

Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI Ort: MPIeR

"Collaboration, Control and Conflict in the Administration of Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective: Buenos Aires and Minas Gerais during the Late Colonial Period"

Research Colloquium on Global Legal History

Forschungskolloquium: "Between Roças and Palhotas: Colonial exploitation in Portuguese Africa, 1850-1930"


Gastvortrag: Missing Pieces in the Legal History of the 19th- and 20th-century East Asia


Forschungskolloquium: "Not Quite Brothers in Arms: Indigenous legal status during the Dutch expansion to the State of Maranhão, 1642"


Max Planck Legal History Quaterly Forum: Global Legal History


Forschungskolloquium: "Seeing Others and Seeing Me: Comparative interpretations of Law throughout legal changes in early 20th century China"


Jahrestagung: Die Rechtsgeschichte des Angestelltenverhältnisses

Tagung: Die Rechtsgeschichte des Angestelltenverhältnisses

Workshop: Germany and Japan in the State of Exception and in the Total War of the 20th Century: Comparing Jurisprudences

Workshop: Germany and Japan in the State of Exception and in the Total War of the 20th Century
  • Beginn: 20.11.2019 10:15
  • Ende: 21.11.2019 17:00
  • Organisation: Lena Foljanty, Naoko Matsumoto
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI

Across Boundaries: the English Justices of the Peace on the Continent

Common Law Research Seminar

Kolloquium: Anthropology of Law and Legal Pluralism

Kolloquium Methoden für die Rechtsgeschichte

Forschungskolloquium: "The origins and legacies of the British West Indian Slave Legislation: When periphery becomes the centre"


Workshop: RISE-MPIeR: Diálogos entre História e Direito na África


Norms and Empires Lecture Series: Between Citizenship and Foreignness. Free People of Color during the Age of Atlantic Revolutions

Norms and Empires Lecture Series

The Past and Present in Judicial Independence and Disciplining in the Common Law World

Common Law Research Seminar

Tagung: Law and Diversity - European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective –Public Law II–

  • Beginn: 06.06.2019 15:00
  • Ende: 07.06.2019 15:00
  • Organisation: Peter Collin, Agustín Casagrande
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI

Second Comparative Workshop on Legal Transformations in 19th and early 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire


Tagung: Initiative Arbeitsrechtsgeschichte - Historizität des Richterrechts

Internationale Tagung

Gastvortrag: Visualisierte Evidenz. Inaugenscheinnahmen und ihre Dokumentation durch Augenscheinkarten am Reichskammergericht (1495-1806)


Kolloquium - “Perspectivas historiográficas y nuevos desafíos en la investigación sobre la Escuela de Salamanca“


Kolloquium - Projekt „Die Schule von Salamanca“


Kolloquium - "History of Police and Criminal Justice"

  • Datum: 04.06.2018
  • Uhrzeit: 10:45 - 14:45
  • Organisation: Karl Härter, Osvaldo Barreneche
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI

Guest Workshop: Derecho e Historia en Latinoamérica

Guest Workshop

Jour Fixe: Tontines and the History of Insurance Law

Jour Fixe

Workshop - Naturrechtsgeschichte und Wissensorganisation


Initial Comparative Workshop on Legal Transformations in 19th and 20th Century Japan, China, and the Ottoman Empire


Guest Workshop: Historia del Derecho Colonial

Guest Workshop

Comparing Solórzano from Within

Comparing Solórzano from Within

Guest Workshop: Historia del derecho en América Latina

Guest Workshop
Zur Redakteursansicht