279–304

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Brandes W, ‘Basic Features of Government (7th- 15th Centuries)’ in F Daim and JN Dillon (editors), History and Culture of Byzantium (Leiden; Boston: Brill 2019) 220–229

Brandes W and Haldon JF, ‘Byzantium ca. 600-1000’ in F Daim and JN Dillon (editors), History and Culture of Byzantium (Leiden; Boston: Brill 2019) 28–59

Brandes W and Haldon JF, ‘State Budget’ in F Daim and JN Dillon (editors), History and Culture of Byzantium (Leiden; Boston: Brill 2019) 229–233

Book Review:

Brandes W, ‘1000 Jahre Papstgeschichte [Rezension von: Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII edidit Phillipus Jaffé, editionem tertiam emendatam et auctam iubente Academia Gottingensi sub auspiciis Nicolai Herbers, tomus primus [sic!] (a S. Petro usque ad a. DCIV) curavit Marcus Schütz cooperantibus Victoria Trenkle, Iudith Werner itemque Catharina Gowers, Waldemaro Könighaus, Cornelia Scherer, Thorstano Schlauwitz, Gottingae (in aedibus Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht) MMXVI. Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII edidit Phillipus Jaffé, editionis tertiae emendatae et auctae iubente Academia Gottingensi sub auspiciis Nicolai Herbers tomum secundum (ab a. DCIV ad a. DCCCXLIV) curaverunt Waldemarus Könighaus, Thorstanus Schlauwitz cooperantibus Cornelia Scherer, Marco Schütz, Gottingae (in aedibus Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht) MMXVII. Regesta pontificum Romanorum ab condita ecclesia ad annum post Christum natum MCXCVIII edidit Phillipus Jaffé, editionis tertiae emendatae et auctae iubente Academia Gottingensi sub auspiciis Nicolai Herbers, tomum tertium (ab a. DCCCXLIV usque ad a. MXXIV) curavit Iudith Werner cooperante Waldemaro Könighaus, Gottingae (in aedibus Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht) MMXVII]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 385–390

Pamela Cacciavillani

Journal Article:

Cacciavillani P, ‘El análisis historico jurídico como herramienta para el estudio de la regulación jurídica de las tierras de los pueblos’ (2018) Pólemos, Portal Jurídico Interdisciplinario

Cacciavillani P and Faberman J, ‘Del campo común al condominio y del condominio a la propiedad individual. Normativas y prácticas en Santiago del Estero (Argentina) 1850-1920, Dossier Reflexiones en torno a la agrimensura, la justicia y el derecho a partir del estudio de casos’ (2019) 13 Revista Historia y Justicia 1–26

Cacciavillani P, ‘Reflexiones en torno a la agrimensura, la justicia y el derecho a partir del estudio de casos (ss XVI-XX)’ (2019) 13 Revista Historia y Justicia 1–4

Cacciavillani P, ‘De comuneros a poseedores: reflexiones en torno a la construcción de la propiedad privada en la comunidad indígena De Soto a finales del siglo XIX’ (2019) 82 Revista de la Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú 121–148

Contribution to Collection:

Cacciavillani P, ‘La influencia del Derecho Romano en la adquisición y en el sistema de transferencia en los derechos reales en el siglo XIX, Argentina’ in E Fiocchi Malaspina and S Tarozzi (editors), Historical Perspectives on Property and Land Law. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Methods and Research Approaches (Madrid: Dykinson 2019) 95–110
<http://hdl.handle. net/10016/29290>

Book Review:

Cacciavillani P, ‘La importancia de no ser llamados Indigenous Peoples [Review of: Irene Watson (ed.) Indigenous Peoples as Subjects of International Law, London: Routledge 2008]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 341–342

Agustín Casagrande


Casagrande A, Gobierno de justicia, poder de policía. La construcción oeconómica del orden social en Buenos Aires (1776-1829) (Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch 2019)

Journal Article:

Casagrande A, ‘The Concept of “Estado de Derecho” in the History of Argentinean Constitutionalism (1860-2015)’ (2018) 47 Quaderni Fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, 169–206

Contribution to Collection:

Casagrande A, ‘La historia política y los de abajo. Notas sobre la política popular rioplatense en los siglos XVIII-XIX’ in Agustín Peire, Amadori, Chaile (editors), Historiografías Político-culturales rioplatenses. Itinerarios, enfoques y perspectivas recientes sobre el período colonial y la independencia, (Sevilla: Thémata 2018) 153–174

Casasgrande A, ‘Forensic Practices and the “History of Justice” in the 17th and 18th Centuries: A View from a Spanish American Periphery’ in T Duve, O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici. Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden: Brill 2020) 350-378

Working Paper:

Casagrande A, ‘Confesos (DCH)’ 2019-07 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 19 pp

Matilde Cazzola

Journal Article:

Cazzola M, ‘“All shall be happy by land and by sea”: Thomas Spence as an Atlantic thinker’ (2018) 15 Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 431–450

Cazzola M, ‘Governare l’emancipazione. Lavoro, sovranità e costituzione ai tempi di Morant Bay (1865)’ (2018) 2018 Filosofia politica 493–508

Cazzola M, ‘Space as Gravitational Field: the Empire and the Atlantic in the Political Thought of Thomas Pownall’ (2018) 3 Global Intellectual History 178–201

Cazzola M, ‘“Un lume indiano sui problemi europei”: James Fitzjames Stephen e il governo del Reform Act (1867)’ (2019) 2019 Storia del pensiero politico 89–108

Cazzola M and Laudani R, ‘Ascesa e declino della moltitudine inglese. Per una genealogia della mob’ (2020) 2020 Filosofia politica 425–442

Cazzola M, ‘Edward Gibbon Wakefield and the Political Economy of Emancipation’ (2020) Intellectual History Review

Cazzola M and Ravano L, ‘Plantation Society in the Age of Revolution: Edward Long, Pierre-Victor Malouet and the Problem of Slave Government’ (2020) 41 Slavery & Abolition 234–255

Contribution to Collection:

Cazzola M, ‘Space as Gravitational Field: the Empire and the Atlantic in the Political Thought of Thomas Pownall’ in DS Allemann, A Jäger and V Mann (editors), Conceptions of space in intellectual history (London: Routledge 2020) 52–75

Book Review:

Cazzola M, ‘[Review of: Katie Donington: The Bonds of Family: Slavery, Commerce and Culture in the British Atlantic World, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2020]’ (2020) 60 American Journal of Legal History 388–391

Donal Coffey


Coffey D, Constitutionalism in Ireland, 1932–1938: National, Commonwealth, and International Perspectives (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018) xiii, 235 pp

Coffey D, Drafting the Irish Constitution, 1935–1937: Transnational Influences in Interwar Europe (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2018) XIII, 312 pp

Journal Article:

Coffey D, ‘“The Right to Shoot Himself”: Secession in the British Commonwealth of Nations’ (2018) 39 The Journal of Legal History 117–139

Dzehtsiarou K and Coffey D, ‘Suspension and Expulsion of Members of the Council of Europe: Difficult Decisions in Troubled Times’ (2019) 68 The International and Comparative Law Quarterly 443–476

Coffey D, ‘The Influence of the Weimar Constitution on the Common Law World’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 222–230

Coffey D, ‘Constitutional Law and Empire in Interwar Britain: Universities, Liberty, Nationality and Parliamentary Supremacy’ (2020) 71 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly 193–209

Contribution to Collection:

Coffey D, ‘Comparative and Institutional Perspectives on the Exercise of Judicial Power in the Irish Free State’ in E Carolan (editor), Judicial Power in Ireland (Dublin: Institute of Public Administration 2018) 26–44

Coffey D, ‘The Failure of the 1930 Tribunal of the British Commonwealth of Nations: A Conflict between International and Constitutional Law’ in I De la Rasilla and JE Viñuales (editors), Experiments in International Adjudication: Historical Accounts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019) 240–259

Book Review:

Coffey D, ‘[Review of: Constitution-making in Asia: Decolonisation and State-building in the Aftermath of the British Empire. Abingdon 2016]’ (2018) 39 Journal of Legal History 221–223


Coffey D, ‘Brexit and the Commonwealth: Lessons from Comparative Legal History [IACL-AIDC Blog (November 12, 2019)]’

Vincenzo Colli

Journal Article:

Colli V, ‘Autografia e autenticità. La “subscriptio sub sigillo” nei “consilia” dei giuristi del Trecento’ (2019) 3 Codex Studies 3–63

Peter Collin


Collin P, Regulierte Selbstregulierung in rechtshistorischer Perspektive: Studien und Materialien (2018) 768 pp

Bretthauer S, Collin P, Egidy S and Spiecker gen. Döhmann I, 40 Klausuren aus dem Verwaltungsrecht (12th edn, München: Vahlen 2020) XX, 362 pp

Edited Collection:

Collin P, Becker P, De Groot T and Rohringer T (eds), Bureaucracy and Emotions – Emotionen und Bürokratie (Wien: Universität Wien 2018) (Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration = Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte, 3) 262 pp

Collin P (ed), Konfliktlösung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktlösung in Europa, Band 4) (Berlin: Springer 2021) XXXVI, 738 pp

Journal Article:

Collin P, ‘How to Describe the Law of the Welfare State?’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 286–287

Collin P, ‘Justiz mit abgesenkten Standards? Zivilprozess und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im Ersten Weltkrieg’ (2019) 20 Jahrbuch der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte 3–19

Collin P, ‘Selbstregulierung des Wettbewerbs. Konkurrenz und Kooperation von Sparkassen, Banken und Kreditgenossenschaften im frühen 20. Jahrhundert’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 215–230

Contribution to Collection:

Collin P, Garot R and De Groot T, ‘Bureaucracy and Emotions – Perpectives across Disciplines’ in P Collin, P Becker, T De Groot and T Rohringer (editors), Bureaucracy and Emotions – Emotionen und Bürokratie (Wien: Universität Wien 2018) 5–19 (Administory. Journal for the History of Public Administration = Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte, 3)

Collin P, ‘Hauptstationen und Kernprobleme einer Geschichte der deutschen Staatsanwaltschaft bis zum Ende der Weimarer Republik’ in G Kohl and I Reiter-Zatloukal (editors), ‘... das Interesse des Staates zu wahren’: Staatsanwaltschaften und andere Einrichtungen zur Vertretung öffentlicher Interessen (Wien: Verlag Österreich 2018) 143–157

Collin P, ‘Nichtstaatliche Disziplinierung im vorstrafrechtlichen Raum. Die Praxis der Börsenehrengerichte im Kaiserreich und der Weimarer Republik’ in B Kretschmer and B Zabel (editors), Studien zur Geschichte des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts: Methoden - Analysen - Kritik (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018) 369–390

Collin P, ‘Interessenvertreter oder Sachverständige? Laienbeisitzer im späten 19. Jahrhundert’ in G Kohl and I Reiter-Zatloukal (editors), Laien in der Gerichtsbarkeit. Geschichte und aktuelle Perspektiven. Sammelband (Wien: Verlag Österreich 2019) 385–398

Collin P, ‘Stand und Perspektiven der Geschichte des Verwaltungsorganisationsrechts’ in W Durner, F Reimer, I Spiecker gen. Döhmann and A Wallrabenstein (editors), Das sinnvoll Denkbare denken, das davon Machbare machen: Gedächtnisschrift für Arndt Schmehl (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2019) 133–149

Collin P, ‘Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung? Erfahrungen aus der Frühzeit der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung’ in CM Hofmann, I Spiecker gen. Döhmann and A Wallrabenstein (editors), Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung (Berlin: Peter Lang 2020) 41–56

Contribution to Commentary:

Collin P, ‘§ 49 KrWG Registerpflichten’ in A Schmehl and JH Klement (editors), GK-KrWG. Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG) (Köln: Heymanns 2019) 764–768

Collin P, ‘§ 52 KrWG Anforderungen an Nachweise und Register’ in A Schmehl and JH Klement (editors), GK-KrWG. Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (KrWG) (Köln: Heymanns 2019) 777–781

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Collin P, ‘Polizei’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 662–Sp. 664

Collin P, ‘Polizeistaat’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 664–Sp. 665

Book Review:

Collin P, ‘[Rezension von: Hans-Peter Haferkamp u. Margerete Gräfin von Schwerin (Hg), Das Oberlandesgericht Köln zwischen dem Rheinland, Frankreich und Preußen. Festschrift zum 200-jährigen Bestehen (1819 bis 2019), Wien; Köln; Weimar 2019]’ (2020) 15.06.2020 Rheinische Geschichte. Wissenschaftlich bloggen 1–3
< rezension-olg-koeln-collin>

Collin P, ‘[Rezension von: Glorius, Dominik, Im Kampf mit dem Verbrechertum. Die Entwicklung der Berliner Kriminalpolizei von 1811 bis 1925, eine rechtshistorische Betrachtung, Berlin 2016]’ (2020) 42 Zeitschrift für Neuere Rechtsgeschichte 160–163

Working Paper:

Collin P, ‘Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen kommunaler Raum- und Infrastrukturplanung im 19. Jahrhundert – preußische und badische Entwicklungslinien’ 2020-25 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 19 pp

Justine Collins

Book Review:

Collins J, ‘A Comprehensive Analysis of English Case Law on Colonial Slavery in England [Review of: Andrew Lyall, Granville Sharp’s Cases on Slavery, Oxford/Portland, OR: Hart Publishing 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 445–446

Collins J, ‘To be or not to be a True Born Englishmen [Review of: Dana Y. Rabin, Britain and its Internal Others, 1750–1800. Under the rule of law, Manchester: Manchester University Press 2017]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 386–387

Luisa Stella Coutinho Silva


Coutinho Silva LS de O, Nem teúdas, nem manteúdas: História das Mulheres e Direito na capitania da Paraíba (Brasil, 1661−1822) (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) IX, 396 pp

PhD Thesis:

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘História do Direito e Colonização do Brasil: as Mulheres da Capitania da Paraíba, 1661-1822’ (PhD Thesis, Instituto de História do Direito e do Pensamento Político, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa)

Journal Article:

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘O saber médico e o corpo das mulheres no Brasil colonial: a tradição médica da metrópole na Capitania da Paraíba = Medical Knowledge and the Body of Women in Colonial Brazil: The Medical Tradition of the Metropolis in the Captaincy of Paraíba’ (2019) 19, Núm. 71 Iberoamericana. América Latina - España - Portugal 145–172

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘Sexy Legal History: Mapping Sexualities in a Handbook’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 260–264

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘As dotadas e meeiras da Capitania da Paraíba. Os regimes de bens do casamento na colonização do Brasil, 1661–1822’ (2020) 57 Luso Brazilian Review 30–57

Contribution to Collection:

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘Land, Slaves, and Honour: Women’s Ownership and Possession in Colonial Brazil (Paraíba)’ in AC Cremer (editor), Gender, Law and Material Culture: Immobile Property and Mobile Goods in Early Modern Europe (Abingdon; New York: Routledge 2020) 183–200

Book Review:

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘Vozes femininas em espaços imperiais [Recensão de: Nora E. Jaffary, Jane E. Mangan, Women in Colonial Latin America, 1526 to 1806: Texts and Contexts, Cambridge/ MA 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 349–350

Coutinho Silva LS de O, ‘Conectando Impérios das »Ásias« às »Américas« [Recensão de: Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Empires Between Islam and Christianity, 1500–1800, Albany/NY: Suny Press 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 296–299

Cecilia Cristellon

Book Review:

Cristellon C, ‘Ansie conversionistiche e riforme mancate nella Roma del 18. secolo [Recensione di: Kenneth Stow, Anna and Tranquillo. Catholic Anxiety and Jewish Protest in the Age of Revolutions, New Haven/London: Yale University Press 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 450–452

Daniel Damler


Damler D, Bauhaus Laws. The modernist revolution and legal thought (Cambridge: Intersentia 2019), 202 pp

Journal Article:

Damler D and Zeyher S, ‘Der Rechtsirrtum in der offenen Gesellschaft. Theorie und Praxis‘ (2018) 218 Archiv für civilistische Praxis 905–943

Damler D, ‘The Synesthesia of Values. How the ideals of modernist design prefigured and shaped fascist legal and political thought’ (2019) 66 The American Journal of Comparative Law 811–830

Damler D, ‘Der Vorhang des Dr. Mabuse‘ (2019) XIII/4 Zeitschrift für Ideengeschichte 79–94

Damler D, ‘Monsterkapitalismus‘ (2019) 48 Ästhetik und Kommunikation 24–29

Contribution to Collection:

Damler D, ‘Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit im Recht des 20. Jahrhunderts‘ in J Stenzel and L Münkler (editors), Inszenierung von Recht. Funktionen – Modi – Interaktionen (Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft 2019) 95–124

Book Review:

Damler D, ‘[Review of: Philip Goj, Ungeschriebenes Hauptversammlungserfordernis beim Beteiligungserwerb? Eine Betrachtung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Beteiligungserwerbs der Commerzbank an der Dresdner Bank sowie von rechtsvergleichenden und rechtsökonomischen Aspekten, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2017]‘ (2018) 182 Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht 182 (2018) 101–103

Damler D, ‘[Review of: Wim Decock and Christiane Birr (editors), Recht und Moral in der Scholastik der Frühen Neuzeit 1500–1750, Berlin: De Gruyter 2016]‘ (2018) 307 Historische Zeitschrift 504–505

Damler D, ‘Am Anfang war das Wort [Review of: Jörg Michael Schindler, Rechtsmetaphorologie – Ausblick auf eine Metaphorologie der Grundrechte. Eine Untersuchung zu Begriff, Funktion und Analyse rechtswissenschaftlicher Metaphern, Berlin: De Gruyter 2016]‘ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 356–357

Damler D, ‘[Review of: Vitus Huber, Beute und Conquista. Die politische Ökonomie der Eroberung Neuspaniens, Frankfurt: Campus Verlag 2018]‘ (2020) 310 Historische Zeitschrift 488

Otto Danwerth

Edited Collection:

Albani B, Danwerth O and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI – XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) VII, 303 pp <>

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) VI, 248 pp <>

Duve T and Danwerth O (eds), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 378 pp <>

Mejía Quiroga M del P, Danwerth O and Albani B (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) VI, 278 pp <>

Contribution to Collection:

Albani B, Danwerth O and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in B Albani, O Danwerth and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI – XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) 1–11 <>

Danwerth O, Dittmer T, Hardjana S, Hausmann D, Perreaux N, Richter L, Scheidler C, Steinfeld F and Weidgenannt D, ‘Resources in a Social World’ in I Amelung, H Leppin and CA Müller (editors), Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes: Trajectories of a New Research Program (Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2018) 223–253

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in O Danwerth, B Albani and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) 1–16 <>

Mejía Quiroga M del P and Danwerth O, ‘Presentación’ in M del P Mejía Quiroga, O Danwerth and B Albani (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) 1–18 <>

Danwerth O, ‘The Circulation of Pragmatic Normative Literature in Spanish America (16th–17th Centuries)’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 89–130 <>

Book Review:

Danwerth O, ‘Últimas voluntades y voces indígenas [Reseña de: Mark Christensen, Jonathan Truitt (eds.), Native Wills from the Colonial Americas. Dead Giveaways in a New World, Salt Lake City: The University of Utah Press 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 429–434 <>

Danwerth O, ‘Colonial Anden Art [Review of: Heaven, Hell, and Everything in Between: Murals of the Colonial Andes. By Ananda Cohen Suarez. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016]’ (2019) 76 The Americas 509–510

Danwerth O, ‘Rebels with a Cause in Spanish America [Review of: Gregorio alinero, Hombres de mala corte. Desobediencias, procesos políticos y gobierno de Indias en la segunda mitad del siglo XVI (traducción de Manuela Águeda García Garrido), Madrid: Cátedra 2017]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 345–348 <>

Working Paper:

Danwerth O, ‘Erasmus, christlicher Humanismus und Spiritualität in Spanien und Neu-Spanien (16. Jahrhundert)’ 2020-01 Salamanca Working Paper Series 99 pp <>

Max Deardorff

Journal Article:

Deardorff M, ‘¿Quién es morisco? Desde cristiano nuevo a cristiano viejo de moros: Categorías de diferenciación en el Reino de Granada (siglo XVI)’ (2018) Forum Historiae Iuris <>

Deardorff M, ‘Republics, their Customs, and the Law of the King: Convivencia and Self-Determina- tion in the Crown of Castile and its American Territories, 1400–1700’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 162–199 <>

Deardorff M, ‘The Politics of Devotion: Indigenous Spirituality and the Virgin of Chiquinquirá in the New Kingdom of Granada’ (2018) 65 Ethnohistory 465–488

Wim Decock


Decock W, Le marché du mérite. Penser le droit et l’économie avec Léonard Lessius (Bruxelles: Zones sensibles 2019) 160 pp

Edited Collection:

Decock W, Konfliktlösung in der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: Springer-Verlag 2020) 729 pp

Decock W, Buhre I, Dienst T and Strohm C (eds), Martinus Becanus, On the Duty to Keep Faith with Heretics (Grand Rapids: CLP Academic 2019) 180 pp

Decock W, Druwé W, Angelini P, Castelein M (eds), Ius commune graeco-romanum. Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens (Leuven: Peeters Publishers 2019) 328 pp

Decock W, Sagaert V (eds), Islamic Finance Between Religious Norms and Legal Practice (Cambridge: Intersentia 2019)

Journal Article:

Decock W, ‘Knowing before Judging. Law and Economic Analysis in Early Modern Jesuit Ethics’ (2018) 21 Journal of Markets and Morality 309–330

Decock W, ‘Il De monetae mutatione (1609) di Juan de Mariana e la questione costituzionale sollevata contro la svalutazione monetaria’ (2018) Politica e Religione 163–176

Decock W, McGinnis D, ‘Editorial - Interconfessional Dialogues in Early Modern Ethics and Economics’ (2019) 21 Reformation and Renaissance Review 170–171

Decock W, ‘Hugo Grotius’s Views on Consent, Contract and the Christian Commonwealth - Introductory Remarks’ (2020) 41 Grotiana 1–12

Contribution to Collection:

Decock W, ‘Theologische Impulse für ein konfessionsübergreifendes Vertragsrecht’ in K Fitschen, M Schröter, C Spehr, E-J Waschke (editors), Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation / Cultural Impact of the Reformation (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2018) 431–442

Decock W, ‘Law of Property and Obligations: Neoscholastic Thinking and Beyond’ in H Pihlajamäki, M D Dubber, M Godfrey (editors), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 611–631

Decock W and Chiodi G, ‘Disinheritance of Children for Lack of Parental Consent to the Marriage in the Ius Commune and Early Modern Scholastic Traditions’ in M G di Renzo Villata (editor) Succession Law, Practice and Society in Europe across the Centuries (Berlin: Springer 2018) 271–335

Decock W, ‘„Abgrund der Verzweiflung.“ Schuldenerleichterung und Naturrecht in der frühneuzeit- lichen Scholastik’ in S Lepsius, F Vollhardt and O Bach (editors), Von der Allegorie zur Empirie. Natur im Rechtsdenken des Spätmittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2018) 85–103

Decock W, ‘Martín de Azpilcueta (Dr Navarrus)’ in R Domingo and J Martínez-Torrón, Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018) 115–132

Decock W, ‘Oude ‘pijn’ in nieuwe zakken. Geschiedenis in de juridische strijd om het Europees monetair crisisbeleid’ in Interdisciplinariteit in het recht. Law and...-bewegingen in het privaatrecht (Antwerpen, Cambridge: Intersentia 2018) 41–53.

Decock W, ‘De beroepsaansprakelijkheid van de advocaat in Lenaert Leys’ Over rechtvaardigheid en recht’ in H Dondorp, M Schermaier and B Sirks (editors), De rebus divinis et humanis. Essays in Honour of Jan Hallebeek (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2019) 91–103

Decock W, ‘Charles Dumoulin (Molinaeus)’, in O Descamps and D Osle (editors), Great Christian Jurists in French History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019) 97–116

Decock W, Druwé W, Angelini P and Castelein M, ‘Introduction’ in Ius commune graeco-romanum. Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Laurent Waelkens (Leuven: Peeters Publishers 2019) 9–14 <>

Decock W, ‘Tommaso de Vio (Cajetanus)’ in O Condorelli and R Domingo (editors), Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy. The Legacy of the Great Jurists (London: Routledge 2020) 230–244.

Decock W, ‘Poor and Insolvent: Debtor Relief in Alvarez de Velasco’s De privilegiis pauperum (1630)’ in V Mäkinen, J Robinson, P Slotte and H Haara (editors), Rights at the margins. Historical, Legal and Philosophical Perspectives (Leiden, Bosten: Brill 2020) 63–84

Decock W, ‘Princes and Prices: Regulating the Grain Market in Scholastic Economic Thought’ in J A Tellkamp (editor), A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought (Leiden, Boston: Brill 2020) 172–196

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Decock W, ‘Philipp von Leyden (ca. 1326/27-1382)’ in A. Cordes, H-P. Haferkamp, H. Lück, D. Werkmüller,  R.  Schmidt-Wiegand  (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte (Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2018) 594–595

Decock W and Astorri P, ‘Immunität – Historisch’ in H Hallermann, T Meckel, M Droege, H de Wall (editors), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schönignh 2019) 594–595

Decock W, ‘Jesuits and Jurisprudence’, in: R. Maryks (editor), Jesuit Historiography Online, BrillOnline Reference Works 2018 <>

Book Review:

Decock W, ‘[Review of: M. Sole Testuzza, “Ius corporis, quasi ius de corpore disponendi.” Il Tractatus de potestate in se ipsum di Baltasar Gómez de Amescúa, Milano: Giuffrè 2016, 369]’ (2018) 104 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte 530–531

Decock W, ‘Normative Competition and the Early Modern Culture of Ambiguity [Review of A Karsten, H von Thiessen (editors), Normenkonkurrenz in historischer Perspektive, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2015, 343,]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 416–418

Decock W, ‘[Review of: N. B. Oman, The Dignity of Commerce: Markets and the Moral Foundations of Contract Law, Chicago: University of Chicago Press 2016, 304]’ (2018) 21 Journal of Markets and Morality 413–415

Decock W, ‘[Review of: B. Wauters and M. de Benito, The History of Law in Europe, Cheltenham: Elgar 2017, 200]’ (2019) 56 Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht 1400–1401

Decock W, ‘[Review of: C. R. Sherman, The Uses of the Dead: The Early Modern Development of Cy-Près Doctrine, Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press 2018, XXVII + 461]’ (2020) 7 Journal of Jesuit Studies 492–494

Mariana Dias Paes


Dias Paes MA, Escravidão e direito. O estatuto jurídico dos escravos no Brasil oitocentista (1860-1888) (São Paulo: Alameda 2019) 367 pp

PhD Thesis:

Dias Paes MA, ‘Escravos e terras entre posses e tìtulos: construção social do direito de proprie- dade no Brasil (1835-1889) [Tese de Doutorado em Direito]’ (PhD Thesis, [Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo] 2018) [13], 200 pp

Journal Article:

Jimenez Cantisano P and Dias Paes MA, ‘Legal Reasoning in a Slave Society (Brazil, 1860–88)’ (2018) 36 Law and History Review: Semi-annual Publication of Cornell Law School and the American Society for Legal History 471–510

Dias Paes MA, ‘Legal Files and Empires: Form and Materiality of the Benguela District Court Documents’ (2019) 4 Administory 53–70 <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Terras em contenda: circulação e produção de normatividades em conflitos agrários no Brasil Império’ (2019) 74 Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais 379–406 <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘What About African Legal History?’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 271–273  <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Ser dependente no Império do Brasil: terra e trabalho em processos judiciais’ (2020) 27 Población & Sociedad. Revista de Estudios Sociales 8–29 <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Shared Atlantic Legal Culture: the Case of a Freedom Suit in Benguela’ (2020) 17 Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 419–440 <>

Dias Paes MA, Matos Ñgala J de and Espíndola Souza M, ‘The Cluster Goes to Africa. Research Trips to Angola, Guinea Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe 2019’ (2020) 2020 Dependent. The Magazin of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies 32–33 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Dias Paes MA, ‘A história nos tribunais: a noção de escravidão contemporânea em decisões judiciais’ in L Mendes Moreira Miraglia, J do Nascimento Hernandez and R Fernandes de Souza Oliveira (editors), Trabalho escravo contemporâneo: conceituação, desafios e perspectivas, (Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris 2018) 1–31

Dias Paes MA, ‘Das Cadeias Dominicais Impossíveis: Posse e Título no Brasil Império’ in D Unga- retti, MR Lessa, DR Coutinho, FM Prol, IZ Miola and T Ferrando (editors), Propriedades em Trans- formação: Abordagens Multidisciplinares sobre a Propriedade no Brasil (São Paulo: Blucher 2018) 41–58    <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Registro e colonialismo em Angola’ in E Fiocchi Malaspina and S Tarozzi (editors), Historical Perspectives on Property and Land Law. An Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Methods and Research Approaches (Madrid: Dykinson 2019) 161–176 <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Gabriela, Nineteenth-Century Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)’ in EL Ball, T Seijas and TL Snyder (editors), As If She Were Free. A Collective Biography of Women and Emancipation in the Americas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2020) 331–343

Book Review:

Dias Paes MA, ‘Produzindo liberdade, escravidão e normas no Império português [Resenha do: Fernanda Domingos Pinheiro, Em defesa da liberdade: libertos, coartados e livres de cor nos tribunais do Antigo Regime português (Mariana e Lisboa, 1720-1819). Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço Editora, 2018]’ (2020) 179 Revista de História 1–8 <>

Dias Paes MA, ‘Novas perspectivas para uma História Atlântica do Direito [Revisão de: Mariana Pinho Candido, Fronteiras da escravidão: escravatura, comércio e identidade em Benguela (1780– 1850), Benguela: Ondjiri 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 392–397 <>

Thomas Duve


Duve T, 全球法律史导论 = An Introduction to Global Legal History (Li tr, Beijing: The Commercial Press 2019) XI, II, 159 pp

Edited Collection:

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) VII, 303 pp <>

Duve T and Ruppert S (eds), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 767 pp

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) VI, 248 pp <>

Duve T and Danwerth O (eds), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Litera- ture and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 378 pp <>

Birr, C, Duve T and Egío Garcia J L (eds), The School of Salamanca. A case of global knowledge production (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2021), XIII, 430 pp <>

Duve T, Ruppert S and Li F (eds), 柏林共和时代的德国法学 Bo lin gong he shi dai de De guo fa xue [Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik, chinesisch] (Peking: The Commercial Press 2021)

Journal Article:

Duve T and Sakrani R, ‘Introduction: Convivencia(s)’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 92–94   <>

Duve T, ‘Legal Traditions: A Dialogue between Comparative Law and Comparative Legal History’ (2018) 6 Comparative Legal History 15–33 <>

Duve T, ‘Symposium: Legal History and Comparative Law: A Dialogue in Time of the Transnation- alization of Law and Legal Scholarship - Preface’ (2018) 66 The American Journal of Comparative Law 727–731

Duve T and Meccarelli M, ‘The End of Empires’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 300–301 <>

Duve T, ‘„Glokalisierungen“ von Normativität’ (2019) 2019 Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Duve T, ‘La Escuela de Salamanca y la historia del derecho. Balcance y perspectivas’ (2019) 30 Boletín Digital 5–13 <>

Duve T, ‘Peter Landau als Lehrer’ (2019) 36 Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law xi–xiv

Duve T and Li F, ‘Translating Weimar. Introductory Remarks’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 174–175 <>

Duve T, ‘ “复规范性”从何谈起:法律全球化的知识挑战 [What is Multinormativity? Responding to the Intellectual Challenges of Legal Globalization]’ (2019) 31 Peking University Law Journal 21–36

Duve T and Cesano JD, ‘El Derecho Comparado en Alemania. Diálogo con Thomas Duve (Dossier: Diálogo con comparatistas)’ (2020) 3 Cuaderno de Derecho Comparado 196–208 <>

Duve T, ‘Literatura Normativa Pragmática e a Produção de Conhecimento Normativo nos Impérios Ibéricos do Início da Idade Moderna (Séculos XVI-XVII)’ (2020) 42 Revista da Faculdade de Direito da UFRGS 3–44

Duve T, ‘What is Global Legal History?’ (2020) Comparative Legal History <>

Duve T, ‘Wie schreibt man eine Geschichte der Globalisierung von Recht?’ (2020) 75 Juristenzeitung 757–766

Contribution to Collection:

Duve T, ‘Ein fruchtbarer Gärungsprozess? Rechtsgeschichtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik’ in T Duve and S Ruppert (editors), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 67–120

Duve T, ‘Global Legal History: Setting Europe in Perspective’ in H Pihlajamäki, MD Dubber and M Godfrey (editors), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 115–139

Duve T, ‘Indigenous Rights: Latin America’ in MD Dubber and C Tomlins (editors), The Oxford Handbook of Legal History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 817–837

Albani B, Danwerth O and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in B Albani, O Danwerth and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en la Nueva España, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) 1–11 <>

Duve T and Ruppert S, ‘Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik: Zur Einführung’ in T Duve and S Ruppert (editors), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 11–35

Duve T, ‘Storia giuridica globale e storia giuridica comparata. Osservazioni sul loro rapporto dalla prospettiva della storia giuridica globale’ in M Brutti and A Somma (editors), Diritto: storia e comparazione. Nuovi propositi per un binomio antico (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2018) 149–185 <>

Duve T, ‘“Tradições jurídicas” e história do direito’ in A Wehling, G Siqueira and S Barbosa (editors), História do direito: entre rupturas, crises e descontinuidades (Belo Horizonte: Arraes Editores 2018) 19–41

Danwerth O, Albani B and Duve T, ‘Presentación’ in O Danwerth, B Albani and T Duve (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el virreinato del Perú, siglos XVI–XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2019) 1–16 <>

Duve T, ‘Pragmatic Normative Literature and the Production of Normative Knowledge in the Early Modern Iberian Empires (16th–17th Centuries)’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 1–39 <>

Duve T, ‘Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsräume. Wie weit reicht die Schule von Salamanca?’ in M Luts-Sootak and FL Schäfer (editors), Recht und Wirtschaft in Stadt und Land: Neunter Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum, 16.-20. Mai 2018 in Tallinn, Sagadi und Tartu, Estland = Law and Economics in Urban and Rural Environment: 9th Conference in Legal History in the Baltic Sea Area, 16-20 May 2018 in Tallinn, Sagadi and Tartu, Estonia (Bern: Peter Lang 2020) 51–72

Duve T, ‘The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production’ in T Duve, JL Egío Garcia and C Birr (editors), The School of Salamanca: A Case of Global Knowledge Production (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2021) 1–42 <>

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Duve T, ‘Rechtsgeschichte’ in H Hallermann, T Meckel, M Droege and H de Wall (editors), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2020) 3, 779–780

Book Review:

Duve T, ‘Folgenloser Imperialismus? Livland unter schwedischer Herrschaft [Rezension von: Heikki Pihlajamäki, Conquest and the Law in Swedish Livonia (ca. 1630–1710). A Case of Legal Pluralism in Early Modern Europe (The Northern World 77), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 437–438 <>

Duve T, ‘[Rezension von: The Law’s Many Bodies: Studies in Legal Hybridity and Jurisdictional Complexity, c. 1600–1900, hg. v. Seán Patrick Donlan/Dirk Heirbaut. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2015]’ (2018) 135 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Germanistische Abteilung 534–536

Duve T, ‘Verstanden? [Rezension von: Brian P. Owensby, Richard J. Ross (Hg.), Justice in a New World. Negotiating Legal Intelligibility in British, Iberian, and Indigenous America, New York: NYU Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 359–361 <>

Duve T, ‘Iberian Worlds: imperial, vergleichend, global [Rezension von: Fernando Bouza, Pedro Cardim, Antonio Feros (Hg.), The Iberian World: 1450–1820, New York: Routledge 2020; Ângela Barreto Xavier, Federico Palomo, Robert Stumpf (Hg.), Monarquias Ibéricas em Perspectiva Comparada (Sécs. XVI–XVIII). Dinâmicas Imperiais e Circulação de Modelos Administrativos, Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais 2018; Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla, Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415–1668, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 293–296 <>

Duve T, ‘Vom Nutzen der Geschichte für das Recht [Rezension von: Thomas Gutmann, Sebastian Laukötter et al. (Hg.), Genesis und Geltung. Historische Erfahrung und Normenbegründung in Moral und Recht, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 338–342   <>

Duve T, ‘[Review of: Tamar Herzog, A Short History of European Law: the last two and a half Millennia, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2018]’ (2021) 9 Comparative Legal History 116–118

Working Paper:

Duve, T.: La Escuela de Salamanca: ¿un caso de producción global de conocimiento?: considera- ciones introductorias desde una perspectiva histórico-jurídica y de la historia del conocimiento. The Salamanca Working Paper Series 2018-02, 32 pp <>

Duve T, ‘Pragmatic Normative Literature and the Production of Normative Knowledge in the Early Modern Iberian Empires in the 16th–17th Centuries’ 2019-09 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 32 pp <>

Duve T, ‘The School of Salamanca. A Case of Global Knowledge Production’ 2020-12 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 34 pp <>


Duve T, ‘Der Blick auf das Ganze. Die Jurastudenten müssen lernen, warum unser Recht ist, wie es ist. Dazu gehört die NS-Zeit – aber nicht nur sie’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (7 June 2018) 10 <>

Duve T, ‘Waren ja, Menschen nein? Spanische Juristen leiteten vor 500 Jahren aus dem Recht der Völker ein Recht auf Migration ab (online: Von Waren und Menschen)’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (31 July 2018) 11 <>

Duve T, ‘Prefacio’ in CA Ramírez Santos and JL Egío Garcia, Conceptos, autores, instituciones: Revisión crítica de la investigación reciente sobre la Escuela de Salamanca (2008-19) y bibliografía multidisciplinar (Madrid: Dykinson 2020) 9–11

Duve T, ‘Wie die Kurie ihr Recht setzte. Savignys und Kuttners Erbe: Zum Tod des Kanonisten Peter Landau’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (28 May 2020) 12

José Luis Egío Garcia


Ramírez Santos CA and Egío Garcia JL, Conceptos, autores, instituciones: Revisión crítica de la investigación reciente sobre la Escuela de Salamanca (2008-19) y bibliografía multidisciplinar (Madrid: Dykinson 2020) <>

Ramírez Santos CA and Egío Garcia JL, The Research on the School of Salamanca (2008-2019). A Conceptual and Multidisciplinary Bibliography (2020) 178 pp < ssrn.3554940>


Birr C and Egio Garcia JL (eds), Vitoria, Confessionario (2018 [1562]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 24 Bl. pp <>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Vitoria, Summa Sacramentorum (2018 [1561]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 16, 248 Bl., 20 pp <>

Birr C and Egío Garcia JL (eds), Báñez, De Iure et Iustitia Decisiones (2019 [1594]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 14, 654, 18 pp < W0003>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Mercado, Tratos y Contratos (2019 [1569]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) 28, 249 Bl., 28 pp <>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Avendaño, Thesaurus Indicus, Vol. 1 (2019 [1668]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) [14], 347, [17], 41, [3] pp < workDetails.html?wid=W0001_Vol01>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Avendaño, Thesaurus Indicus, Vol. 2 (2019 [1668]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2019) [8], 369, [19], 66, [6] pp <>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Lambert Daneau: Tratado sobre los brujos [1579] (Egío Garcia tr, México: Universidad Iberoamericana 2019) 155 pp

