Startseite schlagwortseiten Transmedia HistoryTelling Imagining a new order together: a transmedia narrative about social science, media, and legal change in the case of peasant and indigenous movements in Colombia 1960–1991 Rechtshistorische Praxis Transmedia HistoryTelling Karla Luzmer Escobar Hernández mehr Transmedia HistoryTelling: rethinking methods and communicative practices in the field of legal history Rechtshistorische Praxis Transmedia HistoryTelling Karla Luzmer Escobar Hernández mehr Movie Time Global South Iberian Worlds Rechtshistorische Praxis Seminar Transmedia HistoryTelling Karla Luzmer Escobar Hernández, María del Pilar Mejía Quiroga, Raquel Razente Sirotti mehr Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo Early Modern Period Rechtshistorische Praxis Transmedia HistoryTelling Daniel Damler mehr