Guest Workshop: Historia del derecho en América Latina
Guest Workshop
- Datum: 24.10.2017
- Uhrzeit: 14:00 - 17:00
- Organisation: Thomas Duve
- Ort: MPIeR
- Raum: Vortragssaal des MPI
The workshop on October 24 will be the fourth in this year’s series of guest workshops at the MPIeR. They provide an important opportunity for visiting researchers, who are spending only a limited period of time at the Institute, to become integrated into the research fields of legal history, to network with other investigators and to receive feedback on their current work. The invited scholars will address questions and issues of their own research projects that have a particular connection to the Institute’s agenda.
This workshop is related to the research field of The Legal History of Ibero-America and will cover legal historical topics in different regions and periods. The first two presentations deal with different ways of how slaves could achieve their liberation: thanks to the ‘religious sanctuary policy’ in the Spanish Caribbean during the late 17th and 18th century, or by way of ‘ações de liberdade’ in Portugal and Brazil from the 17th to the 19th centuries. The third presentation examines how penal law and social practice faced the problem of infanticides in Argentina around 1900.
Each presentation will be commented on by a fellow researcher of the Institute:
Fernanda Bretones Lane (Vanderbilt University/Nashville), The baptism of slaves in the early modern Spanish Caribbean
(Commentary: Christiane Birr)
Sven Korzilius (Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte/München), Demandas de libertad y derecho de la esclavitud en Portugal y Brasil, siglos XVII-XIX
(Commentary: Mariana Armond Dias Paes)
Maria Sol Calandria (Universidad Nacional de la Plata/CONICET), Infanticidios y filicidios: Legislación penal y prácticas sociales en Argentina (1886-1921)
(Commentary: Thomas Duve)
The languages of the presentations and discussions will be Spanish, Portuguese and English.