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Avendaño, Thesaurus Indicus, Vol. 3 (2020 [1675]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) [12], 390, [10], 41, [1], 13, [1], 15 pp <>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Avendaño, Thesaurus Indicus, Vol. 4 (2020 [1675]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) [12], 434, [24] pp < workDetails.html?wid=W0001_Vol04>

Egío Garcia JL (ed), Avendaño, Thesaurus Indicus, Vol. 5 (2020 [1675]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2020) [12], 441, [22] pp <>

Journal Article:

Egío Garcia JL and Birr C, ‘Alonso de Cartagena y Juan López de Palacios Rubios. Dilemas suscitados por las primeras conquistas atlánticas en dos juristas salmantinos (1436-1512)’ (2018) 20 Azafea: revista de filosofía 9–36 <>

Egío Garcia JL, ‘“Il y en a de sages & de fols”. Innocent Gentillet et la scission entre huguenots “patiens” et “vindicatifs” au lendemain de la Saint-Barthélemy (1574-1577)’ (2018) 3 Revue d’histoire du protestantisme 197–212

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Matías De Paz and the Introduction of Thomism in the Asuntos De Indias: A Conceptual Revolution’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 236–262 <>

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Towards a New Narrative of Natural Law Thinking in Early Modern Scholasticism’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 280–283 <>

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Tomás de Mercado y la transfretación global de bienes y normas. Emergencia del probabilismo y una ética mercantil diferenciada’ (2020) 15 Cauriensia. Revista anual de cien- cias eclesiásticas 169–201 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Innocent Gentillet y François Hotman: Humanismo jurídico y Reforma protestante en la Francia del siglo XVI’ in MA Pena González and I Delgado Jara (editors), Humanismo cristiano y Reforma protestante (1517-2017) (Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca 2018) 175–190

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Populismo y republicanismo como conceptos historiográficos. La perspectiva de Giménez Fernández (1946) sobre las independencias y el derecho indiano’ in JL Villacañas Berlanga and C Ruiz Sanjuán (editors), Populismo versus republicanismo: genealogía, historia, crítica (Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva 2018) 265–282

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Restaurar el reino de Francia en su antiguo esplendor: percepción y fundamen- tación histórica en la sublevación de los malcontents (1574-1576)’ in A Merle, S Jettot and M Herrero Sánchez (editors), La Mémoire des révoltes en Europe (Paris: Classiques Garnier 2018) 269–288

Egío Garcia JL and Birr C, ‘Before Vitoria: Expansion into Heathen, Empty, or Disputed Lands in Late-Mediaeval Salamanca Writings and Early 16th-Century Juridical Treatises’ in JA Tellkamp (editor), A Companion to Early Modern Spanish Imperial Political and Social Thought (Leiden; Boston: Brill 2020)  53–77

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Pragmatic or Heretic? Editing Catechisms in Mexico in the Age of Discoveries and Reformation (1539–1547)’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 243–281 <>

Book Review:

Egío Garcia JL, ‘La modernidad de Vitoria y su ›internacionalismo‹ a examen: nuevo balance his- toriográfico y atención a aspectos de sus obras poco conocidos [Reseña de: José María Beneyto, Justo Corti Varela (eds.), At the Origins of Modernity. Francisco de Vitoria and the Discovery of International Law (Studies in the History of Law and Justice), Heidelberg: Springer 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 400–405 <>

Working Paper:

Egío Garcia JL, ‘Producing Normative Knowledge between Salamanca and Michoacán: Alonso de la Vera Cruz and the Rocky Road of Books and Marriage’ 2020-17 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 53 pp <>


Egío Garcia JL, ‘Introducción: Un “best seller” de la primera modernidad’ in JL Egío Garcia (editor), Lambert Daneau: Tratado sobre los brujos [1579] (Universidad Iberoamericana 2019) 17–46

Caspar Ehlers


Ehlers C, Forschungsbibliographie ‚Rechtsräume’ = Research Bibliography ‘Legal Spaces’ (2019) 149 pp <>

Edited Collection:

Ehlers C, Zotz T and Maurer H (eds), Die deutschen Königspfalzen Band 3,2: Baden-Württemberg Lieferung 6: Ulm (Fortsetzung) - Nachtrag: Betznau (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020) 209-456 pp

Ehlers C and Zotz T (eds), Die deutschen Königspfalzen Band 5, Teilband 1.2: Albayern. Regensburg (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020) 379 pp

Ehlers C and Grewe H (eds), Mittelalterliche Paläste und die Reisewege der Kaiser: Neue Entdeckungen in den Orten der Macht an Rhein und Main (Oppenheim: Nünnerich-Asmus 2020) 184 pp

Ehlers C and Grewe H (eds), ‘Rechtsräume’: Historische und archäologische Annäherungen (Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann 2020) X, 336 pp

Journal Article:

Ehlers C, ‘Straßensysteme der Vorgeschichte und des früheren Mittelalters’ (2018) 18.2017 Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte 27–41 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Christianisierung als Machtpolitik’ (2019) 51 Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 30–35

Ehlers C, ‘Multiple Universen der Rechtsgeschichte’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 237–240 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Wege zur Krone. Wahlen und viel Pragmatismus’ (2020) 09 Damals. Das Magazin für Geschichte 22–27

Contribution to Collection:

Ehlers C, ‘Hoffnung des Kaiserreiches und Erschütterung des Vaters. Vater und Sohn im Reisekönigtum des frühen salischen Kaisertums’ in G Lubich and D Jäckel (editors), Heinrich III.: Dynastie - Region - Europa (Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau 2018) 9–38

Ehlers C, ‘Rereading the Speech of Otto of Nordheim against the Tyranny of Henry IV in Saxony’ in W Falkowski and Y Sassier (editors), Confiance, bonne foi, fidélité. La notion de fides dans la vie des sociétés médiévales (VIe-XVe siècles) (Paris: Classiques Garnier 2018) 193–208

Ehlers C, ‘Das Vexillum sancti Mauricii und die Heilige Lanze. Überlegungen zu Strategien Heinrichs I’ in S Freund and G Köster (editors), 919 – plötzlich König. Heinrich I. und Quedlinburg (Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner 2019) 163–177

Ehlers C, ‘Die Bedeutung der Leges Barbarorum für den Föderalismus. Rechtswirklichkeit, -transfer und -pluralität’ in D Willoweit (editor), Föderalismus in Deutschland: Zu seiner wechselvollen Geschichte vom ostfränkischen Königtum bis zur Bundesrepublik (Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau Verlag 2019) 43–58

Ehlers C, ‘Die Funktion von frühen Adelsburgen und deren Umwandlung in Klöster. Zur Entwicklung eines interdisziplinären Ansatzes am Beispiel Norddeutschlands bis in die Rhein-Main-Region’ in J Zeune (editor), Adelskulturen auf Burgen (Braubach: Deutsche Burgenvereinigung 2019) 33–49

Ehlers C, ‘Königliche Aufenthalte ohne Pfalz? Zur Diskussion um die Magdeburger Königspfalz’ in S Freund (editor), Die Königspfalzenlandschaft Sachsen-Anhalt und der Osten (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2019) 109–136

Ehlers C, ‘Das Goslarer Stift St. Simon und Judas’ in Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (editor), Das Reichsstift St. Simon und Judas zu Goslar. Geschichte, Architektur und Archäo- logie (Altenburg: E Reinhold Verlag 2020) 42–49

Ehlers C, ‘Herrschaftsorte als Säulen der Macht: Pfalzen und die ambulante Herrschaftspraxis’ in C Ehlers and H Grewe (editors), Mittelalterliche Paläste und die Reisewege der Kaiser (Oppenheim: Nünnerich-Asmus 2020) 27–35

Ehlers C, ‘Kirchlicher Landesausbau im nördlichen Sachsen’ in S Freund and C Warnke (editors), Eine königsferne Landschaft? Der Norden des heutigen Sachsen-Anhalt vom 9. bis ins 12. Jahrhundert (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2019) 9–30

Ehlers C, ‘Der Rhein als historische Landschaft der frühen Ottonen (919-1002)’ in B Schneidmüller (editor), Die Kaiser und die Säulen ihrer Macht. Von Karl dem Großen bis Friedrich Barbarossa (Darmstadt: wbg Theiss 2020) 155–161

Ehlers C, ‘Neuer König, alte Orte? Verborgene und offene Königsumritte im Reich bis zum Interregnum’ in S Freund (editor), P Fütterer, M Belitz and A Reeb, Eine vergessene Pfalz. Helfta und der Süden Sachsen-Anhalts im Früh- und Hochmittelalter (Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner 2020) 271–293

Ehlers C, ‘Orte und Reisewege’ in C Ehlers and H Grewe (editors), Mittelalterliche Paläste und die Reisewege der Kaiser (Oppenheim: Nünnerich-Asmus 2020) 37–51

Ehlers C and Grewe H, ‘Säulen der Macht – eine Einführung’ in C Ehlers and H Grewe (editors), Mittelalterliche Paläste und die Reisewege der Kaiser (Oppenheim: Nünnerich-Asmus 2020) 11–25

Ehlers C, ‘Verwaltete Räume. Über eine transdisziplinäre diachrone Methode’ in S Groth (editor), Der geschichtliche Ort der historischen Forschung. Das 20. Jahrhundert, das Lehnswesen und der Feudalismus (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag 2020) 31–52

Ehlers C, ‘Von wachsender Bedeutung. Die Königspfalz Frankfurt’, Loseblattausgabe: Deutsche Geschichte in Dokumenten (Faksimile-Edition, Braunschweig: Archiv Verlag 2020) 1–2

Ehlers C and Grewe H, ‘Vorwort’ in C Ehlers and H Grewe (editors), ‘Rechtsräume’: Historische und archäologische Annäherungen (Frankfurt  a.M.:  Vittorio Klostermann  2020) VII–X

Ehlers C, ‘Zur Wirkungsgeschichte eines Ordnungsbegriffes. Westfalen zwischen Karolingern und Saliern’ in S Pätzold and F Schmieder (editors), Westfalen in der Zeit der Salier. Neue Forschungen zur Geschichte einer herrscherfernen Region im Römisch-Deutschen Reich. Beiträge der Tagung am 22. April 2018 an der Fernuniversität Hagen (Münster: Aschendorff 2020) 51–76

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Ehlers C, ‘Pfalzgraf’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 515–Sp. 517

Ehlers C, ‘Pfalzkapelle’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 517–Sp. 519

Ehlers C, ‘Pfalznotar’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 519–Sp. 519

Ehlers C, ‘Pfalzrichter’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 519–Sp. 520

Book Review:

Ehlers C, ‘Hansische Forschungsgeschichte als Methodenproblem [Rezension von: Carsten Groth, Hanse und Recht. Eine Forschungsgeschichte (Freiburger rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen N.F. 74. Abt. B, Abhandlungen zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte), Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 381–383 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Integration durch Recht [Rezension von: Karl Ubl, Sinnstiftungen eines Rechtsbuchs. Die Lex Salica im Frankenreich (Quellen und Forschungen zum Recht im Mittelalter 9), Ostfildern: Thorbecke 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 390–392 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Flexible Prediger [Rezension von: Cornelia Linde (Hg.), Making and Breaking the Rules. Discussion, Implementation, and Consequences of Dominican Legislation (Studies of the German Historical Institute London), Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 320–321 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Kanonisches Recht nach dem Investiturstreit [Rezension von: Melodie H. Eichbauer, Danica Summerlin (Hg.), The Use of Canon Law in Ecclesiastical Administration, 1000–1234 (Medieval Law and its Practice 26), Leiden/Boston: Brill 2019]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 317–318 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Rechtsräume der Kirche [Rezension von: Tina Bode, König und Bischof in ottonischer Zeit: Herrschaftspraxis, Handlungsspielräume, Interaktionen (Historische Studien 506), Husum: Matthiesen Verlag 2015]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 392–395 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Wer spiegelt wen? [Rezension von: Lucas Wüsthof, Schwabenspiegel und Augsburger Stadtrecht (Monumenta Germaniae Historica Schriften 73), Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag 2017]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 319–320 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Von der Signifikanz des Graffito [Rezension von: Gary Watt (Hg.), A Cultural History of Law (The Cultural Histories Series), London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 315–319 <>

Ehlers C, ‘Von Knochen und Recht [Rezension von: Matthieu Vivas (Hg.), (Re)lecture archéologique de la justice en Europe médiévale et moderne, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 284–286 <>

Karla Luzmer Escobar Hernández

Journal Article:

Escobar Hernández KL, ‘¿Qué significa ser ciudadano e “indio”?. Sobre la diversidad de formas de apelar a la ciudadanía indígena en el Cauca (Colombia), 1902-1939’ (2020) 17. June Latin American and Caribbean  Ethnic  Studies <>

Book Review:

Escobar Hernández KL, ‘Agresivamente histórico y global [Reseña de: John Brooke et al. (eds.), State Formations. Global Histories and Cultures of Statehood, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 297–300 <>

Maysa Espíndola Souza

Journal Article:

Dias Paes MA, Matos Ñgala J de and Espíndola Souza M, ‘The Cluster Goes to Africa. Research Trips to Angola, Guinea Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe 2019’ (2020) 2020 Dependent. The Magazin of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies 32–33 <>

Lena Foljanty


Foljanty L and Johst D (eds), Fritz Bauer: Kleine Schriften (1921-1961) (Frankfurt; New York: Campus Verlag 2018) 865 pp

Foljanty L and Johst D (eds), Fritz Bauer: Kleine Schriften (1962-1969) (Frankfurt; New York: Campus Verlag 2018) 871-1853 pp

Journal Article:

Foljanty L, ‘Wie Sisyphos mit zwei Steinen. Zur Lage der Juristischen Zeitgeschichte zwischen Rechts- und Geschichtswissenschaft. Positionen und Perspektiven’ (2019) 16 Zeithistorische Forschungen 321–341 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Foljanty L, ‘Alternativen denken und leben und ein Ausgleich für die Mühen der Emanzipation’ in S Baer and U Sacksofsky (editors), Autonomie im Recht - Geschlechtertheoretisch vermessen (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018) 83–92

Rückert J, Foljanty L, Pierson T and Seinecke R, ‘Berliner Schuldrecht - eine neue Epoche?’ in T Duve and S Ruppert (editors), Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik (Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018) 504–578

Foljanty L, ‘Hans Kelsen, das Privatrecht und die Demokratie’ in M Jestaedt, R Poscher and J Kammerhofer (editors), Die Reine Rechtslehre auf dem Prüfstand (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2020) 227–244


Foljanty L and Johst D, ‘Einleitung’ in L Foljanty and D Johst (editors), Fritz Bauer: Kleine Schriften (1921-1961) (Campus Verlag 2018) 19–52

Jeremias Fuchs

Journal Article:

Fuchs J, ‘„Gott mehr gehorchen als den Menschen“. Bischof von Kettelers Überlegungen zur Begründbarkeit eines katholischen Widerstandsrechts im Kulturkampf’ (2019) 25 (2018) Jahrbuch der Hambach-Gesellschaft 55–84

Contribution to Collection:

Fuchs J, ‘Die „kriegerische Volksgemeinschaft“. Strafrechtspraxis am Amtsgericht Neustadt 1939– 1945’ in M Raasch (editor), Volksgemeinschaft in der Gauhauptstadt. Neustadt an der Weinstraße und der Nationalsozialismus (Münster: Aschendorff 2020) 651–668

Adolfo Giuliani

Book Review:

Giuliani F, ‘A Global Perspective on De Propaganda Fide [Review of: Giovanni Pizzorusso, Governare le missioni, conoscere il mondo nel XVII secolo. La Congregazione pontificia De Propaganda Fide (Studi di storia delle istituzioni ecclesiastiche), Viterbo: Edizioni Sette città 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 370–372 <>

Damian Augusto Gonzales Escudero

Journal Article:

Gonzales Escudero DA, ‘Andrés de Santa Cruz y la Confederación Perú-Boliviana: entre la moder- nización y el frenesí legislativo’ (2018) 73 Themis: Revista de Derecho 16–30 <>

Gilberto Guerra Pedrosa

Book Review:

Guerra Pedrosa G, ‘Expedición a Valdivia [Reseña de: Mark Meuwese, To the Shores of Chile: The Journal and History of the Brouwer Expedition to Valdivia in 1643 (Latin American Originals), State College: The Pennsylvania State University Press 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg  313–315 <>

Working Paper:

Guerra Pedrosa G, ‘Depósito (DCH)’ 2020-03 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper  Series 20 pp <>

Karl Härter


Härter K, Strafrechts- und Kriminalitätsgeschichte der Frühen Neuzeit (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2018) X, 204 pp

Edited Collection:

Härter K, Hannappel T and Tyrichter JC (eds), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2019) VI, 238 pp

Härter K, Hillemanns C and Schlee G (eds), On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives (New York/Oxford: Berghahn 2020) vi, 230 pp

Journal Article:

Härter K, ‘Cultural Deviance, Political Crime, Public Media and Security. Perspectives on the Cultural History of Crime and Criminal Justice in Early Modern Europe’ (2018) 21 Crime, histoire & sociétés 261–269

Härter K, ‘Die neue Furcht. Die Obrigkeit sorgt für Sitte und Ordnung – so entsteht die Polizei’ (2018) 2018/1: Mörder und Gendarm. Die Geschichte der Kriminalität von 1500 bis heute ZEIT Geschichte 30–32

Härter K, ‘Die Formierung transnationaler Strafrechtsregime im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert’ (2019) 2018 Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft <>

Härter K, ‘Die jüdische Familie Mainzer in Heppenheim zwischen wirtschaftlichem Aufstieg und nationalsozialistischer Verfolgung’ (2019) 52 Geschichtsblätter Kreis Bergstraße 6–53

Härter K, ‘The Circulation of Transnational Criminal Law between the Americas and Germany (1848-1914) in Extradition Treaties, Juridical Discourses and International Associations’ (2019) 74 Revista da Faculdade de Direito 353–378 <>

Härter K, ‘„Die unwiderstehliche Allmacht des Geschlechtstriebes“. Policeygesetzgebung und sexuelle Devianz zwischen Regulierung, Kriminalisierung und Liberalisierung’ (2019) Sexualität vor Gericht. Deviante geschlechtliche Praktiken und deren Verfolgung vom 14. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert (Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs, 9,1) 16–33 <>

Härter K, ‘Zweckgedanke, Social Defence and Transnational Criminal Law: Franz von Liszt and the Network of Positivist Criminology (1871-1918)’ (2020) 17 Glossae: European Journal of Legal History  150–175 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Härter K, ‘Die gute Policey im Reich als verbindendes Element der Landes- und Reichsgeschichte’ in S Wüst (editor), Schätze der Welt aus landeshistorischer Perspektive: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Wolfgang Wüst (St Ottilien: EOS Verlag 2018) 3–12

Härter K, ‘The Influence of the Napoleonic Penal Code on the Development of Criminal Law in Germany: Juridical Discourses, Legal Transfer and Codification’ in A Masferrer (editor), The Western Codification of Criminal Law: A Revision of the Myth of its Predominant French Influence (Cham: Springer International Publishing 2018) 53–75

Härter K, ‘Wirtschaftskriminalität und gute Policey. Die Normierung kriminellen wirtschaftlichen Handelns in der frühneuzeitlichen Policeygesetzgebung’ in B Kretschmer and B Zabel (editors), Studien zur Geschichte des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts: Methoden - Analysen - Kritik (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018) 147–174

Härter K, ‘Die Reichspoliceyordnungen’ in M Hochedlinger, P Mata and T Winkelbauer (editors), Verwaltungsgeschichte der Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit. Band 1: Hof und Dynastie, Kaiser und Reich, Zentralverwaltungen, Kriegswesen und landesfürstliches Finanzwesen (Wien: Böhlau 2019) 347–349

Härter K, ‘Security and Transnational Policing of Political Subversion and International Crime in the German Confederation after 1815’ in B De Graaf, I De Haan and BE Vick (editors), Securing Europe after Napoleon: 1815 and the New European Security Culture (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2019) 193–213

Härter K, Hillemanns C and Schlee G, ‘Conclusion’ in K Härter, C Hillemanns and G Schlee (editors), On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives (New York/Oxford: Berghahn 2020) 219–221

Härter K, ‘Die Policey der Hamster, Sperlinge, Raupen und Heuschrecken: „Schädliche Tiere“ und

„Ungeziefer“ in der preußischen Policeygesetzgebung der Frühen Neuzeit’ in G Kohl, C Neschwara, T Olechowski, J Pauser, I Reiter-Zatloukal and M Vec (editors), Festschrift für Thomas Simon zum 65. Geburtstag: Land, Policey, Verfassung (Wien: Verlag Österreich 2020) 73–92

Härter K, ‘Galgenlandschaften. Die Visualisierung und Repräsentation von Stätten und Räumen der Strafjustiz in bildhaften Medien der Frühen Neuzeit’ in A Baumann, S Schmolinsky and E Timpener (editors), Raum und Recht. Visualisierung von Rechtsansprüchen in der Vormoderne (Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2020) 109–137

Härter K, ‘Infrajudicial Modes of Conflict Regulation through Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitra- tion in Early Modern European Criminal Justice’ in K Härter, C Hillemanns and G Schlee (editors), On Mediation:  Historical, Legal,  Anthropological and  International Perspectives (New York/Oxford: Berghahn 2020) 15–41

Härter K, Hillemanns C and Schlee G, ‘Introduction. On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropolog- ical and International Perspectives on Alternative Modes of Conflict Regulation’ in K Härter, C Hillemanns and G Schlee (editors), On Mediation: Historical, Legal, Anthropological and International Perspectives (New York/Oxford: Berghahn 2020) 1–11

Härter K, ‘The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders – an Introduction’ in K Härter, T Hannappel and JC Tyrichter (editors), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2019) 1–19

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Härter K, ‘Policey’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 645–Sp. 646

Härter K, ‘Policeyordnungen’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 646–Sp. 652

Härter K, ‘Policeywissenschaft’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 653–Sp. 657

Book Review:

Härter K, ‘Im Verhör [Rezension von: Antje Schumann, Verhör, Vernehmung, Befragung. Zu Geschichte und Dogmatik des Rechtsbegriffs der Vernehmung im Strafprozess und seiner Auflösung im 20. Jahrhundert (Jus Poenale), Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 369–371 <>

Härter K, ‘Kriminalitätshistorische Mikrostudien [Rezension von: Nash, David; Kilday, Anne-Marie (Hrsg.): Law, Crime and Deviance Since 1700. Micro-Studies in the History of Crime, London/New York: Bloomsbury 2016]’ (2018) 63 Neue politische Literatur 440–442

Härter K, ‘[Rezension von: Ariadne Schmidt, Prosecuting Women. A Comparative Perspective on Crime and Gender Before the Dutch Criminal Courts, c.1600-1810, Leiden, New York: Brill, 2020]’ (2020) Forum Historiae Iuris <>

Tina Hannappel

Edited Collection:

Härter K, Hannappel T and Tyrichter JC (eds), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2019) VI, 238 pp

Contribution to Collection:

Hannappel T, ‘Extradition and Expulsion as Instruments of Transnational Security Regimes against Anarchism in the Late Nineteenth Century’ in K Härter, T Hannappel and JC Tyrichter (editors), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2019) 65–97

Winner Ijeoma

Book Review:

Ijeoma W, ‘A New Epoch for African Courts [Review of: Ellen Feingold, Colonial Justice and Decolo- nization in the High Court of Tanzania, 1920–1971, London: Palgrave Macmillan 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 351–353 <>

Insa Jarass


Jarass IS, Privates Einheitsrecht (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019) XXII, 290 pp

Contribution to Collection:

Calliess G-P and Jarass IS, ‘Private Uniform Law and Global Legal Pluralism’ in P Schiff Berman (editor), Oxford Handbook on Global Legal Pluralism (New York: Oxford University Press 2020) 747–767

Contribution to Commentary:

Jarass IS, ‘Art. 17 Rome I Regulation’ in G-P Calliess and M Renner (editors), Rome Regulations. Commentary (3rd edn, Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer 2020) 399–406

Jarass IS, ‘Art. 20 Rome I’ in G-P Calliess and M Renner (editors), Rome Regulations. Commentary (3rd edn, Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer 2020) 426–433

Jarass IS, ‘Art. 24 Rome II Regulation’ in G-P Calliess and M Renner (editors), Rome Regulations. Commentary (3rd edn, Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer 2020) 846–853

Working Paper:

Calliess G-P and Jarass IS, ‘Private Uniform Law & Global Legal Pluralism: The Case of ICC’s Incoterms and UCP’ 2018-12 TLI Think! A Dickson Poon Transnational Law Institute, King’s College London Research  Paper Series <>

Thorben Klünder


Klünder T, ‘Was ist die europäische Rechtsgemeinschaft? Nichts. Alles! [Verfassungsblog. 25.06.2020]’   <>

Klünder T, ‘What is Rechtsgemeinschaft? [Blogbeitrag Max Planck Law. 07.09.2020]’ <>

Anselm Küsters

Journal Article:

Barnes V, Bottomley S and Küsters A, ‘Economic History as Legal History’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 265–270 <>

Küsters A, ‘Freudenberg in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Handlungsmöglichkeiten eines Unternehmens im „Dritten Reich“ am Beispiel der „Arisierung“ der Lederfirma Hirsch’ (2019) 37 Mannheimer Geschichtsblätter 37–56

Küsters A, ‘Von Rothaus Bier und badischem Wein. Ist Heimat mehr als eine kulinarische Erinnerung und ein kommerzielles Produkt?’ (2019) 2019 ARTRegio. Das Magazin für Kunst und Kultur in Süddeutschland 18–23

Küsters A, ‘Die Freiburger Schule und der Stadt-Land-Gegensatz’ (2019) 2(2019) Journal für Kultur 54–59

Küsters A, ‘Wasser oder Öl? Big Data in der europäischen Fusionskontrolle’ (2020) 31 Berliner Debatte Initial 110–123

Küsters A, ‘Artificial Intelligence, Law and Legal History’ (2020) 4 Die Funzel: Halbjahresschrift für prätentiöse Studien 27–29

Küsters A and Garrido E, ‘Mining PIGS. A structural topic model analysis of Southern Europe based on the German newspaper Die Zeit (1946-2009)’ (2020) 28 Journal of Contemporary European Studies  477–493  <>

Küsters A, Volkind L and Wagner A, ‘Digital Humanities and the State of Legal History. A Text Mining Perspective’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 244–259 <>

Book Review:

Küsters A, ‘[Review of: Oswalt, Walter: NO MONO. Capitalism without corporations. Münster 2017]’ (2018) 8 (2018) St. Anne’s academic review 97–99

Küsters A, ‘[Review of: Mark H. Rose, Market rules: bankers, presidents, and the origins of the Great Recession. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019]’ (2020) 73 The economic history review 349–350

Küsters A, ‘Writing the History of the FAZ: Rise and Fall of an Ordoliberal Leitmotif [Review of: Maximilian Kutzner, Marktwirtschaft schreiben. Das Wirtschaftsressort der Frankfurter

Allgemeinen Zeitung 1949 bis 1992, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 365–367 <>

Working Paper:

Küsters A, ‘Applying Lessons of the Past? Exploring ECB Speeches during the Great Recession’ 18/2 UPIER Working Paper 54 pp < media/working_paper_kuesters.pdf?time=1543681180336>

Küsters A, ‘In Search of Ordoliberalism: Evidence from the Annual Reports of the German Council of Economic Experts, 1964-2017’ 2019-12 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 102 pp <>

Küsters A, ‘Warum eine gute Geschichte nicht immer gut sein muss: Zur wirtschaftspolitischen Wirkmächtigkeit von Narrativen aus verhaltensökonomischer Perspektive’ A-02-2020A DNGPS Working Paper <>


Küsters A and Moreno EG, ‘Mining Die Zeit. A Structural Topic Model Analysis of Spain‘s Image in the German Media, 1946-2009’ 16 UPIER Working Paper 39 pp <>

Jasper Kunstreich

Book Review:

Kunstreich J, ‘Das alte Stück Papier und das Meer: Schuldversprechen im westindischen Ozean zwischen islamischem Recht und britischer Kolonialherrschaft [Rezension von: Fahad Ahmad Bishara, A Sea of Debt: Law and Economic Life in the Western Indian Ocean, 1780–1950 (Asian Connections), Cambridge 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 455–457 <>

Kunstreich J, ‘Against Theory? [Review of: Felix Lange, Praxisorientierung und Gemeinschaftskonzeption: Hermann Mosler als Wegbereiter der westdeutschen Völkerrechtswissenschaft nach 1945 (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht 262), Berlin: Springer 2017]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 451–453 <>

Kunstreich J, ‘Umschreibung und Einschreibung – wie Privatrecht Kapital kodiert [Rezension von: Katharina Pistor, The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality, Princeton: Princeton University Press 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 371–374 <>

Zheng Li

Journal Article:

Li F, ‘Becoming Policy. Cultural Translation of the Weimar Constitution in China (1919–1949)’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 207–221 <>

Duve T and Li F, ‘Translating Weimar. Introductory Remarks’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 174–175 <>

Book Review:

Li F, ‘And or With Others: Normative Orders of Nations in South and Southeast Asia, c. 1500– 1900 [Review of: Clara Kemme, Between Tribute and Treaty: Implementing the Law of Nations in South and Southeast Asia, c. 1500–1900 (Rechtsgeschichtliche Studien 75), Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovač 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 443–445 <>


Wagner A and Li F, ‘Rg-mpg-de/fupeng: Citation Network Visualisation of two Drafts (1923 and 1936) of the Chinese Constitution (Version v1.0). Zenodo’ (2020)

Bruno Lima

Book Review:

Lima B, ‘Multinormatividade da Escravidão [Recensão de: Edward Rugemer, Slave Law and the Politics of Resistance in the Early Atlantic World, Cambridge: Harvard University Press 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 319–321 <>

Karl-Heinz Lingens

Book Review:

Lingens K-H, ‘Ausgehandelte Ehre [Rezension von: Regina Dauser, Ehren-Namen. Herrschertitulaturen im völkerrechtlichen Vertrag 1648–1748 (Norm und Struktur 46), Köln, Weimar, Wien 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 438–440 <>

Constanza López Lamerain

Contribution to Collection:

López Lamerain C, ‘Translating Canon Law into Local Reality: from Trent to Santiago de Chile’, Les traductions du discours juridique. Perspectives historiques (Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes 2018) 47–58

Marina Martin

Book Review:

Martin M, ‘A Springboard to Revolutionize the Future [Review of: Frederick Cooper, Citizenship, Inequality and Difference: Historical Perspectives, Princeton: Princeton University Press 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 280–282 <>

Anna Clara Lehmann Martins

Journal Article:

Martins ACL, ‘Discurso de ódio em redes sociais e reconhecimento do outro: o caso M.’ (2019) 15 Revista Direito GV <>

Albani B and Martins ACL, ‘A governança da igreja escrita entre o nacional e o global: A presença das congregações cardinalícias em manuais brasileiros de direito eclesiástico (1853-1887)’ (2020) 1 Almanack 1–78 <>

Albani B and Martins ACL, ‘The Governance of the Church written between National and Global Perspectives: The Presence of Congregations of Cardinals in Brazilian Manuals of Ecclesiastical Law (1853-1887)’ (2020) 1 Almanack 1–78 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Martins ACL, ‘Reges domino servant etiam leges dando: O rei como mediador da lei no espaço político-jurídico da ecclesia em Hincmar de Reims’ in AD da Silveira and M Paolozzi (editors), Ser, tempo e espaço: reflexões interdisciplinares sobre o medievo (Pelotas: NEPFil online 2018) 59–91

Book Review:

Martins ACL, ‘A “diabolical Constitution” in Mexico [Review of: Carmen-José Alejos Grau, Una historia olvidada e inolvidable. Carranza, Constitución e Iglesia Católica en México (1914–1919), Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 439–441 <>

Mario G. Losano


Losano M G., Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Roma: Carocci Editore 2018) 510 pp

Losano M G., Големите юридически системи, превод от италиански Поля Търколева (София: Изток-Запад 2018) 453 pp

Losano M G., Hans Kelsen, Due saggi sulla democrazia in difficoltà (1920-1925). A cura di Mario G. Losano (Torino: Aragno 2018) XXII–134

Losano M G., Los grandes sistemas jurídicos. Introduccíón al derecho europeo y extranjero, Versión castellana de Alfonso Ruiz Miguel (Santiago (Chile): Olejnik 2019) 354 pp

Losano M G., La libertà d’insegnamento in Brasile e l’elezione del Presidente Bolsonaro (Mimesis: Milano 2019) 221 pp

Losano M G., Le tre costituzioni pacifiste. Il rifiuto della guerra nelle costituzioni di Giappone, Italia e Germania (Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte: Frankfurt a.M. 2020) 403 pp

Edited Collection:

Losano M G., Hans Kelsen, Due saggi sulla democrazia in difficoltà (1920-1925). A cura di Mario G. Losano (Torino: Aragno 2018) XXII–134

Losano M G., Rudolf von Jhering, Lo scopo nel diritto. Traduzione e cura di Mario G. Losano Torino, Vol. II (Torino: Nino Aragno Editore 2020) LXXXV–614

Journal Article:

Losano M G., ‘Pietro Luigi Albini e l’Ateneo di Brescia’ (2018) Commentari dell’Ateneo di Brescia per l’anno 2016 49–58

Losano M G., ‘Attualità di Bartolomé de Las Casas: contro l’evangelizzazione “armis et bombardis”’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History 405–407

Losano M G., ‘Democrazia senza democratici: Weimar alle porte?’ (2018) Hans Kelsen, Due saggi sulla democrazia in difficoltà (1920-1925) V-XXII.

