
The Dynamics of Early Modern Colonial Laws and Legal Literature - COCOLAW project

26-28 October 2022
Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Finland

Keynote 1:
Professor Thomas Duve, Director, Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory
How to Analyze the Dynamics of Early Modern Colonial Laws? 

Luisa Stella Coutinho, Max Planck Institute for Legal History
“Cada Molher Têm Mais Pequados do Que Têm Todos os Homens do Mundo”: Converting Japanese Women Adepts of Jōdō Shinshū Buddhism during the Christian Century in Japan 

Gilberto Guerra Pedrosa, Max Planck Institute for Legal History
Unitas Multiplex of Colonial Projects? The Case of the Dutch Intrusion in the Iberian South Atlantic, 1580-1674

American Society for Legal History 2022 Annual Meeting

November 10–12, 2022
Chicago, Illinois

Panel Glocal Histories of Normative Knowledge

Raquel Razente Sirotti, Max Planck Institute for Legal History
State-like Powers? Company Rule and Normative Knowledge Production in Mozambique, 1891-1942

Luca von Bogdandy, Goethe University Frankfurt
The Supremo Magistrato di Commercio: A Failed Attempt in the Creation of a Centralized Judicial Authority in Naples?

Gilberto Guerra Pedrosa, Goethe University Frankfurt
Citizenship Beyond the State... And Before? Early Modern Citizenship in the Iberian South- Atlantic, 1580-1674

Damian Gonzales Escudero, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
Negotiations of Normative Knowledge in Space in the Central Andes in the 16th century


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