Now on our website: Transmedia HistoryTelling videos
In addition to its blog Legal History Insights, the Department Historical Regimes of Normativity is exploring new ways of communicating with audiences both from other disciplines and beyond academia also in its new project Transmedia HistoryTelling.
In its first phase, the project focuses on producing two video series, Transmedia HistoryTelling and Transmedia Legal HistoryTelling, which are available now on our website. The videos, in a variety of languages, present the findings of some of the projects conducted by the researchers of the Department Historical Regimes of Normativity in an accessible way. Recent videos include Mariana Dias Paes explaining the metaphor of the ‘kitchen of law’ used in her recently published book Esclavos y tierras entre posesión y títulos. La construcción social del derecho de propiedad en Brasil (siglo XIX) (video in Portuguese with Spanish subtitles).
The project Transmedia HistoryTelling not only seeks to experiment with a wide variety of media formats to communicate research findings in more accessible ways but to enter into conversations with diverse audiences in a way that puts historical knowledge at the service of society. Based on this dialogue with different audiences, the project intends to enable researchers to reflect on methods and communicative practices in the field of history with the ultimate aim of creating new approaches to the history of law.