Losano M G., ‘Friedrich Carl von Savigny und die Akademie der Wissenschaften von Turin. Mit acht Briefen Savignys an und einem von Federico Sclopis’ (2018) [Savigny-] Zeitschrift für Rechtsgeschichte –  Germanistische  Abteilung 251–290

Losano M G., ‘Friedrich Carl von Savigny e l’Accademia delle Scienze di Torino’ (2018) XLVIII, Materiali per una storia del pensiero giuridico 3–43

Losano M G., ‘Prólogo’ (2018) Hans Kelsen, La idea del derecho natural y otros ensayos. Edición al cuidado de Carlos Antonio Agurto et al. Presentación de Mario G. Losano 9–16

Losano M G., ‘La opinión jurídica de Hans Kelsen de 1933 sobre la Asamblea Nacional Constituyente de Brasil. Texto en español (traducción)’ (2018) Justicia y derechos Humanos. Revista del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos” (Peru) 147–159

Losano M G., ‘L’università del Brasile tra la costituzione del 1988 e il nuovo corso di Bolsonaro’ (2019) Diritto Pubblico 211–241

Losano M G., ‘De Kelsen a la informática jurídica: una entrevista con Mario G. Losano – From Kelsen to Legal Informatics: An Interview with Mario G. Losano – Jose Antonio García Sáez’ (2019) 49 Isonomía 187–219

Losano M G., ‘La libertà universitaria sotto attacco in Brasile’ (2019) 1 Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie (NAD): Diritto, Istituzioni, Società 3–38

Losano M G., ‘Bolsonaro mette il bavaglio agli insegnanti’ (2019) 2 Micromega 273–281

Losano M G., ‘L’università del Brasile tra la costituzione del 1988 e il nuovo corso di Bolsonaro’ (2019) Diritto Pubblico 211–241

Losano M G., ‘De Kelsen a la informática jurídica: una entrevista con Mario G. Losano – From Kelsen to Legal Informatics: An Interview with Mario G. Losano – Jose Antonio García Sáez’ (2019) 49 Isonomía 187–219

Losano M G., ‘La libertà universitaria sotto attacco in Brasile’ (2019) 1 Nuovi Autoritarismi e Democrazie (NAD): Diritto, Istituzioni, Società 3–38

Losano M, ‘Bolsonaro mette il bavaglio agli insegnanti’ (2019) 2 Micromega 273–281

Losano M G., ‘Le opere e i giorni di Hans Kelsen, il giurista del secolo’ (2020) Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto 455–484

Losano M G., ‘La critica democratica di Hans Kelsen alla costituzione del Cile del 1925’ (2020) Diritto Pubblico, 287–304

Losano M G., ‘Las nuevas derechas y la libertad de enseñanza – los recientes casos de Brasil y Alemania’ (2020) XXXVI Anuario de Filosofía del Derecho 43–64

Losano M G., ‘Scripta volant: la volatilizzazione dei documenti nell’era digitale’ (2020) XXV Il diritto dell’informazione e dell’informatica 17–42

Losano M G., ‘Scripta volant: la volatilizzazione dei documenti nell’era digitale’ (2020) XIX Prim@ Facie 1–34

Contribution to Collection:

Losano M G., ‘Referências de Mario G. Losano [bibliografia 1961-2017]’ in Fredys Orlando Sorto, O pensamento jurídico entre Europa e América. Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Mario G. Losano (Porto Alegre: Sergio Antonio Fabris Editor 2018) 655–728

Losano M G., ‘Le corrispondenze dal Giappone del portoghese Wenceslau de Moraes: 1902-1913’ in Riflessioni sul Giappone antico e moderno. Vol. III (Canterano (Roma): Aracne 2018) 257–276

Losano M G., ‘Del mundo del derecho al derecho en el mundo’ in M G Losano (ed.), Los grandes sistemas jurídicos. Introduccíón al derecho europeo y extranjero, Versión castellana de Alfonso Ruiz Miguel (Santiago (Chile): Olejnik 2019) 17–37

Losano M G., ‘A República de Weimar e a Cidade Livre de Fiume: De Projetos Criativos a Resultados Autoritários’ in Gilberto Bercovici (ed.), Cem Anos da Constituição de Weimar (1919-2019) (São Paulo: Quartier Latin 2019) 665–692

Losano M G., ‘Bobbios ‘Bekehrung’ zur Reinen Rechtslehre. Die Turiner Schule und die Rezeption Hans Kelsens in Italien’ in M Jestaedt et al. (editors), Die Reine Rechtslehre auf dem Prüfstand. Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law: Conceptions and Misconceptions (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 2019) 331–342

Losano M G., ‘Introduzione. La lunga marcia dell’informatica nelle istituzioni italiane’ in Diana Urania Galetta, Roberto Cavallo Perin (editors), Diritto dell’amministrazione digitale (Torino: Giappichelli 2020) XXIII–XXXVII

Losano M G., ‘Scritti di informatica giuridica 1966-2020 di Mario G. Losano’, in: Diana Urania Galetta, Roberto Cavallo Perin (editors), Diritto dell’amministrazione digitaledigitale (Torino: Giappichelli 2020) XXXVII–LVIII

Losano M G., ‘Con Kelsen, e oltre Kelsen’ in Paolo Di Lucia, Lorenzo Passerini Glazel (editors), Il dover essere del diritto. Un dibattito teorico sul diritto illegittimo a partire da Kelsen (Torino: Giappichelli 2020) 27–35

Losano M G., ‘Krieg und Frieden in Kelsen – gestern und heute’ in C Jabloner, T Olechowski, K Zeleny, Die Verfassungsentwicklung 1918-1920 und Hans Kelsen (Wien: Manz 2020) 1–17

Juelma Matos Ñgala

Journal Article:

Dias Paes MA, Matos Ñgala J de and Espíndola Souza M, ‘The Cluster Goes to Africa. Research Trips to Angola, Guinea Bissau and São Tomé e Príncipe 2019’ (2020) 2020 Dependent. The Magazin of the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies 32–33 <https://www.>

Book Review:

Matos Ñgala J de, ‘Julgamento em escala Atlântica [Resenha do: Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile, Páscoa et ses deux maris. Une esclave entre l’Angola, Brésil et Portugal au XVII siècle, Paris: PUF 2019]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 307–309

Massimo Meccarelli

Journal Article:

Meccarelli M, ‘I tempi ascrittivi tra esperienza giuridica e ricerca storica’ (2018) 2 Le Carte e la Storia 18–25

Meccarelli M and Paixão C, ‘Constituent power and constitution-making process in Brazil: concepts, themes, problems’ (2020) 40 Giornale di storia costituzionale / Journal of Consitutional History 29–54

Contribution to Collection:

Meccarelli M, Palchetti P and Sotis C, ‘Die Menschenrechte zwischen Emanzipationsforderungen und Herrschaftslogik’ in Massimo Meccarelli, Paolo Palchetti, Carlo Sotis (editors), Die Schattenseite der Menschenrechte. Emanzipationsforderungen und Herrschaftslogik beim Schutz der Rechte der Einzelperson (Berlin: Lit Verlag 2018) 1–17

Meccarelli M, ‘Lo sguardo rivolto altrove: per un rinnovato dialogo tra storia del diritto e «Rechtsgeschichte»’ in C Cornelissen, G D’Ottavio (editors), Germania e Italia. Sguardi incrociati sulla storiografia (Bologna: Il Mulino 2019) 225–224

Meccarelli M, ‘Time of innovation and time of transition shaping the legal dimension: a methodological approach from legal history’ in M Meccarelli, C Paixão, C Roesler (editors), Innovation and transition in law: Experiences and theoretical settings (Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/Dykinson 2020)

Edited Collection:

Meccarelli M, Palchetti P and Sotis C (eds), Die Schattenseite der Menschenrechte. Emanzipationsforderungen und Herrschaftslogik beim Schutz der Rechte der Einzelperson (Berlin: Lit Verlag 2018)

Meccarelli M, Paixão C and Roesler C (eds), Innovation and transition in law: Experiences and theoretical settings (Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/Dykinson 2020)

María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga

Edited Collection:

Mejía Quiroga M del P, Danwerth O and Albani B (eds), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) VI, 278 pp <>

Contribution to Collection:

Mejía Quiroga M del P, ‘“Just Rules” for a “Religiosity of Simple People”: Devotional Literature and Inquisitorial Trials in Cartagena de Indias (17th–18th Centuries)’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 328–349 <>

Mejía Quiroga M del P and Danwerth O, ‘Presentación’ in M del P Mejía Quiroga, O Danwerth and B Albani (editors), Normatividades e instituciones eclesiásticas en el Nuevo Reino de Granada, siglos XVI-XIX (Frankfurt am Main: Max Planck Institute for European Legal History 2020) 1–18 <>

Book Review:

Mejía Quiroga M del P, ‘Protestantes e Inquisidores en Indias [Reseña de: Joël Graf, Die Inquisition und ausländische Protestanten in Spanisch-Amerika (1560–1770). Rechtspraktiken und Rechts- räume, Köln: Böhlau 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 421–423 <>

Working Paper:

Mejía Quiroga M del P, ‘Usuras (DCH)’ 2020-01 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 24 pp <>

Christoph H.F. Meyer


Meyer CHF, Non-Christians in the Normative Culture of the Catholic Church between Antiquity and the Modern Era: A Select Bibliography (2020) 145 pp <>

Journal Article:

Meyer CHF, ‘Zweimal mittelalterliches Kirchenrecht’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 276–279  <>

Meyer CHF, ‘Nichtchristen in der Geschichte des kanonischen Rechts: Beobachtungen zu Ent- wicklung und Problemen der Forschung’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 139–160 <>

Meyer CHF, ‘Römisches und kanonisches Recht kurz und bündig. Zur Epitomierung lateinischer Rechtstexte zwischen Spätantike und Moderne’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 31–66 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Meyer CHF, ‘Das Vierte Laterankonzil als Einschnitt der kirchlichen Rechtsgeschichte. Zugleich zur Konzilsgesetzgebung im dreizehnten Jahrhundert’ in MC Ferrari, K Herbers and C Witthöft (editors), Europa 1215. Politik, Kultur und Literatur zur Zeit des IV. Laterankonzils (Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau 2018) 29–92

Meyer CHF, ‘Putting Roman and Canon Law in a Nutshell: Developments in the Epitomisation of Legal Texts between Late Antiquity and the Early Modern Period’ in T Duve and O Danwerth

(editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 40–88 <>

Jan-Henrik Meyer

Edited Collection:

Meyer J-H and Kaijser A (eds), Special Issue: Siting Nuclear Installations at the Border (Turnhout: Brepols 2018) 173 pp <>

Journal Article:

Kaijser A and Meyer J-H, ‘Nuclear Installations at the Border. Transnational Connections and International Implications. An Introduction’ (2018) 3 Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft  1–32   <>

Kaijser A and Meyer J-H, ‘“The World”s Worst Located Nuclear Power Plant”: Danish and Swedish Cross-Border Perspectives on the Barsebäck Nuclear Power Plant’ (2018) 3 Journal for the History of Environment and Society = Revue histoire, environnement et société = Zeitschrift für die Geschichte von Umwelt und Gesellschaft 71–105 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘A Plea for More Historical Awareness in Environmental Law’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 291–293 <>

Hasenöhrl U and Meyer J-H, ‘The Energy Challenge in Historical Perspective’ (2020) 61 Technology and Culture 295–306

Contribution to Collection:

Meyer J-H, ‘Nature: From Protecting Regional Landscapes to Regionalist Self-Assertion in the Age of the Global Environment’ in XM Núñez Seixas and E Storm (editors), Regionalism and Modern Europe: Identity Construction and Movements from 1890 to the Present Day (London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic 2018) 65–82

Meyer J-H, ‘“Atomkraft – Nej tak”: How Denmark did not Introduce Commercial Nuclear Power Plants’ in A Mignon Kirchhof (editor), Pathways into and out of Nuclear Power in Western Europe Austria, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and Sweden (München: Deutsches Museum 2019) 74–123 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘Environmental Policy’ in V Dujardin, É Bussière, P Ludlow, F Romero, D Schlenker and A Varsori (editors), The European Commission 1986-2000: History and Memories of an Institution (Luxemburg: Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union 2019) 371–387 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘La politique de l’environnement’ in V Dujardin, É Bussière, P Ludlow, F Romero, D Schlenker and A Varsori (editors), La Commission européenne 1986-2000: Histoire et mémoires d’une institution (Luxembourg: Office des publications de l’Union européenne 2019) 383–401 < 01aa75ed71a1/language-fr>

Meyer J-H, ‘Umweltpolitik’ in V Dujardin, É Bussière, P Ludlow, F Romero, D Schlenker and A Varsori (editors), Die Europäische Kommission 1986-2000: Geschichte und Erinnerungen einer Institution (Luxemburg: Amt für Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Union 2019) 403–421 < 01aa75ed71a1/language-de>

Meyer J-H, ‘Responding to the European Public? Public Debates, Societal Actors and the Emergence of a European Environmental Policy’ in C Wenkel, E Bussière, A Grisoni and H Miard- Delacroix (editors), The Environment and the European Public Sphere: Perceptions, Actors, Policies (Cambridgeshire: The White Horse Press 2020) 223–243

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Meyer J-H, ‘Ideas, Actors and Political Practices in the Environmental History of Europe’, Encyclopédie pour une histoire numérique de l’Europe [online] (2020) <>

Meyer J-H, ‘Idées, acteurs et pratiques politiques de l’histoire environnementale européenne’, Encyclopédie pour une histoire numérique de l’Europe [online] (2020) <>

Book Review:

Meyer J-H, ‘[Review of: Andrew S. Tompkins. Better Active than Radioactive!: Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.]’ (2018) September 2018 H-Net Reviews: H-German  1–2 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘[Rezension von: Gassert, Philipp: Bewegte Gesellschaft. Deutsche Protestgeschichte seit 1945. Stuttgart 2018]’ (2018) 17.09.2018 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften 1–3 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘[Rezension von: Kemper, Claudia (Hrsg.): Gespannte Verhältnisse. Frieden und Protest in Europa während der 1970er und 1980er Jahre. Essen: Klartext Verlag 2017]’ (2018) 14.05.2018 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften 1–3 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘[Rezension von: Stephen Milder: Greening Democracy: The Anti-Nuclear Movement and Political Environmentalism in West Germany and Beyond, 1968–1983 (New Studies in European History), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 2017]’ (2018) 78 WerkstattGeschichte 107–110 <>

Meyer J-H, ‘Kernkraft, Gesellschaft und Demokratie in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren [Rezension von: Gaumer, Janine: Wackersdorf. Atomkraft und Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik 1980–1989.

München, 2018. Schramm, Luise: Evangelische Kirche und Anti-AKW-Bewegung. Das Beispiel der Hamburger Initiative kirchlicher Mitarbeiter und Gewaltfreie Aktion im Konflikt um das AKW Brokdorf 1976–1981. Göttingen, 2018]’ (2019) 14.06.2019 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften <>

Meyer J-H, ‘[Review of: Dolores L. Augustine: Taking on Technocracy. Nuclear Power in Germany, 1945 to the Present, New York: Berghahn Books, 2018]’ (2019) 19 Sehepunkte <>

Meyer J-H, ‘[Review of: Simon Märkl: Big Science Fiction: Kernfusion und Popkultur in den USA. Bielefeld: Transcript Publishing, 2019]’ (2020) 61 Technology and Culture 983–984

Meyer J-H, ‘[Review of: Petric, Hrvoje, and Ivana Zebec Silj Environmentalism in Central and Southeastern Europe: Historical Perspectives. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017]’ (2019) 46 East Central Europe 161–164

Meyer J-H, ‘[Review of: Christian Forstner: Kernphysik, Forschungsreaktoren und Atomenergie. Transnationale Wissensströme und das Scheitern einer Innovation in Österreich. Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019. Dolores Augustine: Taking on Technocracy. Nuclear Power in Germany. 1945 to the Present. New York: Berghahn, 2018. Natalie Pohl: Atomprotest am Oberrhein. Die Auseinander- setzung um den Bau von Atomkraftwerken in Baden und im Elsass (1970–1985). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2019. Astrid M. Eckert: West Germany and the Iron Curtain. Environment, Economy, and Culture in the Borderlands. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.]’ (2020) 28 NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 629–634

Working Paper:

Espluga J, Medina B, Konrad W, Bergmans A, Charnley-Parry I, Cools P, Cotton M, Enander A, Meyer J-H, Rowe G and Whitton J, ‘Case Studies Reports: In-depth Understanding of the Mechanisms for Effective Interaction with Civil Society: Selected Case Studies [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Project Report D4.3]’ 252 pp <>

Konrad W, Espluga J, Bergmans A, Charnley-Parry I, Cotton M, Enander A, Meyer J-H, Rowe G and Whitton J, ‘Comparative Cross-Country Analysis on Preliminary Identification of Key Factors Underlying Public Perception and Societal Engagement with Nuclear Developments in Different National Contexts [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Project Report D4.2]’ 69 pp <>

Meyer J-H, Rowe G, Cotton M, Cunha M, Charnley-Parry I and Whitton J, ‘D6.3. Final Dissemination and Engagement Report [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Project Report D6.3]’>

Meyer J-H, ‘Denmark: Short Country Report [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Short Country Reports D3.6]’ 54 pp <>

Meyer J-H, Charnley-Parry I, Cotton M, Rowe G and Whitton J, ‘Report on Dissemination, Communication, Engagement and the Database of Key Stakeholders [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Project Report D6.2]’ 92 pp <>

Meyer J-H, ‘What can we Learn from Studying the History of Nuclear Energy and Society in 20 Countries? [HoNESt – History of Nuclear Energy and Society, Policy Brief I]’ 18 pp <>

Heinz Mohnhaupt

Journal Article:

Mohnhaupt H, ‘Beobachtungen zur Verfassungsgeschiche in Deutschland während der letzten 15 Jahre’ (2018) 11 Krakowskie studia z historii państwa i prawa = Cracow Studies of Consitutional and Legal History 47–65

Contribution to Collection:

Mohnhaupt H, ‘Justus Wilhelm Hedemann e o desenvolvimento da disciplina “direito económico”’ in G Bercovici (editor), Cem anos da constituição de Weimar (1919-2019) (São Paulo: Quartier Latin 2019) 471–510

Mohnhaupt H, ‘Reisen, vergleichen, erkennen. Zu Praktiken juristischer Erkenntnis durch Kompara- tistik’ in G Kohl, C Neschwara, T Olechowski, J Pauser, I Reiter-Zatloukal and M Vec (editors), Fest- schrift für Thomas Simon zum 65. Geburtstag. Land, Policey, Verfassung (Wien: Verlag Österreich 2020) 191–207

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Mohnhaupt H, ‘Privileg, neuzeitlich’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 28, Sp. 821–Sp. 828

Book Review:

Mohnhaupt H, ‘“Am Ende stritt man um Akten” [Rezension von: Alexander Denzler, Über den Schriftalltag im 18. Jahrhundert. Die Visitation des Reichskammergerichts von 1767 bis 1776 (Norm und Struktur. Studien zum sozialen Wandel in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit 45), Köln/ Weimar/Wien: Böhlau 2016]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 387–389 <>

Mohnhaupt H, ‘“Wer Hoheitsrechte hat, visitiert” [Rezension von: Anette Baumann, Visitationen am Reichskammergericht. Speyer als politischer und juristischer Aktionsraum des Reiches (1529–1588) (Bibliothek Altes Reich 24), Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter Oldenbourg 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 351–353 <>

Osvaldo Rodolfo Moutin

Edited Collection:

Terráneo S and Moutin OR (eds), IV Jornadas de Estudio del Derecho Canónico Indiano (Junín: De Las Tres Lagunas 2018) 240 pp

Contribution to Collection:

Moutin OR, ‘Las horas canónicas en la primera evangelización del Nuevo Mundo’ in T Hiergeist and I del Olmo (editors), Christian Discourses of the Holy and the Sacred from the 15th to the 17th Century (Berlin: Peter Lang 2020) 261–274

Moutin OR, ‘Producing Pragmatic Literature in the Third Mexican Provincial Council (1585)’ in T Duve and O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff 2020) 282–295 <>

Book Review:

Moutin OR, ‘Barely Known Old Legal Texts Come to Light [Review of: Juan Fernando Cobo Betancourt, Natalie Cobo (eds.), La legislación de la arquidiócesis de Santafé en el período colonial (Colección Biblioteca del Nuevo Reino de Granada), Bogotá: ICANH 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 355–356 <>

Working Paper:

Moutin OR, ‘Oficios divinos (DCH)’ 2020-07 Max Planck Institute for European Legal History Research Paper Series 11 pp <>

Zülâl Muslu

Journal Article:

Muslu Z, ‘Language and Power. The Dragoman as a Link in the Chain Between the Law of Nations and the Ottoman Empire’ (2020) 22 Journal of the History of International Law 50–74

Muslu Z, ‘Le droit d’asile entre les deux rives du Bosphore: Faire de l’hospitalité un acte politique’ (2020) 7 Grief. Revue sur les mondes du droit 71–81

Aleksi Ollikainen-Read

Journal Article:

Ollikainen-Read A, ‘Assignments of Equitable Interests and the Origins of Re Rose’ (2018) 82 Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 63–73

Ollikainen-Read A, ‘Creditors’ Claims against Trustees and Trust Funds’ (2018) 24 Trusts & Trustees 177–193

Ollikainen-Read A, ‘Paradigm Choices in Anglo-American Law of Obligations’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 284–285 <>

Ollikainen-Read A, ‘The Origin and Logic of Saunders v Vautier’ (2020) 84 Conveyancer and Property Lawyer 295

Paz Nomey

Contribution to Collection:

Rex Galindo D, Kalfelis M and Paz Nomey JL, ‘Agency and Asymmetrics: Actors and their Access to Resources in Colonial and Development Setting’ in I Amelung, H Leppin and CA Müller (editors), Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes: Trajectories of a New Research Program (Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2018) 293–327

Jorge Alberto Núñez

Edited Collection:

Núñez J A, Cesano J D, González Alvo L (eds), Historia de las prisiones sudamericanas. Entre experiencias locales e historia comparada (Siglos XIXY XX) (Tucumán: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán 2019) 614 pp

Journal Article:

Núñez J A, ‘Penitenciarismo justicialista for export. El asesoramiento técnico de Roberto Pettinato en la construcción de la Penitenciaría del Litoral (Ecuador, Mayo-Septiembre 1954)’ (2019) 74 Revista da Faculdade de Direito 311–351

Núñez J A and González E, ‘¿Hacia un Penitenciarismo latinoamericano? Cambios y continuidades en las políticas penitenciarias argentinas (1900-1955)’ (2020) 73 Anuario de Derecho Penal 811–831

Núñez J A and González E, ‘Argentina’s Participation in the International Penal and Penitentiary Congress (1872-1950)’ (2020) Glossae: European Journal of Legal History 83–118

Núñez J A and H Olaeta, ‘La condición carcelaria y el auxilio de Eva Perón a los condenados’ (2020) 828 Revista Todo es Historia 56–70

Núñez J A, Olaeta H, García Basalo A, ‘¿Escuela de readaptación o puerta giratoria? La política carcelaria del primer gobierno peronista y la gestión de Cambiemos’ (2020) 27 Diké. Revista de Investigación en Derecho, Criminología y Consultoría Jurídica 85–114

Contribution to Collection:

Núñez J A, Cesano J D, ‘A Juridical Approach to Imprisonment (1887-1955): Historiographical notes on the origin of Penitentiary Law in Argentine Universities’ in Criminal Law: Past, present and Future Perspectives (Nueva York/Estados Unido: Nova 2019) 90–132

Christian Pogies


Pogies C, ‘Bei einer diplomatischen Lösung gibt es keinen Verlierer: Interview mit Rüdiger Wolfrum zur Lage in der Straße von Hormus [Völkerrechtsblog. 21.08.2019]’ <>

Pogies C, ‘With a diplomatic solution, there would be no loser. An interview with Rüdiger Wolfrum on the situation in the Strait of Hormuz [Völkerrechtsblog. 21.08.2019]’ <>

Pogies C, ‘An ideal at sea: International law and a “conflict through norm-genesis” approach [Völkerrechtsblog.  03.09.2019]’  <>

Pogies C, ‘Worthy of the “Increasingly Global Perspective”? [Reading the Battle for UNCLOS as Global Legal History] [Völkerrechtsblog. 30.12.2020]’ <>

Pogies C, Kunz R and Tuchtfeld E, ‘Introducing Völkerrechtsblog 3.0 [Völkerrechtsblog. 14.09.2020]’ <>

Pogies C, Saiger A-J and Spitra S, ‘“‘The West’ might not exist anymore”. An Interview with Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann on their new book “The Battle for International Law” [Völkerrechts- blog. 24.12.2020]’ <>

Sigfrido Ramirez Perez

Edited Collection:

Ramirez Perez S and Covarrubias Valdenebro A (eds), New Frontiers of the Automobile Industry. Exploring Geographies, Technology, and Institutional Challenges (Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave McMillan 2020) 506 pp

Journal Article:

Ramirez Perez S, ‘Crises and Transformations of European Integration: European Business Circles during the Long 1970s’ (2019) European Review of History 618–635

Ramirez Perez S and Klebaner S, ‘Managing Technical Changes from the Scales of Legal Regulation. German Clean Cars Against the European Pollutant Emissions Regulations in the 1980s’ (2019) 14 Management & Organizational History 442–468

Ramirez Perez S, ‘Embedding the Market During Times of Crisis: the European Automobile Cartel During a Decade of Crisis (1973–1985)’ (2020) Special issue paper in: Business and Competition Policy in Europe Business History <>

Ramirez Perez S, ‘Spanish Trade Unions and European Integration: From the Democratic Transition to the Treaty of Maastricht (1973-1992)’ (2020) 26 Journal of European Integration History 61–80

Christoph Resch

Book Review:

Resch C, ‘Vertragsgeschichte mit Charles Dickens [Rezension von: Anat Rosenberg, Liberalizing Contracts. Nineteenth Century Promises Through Literature, Law and History, London: Rout- ledge 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 416–418 <>


Möller C, Schütt B, Berking J, Köhler A, Resch C and Leder A, ‘[Database] Topoi Research Project A-3-4, Topoi Research Project B-1-4: Roman Water Law (Edition Topoi)’ (2018) <>

David Rex Galindo

Journal Article:

Galindo D R and Leal C, ‘Para no poner en peligro la santa pobreza. Economía material en el Colegio de misiones de Chillán-Chile, 1756-1817’ (2020) 9 Vínculos de Historia 452–472

Contribution to Collection:

Rex Galindo D, Kalfelis M and Paz Nomey JL, ‘Agency and Asymmetrics: Actors and their Access to Resources in Colonial and Development Setting’ in I Amelung, H Leppin and CA Müller (editors), Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes: Trajectories of a New Research Program (Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2018) 293–327

Galindo D R, ‘Inside the Cloister: Exploring the Life of Fray Junípero Serra in the College of San Fernando’ in S Hackel (editor), The Worlds of Junípero Serra: Eighteenth-Century Contexts and Nineteenth-Century Representations (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 2018) 87–106

Galindo D R, ‘Shaping Colonial Behaviors: Franciscan Missionary Literature and the Implementation of Religious Normative Knowledge in colonial Mexico, 1530s-1640s’ in T Duve, O Danwerth (editors), Knowledge of the Pragmatici: Legal and Moral Theological Literature and the Formation of Early Modern Ibero-America (Leiden: Brill 2020) 296–327

Philipp Schmitt


Schmitt P and Wolckenhaar L, ‘Justiz Macht Politik: Wie unabhängig ist die Justiz, wie frei der Gesetzgeber? Symposium der Jungen Akademie Mainz in Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte am 27.11.2018 in Mainz’, Juristenzeitung (2019) 1096–1098

Raquel Sirotti

Contribution to Collection:

Sirotti RR, ‘Within the Law: Criminal Law and Political Repression in Brazil (1889-1930)’ in T Sureau and Y Auge (editors), Understanding Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment. Collected Results of the International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP) (Halle (Saale): Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology 2019) 203–206

Book Review:

Sirotti RR, ‘Built to Colonize [Review of: Dior Konaté, Prison Architecture and Punishment in Colonial Senegal, Lanham/MD: Rowman & Littlefield 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 412–414 <>

Philipp N. Spahn

Book Review:

Spahn PN, ‘Ein zweifelhaftes Geschenk [Rezension von: Steven A. Schoenig, Bonds of Wool. The Pallium and Papal Power in the Middle Ages (Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Canon Law 15), Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press 2016]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 395–397 <>

Spahn PN, ‘Investiturstreit [Rezension von: Johrendt, Jochen: Investiturstreit. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2018. Zey, Claudia: Der Investiturstreit. München: C.H. Beck, 2017]’ (2019) 19.09.2019 H-Soz-u-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften    <>

Spahn PN, ‘Tripartite Legal Knowledge [Review of: Stephan Dusil, Wissensordnungen des Rechts im Wandel. Päpstlicher Jurisdiktionsprimat und Zölibat zwischen 1000 und 1215 (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia. Series I/Studia XLVII), Leuven: Leuven University Press 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 315–316 <>

Michael Stolleis


Stolleis M, O direito público na Alemanha: uma introdução a sua história do século XVI ao XXI (São Paulo: Saraiva 2018) 288 pp

Stolleis M, Escrever história do direito: reconstrução, narrativa ou ficção? (Cabral tr, São Paulo: Editora Contracorrente 2020) 72 pp

Edited Collection:

Mußgnug D and Stolleis M (eds), Heinrich Zoepfl (1807–1877). Heidelberger Universitätsprofessor und Rechtsgutachter (Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing 2019) 305 pp <>

Journal Article:

Stolleis M, ‘Intervention [Lectures de...“Histoire de l´état des juristes - Allemagne, XIXe-XXe siècles / Jean-Louis Halpérin”]’ (2018) 36.2016 Revue d’histoire des Facultés de droit et de la culture juridique 41–46

Stolleis M, ‘Legal Pluralism in the 19th and 20th century’ (2018) 66 Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu = Annals of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Belgrade Law Review 5–12 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Lessons from the Past? Rule of Law, Institutional Arrangements, Constitutional Review’ (2018) 4 Italian Review of Legal History 1–18 <>

Stolleis M, ‘“Recht” in der Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur’ (2018) 20 Denkströme: Journal der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 65–68 <>

Stolleis M, ‘„Staatsfreiheit“ und Selbstorganisation’ (2018) 68 Rotary-Magazin 45–46

Stolleis M, ‘Sur la place de l’histoire contemporaine du droit en Allemagne’ (2018) 14 Clio@Themis 1–5   <>

Stolleis M, ‘Über das “Magdeburger Stadtrecht”’ (2018) 43.2015-2016 / 2016-2017 Orden Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste: Reden und Gedenkworte 15–23 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Woher – wohin? Bemerkungen zu Geschichte und Zukunft Europas’ (2018) 43.2015- 2016 / 2016-2017 Orden Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste: Reden und Gedenkworte 85–107       <>

Stolleis M, ‘Cincuenta años de “El interés público como problema jurídico”’ (2019) Año 16, Número 32 Revista de derecho constitucional europeo <>

Stolleis M, ‘Die Sprache der Verfassung. Eine Bestandsaufnahme’ (2019) 2019 Polytechnik. Informationen aus der Stiftung Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt am Main 22–23 <>

Stolleis M, ‘El proyecto social de la Constitución de Weimar’ (2019) 20 Historia Constitucional 233–251 <>

Stolleis M, ‘La “costituzione sociale” di Weimar del 1919’ (2019) 52 Il pensiero politico. Rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali 189–207

Stolleis M, ‘Prozess ohne Gesetz’ (2019) 61 (2016) Jahresschrift / Hebelbund Lörrach 40–49

Stolleis M, ‘Ricarda Huch und Sophie von Scheve: Das Marbacher Porträt’ (2019) 63 Jahrbuch der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft 145–161

Stolleis M, ‘The Constitutional State in Transition to the Age of Globalization’ (2019) 95 Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra 1327–1344

Stolleis M, ‘“Der Stechlin”, ein politischer Zeitroman’ (2020) 109 Fontane Blätter 116–129

Stolleis M, ‘Die Sprache unserer Verfassungen’ (2020) 74 Merkur 85–91

Stolleis M, ‘Grimmelshausens “Simplicianischer Zweyköpffiger Ratio Status”’ (2020)  Simpliciana 15–33

Contribution to Collection:

Stolleis M, ‘Die Entstehung des Landes Hessen und seiner Verfassung’ in G Hermes and F Reimer (editors), Landesrecht Hessen. Studienbuch (9th edn, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2018) 17–32

Stolleis M, ‘Die soziale Programmatik der Weimarer Reichsverfassung’ in H Dreier and C Waldhoff (editors), Das Wagnis der Demokratie. Eine Anatomie der Weimarer Reichsverfassung (München: CH Beck 2018) 195–218

Stolleis M, ‘Ent-Rechtung durch Recht’ in W Rosenthal (editor), ‘Ein Unrecht, das nicht weiterwirken darf’. Die Entziehung von Doktorgraden an der Universität Jena in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus. Dokumentation der Gedenkveranstaltung am 09.11.2016  (Jena: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität 2018) 22–35

Stolleis M, ‘European Twentieth-Century Dictatorship and the Law’ in H Pihlajamäki, MD Dubber and M Godfrey (editors), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 1073–1094

Stolleis M, ‘Geschichte der Polizei in Deutschland (I. Die Polizei im frühmodernen Staat (15.-18. Jahrhundert); II. Die Polizei in der konstitutionellen Monarchie des 19. Jahrhunderts; III. Die Polizei in der Weimarer Republik und unter dem nationalsozialistischen Regime; IV. Die Polizei nach 1945)’ in E Denninger and H Lisken (editors), Handbuch des Polizeirechts. Gefahren- abwehr, Strafverfolgung, Rechtsschutz (6th edn, München: CH Beck 2018) 1–36

Stolleis M, ‘Verfassung gestern: Verfassungsentwicklung des 19. Jahrhunderts’ in U Dawy and G Lübbe-Wolf (editors), Verfassung: Geschichte, Gegenwart, Zukunft. Autorenkolloquium mit Dieter Grimm (Nomos: Baden-Baden 2018) 33–45

Stolleis M, ‘Dank und Vortrag: Die europäische Rechtskultur - ein Baustein der Zukunft’, Geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Europaforschung. Meyer-Struckmann-Preis 2019: Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Michael Stolleis (Dortmund: Verlag Kettler 2020)

Stolleis M, ‘Das aufgeregte Jahr 1832’ in D Mußgnug and M Stolleis (editors), Heinrich Zoepfl

(1807–1877). Heidelberger Universitätsprofessor und Rechtsgutachter (2019) 51–64 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Epochen und Zäsuren in der europäischen Rechtsgeschichte’ in P Monnet, T Maissen and B Mittler (editors), Les usages de la temporalité dans les sciences sociales = Vom Umgang mit Temporalität in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Bochum: Verlag Dr Dieter Winkler 2019) 85–95

Stolleis M, ‘Gedenkansprache: Die Zerbrechlichkeit des Rechtsstaats’ in H Hering (editor), Ver- anstaltungen zum Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus 2018. Plenarsitzung im Neuen Justizzentrum Koblenz, Ausstellung im Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz (Föhren: Bastian Druck 2019)    19–36    <>

Stolleis M, ‘Magdalena Nold als Gräfin von Leiningen-Neudenau’ in D Mußgnug and M Stolleis (editors), Heinrich Zoepfl (1807–1877). Heidelberger Universitätsprofessor und Rechtsgutachter (2019) 155–160 <>

Stolleis M, ‘O Programma Social da Constituição de Weimar’ in G Bercovici (editor), Cem Anos da Constituição de Weimar (1919 - 2019) (São Paulo: Quartier Latin 2019) 707–727

Stolleis M, ‘Professor und Geheimer Hofrat’ in D Mußgnug and M Stolleis (editors), Heinrich Zoepfl (1807–1877). Heidelberger Universitätsprofessor und Rechtsgutachter (2019) 7–13 <>

Stolleis M, ‘1804: Code civil, Code Napoléon und Deutschland’ in A Fahrmeir (editor), Deutschland. Globalgeschichte einer Nation (München: CH Beck 2020) 308–312

Stolleis M and Gaillet A, ‘Dialogue entre le traduit et la traductrice’ in M Bassano and W Mastor (editors), Justement traduire. Les enjeux de la traduction juridique (histoire du droit, droit comparé) (Toulouse: Presses de l’Université Toulouse 2020) 177–190

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Stolleis M, ‘Foerster, Erich’, Frankfurter Personenlexikon (Onlinefassung) (2018) <>

Stolleis M, ‘Bornitz, Jakob’ in W Kühlmann, J-D Müller, M Schilling, JA Steiger and F Vollhardt (editors), Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1520-1620. Literaturwissenschaftliches Verfasserlexikon, Band 7 (Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, Ergänzungsband 2, Band 7) (Berlin: De Gruyter 2019) Spalte 84–Spalte 89

Stolleis M, ‘Clapmarius, Arnold’ in W Kühlmann, J-D Müller, M Schilling, JA Steiger and F Vollhardt (editors), Frühe Neuzeit in Deutschland 1520-1620. Literaturwissenschaftliches Verfasserlexikon, Band 7 (Die deutsche Literatur des Mittelalters. Verfasserlexikon, Ergänzungsband 2, Band 7) (Berlin: De Gruyter 2019) Sp. 105–Sp. 112

Stolleis M, ‘Pfeffinger, Johann Friedrich (1667-1730)’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 27, Sp. 565–Sp. 566

Stolleis M, ‘Pütter, Johann Stephan (1725-1807)’ in A Cordes, H Lück, D Werkmüller and H-P Haferkamp (editors), Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Rechtsgeschichte = HRG (2, völlig überarb und erw Aufl, Berlin: E Schmidt 2018) 4, Lfg. 28, Sp. 961–Sp. 963

Book Review:

Stolleis M, ‘Arbeit am historischen Neuanfang. Jörg-Detlef Kühne dokumentiert die Genese der Weimarer Reichsverfassung [Rezension von: Jörg-Detlef Kühne: Die Entstehung der Weimarer Reichsverfassung. Grundlage und anfängliche Geltung. Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf 2018]’ (2018) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 10

Stolleis M, ‘Der Strom kommt aus der Steckdose [Rezension von: Dirk van Laak, Alles im Fluss. Die Lebensadern unserer Gesellschaft. Geschichte und Zukunft der Infrastruktur, Frankfurt a. M.: S. Fischer 2018]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 429–432 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Lehrmeister Amerika [Rezension von: James Q. Whitman, Hitler’s American Model. The United States and the Making of Nazi Race Law. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 489–492 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Neujustierung der Völkerrechtsgeschichte [Rezension von: Andreas von Arnauld (Hg.), Völkerrechtsgeschichte(n). Historische Narrative und Konzepte im Wandel. Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, Bd. 196, Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2017]’ (2018) 26 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 375–377 <>

Stolleis M, ‘[Rezension von: Carsten Kremer (Hrsg.): Die Verwaltungsrechtswissenschaft in der frühen Bundesrepublik (1949–1977), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2017]’ (2018) 143 Archiv des Öffentlichen Rechts 682–684

Stolleis M, ‘[Rezension von: Manfred Gailus: Friedrich Weißler. Ein Jurist und bekennender Christ im Widerstand gegen Hitler. Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2017]’ (2018) 306 Historische Zeitschrift 902–903

Stolleis M, ‘[Rezension von: Joachim Radkau: Geschichte der Zukunft. Prognosen, Visionen, Irrungen in Deutschland von 1945 bis heute, Hanser Verlag, München 2017]’ (2018) 16 Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht 115–116

Stolleis M, ‘Wovon lebt der weltanschaulich neutrale Staat? Nur nicht subjektiven Betroffenheiten nachgeben: Horst Dreier denkt nüchtern über die säkulare Verfassung in religiös bewegten Zeiten nach [Rezension von: Horst Dreier: Staat ohne Gott. Religion in der säkularen Moderne. C.H. Beck Verlag, München 2018]’ (2018) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 12

Stolleis M, ‘Es gibt ja Karlsruhe. Knapper und anschaulicher geht es kaum: Uwe Wesel legt eine Rechtsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik vor [Rezension von: Uwe Wesel: Rechtsgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Von der Besatzungszeit bis zur Gegenwart. C. H. Beck Verlag, München 2019]’ (2019) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung L 11

Stolleis M, ‘“Im Reiche und in den Ländern müssen nach Maßgabe der Gesetze Verwaltungsgerichte … bestehen” (Art. 107 Weimarer Reichsverfassung) [Rezension von: Karl-Peter Sommermann, Bert Schaffarzik (Hg.), Handbuch der Geschichte der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit in Deutschland und Europa, 3 Bde., Berlin: Springer 2019]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 418–420 <>

Stolleis M, ‘[Rezension von: Sager, Fritz/Rosser, Christian/Mavrot, Céline/Hurni, Pascal Y., A Transatlantic History of Public Administration. Analyzing the USA, Germany and France. Cheltenham 2018, Edward Elgar]’ (2019) 52 Die Verwaltung 297–298

Stolleis M, ‘Spielräume für den Widerstand. Hans Petter Graver über das Verhalten des norwegischen Juristenstands unter deutscher Besatzung [Rezension von: Hans Petter Graver, Der Krieg der Richter. Die deutsche Besatzung 1940 – 1945 und der norwegische Rechtsstaat, Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2019]’ (2019) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 10

Stolleis M, ‘Juristische Zeitgeschichte im hexagonalen Blick [Rezension von: Frédérik Audren, Anne Sophie Chambost, Jean-Louis Halpérin (Hg.), Histoires contemporaines du droit, Paris: Dalloz 2020]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 327–329 <>

Stolleis M, ‘Zu Recht vergessen? [Rezension von: Nikolaus Marsch, Laura Münkler, Thomas Wischmeyer (Hg.), Apokryphe Schriften. Rezeption und Vergessen in der Wissenschaft, vom Öffentlichen Recht, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 334–336 <>


Stolleis M, ‘Fehlen ist staatlich. Rede vom „Staatsversagen“’ F.A.Z. Einspruch Magazin (6 June 2018)

Stolleis M, ‘Vergessliche Reiniger. Den Palandt umbenennen?’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (18 April 2018) N3

Stolleis M, ‘Reste von Rechtssicherheit’ Der Tagesspiegel (13 October 2019)

Stolleis M, ‘Höchste Rechtskraft. Zum Neunzigsten von Bernhard Diestelkamp’ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (6 July 2019) 12

Stolleis M, ‘Nachwort’ in P Landau, Juristen jüdischer Herkunft im Kaiserreich und in der Weimarer Republik (München: CH Beck 2020) 105–110

Jean Conrad Tyrichter

Edited Collection:

Härter K, Hannappel T and Tyrichter JC (eds), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century. Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2019) VI, 238 pp

Stefan Vogenauer


Triebel V and Vogenauer S, Englisch als Vertragssprache. Fallstricke und Fehlerquellen (München: CH Beck 2018) XVII, 216 pp

Beale H, Fauvarque-Cosson B, Rutgers J and Vogenauer S, Cases, Materials and Text on Contract Law (3, fully revised and updated, Oxford [u.a.]: Hart 2019) lxv, 1448 pp

Edited Collection:

Chen-Wishart M, Loke A and Vogenauer S (eds), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia II: Formation and Third Party Beneficiaries (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) XLV, 587 pp

Chen-Wishart M and Vogenauer S (eds), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia III: Contents of Contracts and Unfair Terms (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020) lx, 623 pp

Chen-Wishart M, Sono H and Vogenauer, S (eds), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia, vol IV: Validity (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021) 645 pp

Greineder D, Pörnbacher K and Vogenauer, S (eds), Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Rechtssprache: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Volker Triebel (Munich: CH Beck 2021) x, 388 pp

Journal Article:

Bajon P and Vogenauer S, ‘Entscheidungskulturen in der Rechtsgeschichte der Europäischen Union’ (2018) 2017 Jahrbuch der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft <>

Momberg R and Vogenauer S, ‘The Principles of Latin American Contract Law: Text, Translation, and Introduction’ (2018) 23 Uniform Law Review 144–170

Triebel V and Vogenauer S, ‘Englisch als Vertragssprache: Fallstricke und Fehlerquellen’ (2020) Anwaltsblatt 472–476

Barnes V, MacMillan C and Vogenauer S, ‘On Legal Biography’ (2020) 41 Journal of Legal History 115–121 <>

Vogenauer, S, ‘Hardship clauses und verwandte Klauseln in internationalen Handelskäufen – Teil I: Rechtsvergleichende Überlegungen und Einheitsrecht’ (2021) 6 Zeitschrift für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 3-9

Vogenauer, S, ‘Hardship clauses und verwandte Klauseln in internationalen Handelskäufen – Teil II: Regelungsbedarf bei der Vertragsgestaltung und einschlägige Klauselarten‘, (2021) 6 Zeitschrift für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 57-62

Vogenauer, S, ‘Hardship clauses und verwandte Klauseln in internationalen Handelskäufen – Teil III: Force majeure-, Material Adverse Change- und weitere Anpassungsklauseln‘, (2021) 6 Zeitschrift für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 112-118

Vogenauer, S, ‘Hardship clauses und verwandte Klauseln in internationalen Handelskäufen – Teil IV: Vertragliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten‘, (2021) 6 Zeitschrift für internationales Wirtschaftsrecht 147-153

