History of Labour Law from a Global Perspective

Seminar Methoden der Rechtsgeschichte

  • Datum: 28.01.2025
  • Uhrzeit: 15:00 - 17:00
  • Vortragende(r): Dr. Johanna Wolf
  • (mpilhlt)
  • Ort: Turmcarrée
  • Gastgeber: Peter Collin
  • Kontakt: collin@lhlt.mpg.de
History of Labour Law from a Global Perspective

The history of labour law is often written from a national perspective. The reasons for this lie in the way labour law itself has developed, but also in its current application, in which national legislation continues to play a decisive role. Nonetheless, comparative research can be beneficial. With the help of two articles – Matthew Finkin, Comparative Labour Law (Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law in 2019) and Lena Salaymeh/Ralf Michaels, Decolonial Comparative Law (2022) – we want to explore the possibilities and challenges of comparative labour law history. The discussion can be held in German or English.

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