Raum: Z01 Ort: mpilhlt

Warded freedom, meager property. Indians and Land in the Law of the Brazilian Empire (19th century).

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Para além da escravidão: Relações de dependência em Benguela de 1850 a 1878

Glocalizing Normativities Research Colloquium

Kulturen des Nichtentscheidens

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Technologie und rechtshistorische Forschung

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities. Permanent Seminar on Methods, Resources and Theories

How decisions are made in an ecumenical council


Swindlers and Suckers in Early Modern England

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Datum: 26.04.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 18:15 - 19:45
  • Vortragende(r): Emily Kadens
  • Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law
  • Ort: mpilhlt
  • Raum: Z01

Max Weber und der „umgekehrte“ Werturteilsstreit in den Rechtswissenschaften Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Rhetoric as Philosophy

Der Vortrag wird kommentiert von Fabian Steinhauer. [mehr]

Development of an Interoperable Taxonomy: the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000

The Butcher's Wife, Race Relations and Death by Hanging in Cuba and the Spanish Atlantic, 1830s-1930s.

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Wozu juristische Max-Planck-Institute?

Forum talks

Jan Schröder: Recht als Wissenschaft


Der Stufenbau der Rechtsordnung – Von den Tücken einer Metapher

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche
  • Datum: 08.11.2023
  • Uhrzeit: 18:15 - 19:45
  • Vortragende(r): Matthias Jestaedt
  • (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau)
  • Ort: mpilhlt
  • Raum: Z01

Transkribus for Legal History Research

Legal History Meets Digital Humanities

Meet the author Hans Joas

Meet the Author

Theory, Method, and the Common Law Mind

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Legal Theory in Colonial India and Mandatory Palestine

Frankfurter Rechtshistorische Abendgespräche

Slaves as Outsiders, Slaves as Property: Understanding Enslavement in a Global and Early Modern Context

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory
This talk seeks to de-center existing narratives regarding enslavement, which traditionally focus on how it was practiced in North America and instead observe it both in the long durée and more globally. It asks about the various roles enslaved persons played in different times and geographical locations, as well as questions the assumption that slaves were property by setting enslavement on a larger canvas and by observing early modern debates regarding both the household and labor relations. [mehr]

Conversing with our Elders: National Traditions of Legal History in Dialogue


Legacies of Empire and the Study of Law

Max Planck Lecture in Legal History and Legal Theory

Legal Infrastructures of Democracy II

jointly with the 7th Annual Conference on the Legal History of the European Union
Zur Redakteursansicht