Contribution to Collection:

Vogenauer S, ‘Article 6:110: Stipulation in Favour of a Third Party’ in N Jansen and R Zimmermann (editors), Commentaries on European Contract Laws (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 866–898

Vogenauer S, ‘Interpretation’ in N Jansen and R Zimmermann (editors), Commentaries on European Contract Laws (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 740–785

Chen-Wishart M, Loke A and Vogenauer S, ‘Introduction’ in M Chen-Wishart, A Loke and S Vogenauer (editors), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia II: Formation and Third Party Beneficiaries (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018) 1–23

Vogenauer S, ‘Vorsprung durch Technik: Private Law Scholarship in 20th Century Germany from a Comparative Perspective’ in S Grundmann and K Riesenhuber (editors), Private Law Development in Context: German Private Law and Scholarship in the 20th Century (Cambridge; Antwerp; Portland: Intersentia 2018) 39–78

Vogenauer S, ‘Interpretation of Contracts and Control of Unfair Terms in Asia: a Comparison’ in M Chen-Wishart and S Vogenauer (editors), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia, vol III: Contents of Contracts and Unfair Terms (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020) 477–558

Vogenauer S, ‘Sources of Law and Legal Method in Comparative Law’ in M Reimann and R Zimmermann (editors), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (2nd edn, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2019) 877–901

Vogenauer S and Chen-Wishart M, ‘Introduction’ in M Chen-Wishart and S Vogenauer (editors), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia, vol III: Contents of Contracts and Unfair Terms (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2020) 1–23

McKendrick E and Vogenauer S, ‘Supervening Events in Contract Law: two Cases on the Interaction of National Contract Laws, International Uniform Law and “Soft Law” Instruments’ in C Benicke and S Huber (editors), National, international, transnational: harmonischer Dreiklang im Recht: Festschrift für Herbert Kronke zum 70. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 2020 (Bielefeld: Gieseking 2020) 1121–1138

Chen-Wishart M, Sono, H and Vogenauer, S, ‘Introduction’ in M Chen-Wishart, H Sono and S Vogenauer (editors), Studies in the Contract Laws of Asia, vol IV: Validity (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2021) 1-34

Vogenauer, S, ‘Divergenz zwischen Vertragsstatut und Vertragssprache bei Geltung österreichischen Rechts: eine Fallstudie aus der internationalen Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit’ in D Greineder, K Pörnbacher and S Vogenauer (editors), Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Rechtssprache: Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Volker Triebel (Munich: CH Beck 2021) 345-371

Vogenauer, S, ‘Der Gottesfrieden von Le Puy (ca. 976 AD)’ in T Keiser, P Oestmann and T Pierson (editors), Wege zur Rechtsgeschichte: Die rechtshistorische Exegese – Quelleninterpretation in Hausarbeiten und Klausuren (Cologne/Weimar/Vienna: UTB 2021) 337-363

Book Review:

Vogenauer S, ‘Introduction: Two Oxford Handbooks on the History of Law [Review of: Markus D Dubber and Christopher Tomlins (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Legal History (Oxford 2018) and Heikki Pihlajamäki, Marks D Dubber and Mark Godfrey (eds), The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History (Oxford 2018)]’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 232–235 <>


Batlan F and Vogenauer S, ‘Editorial’ (2020) 60 American Journal of Legal History 1–2 <>

Andreas Wagner


Birr C, Wagner A and Kirchen M (eds), Castillo, Tratado de Cuentas (2018 [1522]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) XXVIII Bl. pp <>

Birr C and Wagner A (eds), Vitoria, Relectiones Theologicae XII, Vol. 1 (2018 [1557]) (Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur 2018) 481 pp <>

Journal Article:

Wagner A, ‘Ambiguität und Unsicherheit: drei Ebenen eines Datenmodells’ (2019) 4 Die Modellie- rung des Zweifels – Schlüsselideen und -konzepte zur graphbasierten Modellierung von Unsicher- heiten (Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften. Sonderbände) <>

Küsters A, Volkind L and Wagner A, ‘Digital Humanities and the State of Legal History. A Text Mining Perspective’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 244–259 <>

Contribution to Collection:

Wagner A, ‘Francisco de Vitoria’ in Rafael Domingo and Javier Martínez-Torrón (editors), Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2018) 84–96

Wagner A, ‘Francisco de Vitoria and the Global Commonwealth’ in R Domingo and J Witte, Jr. (editors), Christianity and Global Law (London: Routledge 2020) 72–83

Entry to Encyclopedia:

Wagner A, ‘Information’ in H Oberreuter and B Steimer (editors), Staatslexikon. Recht – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft. 3, Herrschaft - Migration (8th edn, Freiburg: Herder 2019) Sp. 219–Sp. 227

Wagner A and Spindler A, ‘School of Salamanca’ in M Sgarbi (editor), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Cham: Springer 2018)

Book Review:

Wagner A, ‘[Rezension von: Riccardo Saccenti, Debating Medieval Natural Law. A Survey. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2016]’ (2018) 18 Sehepunkte <http://www.sehepunkte. de/2018/04/29774.html>


Wagner A and Li F, ‘Rg-mpg-de/fupeng: Citation Network Visualisation of two Drafts (1923 and 1936) of the Chinese Constitution (Version v1.0). Zenodo’ (2020)

Valeria Vegh Weis

Journal Article:

Weis V V, ‘Green activism and indigenous claims under the language of criminality. The persecu- tion of Argentinean indigenous peoples confronting state-corporate environmental harms’ (2019) International Journal for Crime Justice, and Social Democracy 38–55

Weis V V, ‘Por una Criminología Crítica Verde del Sur un analísis sobre selectividad penal, pueblos indígenas y daños ambientales en Argentina’ (2019) Revista Crítica Penal y Poder 53–74

Contribution to Collection:

Weis V V, ‘Policing in times of global governace. The counter-terrorism law as a platform for the suppression of Native-Argentineans’ social protest by the gendarmerie’ in K. Klára, V. Nagy (editors), New perspectives in post-transitional policing studies (The Hague: Eleven 2020)

Book Review:

Weis V V, ‘[Entrevista a Thomas Duve]’ (2019) 101 Revista Lecciones y Ensayos 375 – 384

Weis V V, ‘[Review of: Haz lo que digo y no lo que hago]’ (2019) 27 Zeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte 1–2

Emily Whewell


Whewell E, Law across Imperial Borders: British Consuls and Colonial Connections on China’s Western Frontiers, 1880-1943 (Manchester: Manchester University Press 2020) 216 pp

Journal Article:

Whewell E, ‘Deporting Indian Political Suspects: Treaty Port China’s Legal Connection to India, 1914-30’ (2019) 20 Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History

Barnes V and Whewell E, ‘English Contract Law Moves East: Legal Transplants and the Doctrine of Misrepresentation in British Consular Courts’ (2019) 7 The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law 26–48 <>

Whewell E, ‘Seeking Refuge in Hostility: The Caribbean “British Isle of Freedom” and the Right to Remove Fugitive Convicts’ (2019) 48 The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 149–167 <>

Whewell E, ‘Legal Mediators: British Consuls in Tengyue (Western Yunnan) and the Burma-China Frontier Region, 1899–1931’ (2020) 54 Modern Asian Studies 95–122 <>

Book Review:

Whewell E, ‘[Review of: Shaping Modern Shanghai: Colonialism in China’s Global City, by Isabella Jackson, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018]’ (2019) 20 Journal of Colonialism & Colonial History

Whewell E, ‘[Review of: Thirteen Months in China: A Sub-altern Indian and the Colonial World, Anand A. Yang, Kamal Sheel, Ranjana Sheel, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2017]’ (2019) H-net reviews <>

Leonard Wolckenhaar

Edited Collection:

Wolckenhaar L, Donath PB, Bretthauer S, Dickel-Görig M, Drehwald J, Gourdet S, Heger A, Henrich C, Hoffmann J, Kirchbach C, Kring J, Lang LI, Neumann T, Plicht S, Stix C, Völzmann B and Zimmermann S (eds), Verfassungen – ihre Rolle im Wandel der Zeit: 59. Assistententagung Öffentliches Recht, Frankfurt am Main 2019. Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, wissenschaftlichen Assistentinnen und Assistenten (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2019) 357 pp

Wolckenhaar L, Bretthauer S, Henrich C, Völzmann B and Zimmermann S (eds), Wandlungen im Öffentlichen Recht. Festschrift zu 60 Jahren Assistententagung – Junge Tagung Öffentliches Recht (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2020) 660 pp

Book Review:

Wolckenhaar L, ‘Die knarrende Stimme des Korporatismus [Rezension von: Jonas Hagedorn, Oswald von Nell-Breuning SJ. Aufbrüche der katholischen Soziallehre in der Weimarer Republik, Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh 2018]’ (2020) 28 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg 353–355   <>


Schmitt P and Wolckenhaar L, ‘Justiz Macht Politik: Wie unabhängig ist die Justiz, wie frei der Gesetzgeber? Symposium der Jungen Akademie Mainz in Kooperation mit dem Max-Planck- Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte am 27.11.2018 in Mainz’, Juristenzeitung (2019) 1096–1098

Johanna Wolf


Wolf J, Assurances of Friendship: transnationale Wege von Metallgewerkschaftern in der Schiffbauindustrie, 1950-1980 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2018) 406 pp

Contribution to Collection:

Wolf J, ‘The History of Labour and Global Studies’ in K Loeke and M Middell (editors), The Many Facets of Global Studies: Perspectives from the Erasmus Mundus Global Studies Programme (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH 2019) 129–132

Wolf J, ‘Der Bremer Vulkan in der Krise: Der Strukturwandel einer westdeutschen Werft in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren’ in D Hoffmann and U Brunnbauer (editors), Transformation als soziale Praxis: Mitteleuropa seit den 1970er Jahren (Berlin: Metropol 2020) 39–51 <>

Book Review:

Wolf J, ‘[Rezension von: Alice Mah, Port Cities and Global Legacies. Urban Identity, Waterfront Work, and Radicalism Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke 2014]’ (2018) 22 Sozial.Geschichte online 181–187 <>

Wolf J, ‘[Rezension von: Knud Andresen, Gebremste Radikalisierung. Die IG Metall und ihre Jugend 1968 bis in die 1980er Jahre. Wallstein: Göttingen 2016]’ (2020) 26 Sozial.Geschichte online   138–145   <>

Working Paper:

Wolf J, ‘Aufbau der DGB-Bezirke in Ostdeutschland, 1990–1995. Eine Literaturstudie’ 112-2018 Working Paper Forschungsförderung 59 pp <>

Zeynep Yazici Caglar

Journal Article:

Yazici Caglar Z, ‘Comparative Legal History – But How?’ (2019) 27 Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History Rg  241–243  <>

Institute Events

Special Series


Jour fixe

Osvaldo Barreneche (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Police legal frameworks and practices in 20th century Latin America (12.02.2018)

Phillip Hellwege (Universität Augsburg), Tontines and the history of insurance law (23.04.2018)

Insa Jarass / Jasper Kunstreich (mpilhlt), Präsentation der Otto-Hahn-Preisträger (14.05.2018)

Dave De ruysscher (Tilburg University), Security interests and consistency in commercial law: the example of Roman-Dutch scholarship (17th century) (10.09.2018)

Priyasha Saksena (mpilhlt), The many meanings of divisible sovereignty: princes, British officials, and the Indian States Committee (1928-1929) (12.11.2018)

Thomas Clausen (Trinity College, Cambridge, UK), Roland Freisler (1893-1945) and the National Socialist vision of a European legal space (10.12.2018)

Thomas Vesting (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Theory of the state from a legal-historical perspective: a discussion (11.02.2019)

Benedetta Albani (mpilhlt), Presentation of the project RESISTANCE (MSCA- RISE- Horizon 2020) (11.03.2019)

Christian G. De Vito (Bonn Centre for Dependency and Slavery Studies, University of Bonn), Punishment and labour relations. Cuba between abolition and empire (1835–1886) (17.06.2019)

Andrew J. Walker (Wesleyan University) Illegal under the laws of all nations? The courts of Haiti and the suppression of the Atlantic trade in African captives (08.07.2019)


mpilhlt colloquium 2019/20: Methods for Legal History

Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Doctrinal legal history (15.10.2019)

Armando Guevara-Gil (Instituto del Perú-USMP), Anthropology of Law and Legal Pluralism (05.11.2019)

Hana Gründler (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, MPI), Ethos and Krisis. Methodological Reflections on Art and Philosophy as Disruptive Practices in Czechoslovakia, 1960–1989 (3.12.2019)

Ralf Michaels & Lena Salaymeh (MPI for Comparative and International Private Law), Decolonial Comparative Law (14.01.2020)

Luigi Lacchè (University of Macerata / LUISS ‘G. Carli’ Rome), Crossing boundaries. Legal History between Methodological Approaches and New Challenges and Identities (08.09.2020)

Michelle McKinley (University of Oregon), Juana de Godínez (06.10.2020)

David Cantoni (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), The Rise of Fiscal Capacity (03.11.2020)

Pedro Cardim (CHAM-Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Corporations, normative pluralism, and jurisdictions in early modern Iberian polities. Potential and limits of an interpretive framework (15.12.2020)


Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche / Frankfurt Legal History Evening Lectures

Matthias Armgardt (Universität Konstanz), Die Judengesetzgebung der christlichen römischen Kaiser von Konstantin bis Justinian vor dem Hintergrund der theologischen Entwicklung der Kirche (The legislation on Jews and Judaism legislation of the Christian Roman emperors from Constantine to Justinian in the context of the theological development of the Church) (7.02.2018)

Christopher Clark (St. Cathrine’s College Cambridge), 1848 - eine gescheiterte Revolution? (1848 - a failed revolution?) (17.10.2018)

Raymond Cocks (Keele University), Laws ancient and modern: history and context in the reforms of mid-nineteenth century India (15.05.2019)

Bianca Premo (Florida International University), Current doctrines and similar petitions: capitalist legal logic among native and enslaved litigants in Spanish America (16.10.2019)

Sheilagh Ogilvie (University of Cambridge), How did pre-modern merchants solve conflicts? Public order versus private order institutions (30.01.2019)

Raymond Cocks (Keele University), Laws ancient and modern: history and context in the reforms of mid-nineteenth century India (15.05.2019)

Bianca Premo (Florida International University), Current doctrines and similar petitions: capitalist legal logic among native and enslaved litigants in Spanish America, (16.10.2019)

Heikki Pihlajamäki (University of Helsinki), Einige vergleichende Bemerkungen zum frühneuzeitlichen Kolonialrecht: England, Portugal, Spanien (15.01.2020)


Max Planck Legal History Quaterly Forum / Current Research on Legal History


Legal transfers, transplantations and translations

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Vicky Barnes


  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Welcome and introductory remarks
  • Aparna Balachandran (University of Delhi), The many pasts of Mamul: law and custom in early colonial Madras

  • Sean Bottomley (Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse), Patent cases in Common Law in 17th- and 18th-century England

  • Tom Hamilton (University of Cambridge), The King’s justice: criminal law and legal transfer in Early Modern France


History of Private Law in East Asia

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Emily Whewell


  • Marya Camacho (Department of History, University of Asia and Pacific, Manila), Tempering custom: bridewealth, bride service, and law in the 17th- and 18th-century Philippines

  • Jian Qu (CATI, Institut für Sinologie, Universität Heidelberg), What is a contract? Definition and designation in the context of Late Imperial China

  • Xiaojun Shen (Law School of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics), The methods of legal reception of German civil law in China

  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Studies in the contract laws of Asia (Oxford University Press)


Legal transitions and comparison in the long 19th century

Organisation: Manuel Bastias  Saavedra


  • Leonardo Carrilho (Universidade de São Paulo), Present shadows of our darkest past: the state of exception (Ausnahmezustand) in the 1930s in Germany and Brazil
  • Vitor Izecksohn (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), American confederates and Argentinean federalists in the age of state-building, 1848–1870

  • Fernando Liendo Tagle (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid; Universidad de Huelva), Legal journals and the study of law in Spain, 1836–1884


What is a legal book? Crossing perspectives between legal history and book history

Organisation: Manuela Bragagnolo


  • Manuela Bragagnolo (mpilhlt), Introduction

  • Pedro Rueda Ramírez (University of Barcelona), El libro jurídico en las redes de circulación del mundo atlántico: geografía, movilidad y consumo de textos en la edad moderna temprana

  • Maria Idalia García Aguilar (UNAM, & mpilhlt, Guest), Order within disorder: legal books at the beginning of the inquisitorial controls in Colonial Mexico

  • Airton Ribeiro da Silva Jr. (mpilhlt, Guest), Law books as work tools: the voyaging libraries of magistrates in the Portuguese Empire by the late eighteenth century

  • Natalia Maillard Álvarez (Sevilla, Universidad Pablo de Olavide), Lectores de obras jurídicas en la Edad Moderna (Sevilla, siglos XVI–XVII)


Meet the author

Michele Graziadei (Università degli Studi di Torino), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law (29.08.2018)

Lauren Benton (Vanderbilt University), The British Imperial Constitution and Global Legal Order (01.03.2019)

Bianca Premo (Florida International University), The Enlightenment on Trial: Ordinary Litigants and Colonialism in the Spanish Empire (17.10.2019)

Ann Blair (Harvard University), Too Much to Know. Managing Scholarly Information before the Modern Age (08.06.2020)



Emanuel V. Towfigh (EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, Wiesbaden/Oestrich-Winkel), Effects of gender and origin in grading state exams in law in Germany? (10.11.2020)


Conferences, Workshops, Seminars


Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Emily Whewell


  • Sarah Wilson (University of York), Financial crime in the global context: a reference point for comparative dimensions of research into legal history
  • Shona Wilson Stark (University of Cambridge) and Julia Bargenda, Law reform commissions in the common law world

  • Michel Morin (Université de Montréal), The English perception of the role of jurisprudence in a system of codified law

  • Justine Collins (mpilhlt), Transplantation and the origins of slave laws within the British West Indies

  • Valentin Seidler (University of Vienna), Legal transfers and development in British colonies in the 20th century?

  • Sean Bottomley (mpilhlt, Guest), The court of wards and property rights in Britain and the North American colonies, 1485–1660

  • Stephen Aranha (mpilhlt), Aspects of 20th-century electoral reform in the Bahamas: women’s suffrage

  • John Harrington (Cardiff University). ‘Africa needs many lawyers…trained for the needs of their people’: struggles over legal education in Nkrumah’s Ghana

  • Warren Swain (University of Auckland), The beginnings of English contract law in Australia and New Zealand: ‘the narrow ways of English folk’

  • Stephen Aranha (mpilhlt), Aspects of 20th century electoral reform in the Bahamas: the secret ballot

  • Justine Collins (mpilhlt), Legal transplantation of the West Indian comprehensive slave codes

  • Rahela Khorakiwala (Jawaharlal Nehru University), Judicial iconography in the Bombay High Court: from the colonial to the post-colonial

  • Andrew Cecchinato (University of St. Andrews), ‘In which we are not singular in our notions’: William Blackstone as interpreter of the European legal tradition


Max Planck Research Group Seminar

Organisation: Benedetta Albani, Alfonso Alibrandi, Constanza López Lamerain, Anna Clara Lehmann Martins

Heinz Mohnhaupt (mpilhlt), Legislation and interpretation of the law in the early modern and modern period (10.01.2018)

Paolo Alvazzi del Frate (Università Roma Tre), The Interpretatio authentica in the modern and contemporary period (28.02.2018)

Stefano Manganaro (Università di Pisa), Ecclesiastical and secular patterns of spatial configuration in the European Middle Ages. A heuristic mean to investigate institutional processes in Latin America in the 16th century? (14.12.2018)


Workshop: Oral history of the European Court of Justice

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez

This workshop examined oral history projects in Europe related to national and European institutions in order to present best practices at the practical and methodological level. It brought together historians and EU lawyers involved in European oral history projects. On the first day, political sociologists and legal historians started by discussing the methodological and practical aspects of official history projects of European institutions before going into practical examples of oral history projects applied to European courts.

On the second day, the Max Planck Institute of European Legal History discussed its project (in cooperation with the Saxo Institute) on the European Court of Justice with the scholars involved.


  • Panel I: Learning from oral history experiences in European official history projects
    • Michael Mangenot (Institute for European Studies, Université Paris), Writing the history of European institutions: the role of oral history in the official projects about European institutions

    • Priscila Pivatto (Oral History Project, History Parliamentary Trust, Institute for Historical Research, London), The use of oral sources in the history of parliaments: The oral history project

  • Panel II: Oral history in research projects on European High Courts

    • Nina-Louisa Lorenz (University of Lund), The oral history of the European Court of Human Rights

    • Daniel Sarmiento (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), A court for the Spanish constitution: Use of oral history for the memory of a constitutional court

    • Projection of the documentary ‘Un tribunal para la constitución’ and discussion with the author (Daniel Sarmiento) and as discussant, Carlos Ramos Nuñez (Centro de Estudios del Tribunal Constitucional del Perú)

  • Panel III: The oral history project of the ECJ – Methodological and practical aspects

    • Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt), The oral history of the ECJ

Max Planck Research Group ‘Translation and Transition’: Initial comparative workshop on legal transformations in 19th and early 20th century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire

Organisation: Lena Foljanty


  • Lena Foljanty, Burak Aydin, Yu Wang, Zeynep Yazici Caglar (mpilhlt), Presentation of the research group
  • Hiroki Kawamura (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Darryl Flaherty (University of Delaware), Legal professions and legal education

  • Avi Rubin (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva), Makiko Hayashi (Kindai University, Osaka), Zülâl Muslu (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre), Private law practice and civil procedure

  • Fupeng Li (mpilhlt), Masanori Okada (Waseda University, Tokyo), Yakoob Ahmed (SAOS University of London), Public law and intellectual legal history

  • Ebru Aykut (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul), Jérôme Bourgon (École normale supérieure de Lyon), Criminal law practice

  • Tomoyoshi Itô (Chuo University, Tokyo), Frédéric Constant (Université Paris Nanterre), Broader perspectives on comparisons


11. Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Sabine Konrad (McDermott Will & Emery)

Together with the international law firm McDermott Will & Emery, the mpihlht hosts the annual Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court, the oldest and most prestigious student competition in the area of investment protection law.


Reading group: Max Weber’s sociology of law

April-June 2018
Organisation: Lena Foljanty


Colloquium The History of Police and Criminal Justice

Organisation: Osvaldo Barreneche, Karl Härter


  • Karl Härter (mpilhlt), The Culture of Early Modern Criminal Procedure: Communication, Print Media and Criminal Justice.
  • Tom Hamilton, Political Crime in the French Wars of Religion: The ‘Traitor’ François Brigard, 1591.

  • Agustin Elías Casagrande, Oeconomic empowerment and criminal prosecution: Subordinates of Justice and “summary of information” in Buenos Aires towards the end of the 18th century.

  • Raquel Sirotti (mpilhlt), Law enforcement and the criminalization of political conflicts in Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930): The assassination attempt against President Prudente de Moraes in 1897: a case study.

  • Melisa Fernandez Marrón, To guarantee a human police, beloved and respected by the people. The police justice in the National Territories during the first Peronism (Argentina).

  • Osvaldo Barreneche, Opponent: Modern Police and Criminal Justice across the Atlantic World.


Annual Conference: Key biographies in the legal history of the European Union, 1950–1993

Organisation: Philip Bajon, Stefan Vogenauer

The history of European Union law is still to a large extent uncharted territory. This conference was based on the assumption that biographical approaches are a valuable addition to this new field.

For a long time during the last century, biographies were regarded as stale and reductionist. In the field of legal history they tended to focus on prominent jurists and doctrines, to the exclusion of the broader legal and historical context. General historians were criticised for their cradle to grave approach, which stressed the continuities and coherence of life over fragmentation, and for their inclination to give too much importance to one actor over other historical factors. It is only recently that the disciplines of history as well as law have returned to the biographical approach.

This conference invited both lawyers and historians to use their particular methodologies with regard to biographies of key figures in the history of European law. Such biographies will contribute to the development of the intellectual history of the field, focusing on the development of ideas and doctrines. At the same time they will explore the links between social practices and the broader context of law and legal thinking.


  • Panel I: ECJ 1950s–1970s
    Chair: Anna Katharina Mangold (Goethe-Universität)

    • Vera Fritz (Université Aix-Marseille), Massimo Pilotti (1879–1962)

    • William Phelan (Trinity College, Dublin), How to study the impact of Robert Lecourt on the European Court of Justice (1962–1976)

    • Comment and debate: Anthony Arnull (University of Birmingham)

  • Panel II: Treaty Negotiators and National Leaders
    Chair: Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt)

    • Sandrine de Herdt (University of Louvain), Jean-Charles Snoy et d’Oppuers (1907–1991)

    • Alexandre Bernier (University of Copenhagen), Michel Debré (1912–1996)

    • Comment and debate: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt)

  • Panel III: Academia I
    Chair: Ines Soldwisch (RWTH Aachen)

    • Stefan Kadelbach (Goethe-Universität), Franz Böhm (1895–1977)

    • Felix Lange (Humboldt University, Berlin), Continuity and rupture in European integration History – Hermann Mosler and the concept of supranationality

    • Alexandra Kemmerer (MPIL Heidelberg), Law, exile and the making of a transnational constitution: A life of Eric Stein

    • Comment and debate: Matthias Goldmann (Goethe-Universität)

  • Panel IV: ECJ 1980s
    Chair: Anne Deighton (University of Oxford)

    • Jan-Henrik Meyer (University of Copenhagen), Taking the member states to court, Ludwig Krämer and the implementation of European Environmental Law in the 1980s and 1990s

    • Mala Loth (Oslo University), Carl Otto Lenz, the ECJ, and the shaping of European labour law

    • Alessandro Rosano (University of Padova), Walter van Gerven, Met rechte en rede

    • Comment and debate: Felix Maultzsch (Goethe-Universität)

  • Panel V: Haute Autorité and Commission
    Chair: Katja Seidel (University of Westminster)

    • Frank Schorkopf (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Robert Krawielicki (1905–1966) – Director General of the Haute Autorité until 1966

    • Morten Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen) and Anne Boerger (University of Alberta), Michel Gaudet (1915–2003)

    • Comment and debate: Antonio Grilli (European Commission, Brussels)

    • Bill Davies (American University, Washington): Walter Much

    • Aude Cefaliello (University of Glasgow), Occupational health and safety in the European Union: Alexandre Berlin’s testimony to fill the gaps of the socio-legal history

    • Comment and debate: Mauve Carbonell (Université Aix-Marseille)

  • Panel VI: Academia II
    Chair: Ines Soldwisch (RWTH Aachen)

    • Vincent Genin (University of Liège), Fernand Dehousse (1906–1995)

    • Karin van Leeuwen (University of Amsterdam), Ivo Samkalden (1912–1995)

    • Amedeo Arena (University of Naples), The Mastermind behind Costa v. ENEL: discovering Gian Galeazzo Stendardi

    • Comment and debate: Jacob Giltaij (University of Helsinki)

  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Conclusions


Colloquium The History of Transnational Criminal Law and Political Violence

Organisation: Karl Härter, Valeria Vegh Weis

Karl Härter (mpilhlt), The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders.

Raquel Sirotti (mpilhlt), ‘Us and them’: Discourses on Political Protests and Demonstrations in the Records of Brazilian Federal Senate and House of Representatives (2013-2016)

Valeria Vegh Weis (mpilhlt), Criminal Selectivity and Transnational Crimes: the Effects of International Pressure on the Argentinean Criminal Justice System

Johanna Nickels (FU Berlin), First Thoughts on Coding Criminal Law in France and Germany

Taxiarchis Fiskatoris (JLU Marburg), The Exclusion of Transnational Crimes from the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

Wolfgang Form (ICWC Marburg), International vs. Transnational. A Discussion on Definitions and Terms


Seminar with Marie S. Kim (St. Cloud State University): Comparing European and Non-European legal history

Organisation: Lena Foljanty


Public Symposium: Justiz Macht Politik

Organisation: Konrad Duden (MPIPriv, Junge Akademie | Mainz), Jasper Kunstreich (mpilhlt), Astrid Séville (Department of Political Science, LMU Munich, Junge Akademie | Mainz)

Academy of Science and Literature | Mainz, in cooperation with the Academy of Science and Literature | Mainz and the Walter und Sibylle Kalkhof-Rose-Stiftung


  • Konrad Duden (MPIPriv), Jasper Kunstreich (mpilhlt), Astrid Séville (LMU München), Eröffnung des Symposiums
  • Michael Stolleis (mpilhlt), Politik und Justiz, oder: Politische Justiz. Vier deutsche Beispiele

  • Oliver Lepsius (Universität Münster), Das Bundesverfassungsgericht im Spannungsfeld von Recht und Politik

  • Hans Vorländer (TU Dresden), Die Macht der Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit

  • Tomasz Tadeus Koncewicz (Universität Gdansk), Understanding the capture of the rule of law in Poland 2015–2018

  • Susanne Baer (BVerfG), Gelebter Konstitutionalismus: Verfassungsgerichte in der Diskussion

  • Susanne Baer (BVerfG), Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (BMJ a.D., Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung), Jasper von Altenbockum (FAZ), Podiumsdiskussion und Resümee


Research seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Emily Whewell


  • Inge Van Hulle (University of Tilburg), The changing patterns of Anglo-African internal relations
  • Priyasha Saksena (mpilhlt), Manufactured states, sovereignty and international law in the decolonization of South Africa

  • Ryan Alford (Lakehead), The history of constitutionalism in Canada and the Canadian constitutional settlement of 1849

  • Justine Collins (mpilhlt), Legal transplantation within amelioration and manumission laws in the British West Indies 1700s–1830s

  • Aleksi Ollikainen-Read (mpilhlt), The assignments arms race

  • Derek O’Brien (Oxford Brookes), Decolonisation and Caribbean constitutions in the 1960s

  • John McLaren (University of Victoria), The past and present in judicial independence and disciplining in the common law world

  • Michael Lobban (London School of Economics), The Wild West: detention without trial in West Africa 1880–1900

  • Lynsey Black (Maynooth University), The mandatory sentence of death in Barbados

  • Zeynep Yazici-Caglar (mpilhlt), Legal education as a tool of professionalization in England (1850–1900)

  • Hunter Harris (University of Michigan), The use of bills of exchange in 18th century Glasgow

  • Dolores Freda (University of Naples), Across boundaries: the English justices of the peace on the continent

  • Henry Jones (Durham University), The meaning of territory in British Empire border disputes

  • Victoria Barnes and Niels Pepels (mpilhlt), Transferring offer, acceptance and revocation to British Guiana


Workshop Translating Weimar

Organisation: Fupeng Li, Thomas Duve, Donal Coffey


  • Leticia Vita (University of Buenos Aires), Weimar in Argentina: Interpretations of the 1919 German constitution in Argentine public law
  • Carlos M. Herrera (Université de Cergy-Pontoise), Weimar in South American way

  • Xin Nie (Tsinghua University), The Chinese constitutional social welfare articles before 1949 – A comparison with the Weimar constitution

  • Fupeng Li (mpilhlt), Between right and policy: translating Weimar in building Chinese social(ist) constitutions

  • Donal Coffey (mpilhlt), The Influence of the Weimar constitution on the common law world


12. Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Sabine Konrad (McDermott Will & Emery)

Together with the international law firm McDermott Will & Emery, the mpihlht hosts the annual Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court, the oldest and most prestigious student competition in the area of investment protection law.


Max Planck Research Group Seminar

Organisation: Benedetta Albani, Alexandra Anokhina, Francesco Giuliani, Anna Clara Lehmann Martins


  • Rafael Ramis Barceló (Universitat de les Illes Balears), La enseñanza del Concilio de Trento en las universidades hispánicas  (siglos  XVI-XVII) (15.05.2019)
  • Lorenzo Sinisi (Università degli Studi ‘Magna Graecia’ di Catanzaro), Pro tota iuris decretalium evolutione: the declarationes of the Congregation of the Council and their 16th- and 17th-century collections between prohibitions and diffusion (10. 10.2019)

  • Tamar Herzog (Harvard University), Governing diversity: A talk with Tamar Herzog (22.10.2019)


Seminar: Diversity and Respect at Work

Organisation: Zeynep Yazici Caglar


Denkort Workshop

Organisation: Thomas Duve, Alexandra Woods


  • Thomas Duve (mpilhlt) and Ayelet Shachar (MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity), Opening remarks
  • Anne Peters (MPI for Comparative Public Law and International Law), Humans and other Animals in the Global Food System: ‘One Health and One Welfare’

  • Moritz Helmstaedter (MPI for Brain Research), The Future of Intelligence

  • Lorraine Daston (MPI for History of Science), Academic Freedom for the 21st Century

  • Kai Konrad (MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance), Making Participation in the Denkort More Compatible with Existing Max-Planck Structures


Annual Conference: The contribution of the legal services of the European institutions to European Union law

Organisation: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez, Stefan Vogenauer


  • Panel I: The Legal Service of the European Commission (Part 1)
    Chair: Wilma Viscardini Donà (University of Padova)
    • Morten Rasmussen (University of Copenhagen), Michel Gaudet and his doctrine on EU law in the Legal Service of the European Commission in the 1960s

    • Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt), The Legal Service under Claus-Dieter Ehlermann: building an ‘esprit de corps’ and paving the way for community law

    • Karin van Leeuwen (University of Maastricht), The change in the Legal Service from the Delors Commission to the fall of the Santer Commission: Coping with Treaty reforms

    • Julio Baquero Cruz (Legal Service of the European Commission), Comments and debate

  • Panel II: The Legal Service of the European Commission (Part 2)
    Chair: Philip Bajon (mpilhlt)

    • Alessandro Rosanò (University of Turin), Première Dame: Wilma Viscardini Donà, Legal Adviser of the European Commission

    • Melanie Vay (CESSP, Université Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne), The contribution of the European Commission’s Legal Service to the ‘problematisation’ of public economy in the Common Market: An illustration from Bastiaan van der Esch’s case

    • Teresa Cabrita (Amsterdam Center for European Law and Governance), The role of the Legal Service of the European Commission in dialoguing with the UN International Law Commission

    • Jan-Henrik Meyer (mpilhlt), Comments and debate

  • Panel III: The Legal Service of the Council of Ministers
    Chair: Vera Fritz (University of Luxemburg)

    • Michel Mangenot (Director of the Institute of European Studies, University Paris VIII), Les légistes de la Communauté européenne: les directeurs du Service juridique et l’influence du Conseil d’Etat

    • Agustín Menéndez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Constitutional ‘false friends’: The rise and rise of fundamental conflicts between European and national law

    • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Comments and debate

    • Presentation by Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt) on The future development of the Research Field Legal History of the European Union at the mpilhlt

  • Panel IV: The Legal Service of the European Parliament
    Chair: Mechthild Roos (University of Augsburg)

    • Etienne Deschamps (Research Service of the European Parliament), The Legal Service of the European Parliament in the historiography of the European Parliament

    • Fernanda Nicola (American University) and Antonio Caiola (Legal Service of the European Parliament), The origins of the Legal Service of the European Parliament: A legal perspective

    • Gregorio Garzón Clariana (Former Jurisconsult of the European Parliament), Building a role for the Jurisconsult and the Legal Service

    • Christian Pennera (Former Head of the Legal Service of the European Parliament), Comments and debate

  • Round Table - In the shadow of law: The politics of legal expertise in EU policy making
    Moderator: Laura di Gregorio (Editor of ‘This Century’s Review: Journal for rational legal debate’)

  • Presentation and Discussion by Päaivi Leino-Sandberg (University of Helsinki) and Christian Pennera (Former jurisconsult of the European Parliament)

  • Conclusion by Stefan Vogenauer and Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt)

Workshop: Professionalization and Weber with David Sugarman (Lancaster University)

Organisation: Zeynep Yazici Caglar


Legal Biography Workshop

Organisation: Victoria Barnes, Catharine MacMillan, Stefan Vogenauer


  • Session I: Historiography, trends and themes
    Chair: Victoria Barnes (mpilhlt)
    • Rosemary Auchmuty (University of Reading), Doing feminist legal biography – the British experience

    • Philip Girard (Osgoode Hall), New directions in judicial biography

    • Andreas Wagner (mpilhlt), Context, theoretical significance, prolepsis: The role of schools and theory traditions

  • Session II: Academic lawyers
    Chair: Zeynep Yazici Caglar (mpilhlt)

    • Fiona Cownie (Keele University), Researching Claire Palley: academic, wife/mother and woman of affairs

    • David Sugarman (Lancaster University), A.W.B. Simpson in context: the life of Brian

    • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Abraham Hayward: lawyer, literary man and lounge lizard

  • Session III: Religion, beliefs and law-making
    Chair: Jan-Henrik Meyer (mpilhlt)

    • Felice Batlan (University of Chicago-Kent), Identity, community, and self-presentation: A joint biography of Jewish American women legal aid providers, 1890–1930

    • Gerhard Dannemann and Christoph König (Humboldt Universität Berlin), F.A. Mann: crossing borders between legal systems, academia and legal practice

    • Catharine MacMillan (King’s College London), Sir Edward Fry: law and zoology

    • Charlotte Smith (University of Reading), Walter Phillimore: High church polemicist and judge

  • Session IV:  Methodology
    Chair: Philip Bajon (mpilhlt)

    • Victoria Barnes (mpilhlt), The problems with a self-told narrative: Nathaniel Lindley’s autobiography, his life and his legal biography

    • Thomas Clausen (mpilhlt / University of Cambridge), Roland Freisler (1893–1945) – a legal perpetrator biography

    • Hans-Peter Haferkamp (Universität zu Köln), Why not a biography of Georg Friedrich Puchta?

  • Session V: Roundtable discussion
    Chairs: Philip Bajon, Jan-Henrik Meyer and Emily Whewell (mpilhlt)


Conference: Studies in the contract laws of Asia, Vol V: ending and changing contracts 15.08.-17.08.2019

Organisation: Mindy Chen-Wishart (University of Oxford and NUS Law), Stefan Vogenauer
National University of Singapore (NUS)


  • Session 1 – Chair: Mindy Chen-Wishart (University of Oxford & NUS Law)
  • Session 2 – Chair: Hugh Beale (Warwick University)
  • Session 3 – Chair: Adrian Briggs (University of Oxford)
  • Session 4 – Chair: Dora Neo (NUS Law)
  • Session 5 – Chair: Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt)
  • Session 6 – Chair: Hugh Beale (Warwick University)
  • Session 7 – Chair: Cheong May Fong (Australian Catholic University)
  • Session 8 – Chair: Stephen Hall (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Session 9 – Chair: Chen Tsung-Fu (National Taiwan University)
  • Session 10 – Chair: Gary Bell (NUS Law)
  • Session 11 – Concluding Comparative Observations (Hugh Beale)


Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

Organisation: Thomas Duve, Manuel Bastias Saavedra

The Research Colloquium on Global Legal History offers a space for discussing ongoing research projects. The Research Colloquium is held monthly over the course of the academic year. Scholars are invited to present their current work, and each presentation is followed by a discussion focusing primarily on methods of global legal history. The Research Colloquium is open to the public.


