Christopher Lattmann receives the book award of the ‘Deutsche Rechtshistorikertag’ 2020
The 43rd Deutsche Rechtshistorikertag, the biannual meeting of German-speaking legal historians, this week awarded its book prize to Christopher Lattmann for his monograph Der Teufel, die Hexe und der Rechtsgelehrte (‘The Devil, the Witch and the Jurist’), published in 2019 as volume 318 in our series Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte. The prize is awarded for ‘excellent legal-historical studies by younger colleagues’. Lattmann’s book examines Jean Bodin’s De la Démonomanie des Sorciers (1580) from a legal historical perspective, tracing Bodin’s construction of the crime of witchcraft and illuminating the special legal procedure for trying witches that he proposed. We congratulate Christopher Lattmann very warmly.