Workshop: Germany and Japan in the State of Exception and in the Total War of the 20th Century: Comparing Jurisprudences

Workshop: Germany and Japan in the State of Exception and in the Total War of the 20th Century

  • Beginn: 20.11.2019 10:15
  • Ende: 21.11.2019 17:00
  • Organisation: Lena Foljanty, Naoko Matsumoto
  • Ort: MPIeR
  • Raum: Lecture hall of the MPI
Workshop: Germany and Japan in the State of Exception and in the Total War of the 20th Century: Comparing Jurisprudences

Germany and Japan share the experience of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, of the state of exception and total war in the 1930s and 1940s. What was the role of legal scholarship in these? What political and scholarly positions were formulated in the different legal disciplines? While for Germany, National Socialist legal doctrine has been extensively discussed by legal historians during the last decades, research on Japanese legal doctrine of the 1930s and 1940s has intensified only recently. The workshop will discuss similarities and differences between German and Japanese legal thinking of this epoch from a comparative perspective. 

The workshop is part of the preparations for a volume to be co-edited by the organizers, Naoko Matsumoto (Sophia University, Tokyo) and Lena Foljanty (MPIeR). 

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