  • Justine Collins (mpilhlt), The origins and legacies of the British West Indian Slave Legislation: When periphery becomes the centre
  • Raquel Sirotti (mpilhlt), ‘A famous crime, perhaps the most notorious in the whole country’: The assassination attempt against Brazilian President Prudente de Morais in 1897
  • Yu Wang (mpilhlt), Seeing Others and Seeing Me: Comparative interpretations of law throughout legal changes in early 20th-century China
  • Gilberto Guerra (mpilhlt), Not Quite Brothers in Arms: Indigenous legal status during the Dutch expansion to the State of Maranhão, 1642
  • Maysa Espíndola (mpilhlt), Between Roças and Palhotas: Colonial exploitation in Portuguese Africa, 1850–1930
  • Douglas Corrêa Santos (Universidade Federal Fluminense), Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period


Max Planck Law Inaugural Conference

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Stefanie Rüther, Nandor Knust (Max Planck Law)
Harnack House, Berlin


  • Stefan Vogenauer, Legal studies in the Max Planck Society: a brief history
  • Nandor Knust & Gilbert Leung, Max Planck Law: Curriculum, Events, and Organisation
  • Alumnus Lecture: Rüdiger Wolfrum, The 2019 Statement on Genome Editing by the Ethics Council of the Max Planck Society
  • Reinhard Zimmermann, MPI for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg
  • Armin von Bogdandy, MPI for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg
  • Martin Stratmann, Welcome address by the President of the Max Planck Society
  • Thomas Duve, MPI for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt a. M.
  • Tatjana Hörnle, Ralf Poscher, MPI for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Freiburg i. Br.
  • Josef Drexl, Reto Hilty, MPI for Innovation and Competition, Munich
  • Ulrich Becker, MPI for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich
  • Felix-Anselm van Lier, MPI for Social Anthropology, Halle
  • Christoph Engel, MPI for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
  • ‘Speed dating’: Learn about people’s projects in 3 minutes
  • Discussion: Legal Studies in Germany – Situation, Analyses, and Recommendations
  • Wolfgang Schön, MPI for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich
  • Burkhard Hess, Hélène Ruiz Fabri, MPI Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law
  • Ayelet Shachar, MPI for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen
  • Meeting Max Planck Law PhDs / Max Planck Law Postdocs
  • Directors’ Master Classes
  • World Café: Expectations, Wishes, and Ideas for Max Planck Law
  • Presentation Results of the World Café
  • Closing Proceedings


RESISTANCE Symposium IV: Resistance, Religion and Justice, 22-24/10/2019

Organisation: Benedetta Albani, Manuela Bragagnolo, Mariana Dias Paes, Luisa Stella Coutinho, José Luis Egío García, Anna Clara Lehmann Martins

Far from being limited to violent outbreaks or specific events, resistance can be expressed in long term processes as well as in everyday life. The same diversity applies to the great variety of social actors and complex means that can be implied in a certain campaign of resistance. Within such

a plural approach to the phenomenon of dissension and resistance, the Symposium addresses different processes and episodes that took place within religious and judicial institutions in the Iberian Empires between 16th and 19th century. Even if usually driven by subaltern groups, most of these practices did not use to be considered as a menace to established orders and dominant groups, nevertheless, they had a huge impact in framing and giving new meanings to both secular and ecclesiastical normative production and governance practices. Moreover, the analysis of the entanglements between resistance practices and secular and ecclesiastical normativities allows to illuminate and enhance the agency of social groups often neglected or decontextualized by traditional historiography. The Symposium focuses especially on governance practices, dependency relations, circulation and materiality as well as gender and sexuality in relation with different expressions of resistance.


  • Víctor Zorrilla (Universidad de Monterrey, El profetismo como resistencia. Fray Juan Ramírez y la tradición dominicana de oposición a la encomienda
  • José Luis Egío García (mpilhlt), Resistir acatando, disentir obedeciendo. Estrategias de traducción de la normatividad matrimonial en el contexto misionero americano (s. XVI)
  • Rafael Diego Fernández Sotelo (El Colegio de Michoacán), La comunidad de indios de Jocotán contra el tribunal de Acordada. Conflicto de competencias jurisdiccionales entre la subdelegación de Tala, la Intendencia de Guadalajara y la Audiencia de la Nueva Galicia, por una parte, y por la otra el Tribunal de Acordada, Virreinato de Nueva España
  • Anna Clara Lehmann Martins (mpilhlt), Resistir ao presente, governar com o passado. Formas de resistência eclesiástica a autoridades imperiais por meio do uso de normas pré-independência no Brasil do Segundo Reinado (1840-1889)
  • Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi (Universidad de Deusto), Los escribanos y la villa de Bilbao: historia de un pleito
  • Tamar Herzog (Harvard University), Conferencia Plenaria: Resisting Through Customs? On what Customs could and could not do in Colonial Latin America
  • Ivone Brito Monteiro (Universidade de Cabo Verde), Do liberto ao indígena-serviçal: uma reflexão da legislação trabalhista de oitocentos, no Cabo Verde colónia
  • Juelma de Matos Ngala (mpilhlt), Relações de dependência no século XIX: um olhar a partir do Arquivo Histórico do Tribunal de Comarca de Benguela-Angola
  • Karla Escobar (mpilhlt), La ley 89 de 1890 y el problema de ser ciudadano indígena
  • Carlos Benjamín Zegarra Moretti (Universität Bonn), Negociando la dependencia. Transformación de las relaciones legales entre indígenas y autoridades borbonas en el virreinato del Perú
  • Elter Manuel Carlos (Universidade de Cabo Verde), Corpo submisso e resistência na dança do batuque: uma incursão a partir da proibição desta manifestação cultural na colónia de Cabo Verde no Século XIX
  • Gabriela dos Reis Sampaio (Universidade Federal da Bahia), ‘O feitiço simbólico comum, coisa feita ou preparada, é muito frequente entre nós’. Religiosidades afro-brasileiras, política e lei no final do século XIX (Salvador, Bahia, Brasil)
  • José Araneda Riquelme (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), ‘El gobernador que no quiere que Vuestra Majestad sepa sus agravios temerosos’: El caso de una carta de unos frailes anónimos contra el gobernador Laso de la Vega (Chile, 1632)
  • Nicolás Girón (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Libertad de prensa, disidencia política en la alborada republicana en Chile (1830-1837)
  • Rafael Sagredo Baeza (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), De lector atrevido a patriota decidido. Inquisición y censura a fines del periodo colonial
  • Benedetta Albani (mpilhlt), ‘Después del santo bautismo tenemos los entendimientos ansí como los cristianos viejos […] e no somos de menos merescimiento que los de allá’. Formas de resistencia, reivindicaciones indígenas y proyectos alternativos en el contexto de la construcción de la Iglesia americana
  • Luz Ángela Martínez (Universidad de Chile), El indio como cuchillo de Dios en Cautiverio Feliz de Francisco Núñez de Pineda y Bascuñán (Chile, siglo XVII)
  • Leopoldo López Valencia (El Colegio de Michoacán), La presencia del Regalismo en la regulación procesal judicial del IV Concilio Provincial Mexicano de 1771
  • Ofelia Rey Castelao (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), Entre la desidia y la resistencia: el incumplimiento del sacramento de la confirmación en Galicia, España, siglos XVI-XIX
  • Susana Truchuelo (Universidad de Cantabria), Resistencia y religión en las villas vascas
  • Tomás Mantecón Movellán (Universidad de Cantabria), Superstición, conflicto y justicia en la Castilla del siglo XVII
  • Caetano Dias Corrêa (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina), O protestantismo na ocupação holandesa do nordeste brasileiro no período colonial: igreja, direito e resistência num cenário de disputas territoriais e religiosas
  • Lourenço Gomes (Universidade de Cabo Verde), Referências acerca das condições de vida de grupos sub-alternos em Cabo Verde através da legislação (1842-1850)
  • José Silva Évora (Universidade de Cabo Verde), Cenário de resistência camponesa em Cabo Verde: questões teóricas e historiográficas (séculos XVI- XIX)
  • Gustavo Velloso (Universidade de São Paulo), ‘El enemigo se apoderó de todo el Reino’: fenomenologia de uma rebelião indígena. Chile, 1655
  • Jacqueline Sarmiento (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, ‘Una fermentación entre los indios’: sujetos, discursos y categorías jurídicas en el tumulto de Tlalmanalco, (México, 1784)
  • Marina Torres Arce (Universidad de Cantabria), Resistencia cotidiana femenina, disciplinamiento y justicia inquisitorial en la Monarquía Hispánica (siglos XVII-XVIII)
  • Blanca Llanes Parra (Universidad de Cantabria), Violencia contra la mujer y resistencia femenina en el Madrid de la Edad Moderna
  • Catalina Saldaña Lagos (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Resistencias individuales, consecuencias sociales: Las resistencias de enfermos a los tratamientos antisifilíticos, Chile 1850-1940
  • Rubén Castro Redondo (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela), Resistencias a la norma y a la moral católica entorno a la ilegitimidad en la ciudad de A Coruña durante el ochocientos: concubinato, prostitución y abandono de niños
  • Tamar Herzog (Harvard University), Pedro Cardim (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Mesa Redonda y Conclusiones del Simposio: Pensar la resistencia desde la perspectiva de la historia del derecho y de las prácticas religiosas


Kick-off workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union

Organisation: Philip Bajon, Stefan Vogenauer, Dieter Schlenker (HAEU)

Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU), European University Institute (EUI), Florence, Italy


  • Philipp Schmitt (mpilhlt), Minimum harmonisation: a ‘relative newcomer’ to the field of European integration?
  • Thorben Klünder (mpilhlt), Legal community, legal space and the rule of law – concepts of unity for European integration
  • Anselm Küsters (mpilhlt), EU competition law and economic schools of thought: a text mining perspective
  • Marise Cremona (EUI), Comment
  • Hanna Eklund, Jeffrey Miller (Academy of European Law, EUI), The Court of Justice in the archives
  • Gaby Umbach (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI), Open data in a globalized world: statistics, Globalstat and global governance
  • Federico Romero (EUI), HISTCOM – The history of the European Commission
  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Comment
  • Morten Rasmussen (SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen), Towards a new interpretation of the history of European law
  • Giuseppe Martinico (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa), British constitutional law and referendums: the case of Brexit in a diachronic and synchronic comparative perspective
  • Sarah Zimmermann (mpilhlt), Outline of a research project: the emergence of the procedural rules of the European Court of Justice
  • Stefano Bartolini (EUI), Comment
  • Fabrizio Tassinari (School of Transnational Governance, EUI), Between research and executive training: concepts, methods and practice of governance beyond the state
  • Dieter Schlenker (Historical Archives of the European Union, EUI), History and deposits of the Historical Archives of the European Union
  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), The ‘methodica’ project of the mpilhlt
  • Jan-Henrik Meyer (mpilhlt), The history of European environmental law
  • Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (mpilhlt), Social democracy and competition policy in the European Union
  • Philip Bajon (mpilhlt), Constitutional debates over informal decision making in the European Communities
  • Ulrike Radden (mpilhlt), Data management and oral history projects of the Research Field Legal History of the European Union of the mpilhlt
  • Brigid Laffan (EUI), Comment
  • Dieter Schlenker (HAEU, EUI), Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Morten Rasmussen (SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen), Future projects of the mpilhlt and the HAEU
  • Philip Bajon (mpilhlt), The representation of Europe in renaissance art and architecture


Roundtable: Uma rodada de conversação científica em homenagem a António Manuel Hespanha

Organisation: Anna Clara Lehmann Martins

This roundtable was a tribute to the Portuguese historian António Manuel Hespanha, who passed away in July of this year. The purpose of this event is to show how Hespanha’s ideas, far from being static or confined to his texts, continue to be dynamically developed in the work of other researchers. His ideas are an inspiring and influential legacy for the current generation of legal historians: as historiographical references, as methodological models, and as starting points for further investigation. At the roundtable, three researchers from the Institute presented how their work stands in dialogue with perspectives developed by Hespanha, covering topics such as the relationship between social history and the history of law, political and legal pluralism, and the communicative dimensions of normative knowledge.


  • Bruno Lima (mpilhlt), A História do Direito na História Social quarenta anos depois. Reflexões de António Manuel Hespanha sobre método, limites e confluências de duas disciplinas
  • Karla Escobar (mpilhlt), La metáfora de las múltiples voces y los retos del “anti-estatalismo” iushistórico para la historia de la cultura jurídica indígena en Cauca-Colombia
  • Manuela Bragagnolo (mpilhlt), Forma y contenido en la temprana edad moderna. Algunas reflexiones sobre la producción y la comunicación del conocimiento normativo


Colonial lives of property: Law, land, and racial regimes of ownership with Colin Jones (US-Asia Law Institute, NYU)

Organisation: Murat Burak Aydin


Research seminar: Legal History in the Iberian Worlds

Organisation: Pilar Mejía


  • Marcela Echeverri Muñoz (Yale University), Transformaciones jurídicas e identidades políticas de indios y esclavos durante la era de las revoluciones
  • Armando Guevara Gil (Universidad San Martin de Porres, Peru), ¿Dominga Gutiérrez o Beatriz del Corazón de Jesús? Una disputa interforal en el Perú decimonónico.
  • Marcelo da Rocha Wanderley (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro), Gens Lucifuga. Como las ejecuciones de deudas en la Audiencia Eclesiástica de México permiten analizar la Historia del Clero Secular (Siglo XVII)
  • Martin Biersack (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München), Regímenes de migración en Hispanoamérica, siglo XVIII
  • Samuel Barbosa (Universidade de São Paulo) y Ricardo Campos (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt), Empírica histórica y epistemología sociológica


Research seminar in cooperation with Goethe-Universität Frankfurt: Legal transfer in the common law world

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Emily Whewell


  • Matilde Cazzola (University of Bologna), Master, servants and labour laws in the postemancipation British West Indies)
  • Mark Somos (MPI Comparative Public and International Law), American states of nature. The origins of independence, 1761–1775
  • Matthew Waites (University of Glasgow), The British Empire’s regulation of same-sex sexualities and gender diversity: developing analysis through global historical sociology
  • David Higgins (University of Newcastle), Re-assessing the impact of the Empire marketing board during the interwar period
  • Christoph Resch (mpilhlt), The development of the parol evidence rule in the United States
  • Kevin Gray (York University-Osgoode Hall Law School), A separate head of judicial review: divergent paths in common law rights review
  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Interpretation of contracts and control of unfair terms in Asia


Salamanca Colloquium: Research Colloquium of the Project The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical- Political Language

Organisation: Christiane Birr, José Luis Egío


  • Boris Hogenmüller (Würzburg), Melchor Cano, De locis theologicis – some remarks on concept and reception of the Loci
  • Juan Belda Plans (Valencia), Presentación de la edición crítica y la traducción al español de la Relectio de Poenitentia de Melchor Cano
  • Francesca Iurlaro (EUI Florence), The Invention of Custom. Natural Law and the Law of Nations, c. 1550–1750


Author’s Workshop: Diversity Regime. Crime and diversity in the Iberian Empires in the early modernity

Organisation: Luisa  Stella  Coutinho


Workshop: ‘methodica: acta et agenda’

Organisation: Christoph H. F. Meyer


  • Christiane Birr (mpilhlt), Birr / Decock, Recht und Moral in der Scholastik der Frühen Neuzeit, Teil II: Die Schule von Salamanca
  • Wolfram Brandes (mpilhlt), Byzantinisches Verwaltungsrecht
  • Andreas Deutsch (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften / Universität Heidelberg), Der deutsche Rechtswortschatz und seine Quellen
  • Thomas Duve (mpilhlt), Begrüßung und Einführung; Rechtsgeschichte Hispanoamerikas in der Frühen Neuzeit
  • Caspar Ehlers (mpilhlt), Der Weg zum Buch …
  • Hans-Georg Hermann (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Bayerische Rechtsgeschichte
  • Thorben Klünder (mpilhlt), Rechtsgeschichte der EU
  • Maximiliane Kriechbaum (Universität Hamburg), Unterschiede, Gemeinsamkeiten, Verflechtungen von Legistik und Kanonistik 1150–1400
  • Isabelle Mandrella (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), Geschichte der Moralphilosophie im Mittelalter
  • David von  Mayenburg  (Goethe-Universität  Frankfurt),  Geschichte des  europäischen  Strafrechts
  • Christoph Meyer (mpilhlt), Hoch- und spätmittelalterliches Kirchenrecht
  • Heinz Mohnhaupt (mpilhlt), Privilegien
  • Guido Pfeifer (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Keilschriftrechtsgeschichte
  • Martin Schennach (Universität Innsbruck), Österreichische Rechtsgeschichte der Neuzeit
  • Jan Schröder (Universität Tübingen), Geschichte der juristischen Methodik
  • Jan Thiessen (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Juristische Zeitgeschichte
  • Stefan Vogenauer (mpilhlt), Legal History of the British Empire; Rechtsgeschichte der EU
  • Jakob Zollmann (Abu Dhabi), Einführung in das deutsche Kolonialrecht. Ideen – Normen – Praktiken


Working group: Using normative knowledge from the past

31.01. – 23.09.2020
Organisation: Alexandra Woods


  • Working group, HP Glenn and legal traditions
  • Working group, Knowledge production from the history of science
  • Alina Cherviatsova (Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine), Memory (memorial) laws
  • Working group, Anne Blair and information management
  • Tamar Herzog (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA), Germanic or Roman? Western European Narratives of Legal Origins
  • Alexandra Woods and Fupeng Li (mpilhlt), Using the past


Conference: Missing pieces in the legal history of the 19th and 20th century East Asia with Dr Tzung-Mou Wu (Academia Sinica)

Organisation: Zülâl Muslu


Workshop: Authenticity, truth and evidence in the late 19th-century Ottoman Empire with Prof Marc Aymes (École des hautes études en schiences sociales, CNRS)

Organisation: Zülâl Muslu


Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

Organisation: Thomas Duve, Manuel Bastias Saavedra

The Research Colloquium on Global Legal History offers a space for discussing ongoing research projects. The Research Colloquium is held monthly over the course of the academic year. Scholars are invited to present their current work, and each presentation will be followed by a discussion focusing primarily on methods of global legal history. The Research Colloquium is open to the public.


  • Juelma Matos (mpilhlt), Transformations of Slavery: Dependency Relationships in Benguela during the nineteenth-century
  • Damián Gonzáles (mpilhlt), The production of the colonial landscape in the lower Chillón river valley in late 16th-century Peru
  • Luca von Bogdandy (mpilhlt), The executive takeover of the judiciary: Concepts, paths, successes and defeats of Bourbon and Habsburg reforms in 18th-century Italy
  • Murat Burak Aydin (mpilhlt,) Was the Ottoman civil legal practice ever reformed? Inquiries into legal change, practice and legal translations in the late 19th-century Ottoman empire


Preparatory workshop for the Third Comparative Workshop on legal transformations in 19th and 20th century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire (planed for Summer 2021)

Organisation: Zülâl Muslu


Awayday of the research group Translations and Transitions: Intensive work on the concept of comparison and the project of a common book

Organisation: Zülâl Muslu


Max Planck Law Annual Conference

Organisation: Stefan Vogenauer, Russell Miller (Max Planck Law)


  • Stefan Vogenauer, Greeting and Introduction
  • Russell Miller, Introduction to MPL activities
  • MPL engaging the network session
  • MPL Salon
  • Dirk Hanschel (Halle), Katrin Kappler (Freiburg), Raffaela Kunz (Heidelberg), Lily Martinet (Luxembourg), Heiko Richter (Munich), Rights inflation or rights realization?
  • Anne Peters (Heidelberg), Keynote Lecture: Global Rights. Animal Rights
  • Directors roundtable
  • Marie-Claire Foblets (Halle), Ralf Poscher (Freiburg), Hélène Ruiz-Fabri (Luxembourg), Wolfgang Schön (Munich)
  • Jasper Kunstreich (Frankfurt), The history of Max Planck Law
  • Closing proceedings


Online launch of the project ‘Global Legal History on the Ground: Court Cases in African Archives’ / História Global do Direito ao Rés-do-Chão: Processos Judiciais em Arquivo Africanos

Organisation: Mariana Dias Paes, Raquel Sirotti, Maysa Espíndola Souza, Juelma Matos Ñgala


  • Mariana Dias Paes (mpilhlt), Introdução e apresentação das integrantes do projeto
  • Fernanda Thomaz (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora), Fontes judiciais e conflitos de formas normativas na história de Moçambique
  • Mariana Candido (Emory University), As mulheres na documentação do Tribunal da Comarca de Benguela: Novas Fontes e Questões para a História de Angola no século XIX
  • José Évora (Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde), O acervo documental do ANCV e o desafio de uma história vista a partir do rés-do-chão: pistas para uma história do direito cabo-verdiano


Comparative seminar on legal transformations in 19th and early 20th century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire

Starting from 12.11.2020, ongoing on a monthly basis
Organisation: Lena Foljanty


  • Darryl Flaherty (University of Delaware): State and society in translation: State formation and translating private legal practice in the first Meiji decade
  • Avi Rubin (Ben Gurion University of the Negev): Sites and actors of translation in 19th-century Ottoman Empire


Conference: Law and Diversity: European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective – Public Law I

Organisation: Peter Collin, Manuel Bastias Saavedra


  • Luigi Nuzzo (Università del Salento), Pluralistic concepts of public law: Italy (main contribution)
  • Leonard Wolckenhaar (mpilhlt), Comment: Germany
  • Gustavo Cabral (Universidade Federal do Ceará), Comment: Brazil
  • Eduardo Zimmermann (Universidad de San Andres) Creation and development of concepts of citizens and inhabitants: Argentina (main contribution)
  • Dieter Gosewinkel (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin), Comment: Germany
  • Tatiana Borisova (National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg), Comment: Russia
  • Pablo Marshall (Universidad Austral de Chile), Comment: Chile
  • José Maria Portillo (Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao), Diversity and fundamental rights: Spain (main contribution)
  • Julio Cesar Guanche (Havanna), Comment: Cuba
  • Nenad Stefanov (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Comment: Yugoslavia
  • Pablo Marshall (Universidad Austral de Chile), Diversity and electoral law: Chile
  • Blanca Rodriguez Ruiz (Universidad de Sevilla), Comment: Spain
  • Anna Tarnowska (Nicolaus Copernicus University Torun), Poland
  • Andres Estefane (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile), Diversity and territorial state organisation: Chile (main contribution)
  • Samuel Barbosa (Universidade de São Paulo), Comment: Brazil
  • Andreas Thier (Universität Zürich): Comment: Switzerland
  • Liliana Ronconi (Universidad de Buenos Aires), The principle of equality: Argentina (main contribution)
  • Alberto Coddou (Universidad Austral de Chile), Comment: Chile


Max Planck Research Group Seminar

Organisation: Benedetta Albani, Alexandra Anokhina, Francesco Giuliani, Anna Clara Lehmann Martins

Alfonso Alibrandi (Université Paris Descartes, Mpilhlt), The dominion over the interpretation of the law. Preliminary results on the influence of the Congregation of the Council on the legal doctrine and praxis of the XVII century (09.12.2020)


Conference: Law and Diversity: European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective – Public Law II

Organisation: Peter Collin, Manuel Bastias Saavedra


  • Gloria Nielfa (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Special protection regimes for women: Spain (main contribution)
  • Karin Neuwirth (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz), Comment: Habsburg Empire/Austria
  • Maria Pia Guerra (Universidade de Brasilia), Public order and ‘dangerous’ groups: Brazil (main contribution)
  • Jennifer Illuzzi (Providence College), Comment: Italy
  • Agustin Casagrande (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), Comment: Argentina
  • Sigrid Wadauer (Universität Wien), Comment: Habsburg Empire/Austria
  • Beate Althammer (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Comment: Germany
  • Christiane Reinecke (Universität Leipzig), Migrants and Foreigners: Germany (main contribution)
  • Diego Galeano (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro), Comment: Brazil
  • Rita Lages (Universidad de Chile), Comment: Chile
  • Andreas Fahrmeir (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Comment: Great Britain
  • Wilfried Rudloff (Dokumentations- und Forschungsstelle der Sozialversicherungsträger, Bochum), Universalization and Differentiation of Social Welfare: Germany (main contribution)
  • Andrej Slivnik (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), Comment: Brazil
  • Marianna Muravyeva (University of Helsinki), Comment: Russia
  • Peter Collin (mpilhlt), Corporatism and Diversity: Germany (main contribution)
  • Irene Stolzi (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Comment: Italy
  • Sebastian Martin (Universidad de Sevilla), Comment: Spain
  • Rafael Giesta Cabral (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-árido), Comment: Brazil


Basics of Video Making

Organisation: Karla L. Escobar H.


  • Karla L. Escobar H. (mpilhlt) Lineamientos Generales.
  • Antonio Escobar (Early Human Studio) ¿Cómo crear videos que luzcan profesionales con una cámara telefónica? / Conceptos básicos de iluminación y técnica / Introducción a los diferentes tipos de tomas / Pasos básicos para hacer un story-board / Uso de aplicaciones para generar contenido de video / Ambientación musical y sonido / Formatos de video

Researcher Activities


Benedetta Albani
Max Planck Research Group Leader


  • La Congregazione del Concilio (Workshop: Governare per Congregazioni. La Curia papale tra pratiche istituzionali e logiche informali (XVI-XVII secolo) (Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Roma, 16.04.2018)
  • Entre el Papa y las iglesias locales. El sistema de las congregaciones cardenalicias romanas como herramienta clave del Gobierno Global del papado en la temprana Edad Moderna (Workshop: El Papado en la historia global: nuevas perspectivas historiográficas, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, 29.05.2018)
  • Y parezcan frente a Su Santidad o persona que sus veces tenga. Agentes y procuradores Iberoamericanos en la Curia Romana (s. XV-XVII) (Workshop: Actors, interests and forms of interaction between New Spain, Peru and Iberian Peninsula: the role of negotiation (XVI-XVII centuries), 56º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 15.07.-20.07.2018)
  • Salubriter et utiliter providere. Administrative practices of the Roman congregations for governing the World as exemplified by the Congregation of the Council (42. Deutscher Rechtshistorikertag 2018: Zentren und Peripherien in der Geschichte des Rechts, Universität Trier, Trier, 16.09.- 20.09.2018)
  • Agenti e procuratori dei vescovi dell’America spagnola a Roma (International Symposium: The Agents of foreign Communities and European-American States in Rome, MTA-PPKE Vatican Historical Research Group-Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 27.09.-29.09.2018)
  • Conocer y gobernar no obstante la distancia: La Curia Romana y el Nuevo Mundo en la Edad Moderna (XI Jornadas de Historia Colonial, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Facultad de Artes Liberales, Santiago de Chile, 16.10.-18.10.2018)
  • En memoria y conmemoración de aquella tan insigne y nunca oída victoria. La construcción del culto de San Hipólito, patrono de la Ciudad de México, entre Roma y la Nueva España en la época post-tridentina (Seminario Académico: Trento, impacto cultural, social y espiritual en Hispanoamérica, Universidad de Viña del Mar, Viña del Mar, 15.01.2019
  • With Rafael Gaune Corradi (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), Una persona intermedia, un viaje y varios documentos aún sin entender… La mundialidad católica desde un procurador (Santiago-Roma 1692-1699-1709)
  • (Seminario Internacional: Integración, reintegración y desintegración religiosa en Europa y América, Universidad de Chile-Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 16.01-17.01.2019
  • Las relaciones entre la Santa Sede y la América española (siglos XV-XVIII) a la luz de los archivos vaticanos (Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 15.03.2019)
  • La Chiesa cattolica nel Nuovo Mondo: romana, spagnola, americana (Università “G. d’Annunzio” Chieti-Pescara, 25.03.2019)
  • El gobierno de la Iglesia americana bajo el régimen de Patronato. Nuevas perspectivas entre historiografía y fuentes de archivo (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso 04.06.2019)
  • ‘Después del santo bautismo tenemos los entendimientos ansí como los cristianos viejos […] e no somos de menos merescimiento que los de allá’. Formas de resistencia, reivindicaciones indígenas y proyectos alternativos en el contexto de la construcción de la Iglesia americana (RESISTANCE Symposium IV: Resistance, Religion and Justice, mpilthlt, Frankfurt, 23.10.2019)
  • Conocer para gobernar. Los archivos de las congregaciones romanas, su historia y su formación, como fuente para la historia de las instituciones eclesiásticas en América (siglos XV-XVIII) (Workshop, Universidad de los Andes, Santiago de Chile, 29.10.2019)
  • Casarse en el Nuevo Mundo. Reformas y gobierno de la Iglesia entre Roma y América (siglos XV-XVII) (International Conference: La Reforma católica en el mundo hispánico: el impacto de Trento, Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, Sevilla, 21.01-22.01.2020
  • The History of the papacy and the Roman Curia as a Laboratory for Global Legal History (Symposium: Global Legal Histories, Fung Global Fellows Program and the Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, 06.03.-07.03.2020)
  • Más allá del Patronato Regio. El gobierno de la Iglesia americana a la luz de los archivos vaticanos (Octavo simposio nacional y segundo latinoamericano de historia religiosa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, 17.12.-18.12.2020)


  • Teaching assignement at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Teología, Santiago de Chile
  • Course: Reformas en la Historia de la Iglesia Moderna, TEO302C, February 2019


  • Member of the ‘Nodo’ ‘Culturas urbanas en el Mundo Moderno’, Red Columnaria


Alexandra Anokhina
Doctoral Student
Max Planck Research Group Albani


  • Game engines and visualisation of mental spaces: how Senua’s Sacrifice works with history and emotions (History and Games Research Group Seminar, University of Edinburgh, 24.11.2020)


  • IT administration: Permanent research seminar ‘Fanfiction theory and Pre-Modern World’, University of Oxford
  • Co-Organizer of the conference: Fan Cultures and the Premodern World, History Faculty, University of Oxford, 5.07.-6.07.2019
  • Co-Organizer of the series of seminars: Fan Cultures and the Premodern World, History Faculty, University of Oxford, 2018-2019
  • Project developer: Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries, (H2020-MSCA-RISE, 2020-2021), University of Évora


  • History and Games Lab, University of Edinburgh


Alfons Aragoneses
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • La memoria del derecho: la creación del pasado en los discursos jurídico (Universidade de Sao Paulo / instituto Brasileiro de História do direito, Sao Paulo, 05.09.2018)
  • Diversity and Nation-building. (Law and Diversity. European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical perspective, mpilhlt, 06.06.2019)
  • El jurista en el barrio gótico: foralismo y tradicionalismo en el derecho catalán del siglo XX (RegioCat-Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, 30.01.2020)


Stephen B. Aranha
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • Aspects of 20th-century electoral reform in the Bahamas: women’s suffrage (Common Law Research Seminar, mpilhlt, 18.06.2018)
  • Electoral reform in the 20th-century Bahamas: Women’s suffrage (42nd Annual Conference of the Society for Caribbean Studies, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London, 04.07.- 06.07.2018)
  • Citizenship and the constitution (Guest lecture, University of the Bahamas, 20.09.2018)
  • When no one is watching: The undemocratisation of the suffrage (3rd Annual Future of Democracy Conference, National Art Gallery of the Bahamas, University of the Bahamas, 24.09.-25.09.2018)
  • Party politics and electoral systems (Guest lecture, University of the Bahamas, 26.09.2018)
  • Aspects of 20th-century electoral reform in the Bahamas: the secret ballot (Common Law Research Seminar, mpilhlt, 22.10.2018)
  • Status und Stimmrecht auf den Bahamas in den letzten 100 Jahren (Jour Fixe, Frankfurter Historisches Museum, 14.01.2019)


  • Bahamas Historical Society, Society for Caribbean Studies (UK)


Marietta Auer


  • Autonomy in the digital age (Polytechnische Gesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 15.12.2020)
  • Kein Sonderrecht für den Adel - Die Unwürdigkeitsklausel und die Entschädigungsforderungen der Hohenzollern (Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Berlin, 01.02.2021)
  • The history of private law scholarship since the 19th century (Universität Bayreuth, Bayreuth 27.04.2021; Universität zu Köln, Cologne, 28.04.2021)


  • Professor Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Privatrecht und Theorie, Lektürekolloquium Wintersemester 2020/21

Awards, prizes and distinctions

  • Marietta Auer was a fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin from 2019 to 2020.


  • Board Member and Evaluator: Bucerius Law School; European University Institute; Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung e.V.; Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, deutsche Sektion e.V.; European Law Institute; European Research Council; Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; National Science Center of Poland; Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung; Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes; Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik


  • Member of the Board of Editors: Grundlagen des Rechts, Mohr Siebeck; Fundamenta Juridica, Nomos; Rechtsgeschichte, Klostermann;


Philip Bajon
Department Vogenauer


  • The European Parliament and the history and current challenges of the European Union (contribution to a round table discussion with Hessian ex-minister of justice Jörg-Uwe Hahn on the occasion of the elections to the European Parliament in May 2019, mpilhlt, 06.05.2019)
  • Soft Law und Gentlemen‘s Agreement. Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschung über die Europäische Union (Research Colloquium for 19th and 20th-century history, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 20.05.2019)
  • Oral histories and autobiographical narratives in the field of European studies (Roundtable contribution, Legal Biography Workshop, mpilhlt, 03.07.2019)


  • Institute’s representative to the Human Sciences Section of the Scientific Council of the Max Planck Society
  • Member of an Appointment Committee for a Max Planck Directorship
  • Scientific semi-structured interview with former Advocate General Carl Otto Lenz, Bensheim, Germany, 16.10.2018 (together with Nina-Louisa Lorenz, part of the project ‘An oral history of the European Court of Justice’)
  • Interview with Science Journal ‘Max Planck Sciences’ (Mechthild Zimmermann) on the legal history of the European Union and the current crisis of European integration, 26.11.2018
  • Referee, Journal of Common Market Studies, special issue ‘Collective Identities and Integration of Core State Powers’, edited by Theresa Kuhn and Francesco Nicoli


  • Member of Deutsch-Französisches Historikerkomitee


Vicky Barnes
Department Vogenauer


  • The advent of the corporate uniform (with Lucy Newton) (Fashion and the supply chain, Henley Business School, 15.02.2018)
  • Carry on banking: the response of British retail banks to the threat of nationalisation during the 1970s (with Lucy Newton and Neil Rollings) (Business History Conference, Baltimore, 05.-08.04.2018)
  • The advent of the corporate uniform (with Lucy Newton) (Association of Business Historians, Open University, 29.-30.6.2018)
  • Burland v Earle (1902): A comparison of Canadian and English perspectives towards corporate regulation and legal culture (Legal Histories of Empire Conference: Perspectives from the colonized, University of the West Indies, 12.07.2018)
  • Lending to entrepreneurial firms: Credit provision by small scale-banks to small-scale enterprise in 19th-century England (with Lucy Newton) (World Economic History Conference, Boston, 01.08.2018)
  • British Banks and their Aesop’s fables (with Lucy Newton) (World Economic History Conference, Boston, 03.08.2018)
  • The advent of the corporate uniform (with Lucy Newton) (Women and financial advice, Economic History Society Women’s Committee, University of Southampton, 03.11. 2018)
  • Shifts of wealth, capital and responsibility: litigation in London about shareholder rights in Canada and the Commonwealth (with Lucy Newton) (Business History Conference, Cartagena, Colombia, 15.03.2019)
  • The problems with a self-told narrative: Lord Lindley’s autobiography, his life and his legal biography (Legal Biography Workshop, mpilhlt, 03.05.2019)
  • ‘Carry on banking’: Political lobbying and the response of British retail banks to the threat of nationalisation (with Lucy Newton and Neil Rollings) (Association of Business Historians, Sheffield Hallam University, 06.05.2019)
  • Burland v Earle (1902) and the coming of the corporate economy (University of London, Institute of Advanced Studies, London, 09.05.2019)
  • Regulating merchants in the Caribbean (Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, Association of Caribbean Historians, Willemstad, University of Curacao, 30.05.2019)
  • Transferring offer, acceptance and revocation to British Guiana (together with Niels Pepels) (Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world, mpilhlt, 16.12.2019)
  • Consumer literacy in the UK (with Laurence O’Hara) (Behavioural law and economics seminar, Max Planck Institute for Collective Goods, Bonn, 20.01.2020)
  • Financing regional clusters (with Lucy Newton) (Workshop: Sustainable regional clusters, Henley Business School, 04.03.-05.03.2020)


  • Associate Lecturer at the University of Reading, United Kingdom
  • Company Law & Commercial Law, Seminar January-June 2018
  • Lehrbeauftragte at Goethe-Universität
  • History of Private Law: A comparative approach to English and German Commercial Law, Seminar November 2018 (with Jasper Kunstreich)


  • Guest editor for Management and Organizational History
  • Associate editor for American Journal of Legal History
  • Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, United Kingdom
  • Convenor of the Legal History section of Society of Legal Scholars
  • Guest editor for Management and Organizational History
  • Managing editor for the American Journal of Legal History (until November 2019: Deputy managing editor)
  • Visiting Fellow at Wollongong University, Wollongong, Australia
  • Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, United Kingdom
  • Emerging Scholars Committee Sessions for the Business History Conference (12.03.-14.03.2020) in North Carolina (
  • Convenor of the Legal History Stream of the Society of Legal Scholars Virtual Annual Conference (01.09.-04.09.2020), Exeter, United Kingdom
  • Convenor of the Minerva LAW (Legal and Academic Women’s Network) (with Amber Maggio and Zeynep Yazici Caglar (mpilhlt))


  • American Society for Legal History, Business History Conference, Selden Society, Society of Legal Scholars, Socio-Legal Studies Association

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Exploratory Research Grant (Hagley Museum and Library, Delaware, United States, 01.12.2018)


Manuel Bastias Saavedra
Department Duve


Derecho fronterizo. Tierra, Territorio y Justicia en la ‘Cuarta Frontera’ (Valdivia, 1790-1850) (Centro de Derechos Humanos, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile Santiago, 4.12.2018)

Frontier Law: Land, Justice, and Territory on the Edges of the Pacific World (Chile and the Philippines, 1750-1860) (History Department, University of Asia and the Pacific, Manila, 23.01.2019)

Politics from Below. The Role of Civil Society in times of Authoritarianism (Chile, 1973-1993) (School of Law and Governance, University of Asia and the Pacific, Manila, 23.01.2019)

Embedding Constitutional Differences: Chile (1810-1925) (Recht und Diversität: Europäische und lateinamerikanischen Erfahrungen in rechtshistorischer Perspektive, mpilhlt, 24.-25.06.2019)

Comment: Colonial Law as Symbolic Order: Property and Sovereignty in German Southwest Africa (Workshop: Sovereignty and Property in (Post-) Colonial Contexts, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 15.07.2019)

Iberian Empires and the Production of Normativity in Asia (1500-1800) (ASLH 49th Annual Meeting, Boston, 23.11.2019)

El espacio del imperio, el derecho de la comunidad. Tierra, justicia y territorio en los márgenes del Pacífico español (Chile y Filipinas, 1750-1830) (XII Jornadas de Estudios Coloniales y Modernos, Universidad de Los Andes, Santiago de Chile, 26.-30.10.2020)

Construyendo diferencias constitucionales: Chile (1810-1980) (Symposium: O constitucionalismo na América Latina e a sociedade mundial: Brasil e Chile passado e futuro, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahía, 24.11.2020)

Derecho fronterizo: tierra, territorio y justicia en la ‘cuarta frontera’ (Valdivia, 1790-1850), (Conversaciones Porteñas sobre Historia del Derecho, Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, 02.12.2020)

Law in global history. Towards a decentered history of law (Seminario de História ICS, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa 04.12.2020)

Derecho, Tierra y Colonialismo (Seminário Permanente de História do Direito, Núcleo de Estudos sobre o Direito na América Portuguesa (NEDAP), Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 18.12.2020)


Associate Lecturer, Lateinamerika-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin

Dictatorships in Latin America in a Global Context: The Case of Chile (1973-1990), Seminar, Wintersemester 2019/20

Dictatorships in Latin America in a Global Context, Master Seminar, Wintersemester 2019/2020

Law and Empire. Transoceanic and Local interactions in the Iberian World (16th-18th centuries), Masterseminar, Sommersemester 2020


Activities: Reviewer Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT), Chile; Reviewer American Journal of Legal History.


Comité de Historia, Arqueología y Antropología. Programa de Formación de Capital Humano Avanzado. Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), Chile.


ERC Consolidator Grant – CoG 2020. European Research Council. 02.12.2020


Gerd Bender
Department Duve


  • Die Diversität des Rechts. Arbeitsrechtshistorische Erfahrungen (Tagung Recht und Diversität, mpilhlt, 01.02-02.02.2018)
  • Multinormativität und Arbeitsrecht (Workshop Praktiken, Konventionen, Multinormativität, Historisches Kolleg, München, 21.06-22.06.2018)
  • Prunkstücke? Arbeitsrecht und Sozialpolitik (Tagung Verfassungskultur in der Weimarer Republik, Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin, 11.02.-13.02.2019)


Sean Bottomley
Department Vogenauer


  • Did James Watt’s patent(s) really delay the Industrial Revolution? At ‘What patents really do: historical perspectives on current debates’ (Hoover Institute, Stanford University, Palo Alto, 17.05.2018)
  • Institutional change and property rights: the case of the English Court of Wards, 1540-1660. Seminar (UC Irvine, Irvine, 21.05.2018)
  • Wardship and property rights in the British Isles and Empire (Common Law Research Seminar, mpilhlt, 29.05.2018)
  • Institutional change, property rights and industrialisation: the case of the English Court of Wards, 1540-1660 (Seminar at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Toulouse, 29.06.2018)


  • Research Affiliate, Centre for Intellectual Property and Information Law, University of Cambridge


  • Selden Society, Economic History Society

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • David Yale prize ‘for an outstanding contribution to the history of the law of England and Wales from scholars who have been engaged in research in the subject for not longer than about ten years’ (awarded in June 2018, for 2017)


Christiane Birr
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Presentation of the digital edition platform of the project The School of Salamanca: Francisco de Vitoria’s Confessionario (Salamanca Colloquium, mpilhlt, 09.05.2018)
  • Ius Commune – Legists (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 17.07.2018)
  • Private Law I (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 19.07.2018)
  • Comment to Dave de Ruysscher: Security Interests and Consistency in Commercial Law: the Example of Roman-Dutch Scholarship (17th c.) (Jour Fixe, mpilhlt, 10.09.2018)
  • Interview: Die Schule von Salamanca und die Entstehung des modernen Natur- und Völkerrechts (Interviewer: Maximilian Knoll, Hochschule der deutschen Bundesbank, mpilhlt, 09.10.2018)
  • ‘La vida es mas preciosa, que la libertad. Beobachtungen bei der Textkorrektur von Martin de Azpilcuetas Manual de Confessores (Salamanca 1556)’ (Salamanca Colloquium, mpilhlt, 05.12.2018)
  • La Escuela de Salamanca: Intentos de Delineación de un Fenómeno Complejo, (Expert Seminar “¿Qué es la Escuela de Salamanca?”, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome,   17.09.-19.09.2020)
  • Die Schule von Salamanca: Zur open access policy eines Akademieprojekts (Workshop „Open Access und Wandel der Publikationskultur in der Rechtswissenschaft“, Open-Access-Büro Berlin und Fachinformationsdienst für internationale und interdisziplinäre Rechtsforschung, Berlin, 10.12.2020)


  • Privatdozentin Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Die Schule von Salamanca aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive, Kolloquium „Einführung in den Schwerpunktbereich Rechtsgeschichte“ Winter Semester 2019/20
  • Rechtshistorische Perspektiven der Schule von Salamanca, Kolloquium „Einführung in den Schwerpunktbereich Rechtsgeschichte“, Summer Semester 2020
  • Rechtshistorische Aspekte der Schule von Salamanca, Kolloquium „Einführung in den Schwerpunktbereich Rechtsgeschichte“, Winter Semester 2020/21


  • Member of the Editors‘ Board of ‘Sources in Early Modern Economics, Ethics, and Law (Second Series)’, General Editors: Wim Decock, Andrew McGinnis; Acton Institute (Grand Rapids, MI, USA), Christian’s Library Press


  • Gesellschaft für bayerische Rechtsgeschichte; Zentrum für rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung an der Universität Würzburg, Society of Malawi


Manuela Bragagnolo
Department Duve


  • Monitoring transformations in early modern law printed books. The Manual for confessors by Martín de Azpilcueta, (within the Panel: Calculating knowledge: what your project needs to fully benefit from the Digital Humanities, organized by Angela Dressen and Matteo Valleriani, Renaissance Society of America Conference, New Orleans, 02.03-02.03.2018)
  • La fabrique d’un texte. Les traductions du Manual de confessores de Martin d’Azpilcueta au XVIe siècle, (Journée d’étude Traduction et outils numériques, École Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 05.04.2018)
  • Epitomizing knowledge between Portugal and Spain. Around Martin de Azpilcueta´s Manual de Confessores, (Vorstellung der digitalen Editionsplattform des Projekts “Die Schule von Salamanca”: Francisco de Vitorias “Confessionario”, mpilhlt, 09.05.2018)
  • La consciencia como lugar de resistencia. Algunas reflexiones sobre el tema re la resistencia en la literatura normativa pragmática, Quadros teóricos e historiografia (Theoretical framework and state of the art), (Simposio I, RISE, Universidade de Evora, 12.07-13.07.2018)
  • Normativity and textuality. Martín de Azpilcueta’s self-translations of his Manual de confessores, (LX Settimana di Studio Mediatizzazione e medialità della storia tra età moderna e contemporanea, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Trento, 19.09-21.09.2018)
  • with Andreas Wagner, Multimodale Versuche der Alignierung historischer Texte, DHD 2019 (6. Jahrestagung des Verbands Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, 25.03.-29.03.2019)
  • Law, Medicine and Physiognomy in 16th-Century Venice, Scientiae 2019, (Queen’s University, Belfast, 12.06.-15.06.2019)
  • Introduction: Law in Text and Context (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 06.08.2019)
  • Forma y contenido en la temprana edad moderna. Algunas reflexiones sobre la producción y la comunicación del conocimiento normativo (Uma rodada de conversação científica em homenagem a António Manuel Hespanha, mpilhlt, 12.11.2019)
  • Textuality and Materiality in Early Modern Legal Books. Martin de Azpilcueta’s Manual de Confessores’ (AHRC Legal Materiality Research Network Concluding Conference, Birkbeck University of London, 9.01.-10.01.2020)
  • Authority and Legal Authorship in Early Modern Iberian Peninsula. The Invention» of the Author of Martin de Azpilcueta’s Manual de Confessores (Institutions and Book Market during the Early Modern Period: Between Regulation and Promotion, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, 06.02.-07.02.2020)
  • Portait de Martin d’Azpilcueta (1566) (Séminaire “Renaissance. Laboratoire d’expérimentation historiographique”, Lyon, Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 21.02.2020)
  • La literatura normativa pragmática y la producción de saber normativo en la temprana Edad Moderna. El “Manual de Confessores” de Martin de Azpilcueta y el fenômeno de la epitomizacion (Seminário Internacional UNIVERSIDADES: Redes e Identidades, Universidade de Coimbra, 04.12.2020)


  • Activities: Work Package Leader in the Project Resistance. Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries (778076-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017); Responsible for the EMODiR Newsletter


  • Member of the Centro Studi Muratoriani; Member of RSA (Renaissance Society of America); Member of EMODiR (Research Group in Early Modern Religious Dissents and Radicalism); Member of Laboratoire Italien. Politique et société Editorial Staff

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Manuela Bragagnolo was awarded a Fellowship for participating in the ´Settimana di Studio Mediatizzazione e medialità della storia tra età moderna e contemporanea´, Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico, Trento, 19.09-21.09.2018
  • received the “Premio in memoria di Domenico Maffei” (10.000 euros) for the book Lodovico Antonio Muratori e l’eredità del Cinquecento nell’Europa del XVI secolo, Firenze, Olschki, 2017, Siena, 05.10.2019


Wolfram Brandes
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • 692 – ein zentrales Jahr für Justinian II (Institut für Byzantinistik und Neogräzistik der Universität Wien und Österreichische Byzantinische Gesellschaft, 19.03.2018)
  • The Marvelous Year 692 (Legal Pluralism and Social Change in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Princeton, May 17.05.-19.05.2018)
  • Justinian II. und das ‚mirakulöse‘ Jahr 692 (Kolloquium zur mittelalterlichen Geschichte, Universität Leipzig, 27.06.2018)
  • 718 AD – World history in Asturia. Byzantium and the Arabic Islam (El reino de Asturias y Europa: siglos VIII y IX. Contexto histórico de su origen y desarrollo, Oviedo, 02.10.-07.10.2018)
  • Was wurde in den 102 Kanones des Quinisextum (691/692) nicht geregelt (und warum)? (Kirche in der Krise und rechtliche Antworten vom Frühmittelalter bis zur Reformation, Villa Vigoni, 07.11.-10.11.2018)
  • Gog & Magog in Byzantium – a pessimistic story (Politics – History – Eschatology. Funcional, Inter(con)textual, Structural and Comperative Approaches to Gog and Magog, Erlangen, 23.09.-25.09.2019)
  • Apokalyptische Schriften in Byzanz (Universität Mainz, 17.12. 2019)


  • Advisory board of the Jahrbuchs der österreichischen Byzantinistik; Comité scientifique of the «Travaux et Mémoires» (Collège de France/Institute d’études byzantines); Commission „Historischer Kommentar zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas“ of the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften;


  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung byzantinistischer Studien; Mediävistenverband


Agustín E. Casagrande
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Oeconomic empowerment and criminal prosecution: Subordinates of Justice and Summary of information in Buenos Aires towards the end of the 18th century (Colloquium on the History of Police and Criminal Justice, mpilhlt, 04.06. 2018)
  • El concepto de autonomía y las subjetividades jurídicas en la Argentina durante el siglo XX (Coloquio internacional la historia conceptual hoy: cruzar disciplinas, reinventar la política, Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini, Buenos Aires, 31.10.-01.11.2019)


Matilde Cazzola
Department Vogenauer


  • Masters, servants and labour laws in the post-emancipation British West Indies (Seminar Legal transfer in the common law world, mpilhlt, Frankfurt am Main, 13.01.2020)
  • Towards a global conceptual history from below: the political thought of Thomas Spence (1750–1814) (Verleihung der Forschungsstipendien 2019, Edith Saurer Fonds, Wien, 28.01.2020)
  • L’amministrazione imperiale britannica e la ‘sottile crosta dell’ordine’: il caso di Lord Elgin (Presentazione delle ricerche 2019-2020 dei borsisti della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi: ‘Tra economia, scienza politica e storia’, Torino, 19.11.2020)


  • Teaching assignment at the University of Bologna
  • Introduction to the history of modern political concepts: Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke and Hegel, Online crash course, MA in Global Cultures, 15.09.-18.09.2020

Awards, prizes, distinctions

  • Matilde Cazzola was awarded the 2018 Atlantic Studies Early Career Essay Prize by two external judges for the academic journal Atlantic Studies: Global Currents in March 2019.
  • Matilde Cazzola was awarded a 10.000-euro research prize for the completion of her book project by the Edith Saurer Fonds at the Arbeiterkammer, Vienna, on 28 January 2020.


Pietro Cesari
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • The corporation and the conception of modern space. Consolidating the research perimetral walls (Research Colloquium, Jour-Fix, LOEWE Schwerpunkt Architecturen des Ordnens, Frankfurt am Main, 19.11.2020)
  • The corporation and the conception of modern space, between structures and systems. An explorative guide (Research Colloquium, ‘Colloquium goes virtual’, Centre of Critical Studies of Architecture, Frankfurt am Main, 03.12.2020)
  • Donal Coffey
  • Researcher
  • Department Vogenauer
  • Presentations
  • Die Rechtsgeschichte des Commonwealth in der Zeit zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen (Junge Forschung Geschichte und Recht, 21.03.-22.03.2018)
  • A legal and political history of the Fifth Amendment of the constitution of Ireland (Conference: Law and religion in Ireland 1530-1973, University College Dublin, 6.06.2018)
  • Parliamentary supremacy in the Commonwealth: dominions and the struggle for legislative Autonomy (International Society of Public Law, University of Hong Kong, 25.06.-27.06.2018)
  • Parliamentary supremacy in the Dominions: South Africa, the Irish Free State, New Zealand and the struggle for legislative autonomy (Legal histories of empire, University of the West Indies, 11.07.-13.07.2018)
  • Legal transfer in the Common Law World (mpilhlt Summer Academy for Legal History, 16.07.-27.07.2018)
  • Constitutional histories – Presentations and discussion (mpilhlt Summer Academy for Legal History, 16.07.-27.07.2018)
  • Dignity as a foundational norm: historical and comparative aspects (Goethe-Universität Summer School for Legal History, 16.07.-10.08.2018)
  • Centre and periphery in the British Empire: parliamentary sovereignty and the Dominions (Rechtshistorikertag, Universität Trier, 16.09.-20.09.2018)
  • Parliamentary supremacy in the Dominions (The Keith Forum on Comparative Constitutionalism, University of Edinburgh, 05.11.-7.11.2018)
  • Constitutional law and empire in the inter-war years (Workshop: Constitutional legacies of empire, University of Glasgow, 24.05.2019)
  • Provincialism and federalism in Commonwealth constitutional thought (British Legal History Conference, University of St Andrew’s, 10.07-13.07.2019)
  • Bunreacht na hEireann and the drafting of the 1947 Burmese constitution (Sovereignty, populism and constitutional politics: British and Irish chapter of the International Society of Public Law, University College Cork, 30.08.-31.08.2019)
  • Newfoundland and dominion status (Osgoode Society Legal History Workshop, University of Toronto, 15.10.2019)
  • The drafting of the constitution of the Union of Burma 1947 (South Asia Legal Studies Workshop, University of Wisconsin Law School, 17.10.2019)
  • History, Palles and the representation of the people (Christopher Palles Legacy Project, University College Dublin, 02.12.2019)


  • Managing Editor, American Journal of Legal History (until November 2019)


  • Selden Society, International Society of Public Law, Society of Legal Scholars, Irish Legal History Society, Irish Jurisprudence Society, Royal Historical Society

Awards, Prizes and Distinctions

  • Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, 08.02.2019


Vincenzo Colli
Department Vogenauer


  • Scientific Council of the online journal «CODEX Studies» (S.I.S.M.E.L.), Scientific Council of the project: IUS ILLUMINATUM, Instituto de Estudos Medievais (IEM), Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH)


Peter Collin
Department Duve


  • Recht und Diversität – eine Einführung (Conference ‚Herausforderung Diversität. Normative Konsequenzen gesellschaftlicher Ausdifferenzierung seit dem 19. Jahrhundert‘, mpilhlt, 01.02.-02.02.2018)
  • Law and diversity in the perspective of the concept of functional differentiation (Workshop ‘El desafío de la diversidad: arquitecturas de seguridad, derecho penal y vigilancia entre los siglos XIX y XXI’, Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires, 12.04.-13.04.2018)
  • Recht im Ersten Weltkrieg (Conference ‚Räume des Anomischen‘, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 07.06.-08.06.2018)
  • Multinormativität –  Beispiele aus  der Forschungspraxis,  (Workshop  ‚Praktiken, Konventionen, Multinormativität. Historische Perspektiven‘, Historisches Kolleg, München, 21.06.-22.06.2018)
  • Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert – Aspekte eines Näheverhältnisses zu ‚entterritorialisierter Verwaltung‘ (Workshop, ‚Entterritorialisierte Verwaltung in einer historischen Perspektive‘, Universität Konstanz, 21.09.-22.09.2018)
  • Justizwandel durch Krieg und Revolution? Deutschland 1914-1918 (Lecture series ‚Revolutionen‘, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, 23.12.2018)
  • Ehre als normative Ressource in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart (Workshop: The concept of honor and conflict resolution, Universität Göttingen, 19.01.2019)
  • Sozialstaat und Gesellschaft Deutschland zwischen Nationsbildung und Internationalisierung (1870-1933) (Kommentar) (Das Büro des Kaisers. Neuere Ansätze in der historisch-soziologischen Politikfeldanalyse, Center for Advanced Studies, München, 07.-08.03.2019)
  • Judicial pluralism (Vielfalt im Recht, Universität Hamburg, 26.08.-27.08.2019)
  • Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung? Die Anfänge der Krankenversicherung (Mehrwert der Selbstverwaltung, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 24.09.2019)
  • Wirtschaftsrecht (Pluralistische Rechtsverständnisse? Diskussionen um den Rechtsbegriff in den juristischen Disziplinen an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert, mpilhlt, 14.11.-15.11.2019)
  • Der Prozess im Dienste eines „höheren materiellen Rechts“ – Josef Kohler und das Zivilverfahrensrecht (5. Josef Kohler-Symposion: Rechtswissenschaft zwischen Industrialisierung und Republik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 21.11.-22.11.2019)
  • Projektvorstellung: Nichtstaatliches Recht der Wirtschaft (Sitzung Arbeitskreis Arbeitsrechtsgeschichte, mpilhlt, 05.12.2019)
  • Bürokratie und externe Expertise in der Sozialversicherungsgesetzgebung in Deutschland in den 1870er und 1880er Jahren (Moderne Bürokratie und Innovation, Bundesministerium für Öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Wien, 12.12.-13.12.2019)
  • Nichtstaatliches Recht der Wirtschaft. Die normative Ordnung der Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Metallindustrie vom Kaiserreich bis in die frühe Bundesrepublik (Institut für soziale Bewegungen, Universität Bochum, 20.01.2020)
  • Corporatism and Diversity in Germany (Conference: Law and Diversity – European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective – Public Law, mpilhlt, 11.12.2020)


  • Privatdozent at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Konzeptionen von Staat und Verwaltung im öffentlichen Recht des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, Blockseminar, Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Entwicklungslinien des Verwaltungsverfahrens und des Verwaltungsgerichtsprozesses, Vorlesung, Einführungskolloquiums Rechtsgeschichte, Sommersemester 2018
  • Historische Grundbegriffe des Verwaltungsrechts, Seminar Wintersemester 2018/2019
  • Arbeit, Industrie und Recht im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Seminar Wintersemester 2019/2020
  • Historische Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten in der Welt der Arbeit, Seminar Wintersemester 2020/2021


  • Co-Editor of Administory. Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsgeschichte


  • Vereinigung der deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, Vereinigung für Verfassungsgeschichte


Justine Collins
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • The Origins of the British West Indian slave codes (Common Law Research Seminar, mpilhlt, Frankfurt, 24.04.2018)
  • Legal transplantation in the British West Indies (Annual Conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians, University of the West Indies, Barbados, 10.06-15.06.2018)
  • The transplantation of the comprehensive slave codes of the British West Indies (Common Law Research Seminar, mpilhlt, Frankfurt, 05.11. 2018)
  • The origins of the British West Indian slave codes (Socio-Legal Association Conference, University of Leeds, 03.04.-05.04.2019)
  • Legal transplantation within amelioration and manumission laws in the British West Indies 1700s-1830s (Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world, mpihlt, 06.05.2019)
  • Manumission as a form of resistance in the British West Indies (Association of Caribbean Historians, University of Curacao, 26.05.-31.05.2019)
  • Analysis of British Caribbean slave laws (2nd Postgraduate Conference in Comparative Legal History, Augsburg University, 28.06.-29.06.2019)
  • Origins and legacies of Caribbean slavery legislation (Slavery and its afterlives: blackness, representation, social  justice vision,  Goldsmiths University, London  07.07.-09.07.2019)
  • An examination of British societal laws as the origins of the comprehensive slave laws of the British West Indies (British Legal History Conference, St Andrews University, 10.07.-14.07.2019)
  • Manumission: transplantation and the reverberations of English property and succession laws in the British West Indies 1770s-1800s (Law and Literature and Humanities Conference of Australia, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Australia (02.12.-04.12.2019)
  • Legal transplantation within post emancipatory British West Indies 1830s-1870s (Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Australia, 05.12.-07.12.2019)


  • Associate Lecturer at Trier University, Department of Law, International Legal Studies (FFA), English Legal System & Terminology, Wintersemester 2018/2019


  • Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States (28.04.2018-02.06.2018)
  • PhD Representative of mpilhlt (10.04.2018-31.03.2019)


  • American Society for Legal History, Association of Caribbean Historians, Caribbean Studies Association, Selden Society


Luisa Stella Coutinho
Department Duve


  • Legal Encounters between Empires: Japanese and Portuguese Normativities (1540s–1630s) (49th Annual Meeting Program American Society for European Legal History: Boston Park Plaza, Boston, 21.11.-24.11.2019)
  • Christian Japanese in the Portuguese Empire: The Production and Circulation of Normativities in a Global Empire, 1540s - 1630s (The 38th annual conference of the Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society: Victoria University, Melbourne, 11.12.-14.12.2019)
  • Multinormativities in the Portuguese Empire: Women’s Legal History from Brazil to Japan, Sixteenth through Nineteenth Century (Central European University, Budapest, 04.03.2020)


  • Postdoc Representative GSHS Section (Spokesperson)/ PostdocNet of the Max Planck Society.
  • Visiting Researcher Fellow, Waseda Law School, Waseda University, 25.05 – 30.06.2019.
  • Interview: More and more women are making themselves heard (Max-Planck-Forschungsmagazin)


  • American Society for Legal History; Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society


Wim Decock
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Scholastic Theologians as Experts in Law and Economics (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum, 23.10.2018)
  • ‘Nature’ and ‘Natural Law’ as Practical Arguments in Early Modern European Law and Theology, (Chinese Legal History Conference, Beijing, 25.10.2019)
  • Max Weber and the Spirit of European Legal History (East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, 30.10.2019)


Mariana Armond Dias Paes
Department Duve


  • Land and Slavery in the Brazilian Empire: a Discussion about Property Law (1835-1889) (LASA 2018: Latin American Studies in a Globalized World, Barcelona, 23.05.-26.05.2018)
  • Project presentation (Universidade Katyavala Bwila, Benguela, 25.06.2018)

  • Un ambiente jurídico compartido en el Atlántico Sur Lusófono: propiedad y relaciones de dependencia en Angola y Brasil (circa 1780-1880) (I Workshop de historias conectadas: entre dos convenciones: Antiguo Régimen y Nuevos Sistemas Politicos, Mar del Plata, 08.10.-09.10.2018)

  • Living as Free, Living as Slave: An Atlantic Perspective on Possession in Brazil and Angola (Annual Meeting of the American Society for Legal History, Houston, 8.11.-11.11.2018)

  • Escravas e mulheres casadas nas malhas da justiça: uma discussão sobre trabalho e propriedade a partir do caso de Gabriela (Rio Grande do Sul, 1863-1867) (38o Encontro da Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social, Lisboa, 16.11-17.11.2018)

  • Property and Possession across the Atlantic: Legal Procedures in Nineteenth-Century Brazil and Angola (The African Studies Association 2018 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, 29.11.-01.12.2018)

  • História do Direito Angolano: Desafios e Perspectivas (Aula Aberta, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Katyavala Bwila, Benguela, 07.06.2019)

  • Trabalhando com Processos Judiciais: Potencialidades desse Tipo de Fonte (Aula Aberta, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação, Luanda, 12.06.2019)

  • African Legal History: Current Debates and Research Possibilities (Zürcher Ausspracheabende zur Rechtsgeschichte, Universität Zürich, Zürich, 14.11.2019)

  • Law - Keywords in African Studies (62nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Boston, 23.11.2019)

  • Colonialism and Possession: The Case of ‘mera posse’ Registration in Angola (African Legal History Workshop, American Society for Legal History Annual Meeting, Boston, 21.11.2019)

  • The Benguela Provincial Court Documents Inventory (with Mariana Candido) (Southern African Historical Society 27th Biennial Conference, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 25.06.2019)

  • Colonialism and Possession: the Case of ‘mera posse’ Registration in Angola (Legal Historical Perspectives on Property and Law: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Methods and Research Approaches, Universität Zürich, Zürich, 11.04.2019)

  • Processos Judiciais em Brasil e Angola: Uma Análise da Posse no Século XIX (II Congresso da Associação de Brasilianistas na Europa, Paris, 19.09.2019)

  • Participation in the Round-Table Diversidad(es): Problemas, Métodos y Desafíos de su Abordaje en la Historia del Derecho (11 Jornadas Internacionales de Jóvenes Investigadores en História del Derecho, Museo Roca, Buenos Aires, 25.09.2019)

  • Propriedade e colonialismo em Angola: o caso das justificações de mera posse (Workshop RISE-mpilhlt: Diálogos entre História e Direito na África, mpilhlt, 09.10.2019)

  • Possession, Ownership, and Dependence in the Lusophone Atlantic (134th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, New York, 05.01.2020)

  • Law, Land Dispossession, and Colonialism in Angola during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (African Working Group and Atlantic Working Group Seminar, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, 05.02.2020)

  • Lawyers, Courts and Resistance: Fighting Land Dispossession in Colonial Angola (Legal Studies Workshop: Sovereignty, Law and Emancipation in the South Atlantic (1850-1900), Emory University, Atlanta, 07.02.2020)

  • Global Legal History on the Ground (Global Legal Histories Symposium, Princeton University, Princeton, 06.03.2020)

  • Propriedade, colonialismo e vida social em Angola: o caso das justificações de mera posse (II Conferência Internacional da Cátedra Unesco: Memória histórica e vida social nos espaços urbanorurais luso-africanos, Universidade de Cabo Verde, Praia, Cape Verde, 10.03.2020)

  • Ações de liberdade no mundo atlântico: potencialidades do Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde (Conferência Virtual – Tráfico, escravidão e liberdade: possibilidades de pesquisa no acervo do IANCV, Instituto do Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde, 24.08.2020)

  • Lawyers and Land Dispossession in Colonial Angola (63rd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, African Studies Association, 20.11.2020)


  • Guest professor at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • História Global do Trabalho I: Dependência, trabalho e direito nos impérios ibéricos (Co-teaching with Beatriz Gallotti Mamigonian), Graduate Seminar, Winter Semester 2020/21


  • Book Review Editor of the Journal of Global Slavery (2020); Graduate Student Outreach Committee of the American Society for Legal History (2020)


  • American Society for Legal History, African Studies Association, Associação Portuguesa de História Económica e Social

Awards, prizes and distinctions

  • Mariana Dias Paes received the Otto Hahn Award of the Max Planck Society in June 2020.
  • Mariana Dias Paes received a grant from the American Society for Legal History for the Project ‘Court Cases in Lusophone Africa: An Introduction’, November 2020


Thomas Duve


  • Francisco de Vitoria y la Escuela de Salamanca. Perspectivas de la investigación histórico-jurídica (CEU Madrid, 19.02.2018)
  • Book presentation ‚Rechtswissenschaft in der Berliner Republik‘ (Book Launch Reihe – Exzellenzcluster The Formation of Normative Orders, Frankfurt, 17.04.2018)
  • Die Schule von Salamanca: Theologen verändern das Recht (Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, Salamanca, 26.04.-28.4.2018)
  • Der andere Blick auf Kunst. Werke des Städel Museums aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive (Gastkommentar, Frankfurt Städel, 06.05.2018)
  • Rechtsgeschichte und Rechtsräume (IX. Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum, Tallinn und Tartu, 16.-20.05.2018)
  • Panel Symposium „Social Fragmentation“ (MPG Sektionssitzung, Heidelberg, 13.-14.06.2018)
  • Book discussion with Jennifer Pitts: Boundaries of the International. Law and Empire (Harvard University Press, 2018), (Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Göttingen 06.06.2018)
  • La Escuela de Salamanca y la historia del derecho. Balance y perspectivas (Academia Nacional de la Historia, Buenos Aires, 14.08.2018)
  • Podiumsdiskussion anlässlich des deutschlandweiten Max-Planck-Tages: Grundlagenforschung an den Frankfurter Max-Planck-Instituten, Evangelische Akademie, Frankfurt am Main, 14.09.2018)
  • Commentary: Author-Meets-Readers: Tamar Herzog’s A Short History of European Law: The Last Two and a Half Millennia, Chair and Commentator: Amalia Kessler, Stanford University; Additional Commentators: Clifford Ando, The University of Chicago (The American Society for Legal History, Houston (TX), 09.11.2018)
  • Multinormativität: Überlegungen zu einer rechtshistorischen Methode (Lecture Series „Philosophie Kontrovers“, Universität zu Köln, 16.01.2019)
  • Small Books for Big Empires: Observations on the History of Legal Knowledge (Harvard Law School. 12.03.2019)
  • Using History in Law: Indigenous Rights. How is Law used to sustain Indigenous Rights and what happens to history in the process? (The Latin American History Seminar and Workshop on Administrating Differences in Latin America: Historical Approaches, Department of History, Harvard University, 13.03.2019)
  • Exploratory workshop on decolonial comparative law (Duke University, 29.-30.04.2019)
  • Grosse Imperien, kleine Bücher. Normerzeugung und Normenwissen im kolonialen Hispano-Amerika (Vortragsreihe laboratorium lucernaiuris, Universität Luzern, 08.05.2019)
  • Twenty-five years of AYLH: Some observations on legal historical scholarship since the nineties (XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians: Identity, Citizenship and Legal History, Bruxelles, 05.06.2019)
  • La literatura pragmática y el Derecho indiano (XX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Huelva, 16.09.2019)
  • Recht als sedimentiertes Wissen? Eine globalhistorische Perspektive (Conference „Wissen und Recht“, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 05.09.-06.09.2019)
  • Apuntes sobre la historia del Derecho Penal latinoamericano (V. Escuela Alemana de Ciencias Criminales y Dogmática Penal alemana (EACC), Universität Göttingen, 09.10.2019)
  • Global Legal History (CUPL, Bejing, 17.11.2019)
  • Global Legal History (ECUPL, Shanghai, 21.11.2019)
  • Global Legal History (Fudan University, Law School, Shanghai, 22.11.2019)
  • The Western Legal Tradition: A Critique from a Global Legal Historical Perspective (Nanjing University, Law School, 28.11.2019)
  • Rechtsgeschichte, Wissensgeschichte, Globalgeschichte, (Lecture Series „Juristische Grundlagenforschung“, Universität Erlangen/Nürnberg, 15.01.2020)
  • Global Legal History: Goals and Methods (Shelby Cullom Davis Center Seminars, Princeton University, Princeton, 06.03.2020)
  • Global Legal History (Conference ‘Global Legal Histories’, organized by the Fung Global Fellows Program and the Shelby Cullon Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, 07.03.-08.03.2020)


  • Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt
  • Methoden und Theorie der Rechtsgeschichte, Seminar, Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Rechtsgeschichte in globaler Perspektive“, Kolloquium „Einführung in den Schwerpunktbereich Rechtgeschichte“, Wintersemester 2018/2019; 2019/2020
  • Rechtstradition/Legal Traditions, Seminar Wintersemester 2019/2020
  • Die Genealogie der Menschenrechte, Seminar Wintersemester 2020/21
  • Legal History: Theoretical grounds of legal history and the impact of legal history on legal theory, LLM Legal Theory Master Programme, Wintersemester 2018/2019; 2019/2020; 2020/2021
  • Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, School of Law, Beijing, Introduction into Comparative Legal History (November 2019)
  • Visiting Professor at / Nanjing University, School of Law, Nanjing, Introduction into Comparative Legal History (November 2019)


Advisory Positions (selection)

  • International Advisory Board of the European Society for Comparative Legal History (ESCLH); Academic Advisory Board of the Quaderni - Modelli teorici e metodologici nella storia del diritto private; Editorial Advisory Board of the Anuario de Historia del Derecho Español; International Advisory Board of the Journal Law and Religion; Advisory Board of the American Journal for Legal History; International Editorial Board of the journal Comparative Legal History; Advisory Board of the Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia; Scientific Advisory Board of the Forum Transregionale Studien, Berlin; Board of Trustees of the Max Weber Foundation (2011-2018)

Editorial Positions

  • Founding editor of the series Max Planck Studies in Global Legal History of the Iberian Worlds (Brill Publishers, Leiden), since 2020; Founding Co-editor of the series Chinese Series of Global Legal History (The Commercial Press, Beijing), since 2019; Founding Co-Editor of the series methodica – Einführungen in die rechtshistorische Forschung (De Gruyter / Oldenbourg), since 2015; Founding Editor of the series Global Perspectives on Legal History (mpilhlt), since 2014; Founding Co-Editor of the digital edition series Die Schule von Salamanca. Eine Digitale Quellensammlung, (, since 2013; Co-Editor of the journal Rechtsgeschichte – Legal History (Vittorio Klostermann/mpilhlt, together with Stefan Vogenauer), since 2010; Co-Editor of the series Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte (Vittorio Klostermann/Max Planck Institute for European Legal History), since 2010; Co-Editor of the series Politische Philosophie und Rechtstheorie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (fromann-holzboog), since 2011; Co-Editor of the series Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhundert (Mohr Siebeck) until 2020; Co-Editor of the series Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas – Anuario de Historia de América Latina, Beihefte


  • Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society; Member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz; Member of the Academia Europaea (Section A1 - History & Archaeology); Corresponding Member of the National Academy of History of the Argentinian Republic (Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina, Buenos Aires); Member of the Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires; Member of the Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano; Co-Director of the Research Project ‘The School of Salamanca. A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of its Juridical-Political Language’ (long-term-project financed by the Union of the German Academies of Science and Humanities; since 2013); Member of the Perspectives Committee, Humanities Section, Max Planck Society (since 2016); Member of the Board of Directors and Partner Investigator of the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Formation of Normative Orders’, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (2010-2019); Member of the Standing Committee of the German Legal Historians Assembly (2016-2018)


José Luis Egío García
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Epitomisation Processes and the Historiography on Vitoria’s Confesionario (Workshop: Francisco de Vitoria’s ‘Confesionario’, and Release of the Digital Edition of the ‘School of Salamanca’ Project, mpilhlt, 09.05.2018)
  • Scandalum und Menschenrechte. Von Las Casas zu Luhmann (together with Pedro Ribeiro, Colloquium - Project ‘The School of Salamanca’, mpilhlt, 06.06.2018)
  • Clarificar, conceptualizar, gobernar. Matías de Paz y el desembarco de la ciencia   tomista en Indias (1512) (VII Simposio Internacional del Instituto de Pensamiento Iberoamericano, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 14.09.2018)
  • El largo y penoso camino del matrimonio. Un ejemplo paradigmático de la producción global de conocimiento normativo en la Escuela de Salamanca (Tagung The School of Salamanca. A case of global knowledge production?, Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina, Buenos Aires, 26.10.2018)
  • Epitomizing and ‘Tridentinizing’ Vitoria: Tomás de Chaves’s Summa sacramentorum (1560) (Colloquium Project „The School of Salamanca“, mpilhlt, 06.02.2019)
  • Alonso de la Vera’s Speculum coniugiorum (1556). Some methodological and historiographical perspectives (Research Colloquium Prof. Dr. Dr. Lutz-Bachmann, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 11.02.2019)
  • ¿Traducción de conocimiento normativo y resistencia a los cánones tridentinos? Alonso de la Vera Cruz, su Speculum coniugiorum y los privilegios de las órdenes mendicantes (Coloquio de investigación del Colegio de Michoacán, Zamora (México), 20.03.2019
  • Solucionando cuestiones inéditas, Alonso de la Vera Cruz y las primeras bibliotecas michoacanas, (Jornadas Académico-Culturales por el Día Nacional del Archivista, Museo Regional Michoacano, Morelia (México), 27.03.2019)
  • The Early Printed Francisco de Vitoria: pragmatic knowledge in Relectiones theologicae (1557, 1565), Summa sacramentorum (1561) and Confessionario (1562) (Research Colloquium Prof. Dr. Dr. Lutz-Bachmann, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 20.05.2019)
  • Baroque Scholasticism and Early Modern Thought, Fighting Canonists with Probabilities (Vitoria, Vera Cruz, Báñez), Summer School “Baroque Scholasticism “, mpilhlt, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, 29.08.2019)
  • The Emergence of Scholastic Probabilism in a Global Perspective (Research Colloquium, Projekt Die Schule von Salamanca. Eine digitale Quellenedition und ein Wörterbuch ihrer juridisch-politischen Sprache, mpilhlt, 11.09.2019)
  • Desmontando a la Monarquía hispánica. Los juristas calvinistas y politiques en el debate sobre los (in)justos títulos (XX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Campus de la Rábida, Huelva, 17.09.2019)
  • Resistance, Religion and Justice, Resistir acatando, disentir obedeciendo. Estrategias de traducción de la normatividad matrimonial en el contexto misionero americano (s. XVI), mpilhlt, 22.10.2019)
  • Escola Ibérica da Paz: Direito Natural e Dignidade Humana, Justicia Conyugal y Paz de la República. Alonso de la Vera Cruz y el matrimonio entre los purépechas prehispánicos (Colóquio Internacional “ Coimbra, Instituto de Estudos Filosóficos da Universidade de Coimbra, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 24.10.2019)
  • The Prince and the Church in Renaissance Europe (International Congress Las cédulas y ordenanzas regias como fuentes del derecho en el ámbito eclesiástico de la Hispanoamérica colonial: perspectivas de Juan de Solórzano y Diego de Avendaño, Madrid, Casa de Velázquez, 15.11.2019)
  • Traducción de conocimiento normativo entre Europa y México a mediados del siglo XVI (Seminário Internacional Universidades: Redes e Identidades, Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, Sala Dom João III, Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, 06.03.2020)
  • Siete propuestas para la renovación historiográfica de la Escuela de Salamanca y la revisión de su concepto: maestros transfertados, teología sacramental y géneros pragmáticos (Expert Seminar ¿Qué es la Escuela de Salamanca?, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, 18.09.2020)
  • Thinking and writing in the Age of Discoveries. An Empirical Scholasticism? (Research Colloquium Prof. Dr. Dr. Lutz-Bachmann, Forschungskollegs Humanwissenschaften der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Bad Homburg, 30.11.2020)
  • ‘Experience of the Land’ and Empowerment of Travelling Scholastics: The Emergence of Empirical Normative Authority in Early Modern Spanish America (Conference The Power of the Dispersed. Early Modern Travelers beyond integration, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin, 18.12.2020)


  • Teaching assignment at the Goethe Universität Frankfurt
  • Conquest, War and Conversion in the Legal and Political Thinking of the School of Salamanca, Proseminar, Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Machiavelli by his Contemporaries. First Readings, first Criticisms, Seminar Sommersemester 2018
  • Philosophers, Lawyers and Witches. Natural Philosophy and Social Regulation in Early Modernity, Seminar Wintersemester 2018-19
  • Kill the Tyrant! Defining and Fighting Tyranny in Early Modern Period, Seminar Sommersemester 2019
  • (together with Andreas Wagner) Reading Course of Alonso de la Vera Cruz’s Relectio De dominio infidelium et iusto bello. ‘Just dominion: whatever may have been the right and justice in the beginning’, mpilhlt, 10th-12th April 2019


Caspar Ehlers
Department Duve


  • Das Forschungsprojekt ‚Rechtsgeschichte Deutscher Orden’ am Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung, Marksburg, 23.02.-25.02.2018)
  • Die Genese Frankfurts aus verschiedenen Wurzeln. Überlegungen zur Frühgeschichte der Stadt (Altstadt-Symposium in Frankfurt am Main, 07.03.-08.03.2018)
  • Zur Bedeutung der sogenannten Stammesrechte / Leges Barbarorum. Rechtswirklichkeit, -transfer und -pluralität (Tagung ‚Föderalismus in Deutschland. Zu seiner wechselvollen Geschichte vom ostfränkischen Königtum bis zur Bundesrepublik‘, Fulda, 21.03.-22.03.2018)
  • Die Heilige Lanze und das Vexillum sancti Mauricii anhand der Quellen (Tagung: ‚Heinrich I. – Plötzlich König‘, Quedlinburg, 22.03.-24.03.2018)
  • Zur Wirkungsgeschichte eines Ordnungsbegriffes: Westfalen zwischen Karolingern und Saliern (Tagung ‚Westfalica Salica‘, Hagen, 20.04.2018)
  • Leadership und Kommunikation (Ingelheim, 26.04.2018)
  • The Saxons (International Medieval Congress, Session 1125: ‚Once upon a time…: Veiled Memories and Vanished Powers‘, Leeds, 02.07.-05.07.2018)
  • Places of Power. Die Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim in der Welt des Mittelalters (Eröffnung der Präsentation im Rahmen des Europäischen Kulturerbejahres ‚Sharing Heritage‘, Ingelheim, 10.08.2018)
  • European Legal History and Legal Spaces between Premodern and Modern Times (Flagler College, St. Augustine, Florida (USA), 01.10.2018)
  • Der heilige Mauritius als Patron des Erzbistums Magdeburg (Vortragsreihe ‚1050 Jahre Erzbistum Magdeburg‘, Magdeburg, 18.10.2018)
  • Die Funktion von Räumen bei der Entscheidungsfindung (Tagung des Bonner SFB 1167 ‚Macht und Herrschaft. Vormoderne Konfigurationen in transkultureller Perspektive`Bonn, 26.10.-27.10.2018)
  • Von Anfängen und Voraussetzungen. Ingelheim und das Mittelrheingebiet vor dem Jahr 800 (Tagung der Forschungsstelle Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim und des Römisch Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz, Ingelheim, 12.11.-13.11.2018)
  • Zur Bedeutung der Via Regia als historische ‚Straße der Herrschaft‘ (Informationsveranstaltung zum Europäischen Kulturprojekt ‚Via Regia. Europäische Kulturstraße‘, Düren, 19.11.2018)
  • Voodoo an Elbe und Saale? Glaube und Aberglaube bei Thietmar von Merseburg (Tagung ‚Thietmar von Merseburg 1018-2018‘, Bochum, 30.11.-1.12.2018)
  • Drei Generationen liudolfingischer Geschichte: 9. Jahrhundert bis 919 (Tagung des Geschichtsvereins Salzgitter, Schloss Salder, 16.02.2019)
  • Mittelalterliche Königspfalzen als Orte der Herrschaft (Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt, 20.02.2019)
  • Herrschaft und Raum. Möglichkeiten der historischen Analyse (Tagung ‘Burg und Expansion’ des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung, Brandenburg, 05.04.2019)
  • Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven der rechtshistorischen Erforschung von Räumen am Beispiel Sachsens zwischen Karl dem Großen und Friedrich Barbarossa (Ringvorlesung ‘Endpunkte und Neuanfänge’ des DAAD, Universität Ljubljana, 09.05.2019)
  • Der charismatische Ort (Opening Lecture ‘Der charismatische Ort. Stationen der reisenden Könige im Mittelalter’, Sonderausstellung in Ingelheim, 16.08.2019)
  • Inclusion of Space and Exclusion of People? Ecclesiastical and secular rule in its regional contexts (Sektion ‘Die Inklusion der Region in die Geschichtswissenschaft’ bei dem Niederländischen Historikertag in Groningen, 23.08.2019)
  • Die Funktion der Balleien für die Kommunikationsstrukturen des Deutschen Ordens zwischen dem Reich und Preußen (‘800 Jahre Deutscher Orden in Würzburg’, Würzburg, 05.09.2019)
  • Die Funktion der Balleien für die Kommunikationsstrukturen des Deutschen Ordens zwischen dem Reich und Preußen (‘800 Jahre Deutscher Orden in Würzburg’, Würzburg, 05.09.2019)
  • Rechtsarchäologie: Das Lehnswesen in Akten und Befunden (Tagung ‘Der geschichtliche Ort’, Exzellenzcluster Normative Orders, Universität Frankfurt, 10.10.2019)
  • Nürnberg als Kaiserpfalz in der Stauferzeit. Beobachtungen zur Genese eines Zentralortes (Tagung ‘Nürnberg wird frei’, Nürnberg, 09.11.2019)
  • Lesung zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens (Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung, Marburg, 19.11.2019)
  • Die königliche Infrastruktur im Eifelraum bis zum Hochmittelalter (Fachkolloquium der Forschungsstelle Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim und des Kompetenzbereichs Vulkanologie, Archäologie und Technikgeschichte des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums Mainz, Mayen am 28.11.2019)
  • Recht und Mission (Mittwochswerkstatt, Rechtshistorische Seminars, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, 29.01.2020)
  • Königs- und Bischofspfalzen am Rhein als Zentralorte räumlicher Herrschaft (Landesmuseum Mainz der Generaldirektion Kulturelles Erbe Rheinland-Pfalz (GDKE) im Zusammenhang mit der Landesausstellung ‚Die Kaiser und die Säulen ihrer Macht. Von Karl dem Großen bis Friedrich Barbarossa‘, 11.02.2020)
  • Die Staufer und der Raum nördlich des Harzes bis an die Elbe (Tagung des Geschichtsvereins Salzgitter in Schloss Salder, 29.02.2020)
  • Das Forschungsprojekt ‚Recht und Mission‘ am Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (Tagung des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung auf der Marksburg, 07.03.2020)


Teaching assignment at Universität Würzburg

Krieg im Mittelalter, Seminar Sommersemester 2019

Missionsgeschichten zwischen Spätantike und Hochmittelalter, Seminar Sommersemester 2020


  • Ombudsperson of the MPI für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (since 2012), Vorsitzender des Vereins der Freunde und Förderer des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte (since 2011), Vertreter der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter des Max-Planck-Instituts für europäi- sche Rechtsgeschichte in der Geistes-, Sozial- und Humanwissenschaftlichen Sektion des Wis- senschaftlichen Rates der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (2012-2018), Forschergruppe zur Einrichtung eines DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms ‘Archäogenetisch   basierte   Sozialgeschichte   Mitteleuropas von 9.000 BC bis 1000 AD’ (since 2019); Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für die Polnische Historische Mission an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (since 2017-2020); Pfalzenarbeitskreis Sachsen-Anhalt an der Otto-von-Guericke Universität zu Magdeburg (since 2012); Wissenschaft- licher Beirat des ‚Zentrum für Mittelalterausstellungen (ZMA)‘ am Kulturhistorischen Museum in Magdeburg (since 2012); Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Deutschen Burgenvereinigung (DBV) (since 2012); Vorstandsmitglied im Arbeitskreis Pfalzenforschung der archäologischen Arbeitsgruppen der Städte Aachen und Ingelheim (since 2010) Kurator der Ausstellung „Der charismatische Ort. Stationen der reisenden Könige im Mittelalter“. Sonderausstellung in Ingelheim vom 20. August bis zum 20. November 2019. Zusammen mit Holger Grewe. [https://www.der-charismatische-ort-ingel-]


  • Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der großen Sonderausstellung am Kulturhistorischen Museum Magdeburg „Faszination Stadt. Die Urbanisierung Europas im Mittelalter und das Magdeburger Recht“ September 2019 bis Februar 2020, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für die Polnische Historische Mission an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (2017-2020), Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für die Ausstellung „Ingelheim – Charismatischer Ort“ in Ingelheim und Koordinator für die Ausstellung im Jahre 2019, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Ausstellung zum 1100 Jubiläum der Königswahl Heinrichs I. im Jahr 2019 in Quedlinburg, ‚Pfalzenarbeitskreis Sachsen-Anhalt‘ an der Otto-von-Guericke Universität zu Magdeburg, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat ‚Zentrum für Mittelalterausstellungen (ZMA)‘ am Kulturhistorischen Museum in Magdeburg, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Deutschen Burgen- vereinigung (DBV), Vorstandsmitglied im ‚Arbeitskreis Pfalzenforschung‘ der archäologischen Arbeitsgruppen der Städte Aachen und Ingelheim, Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für das zu gründende Dommuseum in Magdeburg, ein Kooperationsprojekt der Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg, des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt und der Stiftung Dome und Schlösser in Sachsen-Anhalt


Karla Escobar
Researcher, Former Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Putting together the historical narrative: some questions about the arrange, selection and interpretation of primary sources in the case of Manuel Quintín Lame’s historical context (IMPRS REMEP – Autumn Retreat, Berlin, 31.10.2018)
  • Repensando a Quintín Lame: cuidadanía, indigeneidad y justicia en la región surcolombiana, 1883 – 1967 (mpilhlt, Research Colloquium, 18.12.2018)
  • Indígena legal culture. Multiple voices of citizenship, indigeneity, and justice in Cauca (Colombia), 1880-1967 (Winter School for Young Scholars: Politics and Law – An Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Social and Legal Sciences. Marc Bloch Institute – Law & Society Berlin – Oxford University, Berlin, 28. -30.11.2019)
  • La ley 89 de 1890 y el problema de ser ciudadano indígena (Resistance: Rebellion and Resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries, mpilhlt, 22.10.- 24.10.2019)
  • ‘One cannot walk without looking straight ahead’ or the labyrinths of indígenas law-making in Colombia, 1810 – 1920 (Summer School ‘Understanding social order – retaliation, mediation and punishment’, IMPRS-REMEP, Hinterzarten, 01.07.- 08.07.2019)
  • The Battle Over Indigeneity: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Indígena (indigenous) Legal Culture in Cauca - Colombia at the beginning of the 20th Century (Association for the Study of Law, Culture, And the Humanities Twenty-Third Annual Conference, North Haven, 06.03.-08.03.2020)
  • Negotiating Indigeneity: Race, Class, and Kinship in the Late 19th Century Southern Colombia. (Law and Society Association 2020 Annual Meeting, Denver, Online version, 28.05-31.05.2020)
  • Ciudadanía, Justicia e Indigeneidad: un estudio de las prácticas jurídicas indígenas en el Cauca y en el Tolima, 1880-1938. (Doctoral Dissertation. Universidad de los Andes, Faculty of Law, Bogotá, On-line, 25.06.2020)

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Karla Escobar received the “Reconocimiento a la publicación en revistas indexadas por parte de estudiantes del Doctorado en Derecho” at the Universidad de los Andes, Faculty of Law, 04.11.2019.


Maysa Espindola Souza
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Direito e trabalho: a Secretaria dos Negócios Indígenas de Bolama, 1917-1935 (Workshop RISE-mpilhlt: Diálogos entre História e Direito na África, mpilhlt, 09.10.2019)
  • Colonial justice in São Tome and Principe, 1850-1930 (Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies/ Leiden University/ Hull PhD Workshop, Leiden, 26.11.-27.11.2020)


Jeremias Fuchs
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Widerstand als Option. Katholische Deutungs- und Handlungsmodelle im Kulturkampf (Universität Koblenz, 12.06.2018)
  • Special orders of Catholic welfare in Germany in the 19th and 20th century (The Fourth Max Planck Young Legal Scholars’ Forum, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law,  Heidelberg, 28.06.2018)
  • Widerstand als Option – Abgrenzungskämpfe im deutschen Katholizismus (Interdisziplinäre Tagung: Grenzen der Religion. Gesellschaftliche Konstellationen zwischen Totalität und Differenz, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 09.01.-11.01.2019)


  • Teaching assignment at Universität Mainz
  • Seminar Neueste Geschichte: Die Ursprünge des Sozialstaats in Deutschland, Seminar Wintersemester 2019/20
  • Grundlagen, Theorien und Methoden der Geschichtswissenschaft, (Kurs I/J), Wintersemester 2020/21


Damian Augusto Gonzales Escudero
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Expropiar para reducir: Una herramienta jurídica para la formación de una reducción de indios en Lima durante el siglo XVI (XX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Historia del Derecho Indiano, La Rábida, 16.09.2019)
  • La reocupación colonial del paisaje ante el desastre demográfico en el valle bajo del río Chillón en el siglo XVI (IX Congreso nacional de Historia: Historia y Derecho, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, 07.11.2020)
  • Visiones del poder: los pareceres jurídicos de la junta consultiva del Virrey durante el proceso de composición de tierras en el Virreinato del Perú (Seminario La corte virreinal y la articulación política en el Perú: una metodología interdisciplinaria (siglos XVI-XVII), Instituto Riva-Agüero, Lima, 25.11.2020)


Gilberto Carvalho Guerra Pedrosa Ribeiro
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Lo pictório a través de la medialidad del derecho: Uma mirada preliminar a um folleto mercantil del siglo XVII, 1624 (Workshop El lugar de las imágenes y de la iconografía em la Historia del Derecho, mpilhlt, 19.11.2019)
  • Contrato de Depósito (Workshop Diccionario Histórico de Derecho Canónico en Hispanoamérica y Filipinas. S. XVI-XVIII, mpilhlt, 16.12.2019)
  • Differentiation and early modern citizenship during the Dutch intrusion in the Atlantic Iberian World, 1580-1674. (Verhalen van Nederlands Brazilië / Histórias da Nova Holanda, Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsarchief, 17.12.2020)


Karl Härter
Researcher, Research Group Leader
Department Duve


  • Kriminal-Tango: Kriminalität, Polizei und Strafe in der populären Musik (Kolloquium: Im Gespräch mit Gerd Schwerhoff, evangelische Akademie Meißen, 05.04.-07.04.2018)
  • The Culture of Early Modern Criminal Procedure: Communication, Print Media and Criminal Justice (Colloquium on the History of Police and Criminal Justice, mpilhlt 04.06.2018)
  • Criminal Codes and their Alternatives in Juridical-Political and Popular Discourses in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution (5th ESCLH Biennal Conference: Laws Across Codes and Laws Decoded, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, 28.06.-30.06.2018)
  • History of Criminal Law, Crime and Criminal Justice (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 21.07.2018)
  • The Transnationalisation of Criminal Law in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Political Crime, Police Cooperation, Security Regimes and Normative Orders (Colloquium on the History of Transnational Criminal Law and Political Violence, mpilhlt, 23.08.2018)
  • Migration, Refugees, Borders, Asylum and the History of Transnational Criminal Law (REMEP Autumn Retreat, Harnack-Haus, Tagungsstätte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 29.10.- 01.11.2018)
  • The Responses of Imperial Justice to the Anti-Jewish Fettmilch Revolt in Frankfurt (1612-1616) (JCIAC-Workshop: Imperial Jurisdiction and Legal Pluralism in Comparative Perspective, University of Vienna, Faculty of Law, 12.11. 2018)
  • Der Frankfurter Fettmilchaufstand: Rechtliche und mediale Reaktionen auf eine antijüdische Revolte im Alten Reich (Mitgliederversammlung der Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen, Hessisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Wiesbaden, 15.11.2018)
  • Criminal Procedure, Conspiracy, and the mpilhlt Research Field ‘The History of Criminal Law, Crime and Criminal Justice’ (Colloquium on the History of Criminal Procedure and Conspiracy, mpilhlt, 14.03.2019)
  • Soziale Diszplinierung und Sicherheit des Einzelnen im Ordnungsraum der frühneuzeitlichen guten Policey (Bensheimer Gespräche: ‚Der Einzelne und das Ganze. Historische Erfahrungsräume und Gefährdungen der Person‘, Fürstenlager Bensheim-Auerbach, 25.04.-27.04.2019)
  • Transnational Criminal Law Regimes, Police Cooperation and Security in Transatlantic Perspective (Conference: ‘Cultures of Security in the Nineteenth Century: Transimperial Perspectives’, University of Utrecht, 09.05.-10.05.2019)
  • Transnational Criminal Law in Transatlantic Perspective (1870-1945). Towards a dialogue between the Global North and the Global South: Concepts, Approaches and Examples (Workshop:
  • Transnational Criminal Law in Transatlantic Perspective (1870-1945): Towards a dialogue between the Global North and the Global South, mpilhlt, 23.05.-24.05.2019)
  • The Influence of the French Criminal Code of 1810 on the Development of Criminal Law in Central Europe: Alternatives and Popular Discourses (GERN Interlabo, ‘The influence of the 1810 French Penal Code on Penal Codification in 19e Century Europe: Myth or reality?’, Faculty of Law, University of Valencia, 20.06.2019)
  • The significance of transnational criminal law for the juridical discourses and the positivist school in Germany: Franz von Liszt and his network (GERN Seminar 2019-2020: The birth of penal positivism in Europe and Latin America: rise and resistances, Faculty of Law, University of Valencia, 21.06.2019)
  • Norms and Procedures of Transnational Criminal Law in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Europe (International Symposium: Histories of Transnational Criminal Law, Hannover, Schloss Herrenhausen, 15.10.-18.10.2019)
  • International Crime, Social Defence and Transnational Criminal Law: The German Network of Positivist Criminology in Transatlantic Context (1870-1940) (Workshop: Connecting networks in crime history. Surveillance, repression and punishment in late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries, mpilhlt, 12.12.-13.12.2019)
  • Kollektive Gewaltdelikte und Reichsgerichtsbarkeit als Thema juridisch-politischer Diskurse: juristisches Expertenwissen und populäre Narrative, (Workshop: ‚Juristen als Experten. Eine Untersuchung der Wissensbestände und Diskurse der Juristen im 16. Jahrhundert‘, Wetzlar, 19.11.- 20.11. 2020)


  • Adjunct Professor for Early Modern and Modern History, Technische Universität Darmstadt
  • Verschwörungen und Verschwörungstheorien in Europa zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne, Seminar Wintersemester 2017/18
  • Zwischen Reichsverfassung und Region: 400 Jahre Dreißigjähriger Krieg, Seminar Sommersemester 2018
  • Strafrechts- und Kriminalitätsgeschichte des Späten Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit: Quellen, Methoden, Interpretationen, Seminar Wintersemester 2018/19
  • Strafrechts- und Kriminalitätsgeschichte des Späten Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit: Quellen, Methoden, Interpretationen, Seminar Wintersemester 2018/19
  • Revolution in Deutschland? Demokratiebewegung und Emanzipation im ‚Zeitalter der Revolutionen‘ (1789-1849), Seminar Wintersemester 2019/20
  • Policeyordnungen als Quellen der frühneuzeitlichen Geschichte, Übung Wintersemester 2020/21
  • Kriminalisierung und Verfolgung von Korruption im Rahmen der Amtsdelikte während der Sattelzeit: 1) Korruption und   Bestechlichkeit im Kontext der Amtsdelikte: Policeygesetze, Strafrecht und juridische Diskurse, 2) Quellen zu Normen, Normdurchsetzung und Strafverfolgung (Frankfurter Sommerkurs zur Verwaltungsgeschichte: Korruption und Patronage in der Frühen Neuzeit, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 16.07.-19.07.2018)


  • European Science Foundation, College of Expert Reviewers; Consiglio scientifico of the journal Quaderno di storia del penale e della giustizia; Advisory Board of the Journal ‚Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs – BRGÖ‘, ed. by the Kommission für die Rechtsgeschichte Österreichs; Advisory Board of the Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies publication series, ed. by the Turku Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (TUCEMEMS), University of Turku, Finland; Chairman of the foundation UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Abbey of Lorsch


  • Vereinigung für Verfassungsgeschichte, Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt, Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen, European Society for Comparative Legal History


Insa Jarass
Department Vogenauer


  • Private Uniform Law, (Meet the author session, Universität Bremen, Master Course Transnational Law I, 15.12.2020)


  • Gesellschaft junge Zivilrechtswissenschaft e.V.,
  • Commitment as an alumna for selection committees of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Insa Jarass received the Otto Hahn Award of the Max Planck Society in June 2018.


Thorben Klünder
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • Commentary on Vesting, Staatstheorie (Jour Fixe: Staatstheorie aus rechtshistorischer Perspektive, mpilhlt, Frankfurt, 11.02.2019)
  • Commentary on Donal Coffey, The influence of the Weimar constitution on the Common law world (Workshop: Translating Weimar, mpilhlt, Frankfurt, 18.02.2019)
  • Heuristik der Grundbegriffe des Europarechts   (contribution to a round table discussion with Hessian ex-minister of justice Jörg-Uwe Hahn on the occasion of the elections to the European Parliament in May 2019, mpilhlt, Frankfurt, 06.05.2019)
  • Die Europäische Rechtsgemeinschaft – zu normativ, zu deutsch: zur Übersetzung eines integrationspolitischen Schlüsselwortes (Tagesseminar am EuGH der Europäischen Rechtslinguistik Köln, European Court of Justice, Luxemburg, 03.07.2019)
  • Die ‘Rechtsgemeinschaft’ – zur Geschichte einer Schlüsselsemantik der europäischen Integration (Jahresversammlung des Vereins zur Förderung der Europäischen Rechtslinguistik, 12.07.2019)
  • Legal Community, Rule of Law and Legal Space – Concepts of Unity for the European Integration (Kick-off Workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, European University Institute, Florence, 28.10.2019-30.10.2019)
  • Rechtsgemeinschaft, Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Rechtsraum – Grundbegriffe der europäischen Integration (Tagung Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: European integration and Korean reunification, Korea University, Seoul, 11.11.-13.11.2019)


  • Teaching assignment at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Fachbereich   Rechtswissenschaft
  • Einführung in die Rechtstheorie: Methoden und Verfahren, Tutorial, Sommersemester 2019
  • Rechtsphilosophie und -soziologie, Tutorium, Wintersemester 2019/2020


Anselm Küsters
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • Der Ordoliberalismus und seine Entwicklung im Spiegel des ORDO-Jahrbuches, 1948-2014 (Research Colloquium on economic and social history, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 07.05.2019)
  • Applying lessons from the past: exploring ECB speeches during the Great Recession (Uses of the Past in International Economic Relations (UPIER) (St Hilda’s College, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 10.05.2019)
  • Big Data im Kartell- und Datenschutzrecht (Würzburger Seminare zur Digitalisierung, Universität Würzburg, 12.07.2019)
  • Artificial intelligence, law and legal history (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 14.08.2019)
  • Der Ordoliberalismus und seine Entwicklung im Spiegel des ORDO-Jahrbuches (Tagung: Digitalität, Daten, Digital Humanities, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 19.09.2019)
  • EU Competition Law and economic schools of thought: a text mining perspective (Workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, European University Institute, Florence, 29.10.2019)
  • Mining the EU Commission’s competition decisions: an empirical legal analysis of European competition law’s goals (16th History of European Integration Research Society (HEIRS) conference: Capturing Europe in Digital Sources – New Approaches for European Integration History? (online conference), 30.06.2020)
  • Varieties of ordoliberalism: A text mining approach (8th Doctoral Student Seminar on the Renewal of the Economics of Order, Universität Erfurt, 05.02.2020)


  • Member of the organising committee of the Law-Technology-Society Initiative within the Max Planck Law Network (since 2020)
  • Editorial assistant (copy editing) of the American Journal of Legal History, Oxford University Press (2019-2020)


  • German Literary Society Karlsruhe e.V. (‘Scheffelbund’); Amnesty International; Oxford Union Society; Economic History Society; Friends of the Protestant Academy Baden e.V.; Alumni of Studienstiftung e.V.; Freunde des Frankfurter Max Planck Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte e.V.; Young Scholars Initiative; Network for Constitutional Economics and Social Philosophy; Deutsche Nachwuchsgesellschaft für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaft e. V. (DNGPS)

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Orientation scholarship of the Max Planck Society, October 2018 – February 2019


Jasper Kunstreich
Department Vogenauer


  • Bankruptcy in Germany 1815-1877 (Oxford Legal History Forum, Faculty of Law, Oxford University, Oxford, 01.03.2018)
  • Bankruptcy: interlocking jurisdictions and polities (Contextualizing bankruptcy: publicity, space and time, German Historical Institute, Paris, 19.-20.03.2018)
  • The social and legal process of bankruptcy in Germany 1815-1877 (Jour Fixe, mpilhlt, 14.05.2018)
  • Liquidity and insolvency in the crisis of 1857 (World Economic History Congress, MIT, Boston, 30.07.2018)
  • Legal studies within the Max Planck Society after 1948 (Research Seminar at the MPI for Tax Law, Munich, 04.09.2018)
  • Legal studies within the Max Planck Society after 1948 (Jour Fixe: Research Project on the History of the Max Planck Society, Berlin, 22.10.2018)
  • Women’s experience in bankruptcy in 19th century Germany (Workshop: women and financial advice, Economic History Society, Winchester, 02.11.2018)
  • Guilds, governments, and comparative institutional analysis (Colloquium: Zunft und Ordnung, Prof. Albrecht Cordes, Goethe-Universität, 20.12.2018)
  • Defining rules for failure – bankruptcy in Germany 1815-1877 (Law and legalities seminar, Shelby Cullom Davis Center, Princeton University, 04.04.-08.04.2019)
  • Rechtswissenschaft in der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, 1948-2000 (Jour Fixe, Forschungsprojekt Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 20.05.2019)
  • Die Entmaterialisierung von Wertpapieren (Kolloquium: FinTechs und Recht, Prof Katja Langenbucher, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 25.11.2019)
  • The History of Max Planck Law (Max Planck Law Annual Conference, virtual event, 28.10.2020


  • History of Private Law: A comparative approach to English and German Commercial Law, Seminar November 2018 (with Victoria Barnes)
  • Instructor Poster presentations, workshop and supervision for PhD Students at mpilhlt, Sommersemester 2018, Sommersemester 2019


  • Principal investigator for the field of legal studies, Research Program History of the Max Planck Society (GMPG), Berlin
  • Guest researcher, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin.
  • Member of the works council (Betriebsrat) (mpilhlt)
  • Member of the central works council (Gesamtbetriebsrat), Max Planck Society
  • Post-Doc Representative (mpilhlt)


  • Economic History Society, History Graduate Network University of Oxford, Netzwerk Europa e.V., Heidelberger Club für Wirtschaft und Kultur e.V., Polytechnische Gesellschaft Frankfurt

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Jasper Kunstreich received the Otto Hahn Award of the Max Planck Society in June 2018.


Anna Clara Lehmann Martins
Doctoral Student
Max Planck Research Group Albani


  • The brazilian ‘padroado’ under the sign of doubt (Summer Conference of the Ecclesiastical History Society of Great Britain: The Church and the Law, University of Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, 24-26.07.2018)
  • O padroado brasileiro em tempos de incerteza e transição. Administração eclesiástica entre pareceres do Conselho de Estado e decretos da Congregação do Concílio (séc. XIX) (XIV Encontros de História do Direito: História do direito e ordem internacional na modernidade, Grupo de Pesquisa em História da Cultura Jurídica - Studium Iuris (UFMG/CNPq) Faculdade de Direito, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), 09.11.2018)
  • Governance of the Brazilian Church between Rome and Rio de Janeiro: The role of the Council of Trent in ecclesiastical administration (1840-1889) (Ph.D. Project Public Defense, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), 21.11.2018)
  • Between a national church of citizens and citizens of a universal church. Citizenship and foreignness in the governance of ecclesiastical affairs in Brazil (nineteenth century) (25th Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians: Identity, Citizenship and Legal History, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles, Brussels, 05.06.-08.06.2019)
  • Engendering Brazilian books on ecclesiastical law within a scenario of global tension. Circulation, uses, and control of ideas on church administration between Brazil and Europe (1853-1889) (12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History: Global Cultural History, Tallinn University, Tallinn, 26.06.-29.06.2019)
  • The Council of Trent in 19th-century Brazilian ecclesiastical administration: Portraits of multi-level governance and multinormativity (Workshop: Administrative Multinormativity: Normenkonflikte in verwaltungshistorischer Perspektive, mpilhlt, 27.09.-28.09.2019)
  • Resistir ao presente, governar com o passado. Formas de resistência eclesiástica a autoridades imperiais por meio do uso de normas pré-independência no Brasil do Segundo Reinado (1840-1889) (RESISTANCE Symposium IV: Resistance, Religion and Justice, mpilhlt, 22.10.-24.10.2019)
  • Governance of the Brazilian Church between Rome and Rio de Janeiro: The role of the Council of Trent in ecclesiastical administration (1840-1889) (Mandatory presentation of preliminary results of PhD dissertation, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), 18.12.2019)
  • Resistir ao presente, governar com o passado. Formas de resistência eclesiástica a autoridades imperiais por meio do uso de normas pré-independência no Brasil do Segundo Reinado (1840- 1889) (Semana Acadêmica 2020 do Centro Acadêmico Afonso Pena (CAAP), Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte (MG), 17.08-28.08.2020)


Fupeng Li
Former Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • The Legal Transformation through Legal Translation in the Late Qing Dynasty (晚清法律翻译的语言、观念与知识范式的近代转化), (China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 15.09.2018)
  • Between Right and Policy: Translating Weimar in Building Chinese Social(ist) Constitutions, (Workshop Translating Weimar, mpilhlt, 18.02.2019)
  • Inside the State: A Normative History of ‘National Body’ (國體) in China (1908-2018), (Second Comparative Workshop on Legal Transformations in 19th and early 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire, mpilhlt, 27.03.-29.03.2019)
  • Macao in Global Legal History, (International Forum on “Cultural Mission of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area”, Macao, 12.08.-13.08.2019)
  • Producing Normative Knowledge in Media Changes- A Legal Historical Perspective (Gansu University of Political Science and Law, Lanzhou, 12.10.2019)
  • The Chinese Writing of Global Legal History (Nanjing University, Nanjing, 15.11.2019)
  • The Imagined World of Constitutions (Peking University, Beijing, 16.11.2019)
  • Thinking through Traditions: An Asian Understanding of Germany Staatsrechtslehre (Workshop Using History in Law, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 17.11.2019)
  • Multi-temporality and Communities of Time (Workshop on Using Normative Knowledge from the Past, mpilhlt, Frankfurt am Main, 23.09.2020)
  • Inventing Social Rights (Virtual Workshop on Codes and Codification from A Historical Perspective, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing, 26.09.2020)


  • International Society for Chinese Law and History

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Fupeng Li received the Zeng Xianyi Prize for Outstanding Doctoral Research on Legal History, 2019 (第四届曾宪义优秀博⼠论⽂奖) for his Chinese doctoral thesis ‘Balancing the Unbalanced: Restructuring Sanctified Imperial Power in Building Constitutional China (政教重构: 论中国近代宪 法的主权结构)’ (doctorate received 2017 at China University of Political Science and Law).


Bruno Lima
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • ¿Cómo el ex esclavo y abogado negro Luiz Gama esarrolló una doctrina jurídica sobre manumisión que liberó quinientos esclavos en Brasil (1860-1888)? (Seminario de Estudios Comparados sobre Esclavitud y Raza en el mundo Atlántico, Instituto de Historia del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, 17.06.-19.06.2019)
  • A former slave and black lawyer reader of August Heffter: the principle of free soil in the legal thought of Luiz Gama (Brazil, 1870-1880)’, (XXVth Annual Forum of Young Legal Historians, Brussels, 05.06-08.06.2019)
  • Slavery, freedom and civil law in the Brazilian courts (1860-1888): how the black lawyer Luiz Gama developed a legal doctrine that freed five hundred slaves (Latin America & Caribbean Workshop, Department of History at Princeton University, Princeton, 06.03.2020)
  • Spartacus e John Brown no Brasil? Estratégias abolicionistas de Luiz Gama na imprensa de São Paulo e do Rio de Janeiro (Seminário Interno do Laboratório de Estudos sobre o Brasil e o Sistema Mundial, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 15.04.2020)


  • Managing Editor of the Max Planck Newsletter for Ibero-American Legal History (2019-2020)


  • Instituto Brasileiro de História do Direito (2014 –)


Mario G. Losano
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Le voci dell’Islam. Presentazione dei libri (lecture, Pontificio Istituto Missioni Estere – Pime, Milano, 15.02.2018)
  • Il Museo Egizio di Torino e Bernardino Drovetti, un piemontese console di Francia ad Alessandria d’Egitto (lecture, Rotary Club. Rencontre annuelle avec le Club de Cagnes sur Mer, Casale Monferrato, 07.04.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Talk and on Losano’s book. With Prof. Luigi Bonanate and Maurizio Assalto, ‘La Stampa’; Interview, Radio Radicale, with Giuseppe Di Leo and Corrado Ocone, Fondazione Einaudi, Roma; Salone del libro (Book Fair), Torino, 10.05.2018)
  • Radici piemontesi e ramificazioni mondiali: una nuova biografia di Norberto Bobbio (Speech, Rotary Club Torino-Castello, Torino, 14.05.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Speech and Interview with Marco Neirotti, ‘La Stampa’, Camera di Commercio – Associazione ‘Amici del Vinci’, Alessandria, 16.05.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio  und die  italienische Rechtsphilosophie im  XX. Jahrhundert (Oberseminar-lecture – Leopold Wenger Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, LMU München, München, 11.07.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Interview with Giuseppe Di Leo, Radio Radicale, Milano, 26.09.2018)
  • Die Turiner Schule und die Rezeption Hans Kelsens in Italien (Schlussvortrag: IVR German Section Conference, University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.B., 27-28.09.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (lecture, Università Bocconi, Scuola di giurisprudenza, Milano, Milano, 03.10.2018)
  • Bobbio filosofo del diritto e della politica (lecture, Università degli Studi, Milano, ‘Politeia’, Milano, 04.10.2018)
  • Golemite yuridicheski sistemi, Iztok-Zapad, Sofiya 2018, 453 pp (Publishing House ‘Iztok – Zapad’; speech and Interview with ‘TV Europa’ and ‘National Bulgarian Television’, Bookshop Orange, Sofia, 11.10.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio nella cultura italiana, (Lecture, with Prof. Jivko Draganov, Dean, and Prof. Konstantin Tanev, University of National and World Economy, Faculty of Law, Sofia, 12.10.2018)
  • Os grandes sistemas jurídicos e os problemas de convivencia nas sociedades contemporáneas. (Course, Facultade de direito, Universidade estadual do Rio de Janeiro, 29.-31.10.2018)
  • Kelsen, a paz a través do direito e as guerras actuais no Oriente Medio (Lecture, Facultade de direito, Universidade federal fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, 01.11.2018)
  • Vida e obra de Norberto Bobbio. Considerações sobre uma recente biografia cultural (Lecture, Facultade de direito, Universidade Estácio de Sá, Rio de Janeiro, 05.11.2018)
  • Vida e obra de Norberto Bobbio (Lecture, IIa Semana Norberto Bobbio, Facultade de direito, Universidade estadual paulista (UNESP – PUC), São Paulo, 08.11.2018)
  • Krieg und Frieden in Kelsen – gestern und heute (Vortrag, Festakt in der Präsidentschaftskanzlei, Hofburg, 70. Geburtstag Prof. Clemens Jabloner, Wien, 15.11.2018)
  • Il rifiuto della guerra nelle attuali costituzioni di Giappone, Italia e Germania (Lecture, Università Bocconi, Scuola di giurisprudenza, Milano, 20.11.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Lecture, Circolo dei Lettori, Torino, 27.11.2018)
  • Teoria critica della società (Advanced Courses at Villa Forno, Università di Milano Bicocca, Dipartimento di Scienze Umane per la Formazione, Milano, 29.11 – 21.12.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Lecture, Università degli Studi, Ferrara, 03.12; Rovigobranch, 04.12; Ferrara – Rovigo, 03.-04.12.2018)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Lecture, Università degli Studi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Bologna, 11.12.2018)
  • Three Travellers from the Roman Countries in Meiji Japan – Drei Reisende aus drei romanischen Länder im Meiji Japan (Lecture, Second Comparative Workshop on Legal Transformations in 19th and early 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire; Workshop zu Japan, China und dem Osmanischen Reich; mpilht, 27.-29.03.2019)
  • Norberto Bobbio. Una biografia culturale (Lecture, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Modena, 03.04.2019)
  • Tre costituzioni pacifiste. Il rifiuto della guerra nelle costituzioni di Giappone, Italia e Germania (Lecture, Università degli Studi, Dottorato di ricerca in diritti e istituzioni, Torino, 05.04.2019)
  • Libertà di insegnamento e dignità umana nel Brasile di Bolsonaro (Lecture, Università Statale di Milano, Dipartimento di studi internazionali, giuridici e storico politici; Laboratorio sulla dignità umana, Milano, 18.04.2019)
  • Las nuevas derechas y la libertad de enseñanza – los recientes casos de Alemania y Brasil (Lecture, Universidad de Valladolid, Observatorio de derechos humanos. XXVII Jornadas de la Sociedad española de filosofía jurídica y política, Valladolid, 06.-07.04.2019)
  • La génesis de las tres constituciones pacifistas de posguerra (Japón, Alemania e Italia): análisis histórico a la luz de las recientes propuestas de reforma constitucional (Lecture, Universidad Autónoma, Facultad de derecho, Madrid, 13.04.2019)
  • La libertà d’insegnamento in Brasile e l’elezione del Presidente Bolsonaro (Discussion of Losano’s book, Libreria “Les Mots”, Milano, 22.03.2019)
  • As tres constituições pacifistas vigentes (Lecture, Facultade de direito, Universidade Estácio de Sá – Unesa, Rio de Janeiro, 20.08.2019).
  • As tres constituições pacifistas vigentes – Japão, Itália, Alemanha – e as novas guerras (Lecture, Universidade de S. Paulo - USP, Facultade de direito, São Paulo, 26.08.2019)
  • O direito ao tempo de Bobbio e a privatização do direito em nossos tempos (Lecture, Universidade de S. Paulo – USP, Facultade de direito de Ribeirão Preto – Instituto Norberto Bobbio, Lições Norberto Bobbio, Ribeirão Preto, 28.08.2019)
  • Porque uma biografia ‘cultural’ de Norberto Bobbio (Lecture, Universidade de S. Paulo (USP), Facultade de direito de Ribeirão Preto – Instituto Norberto Bobbio, Lições Norberto Bobbio, Ribeirão Preto, 29.08.2019)
  • O final da 2a guerra mundial e a aspiração à paz depois das primeiras bombas atómicas: gênese das 3 constituições pacifistas (Japão, Itália, Alemanha) e gênese e evolução dos três artículos pacifistas (Course, Universidade Estadual de Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Faculdade de direito, 11.- 13.09.2019)
  • Direito à paz e jus ad bellum: as 3 constituições pacifistas (Universidade federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Facultade de direito, João Pessoa, 16-20.09.2019)
  • Historia del derecho en tiempos de Bolsonaro: la volatilización de los documentos en la era digital (Lecture mpilhlt, 14.10.2019)
  • La libertà d’insegnamento in Brasile e l’elezione del Presidente Bolsonaro (Discussion of Losano’s book, Fiera del libro - Bookcity) – Facoltà di scienze politiche, Università degli Studi. Milano, 14.11.2019)
  • La libertà d’insegnamento in Brasile e l’elezione del Presidente Bolsonaro (Discussion of Losano’s book, Accademia delle Scienze, Torino, 19.11.2019)
  • Kelsen, Weimar e la democrazia parlamentare (Lecture, Università di Ferrara, Dipartimento di giurisprudenza, Rovigo, 03.12.2019)
  • La libertà d’insegnamento in Brasile e l’elezione del Presidente Bolsonaro (Discussion of Losano’s book, Libreria ‘Il Libraccio’, Rovigo, 03.12.2019)
  • Kelsen e le guerre (Lecture, Università di Ferrara, Dipartimento di giurisprudenza, Ferrara, 04.12.2019)
  • Il diritto europeo fuori d’Europa (Advanced Courses at Villa Forno, Teoria critica della società, Università di Milano Bicocca, Dipartimento di scienze umane per la formazione (28.11.-20.12.2019)
  • Rudolf von Jhering (1818-1892), dal passato romanistico alla modernità. L’evoluzione d’una vita nell’opera ‘Lo scopo nel diritto’ (Lecture, Università Bocconi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Milano, 17.02.2020)


Amber Rose Maggio
Researcher and publications officer
Department Vogenauer


  • Lecturer in International Legal Studies Programme at Universität Trier
  • English Legal System and Terminology, Wintersemester 2020/21


  • Convenor of the Minerva LAW (Legal and Academic Women’s) Network, Deputy managing editor of the American Journal of Legal History, Member of the Max Planck PostdocNet and the Equality and Diversity Working Group


Marina Martin
Department Vogenauer


  • Hundi, soft law and the British Indian courts, 2nd Workshop of the focus area ‘The social life of commercial trust: comparative historical perspectives from Asia, Africa and Europe, 1600-1950’ (Godrej Archives Mumbai 08.01.-09.01.2020)


Juelma de Matos Ngala
Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Slavery and Freedom in Benguela, 1850 – 1870. (IV CHAM International Conference: Innovation, Invention and Memory in Africa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 17.07.-20.07.2019)
  • Relações de dependência no século XIX: um olhar a partir do arquivo histórico do Tribunal da Comarca de Benguela-Angola. (Workshop RISE-mpilhlt: Diálogos entre história e direito na África, mpilhlt, 09.10.2019)
  • Um processo judicial de reivindicação de liberdade do Tribunal da Comarca de Benguela. (Resistence Symposium IV: Resistence, Religion and Justice, mpilhlt, 22.10.-24.10 2019)
  • Relações de dependência para além da escravidão em Benguela, de 1850 a 1878. (Research Colloquium on Global Legal History, mpilhlt, online event, 23.06.2020)
  • Relações de dependência para além da escravidão em Benguela de 1850 a 1878. (Conferences: New perspectives for the study of African history, Departamento de História da Faculadade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, online event, 23.11.2020)
  • Analysis of the work, ‘Uma reflexão sobre a prática de classificar. Práticas da história’, by António Manuel Hespanha. Jornal on Theory, Historiography and Uses of the Past, n.º 7, 2018: 224-256. (Research Seminar in African History, Departamneto de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, online event, 16.12.2020)


Massimo Meccarelli
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Penser la loi au temps de l’autonomie du droit: itinéraires doctrinaux durant l’époque moderne, (Programme des conferences pour l’année universitaire 2017-2018 de la Societe d’histoire du droit, Salle des Conseils de l’Université Panthéon-Assas, 13.01.2018)
  • The possibility of the New World. Social Cohesion, Legal Order and the Invention of Rights in the Iberian Scholastic Thought, (Conference: Carlos V, Vitoria y Erasmo en Yuste, Monasterio de San Jerónimo de Yuste Cáceres, Extremadura, España, 06.-08.06.2018)
  • Le idee sulla Cassazione unica nella storia d’Italia, (Seminar of the Scuola superiore della Magistratura: La storia della magistratura italiana: chiavi interpretative tra passato, presente e futuro, Aula Magna della Corte di Cassazione, Roma, 25.06.2018)
  • Spatial and temporal categories for a joint history: issues and perspectives, (II Seminario Culturas Jurídicas em movimento: tempo e espaço do direito, Universidade Federal do Paranà Curitiba, 31.08.2018)
  • Tempos atributivos na experiência jurídica: transição, crise, emergência, (X Congresso Brasileiro de história do direito, Faculdade de direito da Universidade de São Paulo, 03.09.-05.09.2018)
  • Thinking statutory law in times of autonomy of the law: itineraries in the modern age, (Research Colloquium Direito Contexto Alteridade, Universidade de Brasilia – Faculdade de direito, 10.09.2018)
  • Diritto e coesione sociale: una questione di spazio giuridico, (Seminar Diritto diritti e eredità coloniale. Seminari di storia giuridica, Università del Salento, Lecce, 14.11.2018)
  • Derechos y cohesión social del pensamiento jurídico moderno al contemporáneo, (Colloque Espace politique/ espace juridique dans le monde américain de tradition juridique catholique, Université de Paris Descartes, 20.11.2018)
  • La function atributiva del tiempo por el derecho: una perspectiva jushistorica, (Conference: Filo- sofia, derecho, politica y sus tiempos historicos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Juridicas – Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Madrid, 07.03.-08.03.2019)
  • Regimes of legality and issue of diversity over time of legal monism, (Conference: Law and Diversity. European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective, mpilhlt, 06.06.- 07.06.19)
  • Tempo dell’innovazione, tempo della transizione ed oggettivazione della dimensione giuridica, (Research Colloquium: Innovazione e transizione nel diritto. Esperienze e configurazioni teoriche, University of Macerata, Macerata, 17.06.-18.06.2019)
  • Times of the innovation, times of transition shaping legal dimension. Historical and Methodological approach, (Research Colloquium: Inovaçao e transiçao no direito: experiencias e configuraçoes téoricas, Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia 04.11.-05.11.2019)
  • Diritto e letteratura tra storia e memoria, (Conference: Il diritto nel mondo dei segni sensibili. Intersezioni e contaminazioni artistiche, University of Messina, Ordine degli Avvocati di Messina, Messina, 23.01.2020)
  • Interlegalità e pluralità degli ordinamenti. L’esperienza giuridica medievale, (Research Colloquium The Challenge of Interlegality: a new perspective on Law, Sant’Anna, Scuola universitaria superiore di Pisa, Centro di studi per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno, Firenze, 10.02.2020)


Christoph H. F. Meyer
Department Duve


  • Epitomisierung lateinischer Rechtstexte als Ausdruck rechtlichen Wandels zwischen Spätantike und Frühen Neuzeit (Workshop ‚Epitomisierung‘, Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin, 18.01.-19.01.2018)
  • Non-Christians in Pre-modern Canon Law. Some final observations on the history of research (Convivencia: Iberian to Global Dynamics, 500-1750: Workshop ‘Modes of Integration’, MPI für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, 19.03.-20.03.2018)
  • Ius Commune – Canonists (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 18.07.2018)
  • Universale und partikulare Kirchenrechtsbegriffe im Zeitalter des Febronius (42. Deutscher Rechtshistorikertag: Zentren und Peripherien in der Geschichte des Rechts, Trier, 16.09.-20.09.2018)
  • Law as Text – a ‘Barbarian’ Perspective’ (Seminar ‘Law and Textuality’, mpilhlt, 4.06.2019)
  • Ius Commune – Canonists (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 6.08.2019)
  • Hoch- und spätmittelalterliches Kirchenrecht (Workshop ‚methodica: acta et agenda‘, mpilhlt, 24.01.2020)



Jan-Henrik Meyer
Department Vogenauer


  • Umweltpolitik in internationalen Organisationen und der Europäischen Union (Veranstaltungsreihe ‘Europäische Aktionswochen für eine Zukunft nach Tschernobyl und Fukushima’ Region Braunschweig (EuAW/BS) 2019 (Evangelische Akademie, Braunschweig, 14.03.2019)
  • Der Atomkonflikt in Deutschland – bis in alle Ewigkeit? Die industriepolitische Geschichte der nuklearen Utopie (Diskussion mit Joachim Radkau, Lutz Mez und Jan-Henrik Meyer) (FU Berlin, 08.05.2019)
  • ‘Nuclear energy, no thanks’ – How Denmark shifted from pioneering nuclear research to rejecting nuclear power (Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Technikgeschichte (GTG), Karlsruhe, 27.05.2019)
  • The world’s worst located nuclear power plant: Danish and Swedish cross-border perspectives on the Barsebäck nuclar power plant (together with Arne Kaijser) (ESEH Conference: Boundaries in / of environmental history, Tallinn, Estonia, 21.-25.08.2019)
  • National sovereignty vs transboundary environmental risks: How the European Communities failed to make rules regarding cross-border consultation on nuclear plants in the 1970s (ESEH Conference: Boundaries in / of environmental history, Tallinn, Estonia, 21.08.-25.08.2019)
  • The History of European Environmental Law (Kick-off workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, HAEU-EUI, Florence, 30.10.2019)
  • The European Commission 1986-2000. History and memories of an institution, book launch and discussion (Centre for Modern European Studies, University of Copenhagen, 25.11.2019)
  • ‘Not in anyone’s backyard!’ on the multiple levels of protest in high modernity (Keynote) (Workshop: European infrastructures and transnational protest movements, Deutsches Museum München, 12.12.2019)
  • Wie man Atomforschung(szentren) historisch untersucht. Internationale Perspektiven (Tagung: Geschichte schreiben: Das Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe. Von der Atomeuphorie über die Nuklearkontroverse bis zur Energiewende, KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 23.-24.01.2020)
  • Wozu sich überhaupt mit Atomgeschichte befassen? ‚Historische Aufarbeitung’ (Tagung: Nukleare Geschichte Deutschlands. Lehren aus der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 12.-13.9.2020)


  • Teaching assignment at Freie Universität Berlin, International Summer and Winter University (FUBIS)
  • European Studies, Lectures and Seminar, Winter Term, January 2019
  • Visiting Associate Professor at NTNU Trondheim
  • History of European Integration, Lecture, Spring Term 2019
  • European Identity and Culture, Lecture, Winter Term 2019
  • Contributions to: Governing Europe. Societal Actors, Networks and Lobbying, Lecture and Seminars, Winter Term 2019
  • Teaching assignment at Freie Universität Berlin, European Studies, Lectures and Seminar, Wintersemester 2020/21


European Society for Environmental History (ESEH)


Heinz Mohnhaupt
Affiliate Researcher


  • Interpretation as part of legislation / potestas legislatoria (Seminar: Interpretation of the law and the translation; organized by Benedetta Albani, mpilhlt, 10.01.2018)
  • Europäische Dimensionen im ‚ius publium‘ des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts. Gemeinsamkeiten und Divergenzen (Symposion des Instituts für rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagen, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz: Perspektivenwechsel, Universität Graz, 07.06.-08.06.2018)


  • Redaktionskomitee der polnischen rechtshistorischen Zeitschrift ‘Krakowskie Studia z Historii Państwa i Prawa’, Universität Krakau; Comitato scientifico della collana ‘Storia del diritto e delle istituzioni’ (Direttore: Mario Ascheri); Arcana Editrice (Arricia, Italia); International Board of the ‘Giornale di Storia costizuzionale’ (Chief Editor: Luigi Lacché), Università di Macerata


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts; Vereinigung für Verfassungsgeschichte; Gesellschaft für Reichskammergerichtsforschung; David Mevius- Gesellschaft; Verein der Freunde des Frankfurter Max-Planck-Instituts für europäische Rechtsgeschichte; Freundeskreis der Forschungsbibliothek Gotha e.V.

Awards, prizes and distinctions

  • Award of an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Law of the University of Zürich, on 25 April 2020


Osvaldo Rodolfo Moutin
Department Duve


  • Canon Law in Spanish America: the example of the Third Mexican Provincial Council (Canon Law Faculty – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 15.03.2018)
  • El opus dei en el Nuevo Mundo. El rezo de las horas canónicas por el clero doctrinero de Indios en los siglos XVI y XVIII” (International Conference: Christian Discourses of the Holy and the Sacred in the 16th an 17th Century, FAU Erlangen, 5.07.-07.07.2018)
  • Diseño del Derecho Canónico en Indias” (Instituto de Investigaciones de Historia del Derecho, Buenos Aires, 23.10.2018)
  • ‘Sepamos, Señores, en que ley vivimos y si hemos de tener por nuestra regla al Consejo de Indias’. Salamanca en Filipinas” (La Escuela de Salamanca: ¿Un caso de producción global del conocimiento?, Buenos Aires, 24.10.-26.10.2018)
  • El Derecho Canónico en Indias en el siglo XVIII: El caso de Pedro Murillo Velarde“ (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, 29.10.2018)


Jorge A. Núñez
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Proyectos de investigación en la historia de las prisiones argentinas: la reforma carcelaria del peronismo clásico (Círculo de Estudios Carcelarios, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, 04.08.2019)
  • Peronismo penitenciario for export. Roberto Pettinato y su asesoramiento en la construcción de la Penitenciaría del Litoral (Ecuador, mayo-octubre 1954) (II Congreso Internacional sobre Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Albacete (España), 05.09.2019)
  • La reforma penitenciaria peronista: indultos y conmutaciones de penas (1943-1949) (VII Encuentro de la Asociación Argentina de Profesores e Investigadores de Historia del Derecho, Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba (Argentina), 05.12.2019)
  • El rol de Eva Perón en la reforma penitenciaria justicialista (1946-1952), Nuevas miradas sobre el punitivisimo en Argentina (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 09.08.2020)


Aleksi Ollikainen-Read
Department Vogenauer


  • The assignments arms race (Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world, mpilhlt, 20.05.2019)
  • Chairing a session on Indonesian and Vietnamese Law (Asia-Pacific Trust Law Conference, Melbourne Law School, 09.12.-10.12.2019)


  • Senior College Lecturer in Trusts at Keble College, University of Oxford, Trust law, Trinity Term 2018
  • Teaching Fellow at University College London, Contract law, 2017/18
  • Guest Teacher in the Law of Obligations, London School of Economics, Law of obligations 2017/18


  • Researcher in Hardwicke Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn, London 2017-18
  • Call to the bar, Lincoln’s Inn, London 11.10.2018
  • Associate Editor, American Journal of Legal History (Volume 60, Issues 1 and 2, March and June 2020)
  • Convenor of the Max Plank Law Initiative Critical Discussions in Methodology (since October 2020)


Niels Pepels
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • Transferring offer, acceptance and revocation to British Guiana (together with Victoria Barnes) (Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world, mpilhlt, 16.12.2019)


Anna Quadflieg
Doctoral student
Max Planck Fellow Group


  • Antidiskriminierung im EU-Arbeitsrecht – Entwicklung und Wirkung anhand der Beispiele Deutschlands und Frankreichs unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Grenzregion (Doktorandenseminar der Professur für Bürgerliches Recht und Rechtsgeschichte, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 29.09.2020)


  • Zentrum für Ostbelgische Geschichte V.o.G. (since 2014)


Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez
Department Vogenauer


  • For a new history of the European integration of trade unions (Meeting Arbeitskreis Arbeitsrechtgeschichte, Hugo Sinzheimer Institut, IG Metall, Frankfurt am Main, 04.05.2018)
  • Discussant Panel 1 (Michel Debré, Jean-Charles Snoy) (Conference: Key biographies in the legal history of the European Union 1950-1993, mpilhlt, 21.06.2018)
  • Discussant of the paper ‘Reforming the fundamental freedoms’ by Martin Höpner (Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne) (Workshop: The economic and the social in European law, Cluster of Excellence Normative Orders, University of Frankfurt, 3.07.2018)
  • EU-Law and oral history (Max Planck Summer Academy for Legal History, 25.07.2018)
  • The role of Spanish trade unions in the transition to democracy and European integration (1973– 1986) (International Conference: Trade Union internationalism: 1888—1986, organised by the Foundation Francisco Largo Caballero, University Carlos III Madrid, 19.-21.11.2018)
  • The role of European law associations in European integration, (Conference on the 60th anniversary of the Associazione Italiana Giuristi Europei (AIGE), Avvocatura Generale Dello Stato, Rome, 03.12.2018)
  • Book presentation with Claude Roccati, National trade unions and the ETUC: A history of unity and diversity (Research seminar of Prof Michel Mangenot, Institute of European Studies, Paris VIII- Saint Denis, Paris, 17.01.2019)
  • Paradigm shift? The automotive industry in transition (27th International Colloquium of GERPISA, Ecole Normale  Supérieure  (ENS)-Cachan/Saclay Paris, 12.06.-14.06.2019)
  • The legal service under Claus-Dieter Ehlermann: building an ‘esprit de corps’ and paving the way for community law (Annual Conference of the mpilhlt: The contribution of the legal services of the European institutions to European Union law, 18.06.2019)
  • El papel de los grupos empresariales y asociaciones sindicales en el marco de la segunda ampliación de las Comunidades Europeas (1974-1986) (50th Anniversary Conference of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: La segunda ampliación de las Comunidades Europeas: una visión desde el sur, 1974-1986 (sesión 62), University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 13.07.2019)
  • Which EU industrial policy in the multipolar economy of the 21st Century? The European Union’s technological and environmental dilemmas in the light of the experiences of the US, China, Japan and the emerging economies (together with Samuel Klebaner), (Economic and Social Committee of the EU and St. Louis University, Brussels, 09.-10.09.2019)
  • Spanish trade unions and European economic and monetary Union: from the democratic transition to the Treaty of Maastricht (1973-1992) (Biannual Conference of the European Labor History Network: Panel European Trade Unions in European Economic and Monetary Union, International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam, 21.09.2019)
  • Social democracy and competition policy in the European Union (Kick-off Workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, HAEU-EUI, Florence, 29.10.2019)
  • Weimar moments, Weimar reverberations (Workshop: Weimar Moments, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main/Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, 13.11.-15.11.2019)
  • Historical memories of the EP: personal views by key actors (Conference: History of the European parliament, Friends of the Historical Archives of the EU, House of European History, Brussels, 29.11.2019)
  • Presentation of co-edited book with Alex Covarrubias (Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Mexico) ‘New frontiers of the automobile industry- exploring geographies, technology and institutional challenges’ Palgrave-Macmillan (GERPISA Mini-conference, Comité Français des Constructeurs Automobiles (CCFA), Paris, 10.01.2020)
  • Presentation in the Expert-Workshop, ‘How to meet the current challenges for the automotive industry and its supplying industry?’ (Rosa Luxembourg Foundation, Brussels Office, Brussels, 07.10.2020)
  • Presentation of the article ‘Crises and transformations of European integration: European business circles during the long 1970s’, Revue européenne d’histoire, 2019/4, (Research seminar of the Master on European Union and Globalisation, Institute of European Studies, University of Paris VIII-Saint Denis, Paris, 03.11.2020)
  • Expert presentation for research report on consumer trends in automotive post COVID-19 by (Capgemini Research Institute, India, 23.11.2020)
  • Presentation in the García Pelayo Seminar, ‘Towards a new history of European Union Law? institution and lawyers’ (Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, Madrid, 15.12.2020)


  • Teaching assignment at Université Paris VIII-Saint Denis, Institute for European Studies
  • Master Seminar on European Union and Globalisation, October-December 2019
  • Teaching assignments at the Université Catholique de Lille, ESPOL (European School of Political Studies)
  • Seminars on International Political Economy and Politics of Development, March-December 2020


  • Vice-president of the International Scientific Board, CONACYT (Mexican Center for Science and Technology), Thematic Network ITIAM (Innovation and Work in the Mexican Automobile Industry), Secretary, Association Friends of the Historical Archives of the European Union, Florence, Italy, Scientific collaborator of the Center of Modern and Contemporary European History of the Free University of Brussels (ULB), Scientific collaborator DAAD project ‘Weimar now: the Legacy and the Lives of the Weimar Jurisprudence of Crisis: dealing with the German heritage in the Italian and Spanish constitutions’, Scientific collaborator of project ‘A comparative study of the enlargement of the European Economic Communities to Spain and Portugal (1974-1986)’ (Universidad Complutense), Co-ordinator with Claude Roccatti (Associated Researcher, Centre d’histoire sociale des mondes contemporanies, Sorbonne Paris) of the Working Group of the European Network of Labor History (ELHN) ‘History of European Trade Unionism’ (International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam), 2 panels on the history of European trade unions in European Economic and Monetary Union (1973-1992) at Biannual Conference of the ELHN at the IISH, Amsterdam (18.09.- 21.09.2019) Secretary, Association ‘Friends of the Historical Archives of the European Union’, Florence, Italy; Scientific collaborator of the Center of Modern and Contemporary European History of the Free University of Brussels (ULB)


  • Member of the International Steering Committee of the Groupement d’intêret scientifique (GIS), Groupe des Recherches permanente sur l’industrie automobile et ses employés (GERPISA), Ecole Normale Supérieure-Cachan,  Paris, France


Christoph Resch
PhD student
Department Vogenauer


  • The presumption of completeness and accuracy of contracts in writing – historical legal comparison and perspectives for the harmonization of private law (4th Max Planck Legal Scholars Forum, MPI für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg, 28.06.-29.06.2018)
  • Inequalities in contractual relationships and possible solutions – a historical approach (CESCL Summer School: Private law and vulnerability, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 02.07.-05.07.2018)
  • The development of the parol evidence rule in the United States (Research Seminar: Legal transfer in the common law world, mpilhlt, 23.11.2020)


  • Teaching assignment at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, FB Rechtswissenschaft
  • Einführung in die Rechtstheorie: Methoden und Verfahren, Tutorial, Sommersemester 2019


  • Deputy representative of the PhD student council of the Faculty of Law of Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (2018-2020)
  • Researcher in the International Postgraduate Research Program at Harvard Law School (8/2020- 12/2020)


Philipp Schmitt
Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • Ever closer Union through minimum standards: The development of minimum harmonization as a legislative technique in EU Law (Third Annual Graduate Conference on the History of European Integration, European University Institute, Florence, 09.09-10.09.2019)
  • Minimum harmonization: A ‘relative newcomer’ to the field of European integration? (Kick-off workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, HAEU-EUI, Florence, 28.10-30.10.2019)
  • Minimum harmonisation – a ‘relative newcomer’ to the field of European integration? (Early Career Researchers Workshop Convergence and Differentiation in European and Comparative Administrative Law, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, 14.02.2020)


  • Deputy representative of the PhD students at the Faculty of Law of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (2018-2020)
  • Research Assistant for the American Journal of Legal History


Raquel Sirotti
Researcher / Former Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Derecho penal y repressión política en Brasil durante da Primera República (1889-1930) (Jornadas internacionales de jóvenes investigadores en Historia del Derecho, Museo Roca/ Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 25.09.-27.09.2019)
  • A famous crime, perhaps the most notorious in the whole country: the assassination attempt against Brazilian president Prudente de Morais in 1897 (GloNo research colloquium on global legal history, mpilhlt, 12.11.2019)
  • Criminalizing politics: judicial responses to political conflicts in Brazil, 1889-1930 (49th Annual Meeting American Society for Legal History, Boston Park Plaza, Boston, 20.11.-23.11.2019)
  • Ao arrepio da lei? Direito penal e repressão política na Primeira República (Seminário de história do crime e do direito penal. Passados, presentes, olhares. Os caminhos do Penal no Tempo, Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso, Cáceres, Brasil, 19.05.2020)
  • Trabalho Urbano, criminalidade e direito na Primeira República (Seminário de História do Direito UNEMAT, Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso, Cáceres, Brasil, 02.06.2020)
  • Within the Law: criminal law and political repression in Brazil (1889-1930) (Joshep C. Miller Memorial Lectures, Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, Bonn, 21.09.2020)


Philipp N. Spahn
Former Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • Die Bibel als Quelle des Rechts. Untersuchungen zu den Streitschriften des Investiturstreits – Vorstellung Dissertationsprojekt (Doktorandenforum Historikertag Münster, 25.9.-28.9.2018)
  • Der Umgang mit biblischen Texten in Streitschriften aus der Zeit des ‚Investiturstreits‘ (Forschungskolloquium Prof. Dr. Harald Müller / Prof. Dr. Florian Hartmann, Aachen, 28.05.2019)
  • Sind biblische Texte kirchliches Recht? Überlegungen zur vorgratianischen Periode des Kirchenrechts (Forschungskolloquium Prof. Dr. Dorothea Weltecke, Frankfurt am Main, 03.05.2019)


  • Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft; historiae faveo. Förder- und Alumni-Verein der Geschichtswissenschaften an der J. W. Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main


Valeria Vegh Weis
Affiliate Researcher
Department Duve


  • Toward a victim-driven approach in transitional justice: lessons learned from Argentina and Kenya and its potential contributions to analyze the Shoah (Forschungskolloquium: Neuere Forschungen zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Fritz Bauer Institut, Frankfurt, 28.05.2019)
  • A victim-driven approach to confront crimes of the powerful (European Group, Barcelona, 05.08.2019)
  • Re-shaping state crime criminology. Towards a Victim-driven approach (European Society of Criminology Conference, Belgium, 19.09.2019)
  • The transnational dimension of criminal selectivity (1870- 1945) (Kolloquium für Kriminalität und Strafjustiz in der Neuzeit Kriminalität, Justiz und Eliten, Heppenheim, 23.09.2019)
  • Justicia transicional y políticas de memoria en el sistema interamericano de derechos humanos (Instituto Brasilero de Direitos Humanos, 14.04.2020)
  • Crimen organizado. Presentación junto a Vincenzo Scalia (Buenos Aires University School of Law. 15.05.2020)
  • Crímenes de los poderosos (Congreso Nacional de Derecho Penal y Derechos Humanos, 12.07.2020)
  • Memory and Pandemic, Political Repercussions of the Pandemic (Belgrade, 26.-27.09.2020)


Stefan Vogenauer
Director/ Managing Director 2018


  • Bridging the gap between the civil and the common law in international contracts: Uniform rules on contractual interpretation (Colloquium ‘Nuevas Perspectivas en Derecho Contractual’, Facultad de Derecho de la Pontífica Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 03.04.2018)
  • The use of soft law in arbitration: the UNIDROIT principles of international commercial contracts (Colloquium ‘Perspectivas en Arbitraje Internacional‘ , Centro de Arbitraje y Mediación – CAM Santiago de Chile, 05.04.2018)
  • La importancia de la investigación y la academia en el ejercicio de la profesión (Coloquio en honor al Arturo Rodríguez, Alessandri Legal, Santiago de Chile, 05.04.2018)
  • English language contracts governed by a foreign law (Seminario de Derecho Comparado, Facultad de Derecho de la Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile, 09.04.2018)
  • Coherence and virtue – Commentary on Amalia Amaya (Symposium ‘What gives meaning to statutory rules and constitutional provisions’ University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law, 12.05.2018)
  • Englisch als Vertragssprache: Fallstricke und Fehlerquellen (Deutscher Anwaltstag 2018, Mannheim, 08.06.2018)
  • English language contracts governed by foreign law (University of Warwick Law School, 19.06.2018)
  • Translating Savigny: Legal transplant as career advancement (Selden Society, Annual Lecture 2018, London, 02.07.2018)
  • English language contracts governed by a foreign law. The Henry Morris Lecture in International & Comparative Law (Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago, 11.09.2018)
  • Inauguration Speech as Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, 09.11.2018)
  • Legal transplants: focussing on the agents (Lecture: Institut de Droit Comparé de Paris, 18.01.2019)
  • Une histoire orale de la Cour européenne de Justice (Seminar: Institut d’Histoire du droit, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 12.02.2019)
  • Le rôle du juge dans les codifications modernes (Seminar: Institut d’Histoire du droit, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 13.02.2019)
  • Pourquoi traduire Savigny en anglais? Une approche des transfers de droit centrée sur les acteurs (Keynote lecture: Institut d’Histoire du droit, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas, 13.02.2019)
  • Rechtsrezeption aus Karrieregründen – zu den englischen Übersetzungen Savignys (Lecture: Wiener Rechtsgeschichtliche Gesellschaft, Institut für Rechts- und Verfassungsgeschichte, Universität Wien, 12.03.2019)
  • Entwurf eines allgemeinen deutschen Gesetzes über Schuldverhältnisse von 1866 (Dresdner Entwurf) (Conference: Deutscher Bund und nationale Rechtseinheit, Universität Regensburg, 21.03.2019)
  • Luxemburg – Laeken – London: Krise und Recht in der Geschichte der Europäischen Union (Themenkonzert Hamburg, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Opera stabile, Hamburg, 16.05.2019)
  • Introduction (Annual Conference: The contribution of the legal services of the European institutions to European Union law, mpilhlt, 18.06.2019)
  • Brexit als erklärbare Entscheidung: eine britische Perspektive (Lecture: Wirtschaftspolitische Gesellschaft von 1947, Frankfurt, 24.06.2019)
  • Abraham Hayward: lawyer, literary man and lounge lizard (Vortrag: Legal Biography Workshop, mpilhlt, 02.07.2019)
  • Doctrinal Legal History (Colloquium: Methods in Legal History, mpilhlt 15.10.2019)
  • Legal studies in the Max Planck Society: a brief history (Lecture: Max Planck Law Inaugural Conference, 21.10.2019)
  • What should we learn from the English Commercial Court and from the projects on Singapore and Continental Europe? (7th Symposium: Law made in Germany, Deutscher Anwaltverein, IHK Frankfurt and RAK, 06.11.2019
  • Frankfurt und sein Commercial Court (Conference: Exportprodukt Recht für den Finanzplatz Frankfurt, Wirtschaftsrat Deutschland und Netzwerk Frankfurt, 12.11.2019)
  • Englisch als Vertragssprache (mit Volker Triebel) (5. Internationaler Wirtschaftsrechtstag: Deutsche AnwaltAkademie Berlin, 14.11.2019)
  • ‘Hardship Clauses’ in internationalen Kaufverträgen aus wirtschaftlicher und rechtlicher Sicht (5. Internationaler Wirtschaftsrechtstag: Deutsche AnwaltAkademie Berlin, 14.11.2019)
  • Choice of contract law and choice of forum: new developments with regard to regulatory competition (Conference: The contribution of HCCH, UNICTRAL and UNIDROIT to the harmonization of the law of international sales, UNIDROIT, Rome, 22.09.2020)
  • Auslegung und Inhaltskontrolle von Verträgen in Asien: Vorstellung eines Forschungsprojekts (Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, 08.12.2020)


  • Senior Research Fellow, University of Melbourne Law School
  • Honorary Professor, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Professeur invité, Master 2 en Droit européen privé, Université Paris-Assas (Paris 2)
  • Professeur invité, Institut d’histoire du droit, Université Paris-Assas (Paris 2) , Panthéon


  • Interview ‚EU-Lehren aus der Corona-Krise‘, Deutschlandfunk, Magazin ‚Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften‘, 20.08.2020), (
  • Max Planck Law: Chair; American Journal of Legal History (AJLH): Editor; Global Perspectives on Legal History (GPLH): Editor; Rechtsgeschichte/Legal History (Rg): Editor; Studien zur Europäischen Rechtsgeschichte: Editor; Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative, Law: General Series Editor (until September 2015); Uniform Law Review/Revue de droit uniforme (ULR): Editor; Contratto e impresa / Europa: Corresponding Editor; Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (ZEuP): Corresponding Editor; Chinese Journal of Comparative Law: Member of the Editorial Board; Giustizia Civile: Member of the Scientific Committee; Journal of Civil Law Studies (JCLS): Member of the Advisory Board; Journal of National Law University, Delhi: Member of the Editorial Board; Latin American Legal Studies: Member of the Scientific Committee; Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (MJ): Member of the Advisory Board; Modelli teorici e metodologici nella storia del diritto privato: Member of the Consiglio scientifico; National Law School Business Law Review (NLSBLR): Member of the Advisory Board; Oxford Legal History: Member of the Editorial Board; Rassegna di diritto civile: Member of the Advisory Board; Selection Committee for the Directorship at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Private International Law, Hamburg: Member; Cusanuswerk: Member of undergraduate selection panel; Scottish Parliament Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee: Evidence on Contract (Third Party Rights) (Scotland) Bill (2017); Law Society of England and Wales: Advice on Report into the global competitiveness of the England and Wales solicitor qualification; Member Frankfurter Wissenschaftsrunde


  • American Society for Legal History (ASLH), New York; Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz; Frankfurter Juristische Gesellschaft, Frankfurt; Gesellschaft für Rechtsvergleichung, Freiburg; International Academy of Comparative Law, Paris; Società Italiana degli Studiosi del Diritto Civile (SISDIC), Rome; Society of Legal Scholars (SLS), United Kingdom; Statute Law Society, London; Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung, Berlin


Emily Whewell
Department Vogenauer


  • Extradition between the British and the French Empires: French Guiana fugitives convicts and the Kossekechatko case (1930-31), (The Carceral Archipelago, University of Leicester, 20.02.18)
  • British consular jurisdiction in Xinjiang: between China and India, 1890-1935 (Association of Asian Studies in Asia, New Delhi, 12.07.2018)
  • British legal imperialism and Chinese legal politics: law and order in Xinjiang 1880-1939 (European Association of Chinese Studies, Glasgow, 31.08.2018)
  • Between semi-colonial and colonial borders: mobile subjects and tensions of law in the early 20th century British Empire (Research seminar: University of Hong Kong, 30.01.2019)
  • An exceptional modification of the treaty: China’s successes against British consular jurisdiction in Xinjiang, 1929-1937 (Annual conference: Association for Asian Studies, Denver, 21.03.-24.03.2019)
  • A life outside the courtroom: Havilland de Sausmarez, Imperialism and community in Shanghai, 1905-1915 (Seminar, University of Bristol, UK, 23.06. 2020)


  • Teaching assignment at Goethe-Universität, ‘Legal Transfer in the Common Law World’ Research Seminar


  • Coordinator of the Research Focus Area Conflict Regulation (mpilhlt, 1.03.-31.12. 2018)


  • Association for Asian Studies


Leonhard Wolckenhaar
Former Doctoral Student
Department Duve


  • When Resistance became Law – Introducing the Right of Resistance into the German Constitu- tion after the Experience of Resistance against National Socialism: A Case of “Geschichtspolitik”? (Constitutionalism, Dissent, and Resistance. An International Workshop as part of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Princeton University Project “Constitutionalism Under Stress”, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 06.07.-07.07.2018)
  • Discussing Non-State Law in the Era of “Etatism”: Law and Autonomy in German-Language Scholarship of Public Law in the Late-19th and 20th Centuries (The Fourth Max Planck Young Legal Scholars’ Forum, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 28.06.-29.06.2018)
  • Zum Rechtsbegriff des Verwaltungsrechts um 1900 (Workshop ‘Pluralistische Rechtsverständnisse? Diskussionen um den Rechtsbegriff in den juristischen Disziplinen an der Wende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert’, mpilhlt, 14.11.2019)
  • Pluralistic Concepts of Public Law in Germany (Comment on the Main Contribution by Luigi Nuzzo on Italy) (Conference: Law and Diversity. European and Latin Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective – Public Law – (Part I), mpilhlt, Frankfurt am Main, 26.11.-27.11.2020)


  • Tutor at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
  • Verwaltungsrecht II, Tutorium Sommersemester 2019
  • Verwaltungsrecht I, Tutorium Wintersemester 2019/20
  • Einführung in die Rechtstheorie: Methoden und Verfahren, Tutorium Wintersemester 2019/20
  • Verwaltungsrecht II (Öffentliches Baurecht, Kommunalrecht, Staatshaftungsrecht), Tutorium Sommersemester 2020


  • Part of the organizing committee for the ‘59th Assistententagung Öffentliches Recht’ (19.02-22.02.2019, Frankfurt)


  • Internationales Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Kriegsverbrecherprozesse (ICWC)

Awards, prizes, and distinctions

  • Reisestipendium der Görres-Gesellschaft zur Pflege der Wissenschaft e. V., September 2019


Johanna Wolf
Department Duve


  • Non-state law of industrial relations in the 19th and 20th century (International Institute of Social History (Research Department Meeting), Amsterdam, 03.11.2020) (online)
  • Nichtstaatliches Recht der Wirtschaft. Projektstand und -präsentation auf der Sitzung des wissenschaftlichen Beirats (Mpilhlt, 20.10.2020) (online)
  • Einblicke in ein interdisziplinäres Projekt am Max-Planck-Institut für europäische Rechtsgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main (Historiker*innen-Tee, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, 24.06.2020) (online)


  • Editor of Sozial.Geschichte Online. Zeitschrift für historische Analyse des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts


  • European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH); German Labour History Association (GLHA)


Alexandra Woods
Department Duve


  • Coordinator of Law-Technology-Society initiative of Max Planck Law
  • Research field coordinator for Historical Regimes of Normative Knowledge in Department Duve


Sarah Zimmermann
Department Vogenauer


  • Outline of a research project: The Emergence of the procedural rules of the European Court of Justice (Kick-off workshop: Law meets history. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the origins and evolution of the present-day European Union, HEU-EUI, Florence, 29.10.2019)
  • Vom Amtsgericht Schorndorf nach Luxemburg und zurück – EU-Prozessrecht gestern und heute (Introductory seminar ‘Zusammenhalt’ for new scholarship holders of the Cusanuswerk, Cusanuswerk e.V., Bonn, 05.01.2020)


Dimitri Zurstrassen
Former Doctoral Student
Department Vogenauer


  • La politique sidérurgique européenne face aux mutations de l’économie mondiale (1974-2002) (University Paris-Sorbonne  (Paris  IV),  28.03.2018)


Researchers at the mpilhlt are engaged in sharing and discussing their research results, teaching the next generation of lawyers, legal historians and legal theorists, and contributing to the academic community by acting as reviewers and editors or serving on committees of professional bodies. A full list of the Institute’s events and our researchers’ activities as well as any awards, prizes or other professional recognition received by our staff during the reporting period can be found online at


Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main

Concept and Editing
Thomas Duve, Stefanie Rüther

Language Editors
Amber Maggio, Christina Pössel, James Thompson

Beate Jaeger, Stefanie Rüther

Colour Connection GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

© 2021
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt am Main

Photo Credits

Albani, Benedetta (133); Alibrandi, Alfonso (134); Amedick, Sigrid (192); ARCA arte Colonial (112); Aydin, Murat Burak (146); Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (85, 116); Biblioteca Nacional Brasil (138); Birr, Christiane (cover, 5, 10, 11, 17, 38, 39, 43, 96, 126, 131, 154, 155, 157, 159, 169, 172, 176, 181, 184, 189, 209, 213, 217, 287); British Library (119); Casagrande, Agustín E. (88); ChiaralJon (Flickr) (34); Coffey, Donal (52); Colli, Vincenzo (53); Danwerth, Otto (7, 15, 35, 127, 129, 137, 154, 196, 211); de Matos Ñgala, Juelma (110); Dettmar, Uwe (163); Deutsches Filmmuseum (92); Dias Paes, Mariana (97); EC Audiovisual Service (29, 47, 66, 69, 70, 71); Ehlers, Caspar (99); Geralt (Pixabay) (20); Hawliczek, Jörn (216); Internet archive (121); The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation (26); Kunstreich, Jasper (30, 41); Küsters, Anselm (59); Meiji Archive of the Library of the Supreme Court of Japan (145); Metropolitan Museum of Art (91); Meyer, Jan-Henrik (60); mkorsakov (Flickr) (187); The New York Public Library (65); Nikolai, Dieter (3, 214); oneVillage Initiative (Flickr) (55); Osler, Douglas (62); Palacio Nacional de la Ciudad de México (Sauber, Wolfgang) (117); private collection (27, 31, 42, 45); public domain (18, 22, 49, 50, 54, 57, 64, 67, 77, 84, 87, 101, 104, 150); Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (61); Saavedra, Manuel Bastias (81); Staatsarchiv Chemnitz (123); Stehn, Rüdiger (Flickr) (46); Wagner, Andreas (178); Wang, Joseph (151); Waseda University Archives (149); Wehking, Florian (23)

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